The Alpha's Shatter Zone

Chapter |37|

“What are you thinking?”

Kaiden stood by the window, staring at Chesca with a very odd expression on his face. It made her shift in her seat uncomfortably, but she broke the silence with the question. Leaning back in her chair, she awaited his reply while nervously tapping a pen on the desk.

“You’re so beautiful,” was his unexpected response, and he took a few steps toward her and rested both hands on the desk between them. His dark gaze riveted her to her chair.

“Really?” She heaved in a sharp breath. “We just receive this threat, and you’re really thinking about that?”

“Well, ok then. You’re ugly,” he smirked with a cheeky grin.

“That’s not what I meant,” her eyes narrowed at his childish behaviour. “I don’t mind a compliment. You just chose a very funny time to give one.”

“When dangers and threats keep coming at us, I think it’s the perfect time.”

“Kaiden, you’re being melodramatic,” Chesca crossed her arms with a sigh, trying hard to figure out this strange mood that had suddenly come over him.

“When enemies surround us on every side, I will protect you, my beautiful bride,” he swept an arm wide and grinned at her.

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

But Kaiden continued, his voice rising with drama and tone as he neared the end of the verse. “When storms blow and tempests harm, I will hold you tightly in my arms.”

“Stop, you’re just embarrassing yourself,” she rolled her eyes and refused to meet his excited gaze.

He rounded the desk and spoke those last words in her ear. “When disaster strikes, my Love, I will keep you by my side.”

“Where did you read such pathetic poetry? Did Alpha Asa give it to you?” Chesca exclaimed while standing abruptly.

“No, it’s Breaksphere,” he said flatly.

“You have one of her books?” It surprised her. Kaiden didn’t seem like the poetry-reading Alpha type, the genre being much too romantic and senseless for his pragmatic and masculine tastes.

“I found it amongst your dusty library,” he carelessly explained with a smirk, throwing the accusation back at her.

“You’ve been snooping in my library?” She’d forgotten she owned one of the ancient collections of sonnets, because she hadn’t been in the library for such a long time, nor had the time to read sappy nonsense. Once upon a time, she had revelled in immersing herself in mystery and adventure, romance and action. But when her life had turned upside down, and only kept getting more and more strenuous, she’d sadly had to give up that relaxing past time of curling up in her favourite large armchair to read.

“You’re changing the subject,” Kaiden stalked closer with a playful grin, which she replied with a step back, bumping into the wall.

“Ok, ok sure, fine. But I’m going now,” she tried sidestepping him to leave the office before he sprouted anymore lovely but utterly meaningless words, meant to sweep a weaker girl off her feet by the whimsical reciter.

“Where to?” he whispered as his arms came up and caged her against the wall. The dangerous light that flickered in his eyes was all too familiar, yet every time it was too cryptic to interpret. He always kept her guessing, and she realised he loved doing that to her.

But she could play this game too. “Where do you think?” She challenged him while walking two fingers along his shoulder. Feeling his thick muscles contract under her touch, Chesca smirked.

His eyes suddenly darkened, “No.” he growled.

“Excuse me?” She pushed back on him slightly.

“I know what you’re thinking, Chesca. And I will not let you go and hunt down those dangerous warriors.”

“No one is asking for your permission. But what makes you think I was planning that anyway?” Was he a mind reader now, too? Oh wait—

“I’m your mate. I know you, Chesca,” he whispered huskily and slipped his hands around her waist. When his thumbs began rubbing circles on her stomach, she realised this could only go one of a few ways. They could continue arguing for the next half hour, possible ending in a heated kiss, or she could play into his ego and end this by tricking him.

Her eyes flicked to the door a few feet away. It was a long trek down to the floor level and out through the courtyard into the forest. It would be difficult evading him in such close confines.

“Alright. I’ll let you help me,” a sigh escaped her chest as she relinquished the staring contest.

“Really?” Kaiden’s face brightened, and she could practically sense his wolf growing excited. Hers was too, at the masterful plan she’d helped concoct.

“Sure. Let’s talk about this and come up with a plan. In the bookcase behind you, there should be a book about how to deal with pesky border-crossers.”

When he turned to find the non-existent book, Chesca made her move and hurried to the window. By the time he noticed and shouted “Hey, stop!” she’d already jumped out and shifted into her wolf.

It was a few stories to the front yard below, but the eave of the first floor was a wonderful break to her fall. Exhilaration lit up her nerve endings as her paws slid across the roof tiles, her sharp claws catching onto and kicking a few tiles up in the very ungraceful process. She looked like an idiot, escaping from her office like this, and could only hope none of her pack wolves were watching.

Chesca looked over her shoulder quickly before disappearing into the tree line, and caught a glimpse of an empty window. Oh well, if Kaiden tried following her, he might be the biggest idiot out of them.

A low growl in the late afternoon air startled her and she gasped. It nearly shook the ground. She picked up her pace, running in long swift steps along the forested paths she knew so well. Just behind her, she felt the hot breath of her mate, his animalistic snarls resonating deep in his chest as he kept up with her. When he rudely nipped and pulled on her tail, she stopped in her tracks and spun around to face him.

Kaiden’s large dark brown wolf glared at her, a few shafts of fading sunlight illuminating his brown fur until it glowed amber. The deadly gleam in his golden eyes and the bared canines were enough to make any lesser wolf cower in submission. He was an Alpha, after all.

But so was she. In title and in blood. With a toss of her proud head, she pawed the ground in defiance and shifted. He growled at her more, but she reached out a hand and gripped his strong jaw. “Think I’m afraid of you, mate?”

His eyes held hers while he shifted, standing tall and mighty before her. “Not afraid. I just thought you’d be smart and listen to me. Why do you have to be so stubborn, Chesca?” He panted, his chest heaving in and out in a mesmerising fashion. She still had to be careful around this hunk of hot stuff. “I’m trying to protect you from running headlong into danger. When will you just accept that? Why won’t you let me help you and work with you to catch the scoundrels?”

He’d walked closer and tried taking her hand during his little speech, but she would have none of it. He shrugged when she brushed him off, and peered through the trees as if looking for wolves that might jump out at them any moment.

“Why are you helping me?” she queried and watched his protective behaviour. “Why do you want to hunt down your own guards? Shouldn’t you be protecting them and caring for your Pack?”

“I don’t need to care about my pack,” he replied with acid in his tone. “My dad is doing a fine job of that. I care about your pack now.”

“Well, that’s the point, Kaiden. I don’t want you to care! You can’t be Alpha of this pack!”

“I don’t think you have a choice, Chesca. Fate has decided our path together already, whether you like it or not.”

“Fine,” she sighed through her nose. She knew where this was heading. They may as well still be arguing back in her office. “You go that way, I’ll go this way. We’ll meet up at the lake in half an hour,” she jerked her head east while she turned and headed west, sprinting off into the trees before he could say anything more. She wasn’t admitting defeat and accepting his help, she was just buying more time. It wouldn’t take much to lose him, then she could search the woods herself and find any clues like she normally did. As Alpha.

This territory was hers.

After an hour of running, Chesca had traversed the entire northern border, sniffing the trails and between the paths, but catching nothing more than a slightly unpleasant scent. It no doubt belonged to the guards who had attacked her warriors, but they had long since moved on back into their territory. There wasn’t much more she could do besides plan a civilised trip to discuss this with the Alpha of Razestone. For it was his territory that bounded the north of hers, and whether it was Kaiden who was setting this all up, or his father, she couldn’t be sure.

But she would find out. Tomorrow.

Because right now, she was tired. Tired from all the arguments and disagreements, the fighting and double-guessing everything her mate said and did.

Did he really mean what he said about caring for her? Or was he just insinuating that all he wanted was her pack and she was the key to obtaining it?

Unpleasant words grumbled in her throat as she sank down on her favourite rock, overlooking the view of the valley. Leaning back her head and closing her eyes, she let the wind speak to her and lull her to a comfortable place.

Why did everything have to be so complicated? Why couldn’t Fate have paired her with an average wolf to be her mate? Why did it have to be another Alpha? God knew how much trouble she was going through being one herself, and how she didn’t need the added stress of dealing with an Alpha mate. She’d never give it up to him. Her pack was hers, her territory would always remain her dominion, and stay in the family name.

No mate, no Alpha, could take that from her.

“There you are,” a silky smooth voice startled her. Opening her eyes, they landed on his silhouette, the golden rays of sunshine outlining his impressive figure. Those shoulders that she longed to wrap her arms around. That jawline her lips craved to taste and leave kisses along. Those hands that she always desired to feel on her body, soothing her racing heart, igniting her skin.

The meadow grass waved around them in the subtle breeze, and she patted the blanket beside her. He sat down, his dark eyes glowing with mischievousness and passion. He brushed her blonde locks from her eyes and placed a kiss on her temple. His woodsy scent enveloped her, making her feel the most calm she ever had, and she leaned into his touch, the arguments from earlier slipping from her mind. Life was too short to waste time with anger and bitterness.

This was Kaiden, her mate, and she would love him until her heart stopped beating.


She pulled back, his lips leaving her neck, and looked into his swirling eyes. Yes, it was love. The deep emotions held in his brown orbs echoed the very same she felt in her own heart. A bond that went deeper than loyalty and respect, further than the eastern horizon, and stronger than the mightiest army.

As her lips collided with his, she knew nothing could tear them apart. Her fingers entangled with his silky soft hair and he pulled her closer onto his lap. She pressed herself into him as close as she could, her legs on either side of his waist. When he pushed her back and lay her gently on the soft blanket, her heart beat faster than she knew it could. He leaned over her, his breath hot on her face, the warmth from his body eclipsing the summer’s day.

“Kaiden,” she murmured and pulled him closer until his lips once more kissed the mark on her neck.

“I’m here for you, Darling.” His fingers slipped beneath the hem of her shirt, tugging it off.

She did the same to his, running her hands down his perfectly defined torso. Flipping him over, she lay on top of him and kissed his lips, his jaw, his neck and finally his mark.

“Chesca,” he murmured and tangled his fingers in the tresses of her hair.

“Just be quiet and go with it,” she whispered against his skin.

A streak of electricity interrupted her next move, and it was followed by a loud clap of thunder that shook her to her core. Sitting up, she stared blankly at the dark shadow that hovered in front of her.


Another bolt of lightning lit up the shadowed forest, and when the thunder crashed all around her, she scrambled from her perch on the rock.

“No, no.” Heavy raindrops began falling, splattering in the dirt and kicking up mud. They splashed on her face, blurring her vision. Shouts came from the forest. They sounded all too familiar, and her heart raced as orange flames danced in the distance. “Mom? Dad?” a lump rose in her throat, making it hard to breath.


“Dad? Where are you?” she called and ran through the trees, slipping on the muddy trails and hoping against all hope that she wouldn’t be too late. Sounds of fighting surrounded her, screams and howls, but her eyes could barely make it out in the darkness and pelting rain.

She knew she shouldn’t have spent so long in the forest, and now everyone was in danger. Were her parents okay? Would she make it back in time? Lightning every few seconds illuminated the trees, but it only confused her sight and made her stumble, rolling down a hill. Muddy grit filled her mouth, but she spat it out and kept going.

“I’m coming! Hold on…” she called into the storm, unsure if anyone could hear her.The shadows in the distance grew brighter as the fire and wind continued to rage, the scent of rogues all too strong. It left a bitter taste in her mouth. When the smell of coppery blood filled the air between the smoke and falling ash, her heart cracked into a thousand pieces. “Mom?” Tears leaked from her eyes, mingling with the rain and mud. Chesca would recognise the sweet scent anywhere, and now this horrible tainted version would stay with her forever. The blood of her mother.

Chesca’s legs carried her forward faster, but strong arms suddenly caught her and held her back.

“No! I need to see them!” She tried wrenching free, fighting against the strong grip.

“Stay, Chesca. They’re gone,” the soothing voice whispered in her ear.

“My dad--” Choking on the words, she struggled some more, but soon realised it was futile.

“He’s gone, I’m sorry.”

As a heavy dread and emptiness settled over her soul, she realised the truth he spoke and turned to bury her face in the firm chest. “Charles…”

“No, it’s me….your mate.” Familiar lips kissed her forehead gently and rubbed her back, willing life back into her cold body.

And suddenly it all came back to her, and she relaxed involuntarily, giving in to the bond that held onto her like a lifeline. She’d been drowning in the treacherous sea of the past, and he was her anchor. “My Alpha…” she whispered amidst the roar of thunder and howling wind.

With the sound of wind and snapping tree branches filling her ears, Kaiden scooped her up into his arms with ease and she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. Consuming her was the feeling that nothing could touch her now. No demons from the past or storms of the present, when he was holding her close.

After what felt like just a few seconds, he was placing her gently down on her feet and she blinked her watery eyes, looking about them. They were standing in their room, the orange lights and cozy fireplace just nudging against her frosted awareness.

Kaiden gripped her face between his large hands and searched her eyes. “Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? When the storm blew in and I couldn’t find you…” His face crumpled in what could only be agony, his wet hair plastered to his forehead and cheeks. He was that worried for her? The sudden feelings she felt through the bond made her heart clench.

“I-I’m o-o-okay,” she stuttered, her extremities numb from the cold water that clung to her body.

“Goodness, Ches, you’re freezing,” he exclaimed, running his hands down her arms. After removing her dripping jacket, Kaiden pulled her soaking shirt over her head. In a foggy haze, she helped him take off her jeans and let him wrap her up in her fluffy robe. While he changed out of his own wet clothes, she numbly sat on the nearest seat, his couch, and waited for something to happen. She was so tired and dazed, she didn’t know what exactly.

When her mate sat beside her and wrapped her in his arms, she knew that was it. Kaiden’s warm and strong body brought a comfort that eased all the aches and pains, and lit a fire in her soul that heated her from the inside out. He managed to fill the emptiness that had been ripped open on that horrible night so long ago, a night that still haunted her whenever a storm howled through her territory.

“I nearly lost you in that storm, it was so fierce,” Kaiden murmured softly, his voice rumbling through his chest. “You can’t go running off like that again.” His tone was slightly admonishing, but mostly sorrowful, as if her actions had caused him pain.

Too weary to respond, Chesca couldn’t even open her eyes to see the tenderness that was shining from his tear-filled eyes. But she did feel his lips press another warm kiss to the top of her head. “I don’t know what I would do without you, Chesca.”

As she fell asleep against his chest, with his arms holding her perfectly close and secure, she wondered how she had ever lived without him.

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