The Alpha's Rejected Silent Mate

Chapter 21

Chapter 21
The gun is heavy in my hand and it shakes slightly but I’m not loosening my grip. Thomas will be back any
moment and I know I need to take him by surprise. I can’t fight in my condition and I stumble towards the stairs, quickly getting
under them before he comes back. Naturally I hear the door creak back open seconds later and his footsteps as he comes in. It
only takes him less than a minute to realize I’m gone.
“Winter” he yells and I stay silent, breathing heavily in the darkness, trying not to give my location away. There’s plenty of hiding
spots in the basement and I hope he thinks I’m hiding somewhere, anywhere else.
“This is stupid” he says annoyed “you can barely walk on that leg. You really think you have the guts to shoot me” he scoffs and
begins to walk down, looking tentatively around him, looking for me.
Come on, I think to myself, just a little further down. He stops just above me and I strike, darting both hands out
and shoving him. To my satisfaction he loses his balance and goes tumbling down the stairs. He doesn’t move. I wait,
seeing his chest moving evenly but his eyes are closed and I pray that he’s lost consciousness because now I have to climb over
him to get to the stairs and out of here. The gun shakes in my hand as I come out, pointing it directly at him. I’m taking no
I limp, swearing, over to him and kneel down slightly to check his pulse, It’s steady but he doesn’t react to my touch and I slowly
move my good leg over him, gripping the banister tightly as I swing my painful one over his body and up the first step. I pant, it
hurts so damn much but I can’t afford to slow down. Part of me wants to shoot Thomas in the face while he lies there, but I can’t
bring myself to be a killer, despite everything. '
Besides it feels really wrong to kill a boy while he’s lying there helpless and completely naked. I spare a thought for the fact I’m
still in a baby doll with no underwear but shrug it off. Who cared? Right now I needed to get out. Clothes could wait till later,
screw modesty.
Thad gotten not even halfway up when I heard him move. I freeze and look over my shoulder, seeing beginning to move and I
start to almost jump each step, desperate to get out the door. I limp towards the front door, the gun still in my hand, hoping that
he’s still not up, still in too much pain to move. I forgot that he already had his wolf and would heal quickly. He tackles me to the
floor and I scream in rage, red hot pain in my foot as I fall, the gun sliding out of my hands.

His eyes are crazed as he turns me over, his face stony and his hands reaching to strangle me.
“You little b***h” he hisses “I was trying to be nice to you and you pull something like this? You only have yourself to blame” he
adds and I back up a little as he laughs, his fingers closing around my throat while I scrabble and claw at his hands, trying
desperately to get them off me.
“Stop” I get out but if anything his hands get tighter. “I’m sorry” I pant but he doesn’t stop, a crazy expression on his face.
“All I wanted was for both of us to be together” he shouts, banging my head into the floor over and over until blood begins to
trickle from my head.
While it was excruciating the sight of blood seemed to snap him out of it and slowly his hands slide off of me, sitting back but
stupidly, it must be said, with his knees over mine. I tense. Theres only one way he’s getting up and it’s something I’m about to
take advantage of. I might be down and I might be in pain but so help me if I’m about to myself from screaming as I shoot out
my good leg, effectively kicking him in the place it hurts the most. I hear his howl and watch as he keels over on the floor,
gripping his nuts while I slide out from under him and turn onto my side, inching towards the gun which is close by, my hand
reaching out for it.
I can hear his growling behind me and don’t risk looking back as my hands grip the gun and I turn, just as he tackles me, his
claws digging into my throat. I can feel them, it’s almost like he’s severing my vocal chords and I don’t hesitate any longer, my
hand instinctively bringing itself up as I shoot him, over and over until the chamber’s empty, his body going slack over mine,
blood dripping all over me.
He slumps and I curse at how heavy he is as I push him off. What a deadweight. This time I want to make sure he’s dead and
wincing I slowly pull his claws out of my throat, gripping it frantically and making sure to stem the bleeding as I literally use my
good leg to kick him off me. I can barely breathe but I’m also not about to be found here, holding a gun by the dead body of a
shifter. But I also can’t get up, my foot now swollen and in so much pain that to even wiggle my toes elicited a howl and a loud
scream from me. I close my eyes and face the truth. I was going to jail, there was no way they would believe my story even
dressed as I was. I’m just a lowly omega after all and Thomas was well, rich. I was done for. I can’t even bring myself to try and
get to the door, too exhausted from my fighting and all the trauma I’ve just gone through. The last thing I expect to hear before I
succumb to the darkness surrounding me is my brother and Johnathon’s voice calling out my name before I fall unconscious.

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