The Alpha's Rejected Silent Mate

Chapter 25

Chapter 25
Winter POV
I’m walking in a field surrounded by all sorts of vibrant beautiful flowers. I have no clue where I am but I feel peaceful, relaxed.
It’s confusing. I remember shooting Thomas and passing out. Had I died? Because if I had I couldn’t complain about the beauty
and serenity of this place. I touch the flowers and feel the softness of their petals, smell their beautiful perfume as it drifts in the
air, stare at the bees buzzing around and feel the cool breeze as it flows
through my hair
There’s no pain, it’s the first thing I realize and I stare down at my body which is whole, no sign of the gunshot in
my foot or any bruises. There’s no blood and I’m wearing a purple sundress that cascades down to my toes, my feet are bare
and sinking into the soft green lush grass. I’m in heaven.
I sit and begin to make little daisy chains. Time seems to have no meaning here and I figure if I’m dead then
anything goes. The daisy chain goes on top of my head and I smile, lying back down on the soft grass and stare up at
the clouds in the clear blue sky, I wonder about my brother and if he’s doing okay, even feel a little sorry for Johnathon who
probably felt bad for rejecting me. I don’t even think about father and what he’d done to me. It was like every emotion of mine just
slowly faded away and left me feeling peaceful. If this was heaven then it wasn’t too
“You’re not dead yet” a musical voice says and I blink at the shadow suddenly blocking my sight. Theres a
beautiful woman in front of me with silvery gray hair and sparkling blue eyes. She’s not old though, she looks like a
young woman and she’s wearing a silver dress that shimmers in the sunlight, a small tiara sits upon her head.
* Then where am I?” I ask confused as she helps me to sit up.
“You’re in between” the woman says and I frown, still just as puzzled. She sits on the grass beside me.
“Who are you?”

She laughs and looks at me “you would know me as the moon goddess” she says lightly and I feel a sense of panic. She was the
moon goddess. Should I courtesy or how did I address her? I began to feel dizzy.
“Just call me Selene” she says and give her a small smile.
“What do you mean by in between?” | ask.
“You’re neither dead or alive right now” she says and gives me a stern look. “You haven’t decided which way you
want to go yet
She takes my hand. “Child you’ve known a lot of pain” she exhales, her blue eyes no longer twinkling but far more serious now
as I say nothing “I know you’ve wished yourself dead many times before but this time you have a choice. I have seen everything
you’ve gone through and how strong and brave you’ve been. But now you have to decide, do you want to live or die?”
I think about it. If I live then I go back to feeling pain, the harassment, the bullying, it will just start all over again. There was also
the issue of my father. I couldn’t bare to go back home. What was the point of living when it made me
so miserable?
“Before you decide” Selena says to me “I want you to know something. You might be feeling pain right now and
not just the physical hind but your life, should you choose to go back, will get better. You will find the love you
deserve, even if it’s with someone you least expect. You are brave, strong and courageous, you just have to believe it. your
story, your journey is completely over. You won’t ever get a chance to bond with your wolf, you’ll just be
I feel like crying. “No one will care if I’m gone” | blurt out.
“Your brother and your ahem mate” she says quietly “or ex mate are in the hospital room with you right now. Your brother is
beating himself up for what’s happened to you and Johnathon is doing the same. Neither one of them will leave your side.
They’ve both hurt you but if you’re willing to forgive them, they may just show you how much they care and it might surprise you
to see how much.”
“I can’t go back to father” I say miserably “I just can’t.”

She squeezes my hand. “he’s no longer there child, he can’t hurt you anymore.”
“Why didn’t you help me” I whisper, tears flowing down my cheeks “you’re the moon goddess you could have
saved me.”
She looks remorseful. “I cannot intervene with someone’s path. As much as I would have liked to, it would have
strayed you from the path you take. This experience is what helps mold you into a person you will become. Or rather
what you do.”
pull at the grass. I need time to think. But part of me has already decided even if part of me doesn’t want to,
wants to say in this in between place forever where I never have to be hurt again. But to choose death would be
cowardly, especially since I knew that Damien was waiting for me to wake up. I’m not sure what to think about Alpha
Johnathon being there as well. It still hurts that he rejected me so quickly.
“What will you do?” she asks and I sigh, looking over at the meadow and feeling a sense of regret. Was this really the right
decision for me?
“I choose to live” | answer regretfully and a smile lights up her face.
“You are destined for great things Winter” she whispers “remember that when it becomes too hard or you find
yourself in the depths of despair. You’ll go far.”
Topen my mouth, wanting to question her when she taps me lightly on the forehead and I feel my eyes beginning to close
against my will. I struggle and she merely sits there, watching me lie down and yawn, my eyelids heavy and they close, shutting
out the sunlight as I fall asleep. I feel like I’m falling from a great distance and its surreal, like I’m
flying and then suddenly theres a sharp pain in my heart and chest and I begin to open my eyes, hearing an annoying
beeping sound and a familiar voice.
“She’s awake.”

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