The Alpha's Silent Rejection

Chapter 5 : Stay Away

Chapter 5

Lilith POV

His ocean blue eyes sucked me in them like a vacuum, and I felt breathless from the intensity they were staring me back in the eyes. Carson's eyes were like a deep ocean, the one that has so much depth that you would never be able to explore it in one go. And right now, I felt the same.

It didn’t matter for how long I swam in those orbs, there was always something I missed out, be it those tiny green freckles in his eyes or the slight dilation in his pupils. However, his eyes had that look of surprise in them all this time, but not for long.

It was as if something snapped while I was exploring the depths of his eyes because at one moment; they were soft and surprised and the next moment; they were hard and cold. No longer were they gazing at me with surprise and curiosity, but disdain.

The fact that I was craning my neck to look at him all this time didn't even register in my head as I was busy gazing in his eyes. But when he let go of the bar, my heart halted for a second, fearing he would hurt himself, and my craned neck followed his fall, reminding me of the painful stretch my neck was enduring for the past few minutes.

While I was worrying about him getting hurt, he landed on the ground with perfection and I once again craned my neck to look at him because of how tall he was. My eyes landed straight on his juicy pink lips while trying to get a look at his eyes, and my mind went numb.

I gulped while staring at his lips that were moist and tried to distract myself by looking at the rest of his face. However, I just made another mistake because this man felt like an imagination just made to kill me.

My heart raced when I took a look at his handsome face, and my gut clenched with need. He had high cheekbones with a very light stubble giving a prominent shape to his cheekbones. I unconsciously licked my lips while taking in his features and he cocked one of his perfectly slightly arched dark eyebrows at me when I did so.

The action led me to look at his jet-black messy hair that were sticking on his forehead because of sweat that he had accumulated while working out. I had forgotten that he was walking in my direction as I got carried away in memorizing his face, which was getting closer and closer to me by each passing second.

If my heart was racing before, now it was trying to break my ribs and jump out right at this moment because Carson stood just two feet away from me. My neck was craning painfully as I waited for him to say something, but he just gulped and the action made me want to rub my thighs together.

“You should meet Miss Wesley, I'm very busy at this moment.” He spoke in a dismissing tone.

I instantly felt like I was slapped by reality, the reality that I am not someone he would waste his time on. I gulped my tangled emotions down and nodded before realizing that he’s not looking at me but staring straight ahead. For once I wished I was taller than my 5'8 frame so that I could get a look at his eyes but it wouldn't have mattered because his 6'4 frame would have still towered over me and the fact that he is not even looking at me should be enough for me to know how uninterested he is.

I shook my head lightly to get these thoughts out of my head and looked up at him again before almost whispering, “Okay.”

Carson nodded his head and looked down at me for the first time since he came and stood in front of me. I thought he’s going to say something about leaving now, but he did nothing like that. Instead, his eyes gazed at my face for a minute before they halted on my lips and then he slowly bent down. I closed my eyes expecting him to kiss me while my heartbeat ringed in my ears at the anticipation. However, I felt his hot breath fanning my neck a second later, and a pleasurable shiver ran down my body as his lips were merely an inch away from the shell of my ear.

"Stay away from me.” He whispered in my ear softly with a hard edge.

As my mind interpreted his words, my eyes snapped open while my lips parted in shock. He couldn't have just said that to me, right? I must have heard him wrong, but before I could utter a word and ask him what did he say, he was already walking back to the pull-up bars.

I felt my eyes stung with tears as my mind replayed his words, but then I reminded myself that I'm here to study and if I didn't pass with good marks, I'll be thrown out of this college. It would disappoint James in me because for him, I'm the smartest student he has ever met.

As these thoughts made their way into my mind, I took a deep breath to control my emotions and turned to walk away with a promise to myself. “Il would steer clear of Carson Woods and would not bother myself with him."

I was the one who read too much in the lines, and I will be the one to erase those lines.

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