The Alpha's Rejected Mate

Chapter Prologue

I stood in front of my floor length mirror as I shot a disgusted look at my reflection, wondering why I had to be so fat. Okay, I guess I didn’t have to be so fat. It’s not my fault I liked my food though. Sue me. Being a werewolf I probably should have been fit, but I wasn’t and all the other weres teased me because of that. I couldn’t wait to find my mate, though. My older brother by a few minutes, Alex, told me that when I found my mate he wouldn’t care about my appearance. That no matter what he would love me for who I was. Boy, was he wrong. I playback the memories from today, trying to stop my silent tears.

I walked through the halls of the school, ignoring the glares of hatred and the whispers.

“God, she’s such a fat pig.”

“I feel sorry for the person who has to be her mate.”

“Fat whore.”

“Go back to your pig pen.”


I kept walking. I looked down at the black ballet flats I was wearing and ended up bumping into someone. The slight touch sent tingles through my body and I ignored the pain in my bum from falling.

Looking up through my thick lashes I see my brothers best friend, Cade.

>Mate< My wolf tells me. As soon as I realise what it’s telling me I feel like doing a happy dance. Cade was my mate! He was next in line to be Alpha for his pack. My fathers ally pack. I’d had a crush on him for forever. He was only a year older than me. For a moment we just stare at each other. Cade seems to just… space out for a second, but then his gorgeous face turns into a scowl.

“Watch it, bitch.”

“Huh?” I ask, confused. I don’t know why he was being so mean to me, didn’t he feel what I felt? “You’re my mate. You felt it didn’t you?”

Something flashes in his eyes, but he’s quick to hide it before I can decipher what it is. “What are you talking about slut? I know you have a crush on me, but saying were mates so I’ll get in your pants… that’s low.”

I gasp, shocked at how he was treating me. “Even if you were my mate it wouldn't matter because I would reject you anyway. Who wants a fat, ugly, lazy, immature girl as a mate?”

I try to hold back the tears. Pushing off the floor I rush past him, ignoring the sparks that shoot up my arm at the contact, and speed walk to my next class, wiping away my pooling tears.

It was lunch and I was sitting with my friends. Avery, Alyssa, and Tammy. They were my only friends and accepted me for who I was like my mate should. They also stood up for me and for that I was grateful, but even that doesn’t stop the words from hurting. Nothing could. I was sitting with my head in my hands when I felt the tingles running through my body.

“I need to speak to Scarlett.” His deep, sexy voice told my friends. They simply nodded, they didn’t want to mess with the Alpha. Yeah, my mate was also the Alpha and the biggest player on the center of the earth. Cade grabs my arm and pulls me out of the cafeteria and into an empty classroom.

“Listen up, fat pig, because I’m only going to say this once.” He begins harshly. “I reject you. I reject you because you fatter than a pig. You’re lazy. But most of all, why would I want an ugly mate when I can have any girl I want. You’re pathetic. Get out of my way.” He pushes past me and out of the classroom. I feel my heart break into a million pieces.

Ditching my last classes I hop into my old beat up car and drive home like the hounds of hell are chasing me. When I get home I get my duffel bag and fill it with all the things I need. Money, clothes, and my precious possessions.

Turning away from the mirror I walk downstairs. I’d already put my duffel downstairs, ready to leave. I had about 45 minutes until the pack would start coming back. I head into the kitchen and grab a piece of paper and a pen and begin writing.

Mum, Dad... Alex, I’m sorry that I’m leaving you. But, I’m sick of putting up with everyone teasing me about how fat I am and how ugly I am. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. Maybe forever. But, know that I love you, no matter what. I’m sorry I can’t stay, but something happened today that sent everything in the wrong direction. I found my mate, but he rejected me. It’s not your fault I’m leaving. I’m just sick of Alex’s friends and everyone at school bullying me, including Cade.

Love you, always, Scar. Xoxo.

I let the note fall onto the table and I pick up my stuff and leave. I run into the woods and after a while I go behind a tree and pull my clothes off, packing them into my duffel, before shifting into my white wolf and bounding into the trees with my duffel bag in my jaws.

My paws pounded on the ground as I ran. As I ran away from my home. Away from my family. Away from the old me. I silently promise myself that I would change. Not for him, but for me. No longer would I be the shy, fat, ugly pig. I would be the confident, new and improved Scarlett Rose Maxwell.

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