The Alpha's Shatter Zone

Chapter |27|

“So, Chesca. You’re Kaiden’s mate.”

His words caught her off guard just as much.

Alpha Jackson sank onto the couch opposite and rested an ankle atop his knee casually. His sudden presence startled Chesca, but she recovered and removed her glasses to see him better. A light blue chambray button up stretched over his impressive chest, the sleeves rolled up to just below his elbows, dark blue jeans wrapped around his sturdy legs, and navy loafers finished off his casual yet handsomely stylish look. An easy smile rested on his face, a light in his eyes as if he knew an inside joke.

“Is that all I am? Kaiden’s mate?” her eyes narrowed in an effort to study him better. “The fact I’m Alpha Chesca means nothing to you?” she tilted her head and regarded him carefully. His mood had never been easy to read, and right now she couldn’t tell if he was playful or serious, complimenting or slightly insulting.

“Chesca Chesca, you are many things,” he tutted, the blue of his eyes sparkling and his bulging biceps splayed on the top of the couch where his arms rested. “Being Alpha is not merely the most important.”

“Ahhh, then perhaps it’s the ‘Alpha’s daughter’. Is that what you still see me as?” she smirked and raised an eyebrow.

“Deary me, you know I always thought of you as more than that,” he leaned back and stretched his arms behind his head, clearly relaxed.

She took a few slow breaths as she studied his face. “Is that so?” she eventually said, after grappling for something witty to say. She didn’t believe him for a minute, but would play along to humor him. He may have always flirted with her back when they were teenagers, but there was nothing behind his flattering words, and they both knew it. At least, she thought she knew it. He treated every girl like that, right?

“Of course,” he shifted forward on his chair and took her hand gently between his own. The gesture warmed her in an unexpected way, and to her own surprise, she didn’t feel like pulling away. They smiled at each other for a few moments, each remembering the past with entirely different perspectives most likely.

Jackson suddenly leaned in closer, but the words he planned on saying were stifled in his mouth as Kaiden appeared suddenly, causing Chesca to immediately snatch her hand back. A blush grew on her cheek and she squirmed as if caught doing something bad. An image of her father scolding her flashed through her mind.

“Hey, what have I missed?” Kaiden asked jovially and sat down beside Chesca. Very closely beside her, going so far as putting his arm around her shoulders. The move was very possessive, she noted, and the way he cast dark eyes at Jackson made it clear he wasn’t happy with them spending time together. She brushed off the hand on her shoulder and turned to Kaiden.

“Nothing really, just catching up.”

“Actually, I was remarking how Chesca hasn’t aged a day since I last saw her. Alpha duties become her,” Jackson spoke confidently, sending a not so subtle wink her way.

“And you haven’t matured at all since I last saw you,” she threw back. The growl that emanated from the man beside her sent shivers down her spine, but Jackson just chuckled, his gaze going from her to Kaiden and back again.

“You’ve got yourself a real keeper, you have,” Jackson nodded his head knowingly, an amused grin on his lips.

“So I’ve been told,” she looked at Kaiden and raised an eyebrow, as if to say Behave yourself and What in the world is wrong with you? Weren’t two Alphas allowed to talk without Kaiden monitoring the entire conversation? If he felt jealous of Jackson or disgruntled about her spending time with him, she had no idea why. There was nothing between her and Jackson, and never would be.

“And I want to invite you to my upcoming party,” Jackson continued. “It’s next week. You’re welcome to stay if you want!” he smiled eagerly, seeming to enjoy this situation entirely too much, when all Chesca wanted to do was escape the house and run far away from the brooding Alpha beside her and the grinning Alpha opposite her.

“Oh no, I wouldn’t like to impose on you like that—“ Chesca began slowly.

“Yes, we should probably be heading back tomorrow,” Kaiden added.

“Right, there’s lots of work we need to catch up on at my pack,” Chesca elaborated.

“And besides, we’re not really into parties..” Kaiden remarked slowly.

“No, not really…”

“In fact, Chesca hates parties.”

“I do?” she looked at Kaiden suddenly, his words catching her off guard. But not as much as the smirk that played on his face in that very moment.

“Yes, she was telling me just last week that parties are such a frivolous waste of time and she’d much rather stay cooped up in her stuffy office and work and work and—“

“On second thoughts, Jackson,” she cut Kaiden off, digging her fingers into his thigh as hard and as she could. “I’d love to stay for your party! It would be great to meet your friends and hang around here. It’ll be like a mini holiday!” She ignored Kaiden’s heated glare and instead focused on Jackson’s beaming grin.

“That’s super! I’ll let my staff know, I’m sure they’ll be just as delighted to accommodate you as I am,” he lifted her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles.

Chesca smiled sweetly while casting a sideways glance at Kaiden, ignoring the low rumbling growl. He was fuming. The scowl coming from his face was hot enough to melt the gold picture frames on the wall. And she was loving it.

“And that’s how it ended, with him marching from the room with threats against all of us. I think his bark is worse than his bite though. I couldn’t help laughing, even when Alpha Asa glared at me, it was still funny,” Roman recounted the details of the last meeting, his chuckle an amusing sound, but Chesca’s thoughts were elsewhere.

“He’ll probably go bother someone else,” she mused, watching the sand squish between her toes as they walked along the shoreline.

“Yeah, no doubt. But at least we’re out of his sights for now.”

“I wonder if he has a mate? I’d hate to be her, the poor woman!”

“Never thought of that. She’d have to be a doormat, to be compatible with him.”

“Don’t all men wish their women were doormats, so they can lord it over them?” Chesca sounded disgusted as she voiced her thoughts without much filter. It was good to talk freely with someone, and she’d know Roman ever since he was a baby. She trusted him like a brother with her thoughts.

“Not everyone,” Roman observed carefully. “Alpha Asa is a great guy towards his mate, and Charles certainly doesn’t disrespect his. He and Lexi get on well enough. And when I find my mate….” he broke off and looked out over the waves wistfully.

Roman’s mate, now that was a strange thought. She’d never pictured him with one before, probably because he was a few years younger than her and had always been just a pup to her while growing up together. But he was mature now, and her Gamma. Perfectly able to have a mate. Wow, now she felt old.

“....I’d treat her right. Let her be anything, do anything she wanted. Not act like a strict husband who thinks he owns her, but I’d respect her.”

“That’s sweet,” she bumped his shoulder with hers and grinned goofily.

“What? I’m being serious.”

“I know you are, and that’s what’s funny. Roman and serious don’t usually go together.”

“Whatever. I’ll take that as a compliment, Alpha Chesca. Ever the encouraging one.”

“That’s my middle name.”

“Yeah, right.”

“Huh?” now it was her turn to act hurt. “What is that supposed to mean, young man?” she crossed her arms over her chest and partially used her Alpha tone.

“Well, I know a certain someone who you definitely never encourage,” Roman nodded his head towards the distance.

She followed his eyes and scowled. Kaiden was jogging along the beach towards them. “That man needs no encouragement.”

“Come on, everyone does. Maybe it’d be more like...encouragement to work alongside you? You guys are always fighting it seems.”

She hurrumphed, “Thanks for the kind observation.” her eyes narrowed as Kaiden drew closer, his black muscle shirt stained with sweat. He’d obviously been running a long way up the beach. She didn’t need to wonder why--the late afternoon atmosphere was perfect for an unwinding run or walk. “Quick, bring up something serious. We can’t let him think we’ve been talking about him,” she nudged Roman just before Kaiden was within earshot.

“Do you think they’re going ok?” Roman turned a steady gaze towards her.

“Who?” There was seriousness in his voice as she’d asked, but she really had no idea who he was talking about. He was too good at this charade.

“Charles and Lexi. Back at our pack. We’ve been gone over a week.”

“Oh.” She sighed and brushed the hair from her eyes. “Yeah, I trust them. I’m sure nothing’s gone wrong or anything….” she trailed off as her thoughts skipped back home and fluttered over many aspects of the place she lived and breathed.

“Howdy,” Kaiden stopped alongside them and panted. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Sure is,” Roman answered and hedged to the side. He looked like he wanted to give them privacy, but a single glance from his Alpha rooted him to the spot.

“You both been solving the world’s problems?”

“Umm--what?” Again, she was confused.

“Those lines,” Kaiden poked between her eyes. “Why so serious?”

“Oh, that. I was just...just thinking about something, is all.”

He raised an eyebrow, clearly wanting more.“It’s the new moon tonight,” she met his gaze and decided to be honest.


“Fire night!” Roman snapped his fingers and pouted his lower lip.

“Uh huh,” Chesca grimaced. “I haven’t missed one for like, years,” she stared out as the waves crashed near their ankles and frowned, further deepening the lines on her forehead.

“I see,” Kaiden wiped his face with his shirt, pulling it up and revealing his toned abs. Her eyes unashamedly stared with a mind of their own. “Well, we’re going home soon….You’ll be there for the next one,” he offered her a small smile, and she nodded her head.

“Yeah, we will,” her toes burrowed themselves into the sand. “Well, I might go and get ready for dinner,” she said quietly and hurried up the beach towards Jackson’s mansion. Her cheeks flushed with the memory of the deep gaze of her mate as he caught her staring at him. She could be so strong in some areas, while in others, like him, she fell down like every red-blooded female.

She could no longer deny how deeply she was attracted to him; a fact that wouldn’t reconcile with the distaste she held for his impertinence. The war in her mind was draining her, and she’d never felt so tired in her life.

“Where is everybody?”

“Come on, I want to show you something,” Jackson held out his hand.

“Where? What about dinner?” Chesca peered around him at the empty dining room, her feet having halted at the door.

“Just come with me, I promise you’ll like it,” his boyish yet utterly charming smile was becoming too much to resist.

“Fine, but will there be food there?” The unflattering sounds from her stomach echoed her question.

“Yes, there will be,” he grinned and ruffled her hair.

“Hey!” She smoothed it back in place. Not that she really cared that he ruined her hair, because she hadn’t done it any fancy way. Not at all, she convinced herself as the braids settled down. “Ok ok, I’ll come with you, just tell me where.” Surrendering to Jackson wasn’t too hard, and she slipped her hand in his large warm one. The tingle that ran up her arm had her wolf muttering grimly under her breath.

“You’ll see. It’s a surprise,” he tucked her hand neatly under his arm and marched back down the hall, down to a back entrance she’d never seen before, and out into the night.

Pulling her jacket closer against the cool air, she couldn’t help but grow wary.

“Jackson? What’s going on?” She asked hesitantly as he entered the tree line at the back of his estate. A small path disappeared amongst the trees. She clutched Jackson’s arm tighter as the shadows folded around them, and though she trusted him, this unexpected trek into his dark woods still made her feel uneasy.

“I told you, it’s a surprise,” he drawled in the easy-going coastal accent only he had perfected. Her feet stumbled on the unfamiliar path, but his strong arms kept her steady. His presence was warm and secure, she decided despite her earlier misgivings. Her wolf rolled her eyes and turned her back on her.

Soon the path widened and she saw an orange glow between the trees. The sound of voices reached her at the same time, as her heart quickened.

Suddenly they stepped into a clearing and the sight made her gasp. A blazing campfire sat surrounded by logs, and ten or so people were sitting around talking and eating.


“Chesca!” Kaiden called and instantly jumped to his feet, his face lighting up as soon as he caught sight of her. “What do you think?”

“Of what?” She was still confused. She seemed to feel that annoying emotion a lot these days.

“Of this!” He swept his arm across the scene. “You couldn’t be home for your own Fire Night, so I asked Alpha Jackson if we could do something similar here,” he smiled brightly while explaining.

“You did this… for me?” She exclaimed with raised eyebrows, words momentarily escaping her as the intoxicating scent of her mate mingled with the wood smoke and aromas of roasting food. It filled her with such warmth and giddiness she grabbed Kaiden’s hands and held them close.

“Yeah, is that ok?” he asked, peering expectantly into her face and pulling her closer. “I know it’s not the same, but…”

“Thank you so much, it’s amazing,” she cut him off and returned his dazzling smile. Staring into his eyes made her melt almost as much as a marshmallow in a hot chocolate. Almost as much.

“Wow, if only I knew that was the way to Chesca’s heart,” Jackson murmured with a chuckle before taking a seat. The firelight danced on his face, but it wasn’t nearly as attracting as Kaiden’s that continued smiling down at her. He led her to a log and they both sat together, their thighs touching. He wrapped his around her shoulders, pulling her closer, and she didn’t resist. Leaning into him was the most relaxed she felt in a long time, and it was in moments like these that made her wonder why she kept fighting him, kept fighting the mate bond. Surely if they just went with it, everything would straighten itself out and and she’d get a happily ever after.

Roman and Asa were there too, enjoying the laid back evening along with a few others she didn’t know all that well. A couple of Lunas had come with their Alpha mates, but Chesca hadn’t really made friends with them. They were on a completely different plane of influence to her, and she wasn’t sure how to bridge the distance between them. So she just observed them around the fire, snuggling with their mates, sharing the food around, and seemingly well placed in their relationships. Something she found herself yearning for.

“Anybody want some more Bunya nuts, my beachside specialty?” Jackson handed around the last of the nuts. His territory was home to the only living ancient Bunya pines, and the nuts from the giant cones were soft and easy to open once heated in the fire. “So, Chesca,” he interrupted her thoughts, “Kaiden tells me you still sing.”

“Uh, he did?” she turned to Kaiden with raised eyebrows and a skeptical look.

Her mate cringed at her glare and backtracked, “Well, I heard you once, around the fire back home, you know? So I thought…”

“Would you sing for us now?” Jackson persisted, enjoying the animosity growing between the two. It seemed like a fun game for him, riling up her and Kaiden. Was their frosty relationship a laughing point among the other Alphas? They must think she was so childish.

And she was once more overthinking everything.

“Sure, I’ll sing,” she stopped giving Kaiden the satisfaction of seeing her squirm and confidently stood. “Hmm what song?” she tapped her lips in thought.

“Something about loooove,” Jackson drawled, leaning back and stretching his long legs out comfortably. She shot him a glare but soon smiled with a wink.


Well if you need love, Take the time and be love, Breathe it out, create love. See how things can turn,” she started softly, a winsome smile playing on her lips as she sang her father’s favorite song.

“Inside You’re ruining the mood, You’re singing solitude, Forgetting all you knew. So look, Look into the mirror, Swallow all your fear, Believe it’s really near. Cause if you need love…”

Her eyes met Kaiden’s, and the deep emotions swirling in his brown irises almost caught the words in her throat.

Surely she and Kaiden could work out whatever was developing between them. It was something that could be precious, or disastrous, depending on how they handled it.


“Did you all forget to invite me?”

Chesca jerked her eyes up, startled by the intrusive words. She soon saw that the sultry, feminine voice belonged to a shadow that slinked out of the trees. As the light of the fire engulfed the young woman, her curves and shiny black hair, perfect pale skin that glowed like a polished pearl, toned legs and slender figure, her eyes grazed over Chesca. Such dark eyes that hinted at something secretive and perhaps unforgivable. They landed on Kaiden and sparkled with delight.

“Oh dear.” Chesca heard him groan beside her, his body tensing in response to the sudden appearance of this very attractive woman.

The woman slinked towards Kaiden, her steps slow and deliberate. The whole group had been stunned into silence, and crickets filled the space, harmonising with the crackle of the flames and popping logs. The stranger then stopped behind Kaiden and walked a few fingers across his arm before placing both hands on his shoulders. Sliding her hands down his chest, she whispered seductively in his ear, “Don’t you mean, hello dear?

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