The Alpha's Rejected Heir

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Two

Alessandro’s POV

"What the hell do you mean you can't give me that information I was the one who gave you the evidence to analyze" I roared pinning Dr Carmichael to the wall

"Alessandro calm down and let her explain” izzy pleaded

"I don't have time for this bullshit izzy my grandfather is in the hospital my aunt fainted and my uncle is going out of his mind, it's has already been 2 days since my mom and Jermaine has been missing, I have no lead because the blood trail was useless and now these prints are the only clue I have and she's being difficult” I says letting the doctor go

"I know time is running out and your frustrated but we have to keep a level head" she replied

"I know" I sighed

"Now Dr Carmichael why can't you tell us who the prints belong to?" Izzy asked softly

"You were right when you said someone from the pack was involved in Rosalyn's kidnapping so when I found out who it was i immediately passed the information over to the alpha, that was fifteen minutes ago”

"You did what!!1?" I yelled

"I had to, if I didn't i would have been charged with treason”

Getting tired of her bullshit I ripped the door open and stormed my way to that idiots office with izzy close behind. I reach the pack house and started climbing the stairs three steps at a time, reaching the office doors I turned the door knob and walked right in; I see alpha dipshit sitting at his desk and uncle micheal occupying a chair in front him they both looked at me in surprise because I walked in without knocking I however had no time for formalities I need to find my mother like yesterday. Before any of them could say a word I cut them off by saying

"Who's prints are on that needle cap" directing my question at ke'shaun

"I can't disclose that information right now Alessandro its too sensitive I need to discuss this with your uncle then I'll talk with you" he replied calmly

"I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HOW SENSITIVE IT IS I WANT A NAME AND I WANT IT NOW!" I yelled by now my wolf was in total control of my body

"Alessandro calm down" uncle micheal said

"Sorry uncle but Al isn't here right now" Xavier tsk

"Hello Xavier" uncle micheal says acknowledging the presence of my wolf while the alpha sat there dumbfounded

"Now that we all know who everyone is you have five seconds to tell me whose prints are on that cap or I kill your pack members one by one starting with that not so lovely luna of yours" Xavier said turning back to alpha dipshit

As if on cue amber walked into the room same time whining about how one of the Omega's ruined her designer dress, Xavier grabbed by the neck instantly and held our claw to her neck pressing her up against his chest, his intent clear to everyone in the room.

"Let her go" ke'shaun shouted in his alpha tone as amber shook vigorously in my arms

"Tsk tsk tsk have you forgotten that doesn't work on me alpha boy" Xavier says

"Now tell me who the fuck is on that paper or I rip her head off her body I'm done messing around i need to find my mom"

"ok ok I'll give you the paper but you have to let her go alright” he negotiated

"Just give me the fucking paper” Xavier growled

He carefully handed over the paper to us as Xavier slightly loosened his hold on amber; when the paper was fully in his hand he let her go while his eyes scanned over the information, when he finally found out who's name was on the paper our entire body shook with anger and I quickly took over control from Xavier not wanting him to go on a rampage.

I looked up at him and said "now I understand why you didn't want to tell me who it was, your still protecting him even after all this I see but it's too late now because when I find him I'm gonna pull his intestines through his ear”

With that I opened the office door to see izzy looking at me expectantly I didn't know whether or not I should tell her as this could affect her majorly but the look in her eyes told me she wouldn't stop until I gave her the truth.

"Well....? Who is it? She asked

Sighing heavily I say "it's your father" then walked off leaving her with her mouth hang open.

As I walked down the stairs I saw aunt gen coming up she's probably looking for uncle micheal, the doctor had put her on bed rest when she woke up an hour after fainting, grandpa is still unresponsive.

"Hey Alessandro have you see—"

"In the office” I replied cutting her off

Not bothering to stop I walked pass her and head into the forest to track Jermaine's scent since it was the last place he went.

Five hours later and I'm so deep in the forest I can't even pinpoint my own location, I had followed Jermaine's scent mixed with the rogues from the woods where it was beginning to fade but I continued nonetheless. It lead me in circles and I thought about giving up and going back but something in my mind kept egging me on to continue so I did and now here I am so deep in this unknown forest I'm finding it hard to find my way back since my own scent is leading me in circles like Jermaine's had.

It was getting late and I was hungry as I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday; stripping down I folded my clothes neatly and place it in a tree then shifted giving Xavier control so he could hunt our dinner as I was exhausted.

Three rabbits and a deer later we were finally full, Xavier found a small lake a bit deeper in the woods when he chased the deer and that's where we are now resting after cleaning up. I was half asleep when I sensed rogues near by I smelt them before I heard or saw them, I got in a defensive stance ready to attack as soon as they were in my sights but then a faint scent of my mom drifted to my nose mixed in with the rogues scent so I hid behind some tall bushes couple feet from the lake as I waited for them.

The two men walked up to the lake grumbling something about money and not being paid enough, they stopped by the lake sitting down and counting their money when one of them tilted his head sniffing the air I tensed thinking that I was discovered and stepped back a bit stepping on a twig in the process, the sound echoed through the quiet atmosphere and I silently cursed myself for being careless.

The rogues immediately gathered their money and took on a fighting stance looking around furiously when their heads snapped in my direction I came out from behind the bushes knowing I had been caught, the two men shifted instantly and charged at me. I grabbed the first one by the neck flipping him into his companion and watch as he fell backwards, the rogue I held onto clawed my front paw and my grip loosened at the unexpected blow, he rolled out of my grasp as the other charged at me; I dodged him and slashed him on his shoulder in the process his movements faltered and I took advantage of that and grabbed his neck sinking my teeth in his throat until his body went limp the other wolf immediately shifted seeing his partner dead and grabbed both there parcels of cash and ran.

He was no match for my speed as I quickly chased him and slammed my body into his back sending him face first into a tree he hit his head on the stem and was knocked out cold. I dragged him back to where I left my clothes and quickly shifted back, as I was putting on my shirt I felt a sudden pressure in my mind and knew that someone was trying to force a mind link, only an alpha or beta can do that and uncle micheal and I already shared a link so I knew it was that asshole trying to establish the bond.

Curious as to what he wanted I allowed him in thinking he probably had some information about my mom

"What?" I say as soon as the link was made

"Where are you your uncle has been trying to link you for hours"

"I'm in the woods and I didn't realize I still had my block up, did you get anything on my mom's whereabouts?"

"No we still haven't gotten any leads as yet the trackers are still chasing the rogues scent”

"You might as well call them back it'll only lead the in circles because that's what happened to me but I think I might have someone who can get us some information” I say

"What!? Who?" He asked

"A rogue, I'm on my way back tell uncle micheal to meet me in the dungeons"

And with that I cut off the link, I really didn't wanna share any kind of bond with him but desperate times called for desperate measures. After adjusting my clothes I picked up the rogue and threw him over my shoulder as I began my long journey back to the pack I loathed.

After hours of walking I reach familiar territory, realizing I re-entered the pack’s land I added more speed in my steps and in no time I was in front the pack house. Persons on the outside stared at me as I walked with the unconscious man on my shoulder, others growled as they all could tell he was a rogue but none of them dared to make a move. Walking to the side of the house I make my way to the small building that led to the underground dungeons, uncle micheal and he who must not be named stood at the door waiting for me.

"Where the heck did you find him!?" Uncle micheal asked as I dropped the guy from my shoulders unto the floors of his new cell

"It was more like he found me" I shrugged

The man groaned bringing our attention back to him as he sat up clearly awake after his introduction to the ground. He wobbled around not realizing we were directly infront of him, he jumped about a foot high when he saw us looking at him incredulously.

Walking up to him I say

"Ok listen here's how this is gonna go I'm gonna ask you some questions and your gonna answer me truthfully” I tell him

"And what makes you think you can get me to tell you anything mutt" he spat

Looking at him with a bored expression I replied "if you don't I'll break all 206 bones in your body let them heal halfway then break then again and continue the process until you decide to talk"

He flinched as if picturing him self in such a situation as he gulped loudly then nodded in agreement to my proposition.

"Ok did you kidnap a man and a woman two days ago"

He shook his head then stuttered "I can't tell you anything about that he'll kill me"

"I'm gonna kill you if you don't tell me what I need to know" I say and just to prove my point I broke his index finger

He screamed in pain as I twisted his finger to a painful angle

"Are you ready to answer me now" I ask

"Y-yes" he nodded

"Did you or did you not kidnap a man and a woman two days ago" I voiced my question again

"I didn't kidnap any woman but I did knock out a man from this pack and brought him to the location I was instructed to, the guy you killed he was the one who brought a lady to the location we were paid and then we left” he whimpered

"What location was that!?"

"I don't know it's some big house in the middle of no where it looked like some kind of old mansion, if you walk Easternly from the lake we met at you'd find where am talking in about in half a day or so”

"Ok one last question who ordered you to kidnap those people?”

"I-i— ahhhhhhhh" he screamed when I broke his elbow, his wrist and his shoulder in one swift movement

"I told you I'm gonna break every bone in your body if you don't answer me” I say

"I can't tell you he will ki— ahhhhh ahhh ahhhhhhhhhh™ he howled in pain as I broke both his ankles

"Let's try this again who paid you to kidnap my mom and step-dad” I shouted

"I-it was Evans he paid us to kidnap them because some business associate of his wanted them then I over heard him saying that his associate was gonna help him take over a pack in return for the two people but he didn't mention which pack or who is associate was" he replied

"Thank you" I say turning to leave the cell

"What are you gonna do with me now please just let me go I promise i won't come back and I won't say anything to Evans I just wanna get out of here"

I stopped in my tracks and turned around looking him in the eyes they were cold and lifeless

"You will be staying here" I say coldly

"You son if a bitch you have no honour I helped you and this is how you repay me I hope Evans kill that guy and his bitch" he spat angrily

"You are lecturing me about honour? We made no agreement in which I said I'd let you go I was decent enough to let you live but since you wanna be freed so bad I will grant your wish" I say as I snapped his neck and watch his body fall with a loud thud to the ground.

Turning once again to leave I see uncle micheal and him both looking at me their mouths gaping like fishes out of water. I walked pass them leaving the dungeons and into the house determined to find out who this Evans character was.

It was night time so the house was empty and quiet as everyone had gone to bed, I heard the door open and uncle micheal walked in

"You can go to the room you and your mom shared Alessandro I'll bring you some clothes so you can shower and get some rest ke'shaun is gonna contact the other alpha's to see if he can find out who Evans is"

Too exhausted to argue I agreed even though I didn't want to give up my search I knew there was nothing I could do right now as my body needed rest and until we got some new information I had to build up my strength for when we found mom and Jermaine.

As I entered the room my mom and I first shared when we got here her scent hits me like a tidal wave, I couldn't control the painful howl that left my lips nor the tears that slid down my cheeks as her scent washed over me. I head to the bathroom and filled the tub with hot water as I striped out of my dirty clothes throwing them into the hamper in the corner of the room.

After washing my hair and scrubbing my body I let the water engulf me as it relaxed my tense muscles, I rinsed and dried off thoroughly then wrapped a towel around my waist and entered the bedroom to find grey sweatpants, boxers and a white t-shirts on the bed; I pulled them on and mind linked a quick thanks to uncle micheal. Taking up my phone I pressed play on my favorite song then laid in the bed my mom once occupied, it still had traces of her scent and I inhaled deeply letting it relax me as the song lulled me to sleep,

In no time my eyes drooped and I felt sleep closing in as i listened to the lyrics telling me everything will be alright. I fell asleep with an evil grin on my face as I thought of how I'm gonna enjoy killing Kevin black.

Watch out "grandpa" the ripper is on your trail.

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