The Alpha's Shatter Zone

Chapter |8|

“A large percentage of developed land that was set aside for new houses has been destroyed by the earthquake,” Charles reported as they sat around the dinner table. “We were counting on that for—”

“I know,” Chesca said frustratedly, stabbing a roasted potato on her plate. “You don’t need to remind me. I’m working on a plan.”

“What kind of plan? The only one that will work involves asking the alpha about extending the border,” Lexi gently reminded her, wary of her mood.

“It’s not that simple, Lex. He’s flatly refused three times, despite his territory being massive and his pack mainly full of older non-reproducing mates.”“Perhaps you should go see him again. Face-to-face communication is always more effective to producing a beneficial outcome.”

“Charles, I know! But did it work the last time I went? No, he—”

“Who are we talking about?” Kaiden suddenly interrupted.

“Alpha Asa, the biggest jerk on this side of the Precipice. Oh wait, make that the second biggest,” Lexi raised an eyebrow and glared pointedly at Kaiden.

“Asa?” Kaiden repeated with surprise before suppressing a laugh, which he didn’t do very well.

Chesca shot him a frown. “What’s so funny about that?”

“Oh nothing,” he shrugged his shoulders, but the smirk was still twinkling in his eyes.

“If you know something about Alpha Asa they we should be aware of…” Charles gave him a hard look.

“Oh no, it’s fine. He’s always been very nice to me.”

“Yeah, well, he practically laughed in Chesca’s face last time, telling her—“

“Lexi, that’s enough. I said to never repeat that story, remember?” Chesca interrupted the head guard.

She felt Kaiden watching her, but ignored him and continued eating. Let him think what he liked. Plenty of others did it.

“I’ll go with you,” the soft tone startled her as much as the words.

“Why?” She looked up at him.

He shrugged and swirled the drink around in his glass. “Like I said, he likes me. If you need land, I’ll help you convince him to move the boundaries over a bit. Surely he can see the sense in that.”

Chesca took a few seconds to process this before giving any indication of her thoughts.

“It could work,” her beta spoke with hope in his voice.

“It’s definitely worth a shot,” Lexi prodded.

“Alright, I’ll contact him tonight,” she said slowly, then flickered her eyes up to Kaiden briefly. “Thank you,” she managed to push out past her thick tongue that was refusing to say the words. Because, despite her better judgment, a part of her knew having a man there with her would validate her request. Asa might look down on her for being a female alpha, and even though she’d tried many times to reason with him, some men just didn’t stuff their prejudice down their throats that easily. But she would still do all negotiating. She’d allow Kaiden to come, more to humor him than rely on his help.

The sky paled as the sun slowly stretched and yawned above the horizon. The early birds twittered and flew amongst the trees, and the rest of the forest sat silent and pensive. Just how Chesca felt.

She threw her bag in the back seat of the SUV then climbed in the driver’s seat. She drummed her fingers on the wheel, waiting for Kaiden to finish up and jump in. It would be a good three hour drive to Alpha Asa’s territory, then a bit further to get to his pack house. Negotiations might take them a while, so they’d planned to stay the night. Asa had welcomed her warmly enough over the phone, but she knew most of it was obligatory. They were allies after all, or something like it. They’d agreed to not fight each other, and that was basically the bottom line and extent of their relations.

She stared out the window at the waking world and wondered where Kaiden was and what was taking him so long. He finally emerged from the castle entrance and slung a duffle over his shoulder, running a hand through his already mussed hair. She caught herself watching the way it fell across his forehead and brushed his jaw, and she stared straight ahead at the road leading out of her pack estate.

“Alright, ready to go?” Kaiden greeted cheerily while eating a banana. A box of Kellogg’s crunchy nut flakes was under his other arm, and she rolled her eyes.

“I should be asking you that. And don’t eat all my cereal,” she mumbled and shifted the car into first gear.

Alpha! We just caught three rogues in the northern woods, Lexi’s voice came over the mind link, halting Chesca in her tracks. If you haven’t left yet, I’ll bring them to you. They insist on seeing the alpha.

Ok, we were just about to drive out…

Chesca replied with a sigh, dropping her head back against the headrest.

Soon her guards exited the woods and pushed three people in front of them. A young woman and two even younger teens, a boy and girl. They didn’t look like rogues, and especially when they neared, Chesca could see they weren’t. They didn’t have that rabid look in their eyes, just a desperate sort of...plea?

Lexi shoved them to the ground in front of Chesca.

“Why did you cross into my territory?” Chesca folded her arms and asked sternly.

“We—we ne-eed your help. Please, don’t h-hurt us!” the woman stuttered. Her dirty blonde hair partly covered her face, and she didn’t meet Chesca’s eyes.

“And why should I do that? You’re trespassers on my territory. I should just kill you as is law.”

“No, please! Kaiden…”

At her exclamation, Kaiden jumped out of the car, cereal crumbs falling from his shirt. “What about me?” he growled, then his stance softened with...recognition? “You’re from my pack?”

“Ra-Razestone,” the woman nodded skittishly.

“What are you doing here? How did you find me?” he asked, but Lexi interrupted.

“Alpha, you know the protocol. Can we just get this over with?”

Chesca stepped forward and put her hand on the woman’s neck.

“No, wait! What are you doing?” Kaiden grabbed her arm and yanked her away.

“They entered my territory!”

“That means you’re just gonna kill them?”

He turned back to the woman. “What are your names?” he asked gently.

“D-Danella,” she stuttered, her face reddening with frustration.

“I’m Joe,” the young man said. He had the same blonde hair, which made Chesca wonder if they were related.

“And I’m Karla.”

“You all family?”

Chesca saw them nod. And she’d had enough. She never learnt the names of those she caught, as it only made things more personal. Alphas shouldn’t deal with personal, or things get messy. Look how the last trespasser turned out.

Kaiden was about to ask them something more, his caring attitude totally putting Chesca on edge. “Stop it, I don’t have time for this!” she threw up her hands. “Take them to the dungeon.”

“But Chesca!” Kaiden spun around to her. “They’re from my pack! We need to hear them out.”

“I don’t care if they’re from Timbuktu, I’ll deal with them when we get back.”

“They could be spies for all we know, just another part of your plan to take over his pack,” Lexi threw a deadly glare at Kaiden as she pushed the woman toward the dungeon, the two other guards holding the boy and girl’s arms behind their backs.

Chesca jumped back in the car and revved the engine. She was screeching out of the drive before Kaiden even had the car door shut behind him.

The drive was tense. Kaiden was mad at her, she could tell even without looking at the scowl on his face that was aimed at her. She was mad at him for not giving any explanation as to why people from his pack would just just be turning up on her land, and for just expecting her to accept them without question or discipline. They were going against all pack laws by crossing borders uninvited.

And she was still thinking about the letter from Alpha Elbert, Kaiden’s father, about him deserting his pack. She wondered if it could be related to this recent stunt. Then there was the matter of the scars on Kaiden’s back. What did his dad have to do with that? As trees passed by and the black asphalt stretched ahead like the chasm of silence between them, she had another thought. If Kaiden was alpha, why was his dad still signing off with the title? Just who was this man beside her who was her mate? Why did fate decide to complicate her life even more?

She could of course ask Kaiden all these questions, but every time time she glanced at him, he looked away and stared out the window gloomily. Fine, if that’s how it was gonna be, then she’d let him have it. She could always find out some other way.

They eventually pulled into the long drive that led up a winding path to Alpha Asa’s pack house, the sharp mountain region rising up behind it. When they rounded the tall trees, his place came into view, and it never ceased to impress Chesca no matter how many times she saw it.

Where Chesca’s residence was regal with a touch of historical elegance, Alpha Asa’s house was modern and masculine. The black and grey brick structure was built in line with the rocky cutting behind it, as though it was one with the cliff face. It was large and solid, the straight angles tolerating no nonsense. But the glass windows that overlooked the land was a contrast to the natural surroundings. The tall cedar trees that edged the property swept upward and displayed an air of superiority and strength. Chesca had always been intimidated by this place, especially on the few occasions she’d visited as a young girl with her father. He’d insisted she come along to a few meetings, never dreaming that the experience gained would be invaluable to her now as Alpha of their pack.

But it still had a way of inspiring a feeling of insignificance, slight fear, awe, and like she was inadequate for her job. With a stern face, she pulled up and got out. She would never let Alpha Asa—and especially Kaiden— know she felt like this.

“Don’t tell Alpha Asa we’re mates.”

“What? Why?”

“This is my negotiation, for my pack. We do it on my terms,” Chesca stated firmly.

“Yes, ma’am,” he fairly saluted and she rolled her eyes.

She walked up the steps to the main entrance and mustered all the confidence she could pull from the cool air.

Now unlike other times, she somewhat felt a sense of calm. She looked over at Kaiden where he walked boldly beside her. No, it couldn’t be his presence that calmed her, she reasoned. That would just be stupid.

“Hello, Alpha Chesca,” Asa greeted with a big smile, his long curly brown hair a contrast to his strict attitude and principles. “I see you brought your muscle,” he nodded at Kaiden with slightly widened eyes.

A polite greeting died on her lips and she pushed past him instead, huffing and dumping her bag in the hall before seating herself on his black lounge suite.

This was going to be fun.

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