The Alpha's Shatter Zone

Chapter |4|

The next day passed much the same. And the whole week. An early morning run to straighten out the night’s frustrations, followed by a quick sneak into the kitchen to grab breakfast before anyone else was up and about. She felt like a snoop in her own house, but anything was better than running into Kaiden, right?

Then she’d head to her office and bury herself in work while successfully avoiding anything else that would only rule her up and test her patience. She didn’t seem to have much of that these days, especially concerning a dark haired, brown eyed man who insisted on smiling at her wherever they happened to cross paths.

During dinners with her command and leaders, Kaiden would always sit at the opposite head of the table to her, throwing glances and mystifying grins at her. Roman and the other warriors would carry on a lively conversation with him, while she would just eat in silence. Which is how she liked it. There was no use in arguing like the first night and disrupting everyone’s meal.

Alpha, you’ve got to come see this, her beta linked her while she was in her office one afternoon.

Is it an emergency?

Rather. We request your immediate presence on the training fields. That was Charles, ever the English gentleman using fancy words and little information, instead of plain old English.

On my way. She took off her glasses and shut the lid of her laptop, grabbing her leather jacket on the way out of the office. Jogging downstairs and into the courtyard, she took a deep breath of the fresh air. She honestly did hate the way she’d stayed inside all week, and the way Kaiden made her feel like a prisoner. Which was all just in her own head, she admitted. Why was she letting him get to her like this?

“Fower for you, Aufa,” a little voice disrupted her thoughts. A young pup, a girl with brown pigtails, ran up to her and held up a purple flower. “For you,” she grinned between two missing front teeth.

“I don’t like flowers,” Chesca growled and brushed past her without barely looking down. She missed the way the girl’s face fell in dejection.

“Ari! Ariella, come back here!” A woman’s voice called. “Sorry, Alpha,” she apologised and picked up the girl.

“She’s got a mind of her own, our little one,” a man, one of her warriors, joined Chesca and walked with her towards the training field. “Always running off,” he smiled and waved at his little girl. “You know, my mate and I are expecting another pup!”

“Oh, that’s good,” Chesca said with a slight frown. “Our pack will be stronger.”

“I know, but you don’t sound happy?” His enthusiasm dropped as he watched Chesca’s scowling face.

“Austin, how many more pups are on the way?” she asked him.

“Ahh, let me see,” he scrunched his brow in thought. “I think my wife said something about 10 more women expecting before the end of spring.”

“As I expected,” she nodded and frowned. “We need more land.”

“Yes, Alpha, the lumberers are clearing a section of the east woods as you instructed.”

“I know, but I hate to clear the land. I plan to extend the borders.”

“Of course, Alpha.”

Her men knew not to give too many ideas or opinions, just listen if ever she opened up and shared some of the dilemmas. Plan making and meetings were secluded to those in her immediate commanding ranks.

They walked down the leafy trail and came in view of the training fields. A group of warriors was in a circle, cheering on a fight in the middle.

“She won’t listen to me, Alpha. You gotta talk some sense into her,” Charles jogged over to her and scowled, jerking his head towards the fight. Chesca finally saw that it was Lexi locked in a fierce battle with one of the warriors. She wasn’t sure who was winning, but knew Lexi could hold her own against most of the warriors. That’s why she was Head Guard.

“Lexi, what’s going on?” she shouted over the cheers and boos.

“He...told me….I wasn’t good for nothin’...and shouldn’t be head….guard!!” Lexi shrieked in between throwing punches and kicks and trying to strangle her opponent. The guy was clearly furious, several bruises already darkening on his face.

“That’s because you’re a girl! And everyone….knows...I’m the best warrior here!” he yelled while flipping Lexi over his shoulder.

“You are not!!” she shouted and leapt up, tackling him down once more.

“Am to!”

“Are not!” her black braids were flying as her fists collided with his face.

“Guys! Guys, stop it now!” Chesca ran towards them and tried tearing Lexi off the poor guy. But Lexi wasn’t done yet. She jumped on the warrior’s shoulders and started yanking on his hair.

“Seriously, quit the fighting!!” Chesca finally succeeded in separating them, stumbling backward and Lexi landing on top of her. They rolled and she got an elbow in her eye.


“Oh my goodness, Chesca, I’m so sorry!” Lexi untangled herself and helped her Alpha up.

“What was that all the about?” Chesca demanded once she’d dusted herself off and pinned them both with her Alpha glare.

“He was questioning my position,” Lexi pointed a finger at him.

“She insulted me, saying I fought like an old man!” the warrior, named Eric, crossed his muscled arms across his equally muscled chest.

“And you couldn’t just talk it out like mature adults? You had to fight about it like school children??” Chesca asked, her top about to blow. They called her all the way out here for this?

“Well, I had to get you out of your stupid office somehow,” Lexi folded her arms and smirked while rolling her eyes, an expression she’d perfected over the years and used mainly on Charles.

“Seriously? For crying out loud..” Chesca ran a hand down her face and sighed. Putting her hands on her hips, she looked over everyone, “Alright, back to training. All of you!” She snapped.

“Including you, Alpha.”

“Lexi...” she began, then pounced, tackling the woman to the ground. They sparred and trained for half an hour, circling each other and pouncing, aiming kicks and blocking punches, when Chesca suddenly stopped. She leaned over, hands on knees, and panted, “Where’s Roman?” It was her policy that all the ranked guards and warriors train every week to keep up strength and in case an attack were ever to happen.

“Uhh, he’s out camping.”

“Camping? You’ve got to be kidding me.” She stared at Lexi like she hadn’t heard right.

“With Kaiden. He wanted to show him the pack territory so they decided to go camping for a few days.”


“Yeah, you know—your mate,” Lexi smiled smugly.

Just when she’d gotten him off her mind, that man had once more managed to crash into her thoughts and derail her train of reasoning. This had to be a joke.

“They should be back soon, and with lots of wood. In time for Fire Night,” Lexi brushed grass off her black tank. “You did remember it was tonight, right? New moon and everything?”

Chesca stared off into the distance, her mind running amok. No, she hadn’t remembered. Yes, she should have prioritised it, but other things had seemed more important. And now that stupid mate of hers was being given the royal tour of her lands? How dare Roman—

As if summoned by her thoughts, she saw him and Kaiden walk out of the forest and start down the hill, their arms full of firewood and packs on their backs. They were laughing and joking, their deep voices carrying in the dusk breeze.

Chesca clenched her fists.

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