The Alpha's Shatter Zone

Chapter |51|

Suddenly the door swung open, making Chesca jump in nervous excitement.

“Kaiden! You’re finally here! What took you so long? I’ve been waiting for you for ages.”

The magazine went flying as Chesca leapt from the bed and rushed up to Kaiden. Before he was even fully through the door, she’d wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed him against the wall. Her lips crashed against his, smothering any answer he had thought to give.

Instead, he responded by wrapping one arm tightly around her waist, and the other hand delving into her silky, flowing hair. Kaiden pulled her closer to himself, his lips and tongue exploring hers in perfect unison with her fast pace. It was a hungry kiss, full of longing and desire, full of need and give. Chesca wanted to give her beautiful mate so much, and please him in ways she’d never before imagined. The desire to be with him, to never let him go but finally complete the mate bond, was all-consuming. It swelled inside of her, lighting a fire along every synapse and nerve, especially the places on her skin where Kaiden touched and trailed scorching kisses. She would never get enough of him.

When they both pulled away to catch a breath, they stared at each other with lustful smiles, breathing heavily and inhaling each other’s scent. For Chesca, his was both soothing and exhilarating at once. Something about the pine trees and hint of forest flowers that laced his scent was extremely comforting. If she could stay in his arms and breathe him in, stare into his gorgeous eyes and feel the sparks forever more, she’d die a happy wolf.

“What are you wearing?”

His question caught her off guard, and she flicked her eyes down to the t-shirt of his she wore. It was large and hung to her thighs, and his fingers brushed her bare skin just below the hem of it. “Oh, I forgot to pack a bed shirt. It’s okay that I borrow one of yours, right?”

“Of course, my darling,” Kaiden dipped his head to her neck and inhaled the mixed scent of his mate wrapped in his own shirt. She felt him smile against her skin.

The next instant, he spun her around and trapped her against the wall, his lips hungrily claiming her mouth as he took control.

Chesca didn’t mind. She normally liked being in control, as was due to her Alpha nature. But when it came to her Alpha mate, she loved the way he dominated her. Loved the way Kaiden pressed against her, and her body melted into his form perfectly. Under his touch, she was submissive in a deliberate kind of way. Only he could tame and impress her in the most beautiful manner. She would only ever lose control to one wolf.

Unbuttoning his shirt, she pushed it off his shoulders before running her fingers across his broad chest and tight abdominal muscles. The way his body quivered under her touch was breathtaking.

“Chesca…” Breathing heavily, his lips left hot kisses along her jaw and down her neckline. When his tongue reached her mark, a whole new wave of pleasure and longing flared within her, and he responded by tugging on the hem of her shirt. In one swift movement, he pulled it over her head and tossed it to the side, finally bringing so much more of their skin into contact. His eyes darkened as they drank in the sight of her, and Chesca smirked playfully.

“You forgot to pack a shirt, but you brought this?” Kaiden slid the strap of her red underwear off her shoulder and nipped the skin beneath.

“It was a ceremony gift from Lexi. She made sure I had it packed. And...she might have deliberately stolen all my own shirts.”

Kaiden chuckled, a warm sound that vibrated through her body where his chest made contact with hers. “Remind me to thank her.”

Chesca twined her fingers through his short hair, missing his long locks, but thankful that it was nothing compared to the injuries he could have suffered. Even after the horrific treatment from Elbert and his pack of evil wolves, her mate was alive and healing. Nothing could keep her strong Alpha down.

“And I see you like my gift,” Kaiden traced with his finger the gold chain that hung down her neck and the pendant that nestled between her chest.

“It’s beautiful. Thank you, Kaiden,” Chesca picked up the pendant, a gold circle with concentric rings in its centre. “But what exactly is it meant to be?”

“A target,” he replied huskily while his fingers explored her sides and bare waist. “I wanted you to have the matching half of my own pendant. An arrow and its target. Symbolising my vow to stay sharp and fly straight home to you. No matter where I am or what I’m doing, my steps will always take me in the direction of you—my home, my love, my one true mate.” He spoke while his lips explored her neck and collarbone.

“That’s kind of adorable, you know,” Chesca hummed in response to his words and his mesmerising touch. “You will always be my home too. Right here,” placing her hand on his chest, over his heart, she whispered, “This is my home.”

Every inhibition and hesitation was slipping away the longer she remained in his arms with his warm skin resting against hers. The excitement in her body was growing, and while she was aching for him, she also wanted to take this night slowly and enjoy every minute, every gentle connection between her and her precious mate.

When she ran her hands down his back and smoothed them over his abs, he swallowed hard and looked at her seriously.

“I…. I need to confess. I’ve never done this before,” Kaiden slowly stuttered, his breathing quick and sharp with nervousness.

Staring at him, many thoughts spun in Chesca’s mind but then she realised what he meant, and she allowed her smile to grow bigger. “Perfect. Because neither have I.” It was a wonderful feeling to know this would be the first time ever for both of them, and that their mating bond would be completely sacred and exclusive to each other. His body was all hers, she was his, and it had always been and always would be that way. She didn’t mind that he wasn’t experienced or that they might not do it right the first time. They had a lifetime to practice and work it out, and enjoy each other’s love and passion. Not wanting it any other way, Chesca smiled seductively, trailing a finger down his chest and over his abdominals.

Kaiden coughed and grabbed her finger before it went too low. “I...I might not know what to do, or what feels okay....” The nervous edge to his voice and the way he rubbed his hands over her arms made Chesca almost laugh.

“I’m sure instinct will take over. We’ll know what to do.”

“My wolf instincts may get a little wild. But I promise, I will be gentle with you.” His eyes held hers with such sincerity and deep emotion that her breath caught in her throat. The strong feelings coursing through her body could be compared to nothing she’d ever felt before.

“Kaiden…” she breathed quickly, and bit her lip. “What if I don’t want you to be gentle?”

His lips curved into a wolfish grin as his eyes took on an even blacker hue. “Then I’ll give you exactly what you want,” he said before taking her lips between his. When his hands reached beneath her thighs and lifted her up, she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. Hardly breaking the kiss, he walked her over to the bed and slowly lowered her down, his upper body resting on his elbows on either side of her.

“I love you so much, Chesca,” he whispered, gazing into her eyes intently. “I’m sorry I‘ve treated you so badly in the past, but I want to spend every present moment and the rest of my future making it up to you. My beautiful, brave, courageous mate. Will you give me the chance to be the mate you deserve?”

“I will, Kaiden. I will give you every chance, because that’s what mates do. They believe in each other. They strengthen and rely upon each. And I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in my life.”

He beamed, his eyes lighting up brighter than the moon that shone outside the window. Resting his forehead against hers, he placed a soft kiss on the side of her mouth, then one in the centre of her lips, then one on the other side. His left hand slid down from her shoulder and across her waist, then down over her hip and thigh, igniting goosebumps wherever his warm fingers touched. All the while, his tongue trailed down her jawline, and he nipped lightly on her mark, causing her back to arch and her breathing to grow heavy.

“Do you trust me, Chesca?” Kaiden pulled away enough to look into her eyes, a mixture of adoration and hesitation in his expression. It warmed her to know that he would care about her so much, and make sure one last time that this was what she really wanted. The restraint he was showing nearly matched the desire that radiated off him, the want that swirled in his black irises.

Chesca placed both hands on either side of his face, “Yes, my Kaiden. With my whole heart, I trust you.”

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