The Alpha's Shatter Zone

Chapter |14|

“What is it?” Chesca tried snatching the phone from Lexi, but her hands were rudely batted away. Lexi turned her back and covered her ear away from the Alpha, and Chesca just huffed and hurried to finish in the store. Lexi was awaiting out the front for her when she came out.

“So?” Her eyebrows raised in tandem with the obvious question.

“Nothing so dramatic. Just a couple of wolves were sneaking through the west foothills.”

“Rogues?” Chesca whispered quietly while adjusting the bags of clothes on her arms, and navigated the crowded aisles of the mall.

“Nah, too hard to tell. They ran off as soon as Charles and Austin spotted them. It was during the change in guard rotation, so they knew the border was clear for a few minutes,” Lexi frowned and fisted her hands.

Back at their impressive pack residence, Chesca peppered Charles with questions. Did they leave anything? A note? A warning? What did they look like? Smell like?

Nothing satisfactory could be found out from their brief encounter in the forest, but Chesca couldn’t dismiss it so easily. They’d had intruders before, but a niggling voice kept telling her it was related somehow to Kaiden and the letter from his father.

But bigger things soon demanded her attention.

Chesca quickly smothered her frown when Lexi walked in the room. It was unfair to be sad when everyone was excited for her.

But this was supposed to be a special day for her, a day of celebrating that she’d finally found her mate and was excited to be journeying this life together. She had always imagined her mother and father to be here with her, her mom helping organise things and giving Chesca a tight squeeze like she always did before big events. But they were gone. Chesca had known that for 5 years, that they wouldn’t be here for any special time in her life. Finding her mate, having children—their grandchildren—helping them grow up to be big and strong, enjoying Fire Nights and birthdays together. None of that was possible anymore, and it left an empty ache in her chest.

Many a night, she’d reassured herself that maybe finding her mate would ease some of that ache, at least that’s what her friends had told her. Someone to whisper secrets and fears to, someone to hold her through the dark nights and storms that had her shivering with silent tears tracking down her cheeks. A part of her had actually always wanted a mate, a man to shoulder the burdens she clinged to with all her strength. Her pack. No one would hurt her people ever again, and she would fight for them every day. She didn’t need someone to come take that from her.

“Girl, whatcha thinking?”

Chesca snapped out of her rushing thoughts, the memories mixed with old dreams and future fears that clouded her mind. The contradicting emotions that struggled in her heart.

“I don’t know. I never wanted a mate, I kept saying that, remember?” she looked up at Lexi with an openness that she reserved only for her best friend.

“Yea and no. You kept saying somethin different every week. But it’s not so bad you know,” Lexi sprayed a bit of hairspray on Chesca’s hair before combing the fringe. The ceremony was in less than an hour and she was almost ready.

“I used to think it would be ok, day...but not with Kaiden. How did I end up with him? It ruins everything,” she clenched her fingers around the soft material of her skirt. “This is not what I had planned,” she stifled the sob that hiccuped in her throat.

“Maybe he’s not so bad after all? Maybe he’ll be good to you, and I’ve seen the way you smile sometimes when you look at him,” Lexi raised an eyebrow.

“I do not!” she whacked her friend on the leg. “He infuriates me.”

“Uh huh.”

“He still wants to take over everything, and I won’t let him get anywhere near my pack. This ceremony is purely for Asa so we get the land.”

“Uh huh.”

Lexi was no help. “It’s not even like he likes me, he’s so insensitive, that selfish pig,” Chesca hardened her jaw just picturing Kaiden’s smirk and the way he narrowed his eyes at her.

“Uh huh. Selfish...insensitive,” Lexi repeated as she pinned Chesca’s hair up in an intricate braided bun.

“Are you even listening to me?” Chesca yelled, louder than she intended but the anxiety was fraying her nerves.

Lexi leaned down and met her eyes, taking her chin in her hand. “Believe me, he likes you. I’ve also seen the way he smiles your way absently when you’re not looking. The way he watches you from across the room and when you’re talking to pack members.”

“He still wants to take over everything…” Chesca whispered with less strength.

“And would that be so bad? I mean, not take your pack away from you, but why can’t you guys work together? As a team...of alphas?”

“Ha. Ha ha ha. That would never work, you know it. We’d both be strangling each other and ….and…” a fresh wave of sobs cut her short.

“Oh, honey. You miss them don’t you?” Lexi wrapped her arms around her Alpha and finally understood what this was all about.

“I feel like, if I let him in...I’m giving up. I’m disappointing them. I’d be failing them, and everything they lived and fought for.”

“No. Maybe. I mean, I don’t think they’d want you to push your mate away. Just because he’s an alpha too and is born to lead, doesn’t make him an automatic enemy. I’m sure you’ll work it out, and he needs you just as much as you need him. Just as much as Charles and I need each other, as hard as that may be to believe,” Lexi smiled softly.

“The only thing Kaiden needs of me is to be dead, so he gets the pack,”Chesca mumbled under her breath.

“Ok, none of those thoughts today. You’re going to go out there and look into his eyes and feel the mate bond. You’re going to accept him like Alpha Asa wants you to,” Lexi looked at her in the mirror, her hands gently on her shoulders. Her Alpha could be such a warrior most times, but now she was a trembling porcelain doll, liable to shatter at any moment.

“I wish I had your confidence, Lex. I’m just so scared.”

“Oh you do have confidence, more than I have. You wouldn’t be able to command with such fierceness if you didn’t,” she twirled the curl on Chesca’s temple. “So just remember, this is for your pack, for your parents, and ultimately for yourself.

Chesca nodded slowly and took a deep breath. “You’re right. Thanks, Lexi.”

“There, I think you’re all set,” Lexi smoothed the last piece of Chesca’s hair and stepped back to admire her handiwork.

“Oh you went to too much trouble,” Chesca whined when she looked in the mirror. “It’s just a ceremony. It doesn’t mean anything.”

“I know, so if Kaiden tries any moves on you, his face is gonna feel my fist.”

“Thanks Sis.”

Lexi looked over her once more before pushing her out the door. “You look stunning. He won’t be able to keep his hands off you,” she winked.

“ just said—“ Chesca rolled her eyes and watched her best friend hop down the stairs excitedly and stand beside Charles, taking his arm and kissing his cheek.

“You beautiful women both ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Chesca took a deep breath and took Charles’ other arm. He led them both onto the patio and out into the shaded gardens.

A small stage had been set up, and all the pack was already gathered, eagerly chatting and anticipating the special ceremony. Chesca wanted to scream at them that this didn’t change any of the hierarchical structure of the pack, that she would still remain in full control of pack affairs, but now wasn’t the time. Not with Asa standing up the front beside…

Kaiden. Easily the most handsome man here, in a white button up that showed off his powerful physique and black unruly hair hanging loosely yet perfectly against his forehead. For a second her heart thudded and wondered why she hadn’t just thrown her arms around his neck and accepted him as mate the moment they first laid eyes on each other.

Because he was trying to kill her, she quickly remembered with steely clarity.

So right now, he symbolised nothing more to her than a means of looking after her pack. Asa was giving her his land, and she had to fulfill the payment. Nothing would change between her and the man staring at her now with with such a deep and unreadable mystery in his eyes.

The crowd hushed as Chesca walked among them, her shoulders back firmly and her gaze meeting their eyes with cool determination. She reached the front and faced Kaiden, the small grin on his lips drawing her attention despite her best efforts to dismiss it. She reminded herself this process would be easier if she just put aside her doubts and resolutions to keep him at arm’s length. Maybe if she felt something, like Lexi suggested, it wouldn’t be such a distasteful chore. The only way to make it look like a genuine acceptance might be to open up her heart for a brief moment and embrace the mate bond.

So she placed her hands in his and returned the lazy smile. The moment she did, sparks raced up her hands from his touch, and she was immediately drawn into his gaze. His eyes looked at her intently, and she found she couldn’t look away.

“I, Kaiden, Alpha of Razestone, vow today to remain committed to my mate, Alpha Chesca.” His eyes sparkled, and the intensity of them stole her breath away. “I will never reject her, but respect her. I will protect her as my own body, and cherish the life we have together,” he swallowed, and she watched the action of his strong jawline, before dragging her eyes back up to his face. Her thoughts were getting away from her. “I will abide by the sacred mate bond law that was gifted to us at the beginning of time.”

He reached around his neck and removed the black cord that hung there, then held out the necklace to her.

“What’s this?” She frowned and looked up at him.

“My mother gave it to me, to remind me to stay sharp and fly straight….like an arrow.” He placed it over her head and let it hang down around her neck. “I want you to have it now.”

She didn’t know what to say. She fingered the steel arrow where it rested against her chest and tried to imagine a mother passing this onto her son. She suddenly wanted to know the full significance of the symbol and all it meant to him.

He reclaimed her hands and squeezed them, letting her know it was her turn.

Her throat was suddenly dry. This was harder than she thought. Or easier, because as she studied his open face, she couldn’t help feeling that his expression of love and commitment was genuine. Ok, maybe not love, but the mate bond was meant to guarantee that. And she was feeling it right now.

“I, Chesca, Alpha of SteelHeart, pledge my heart to Kaiden, Alpha of Razestone. I vow to hold him dear as mate, and respect the bond that fate has forged between us. I will respect and protect him as I do myself,” her heart thudded at an alarming rate in her chest, and at this proximity she just knew he could hear it. The blush that rose on her face only made this harder, but his supportive gesture, another gentle squeeze, gave her a sense of calm and courage. “I will abide by the sacred mate bond law that was gifted to us at the beginning of time.”

The smile that spread across his face did little to ease her nerves, and she ran her tongue over her dry lips.

She knew what was supposed to come next, but couldn’t bring herself to make the first move. And Kaiden was just staring at her, the depth in his eyes unreadable as they flickered from her eyes to her lips and to her neck.

Lexi pushed her forward from where she stood behind, and Kaiden’s hands settled on her waist. He lowered his head, and before she could respond his lips met hers ever so gently. She froze, embarrassed that her first kiss would be in front of the whole pack. She moved her head slightly, and his lips brushed her cheek. He seemed to get the message, and trailed down her jaw and to her neck. The shiver that ran along her skin couldn’t be stopped, and she closed her eyes, hoping this wouldn’t hurt much.

His breath was hot against her skin, and her fingers curled around the collar of his shirt, as if she was hanging on for dear life.

Then it happened. And for a moment, she couldn’t breathe.

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