The Alpha's Rejected Heir

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Seven

Third person POV

AJ drove the stolen ambulance with trembling hands and a racing heart towards the edge of howling moon territory.

To say he wanted to be anywhere but where he was at the moment would be putting it very lightly. He, like everyone else has heard the stories of how ruthless and unforgiving the alpha of that pack is so it baffled him as to why Alessandro would want to go there of all places despite the numerous warnings he gave him

Aj, Brandon and sage knew little about Alessandro's past, mainly that he was born in Italy and his mom died six months ago at the hands of the man they currently had in the back of the ambulance. However despite their lack of knowledge on his life they trusted him because that one boy had saved and protected them more times in the past six months than anyone has in their entire lives. Besides it wasn't as if he knew all their secrets, so it didn't bother them because they knew no matter what he would never hurt or betray them like everyone else had, and that's why even though they were all scared to cross into alpha Black's territory the unfaltering trust they had in their friend gave them the courage to do something they never imagined before.

With shaky breaths and trembling hands Aj drove to the forest line leading to the southern border of the territory they are about to cross. He parked the ambulance, his heart pounding in his chest. He turned in his seat to look at his companions

"Well we're here, it's now or never" he says

"Look guys I know you all would rather be anywhere but here so i appreciate you guys helping me with this" Alessandro told them sincerely, a bit of sadness in his eyes

"It's cool dude we owe you our lives without you we wouldn't even have the chance to be here contemplating whether or not to cross into another alpha's territory" Brandon replied

"Thanks Brandon that means alot. Before we go I need to ask you guys something, do you trust me?"

"Of course” his three friends replied at the same time

"Do you trust me with your lives?" He asked again

"Al of course we trust you with our lives otherwise we wouldn't be here. You have done more for us in the past months we've known each other than our own families have done our whole lives; you protected us when we ambushed, robbed and framed you. After we almost got you killed...twice you still protected us, you gave us a home so of course we trust you alpha” sage replied laughing at the way he cringed when she called him alpha.

Of course they all knew Alessandro was an alpha wolf another reason why they all followed him they saw him as their alpha, their leader even though he protests against them calling him that.

"Listen guys you will learn things about me today that you didn't know or wouldn't expect. You will see a part of me I really wish you wouldn't have to but just know that no matter how bad it gets I will protect you guys with my life and i will never hurt you. We are a family and family means no one gets left behind; so let's begin with the plan and when this is all over I will explain everything."

They all nodded as they gathered their courage ready to take on the world.

Alessandro grabbed Kevin by his neck as he threw him over his shoulder. He was no longer unconscious but remained quiet due to the duct tape attached securely to his mouth. He walked out of the back of the ambulance with sage and Brandon in tow, the all walked to the front of the vehicle just in front the edge of pack lands they were about to intrude.

The moment the the four friends stepped towards the border 7 angry wolves immediately stepped from behind the trees growling at them. Alessandro glanced at his shaking friends, they looked utterly terrified.

It wasn't that they couldn't fight why they were afraid, on the contrary they could easily defeat theses seven wolves by themselves, Alessandro made sure of that. it was the fact that they didn't have the confidence in themselves especially seeing as they were average rogue wolves with no significant status who had been abandoned by their own families.

The seven large wolves shifted then walked closer to the four teens as the biggest of them all growled out "Who are you and what are you doing here!?"

"We're not here to cause trouble but we need to speak with your alpha and beta" Alessandro replied cautiously stepping forward.

"And why would I allow that rogue” the tall man spat out

"Just tell beta micheal that Raffi is here to see him he'll know who I am" Alessandro said softly using the pet name his uncle gave him when he was young

"Leave now and I'll allow you to live" the man told them

"Please we just need five minutes of his time if you could just call your alpha or beta. I know were just rogues and you have no obligation to honour our request but I'm asking you to please just call them we'll wait right here" sage spoke up pleading with the warrior.

She was so caught up in convincing the scary man to do as they asked she hadn't realized she was moving closer to him until she crossed onto the border without noticing. The warrior wolf snarled at her, grabbing sage by the neck as she had trespassed into their territory.

"Sage!!" Alessandro Brandon and Aj yelled instantly

"Ah ah ah" the warrior wolf tsked at the three boys as they were about to make a move

His nail lengthened into a claw as he placed it at sage's neck halting her friends in their place "Please am sorry I didn't mean to cross over I didn't realize I was moving” sage pleaded as she tried and failed to free herself from the man's choking grasp

"Oh come on do you think I'm gonna believe that? How gullible do you think I am" the warrior snarled angrily throwing her to the ground

"You filthy rogues are really cocky thinking you can just waltz into our territory as you please demanding to see our alpha and beta. We are warrior wolves the first line of defense for this pack, what kind of protector would we be if we allowed rogues onto our land" he said kicking sage in her side

The other wolves laughed as she screamed out in pain. The warrior then grabbed her hair yanking it backwards.

When the wolf kicked sage in her side Alessandro could here the snap of ribs being either broken or cracked, Brandon immediately doubled over as his mate's pain spread throughout his body. A Alessandro saw was red as he let out a menacing growl. He was beyond livid as he threw Kevin from his shoulders, his eyes changing to pitch black as he let his beastly wolf come forward.

Everyone present gasped in shock as Alessandro partially shifted into a wolf man creature with pitch black eyes. He bared his canines at the seven men in front of him as he let out a threatening growl, then with inhumane speed he closed the distance between him and the wolf who had kicked sage earlier. The man clearly surprised at Alessandro’s speed was frozen in place as the creature suddenly appeared in front him.

With his anger skyrocketed Alessandro expressed no hesitation as he grabbed the tall burly man by his head holding his hair in a vice grip then pulled until he felt the head detach from its place between the man's shoulders, as his body fell to the ground with a thud.

Seeing their fellow pack member murdered in front of their eyes all hell broke loose as an all out battle began between the howling moon wolves and Alessandro’s friends.

After shifting back to his human self and making sure sage was ok Alessandro went back to grab a fright-stricken Kevin who was being monitored by Aj.

Kevin was gaping utterly terrified at the form Alessandro had taken on. Never in all his life had he seen a wolf able to transform partially without being unstable or without the use of drugs. He was somewhere between shocked and angry. Shocked because all these months of watching Alessandro trail him around the world he never once saw or suspected he was capable of such a transformation, he was angry because he had tried and failed many times to reach the state that bastard mutt was now sporting.

Alessandro picked Kevin up once again making sure to cover his head incase one of the warriors recognized him, he had already masked Kevin's scent so they wouldn't know who he was.

He then crossed over the territory again as his friends gave the warriors an ass whooping of a lifetime. He watched as his three friends subdued the warriors one by one. Alessandro made his way further into the territory as a gigantic wolf lunged at him aiming at his neck. He quickly dodged then kicked it into a tree. The wolf got up again and shifted then ran towards Alessandro as he dropped Kevin and the two engaged in hand to hand combat.

After a few minutes of kicks and punches Alessandro got irritated and landed a roundhouse kick sending his opponent flying backwards where he landed at someone's feet. Alessandro could feel eyes boring into the back of his head as he picked up Kevin from the ground.

He turned around ready for a fight but halted in his steps as he came face to face with his shock stricken uncle. He did a double take rubbing his eyes just to make sure they weren't playing tricks on him.

"A-a-alessandro?" Michael asked not believing his eyes

"Uncle micheal" Alessandro breathed in disbelief

"Raffilll" Micheal yelled as he ran towards his nephew with open arms

"Where have you been we've been searching for you for months but you just vanished. And that one time in new York we were so close but then you disappeared” micheal says

"I'm sorry uncle I knew you guys were looking for me but there was something that I had to do” Alessandro apologized

"Well I'm just glad your ok" Micheal says

He glanced over at the three teenagers just as Brandon tied up the last warrior.

"Could you please untie them, I kinda need them to protect our territory" he says

The three kids looked at Alessandro for confirmation before they hesitantly untie the men they had just subdued. When one of the warriors lunged at Aj micheal yelled in his beta voice


The warrior immediately halted his actions as micheal walked towards them.

"I asked them to untie you so you could go get yourselves checked out not attack the people who just defeated you. At least keep whatever dignity you have left after getting defeated by kids and you call yourselves warriors" he scolded

"But beta they crossed our territory without permission and killed Mick" the warrior argued

"We asked you guys to call your beta and alpha to speak with them. We had no intentions of crossing your borders” Brandon said

Yeah right and did that girl over there not cross our borders” the man scoffed

"By accident!" Sage yelled

"And your freak of a friend killed our fellow pack member" he retorted

"I killed him because he chose to put his hands on a innocent girl who hadn't caused him any harm" Alessandro spoke up

"Wait you killed Mick?" Micheal asked in surprise looking at the warrior's headless body

"He attacked sage after she accidentally crossed the border, and even though I know it's normal for them react this way towards rogues she wasn't attacking him or anything yet he broke three of her fibs, so I ripped his head from his body" Alessandro replied nonchalantly

"Ok ok pause. Normally in a situation like this you should all be killed but there's no way in hell I'm attacking my nephew and there's too much to be discussed”

"Three of you bring Mick's body to the pack hospital and let Carmichael deal with it the rest keep watch until I send your replacements then you can go get checked up” micheal instructed "Alessandro you and your friends come with me you guys need to be checked as well and like I said there's a lot of things to discuss which will take some time so I'm glad your back”

"I'm not staying uncle Michael I just have some loose ends here that I need to tie up and say goodbye to you and grandpa. I've done something I can't go back from so it's not safe to stay here. Besides I have obligations now" Alessandro says pointing to his friends

"Wait what loose ends and as for everything else, Alessandro there's something that you need to know, your mother"

"Don't!!!" Alessandro yelled as he felt a stabbing pain in his heart at the mention of his mother Micheal looked confused for a second at Alessandro's reaction then it clicked, he remembered that Alessandro thinks Rosalyn is dead. Deciding to resolve the issue before it goes on any longer micheal opened his mouth to talk but was cut off by a growl.

"What the hell happened here!?" Ke'shaun yelled

"Why did I just past three battered warriors carrying Mick's body without his head? And why is there-" he stops and sniffs the air before turning to Aj Brandon and sage who were shaking in their booths.

"Rogues" he growled before shifting and lounging at the three teenagers

Realizing the alpha's intent Alessandro quickly stepped in front of his friends before moulding his hand onto a fist and punching him square in the jaw as the giant wolf is sent into the ground. "Don't you dare touch them or I'll kill you" Alessandro growled out as his eyes turned pitch black Shocked gasps came from everyone present as ke'shaun reverted to his human form before getting to his feet, anger rolling off him in waves. He looked up at his attacker, his eyes wide as saucers when he saw who it was.

"A-a-alessandro” he stuttered

"B-but how!? When did you get here and why didn't I smell your scent" he asked

"I've been here the whole time and I masked my scent that's why you didn't smell me. As for your decapitated warrior that was my doing and like I said before if you harm my friends I'll end you" he says menacingly as viens appeared around his black eyes

"What the hell are you!?" Ke'shaun asked trying to fight back the fear slowly creeping up his chest "Something you never want to make angry” Alessandro grabbed as his canines dropped further than they ever have before.

"Ok everyone that's enough” micheal says walking in between Alessandro and ke'shaun. Alessandro retracted his canines as his eyes turned back to normal while ke'shaun took micheal's advice and backed off.

As ke'shaun stepped back he looked over at Alessandro when he caught a glimpse at something on his shoulder. Stopping dead in his tracks he asked

"What the hell is he doing here and why is he with you?" Pointing at the man he thought he'd never see again

Alessandro looked at his shoulder to see that the hood of the sweater he had thrown over Kevin had fall off.

"Raffi what's going on" micheal asked as he stared at his alpha's father on his nephew's shoulder Sighing Alessandro replied "is that offer to discuss all this at somewhere more comfortable still stands?"

"Uhm, yeah. Come on let's go" micheal says ushering them in the direction of the pack house

As they all walked back to the pack house sage Brandon and Aj made sure to walk as close as possible to Alessandro. After 10 minutes of walking in uncomfortable silence they finally reached the pack house. No one was outside which seemed weird to Alessandro but he didn't dwell on it. They went inside and quickly made their way up the stairs towards ke'shaun’s office. Arriving at the office doors micheal stepped infront Alessandro and his friends opening the door for them. He paused when he saw amber sitting in ke'shaun's chair waiting patiently while gently rubbing her huge belly, she looked as if she would pop at any moment.

"What's wrong why'd you stop” Alessandro asked

"Uhm nothing come on in" he replied

Everyone filed into the office one after another as amber stared at them in confusion. That confusion turned onto shock when her eyes landed on Alessandro. Spotting his pregnant mate ke'shaun immediately walked over to her.

"Amber what are you doing in here are you ok?" He asked worriedly

"Yeah am fine it's just that I was calling you through the link but you weren't replying and I got worried so i came down here but on my way a pack member told me you went to the southern borders to check on something so I decided to wait" she says her eyes stuck on Alessandro

"Uhm ke'shaun wha- how is he here you guys were just saying you couldn't find him and why the hell is your father laying unconscious on his shoulder" she asked

"Well I have yet to figure all that out you just take a seat and relax" ke'shaun replied

After amber was comfortably seated ke'shaun turned his attention to the five people in his office. "Ok so what the heck is going on here?" He asked in his alpha voice

Alessandro growled at ke'shaun when he saw the discomfort his friends were in because of ke'shaun’s alpha tone. After a quick stare down from father and son, and some heavy glaring at the two from micheal they both backed down so their meeting could start.

"First things first Alessandro there's something I need to tell you but I need you to remain calm when I say what I have to say" Michael says

"What is it?" Alessandro asked

"Well uhm it's about your mom and before you get angry just let me finish. The day you disappeared i know you left I know you did what you did because you thought your mom was dead but she’s not"

"WHAT!!!" This time it was all four of the teenagers who yelled

"How can this be I saw her die with my own eyes" Alessandro asked in disbelief

"I know what you saw al but she didn't die she was close to it and flat lined alot but the doctor managed to get the bullet out, luckily it missed her heart by a centimeter and she managed to recover" micheal told him

"So where is she now!?" Alessandro asked anxious to see his mother

"Uhm theirs something else that you need to know" micheal says hesitantly


"Well your mother was uhm, she ah sh- she”

"She was what!!?"

"While she was captured she was raped it didn't get far because Jermaine managed to stop it but the damage was already done and I guess after she woke up and we could find you for months the reality of the situation got to her and she just fell into a deep depression and now she's barely functional”

"What!!1?2?" Alessandro yelled with a thunderous growl shaking the entire mansion

He could feel himself slipping as rage took over his entire being after all it was the only emotion he could feel overwhelming consuming rage. His eyes turned to a shade of intense black as veins appeared around his eyes, his canines dropped to their full length piercing his bottom lip, his fingernails turned to razor sharp claws as he transformed into a half wolf half man even though he looked more beastly that human. His wolf easily took control of his body as Alessandro faded into the background of his own dark mind.

Xavier scanned the room as he assessed everyone in the room. Amber was shaking so heard he wondered if it could cause a miscarriage. Ke'shaun and Michael stood completely frozen in their spots with countless emotions flashing across their eyes fear being the most frequent. He glanced at his friends who stood their gaping at his transformation but he was relieved to see that there was no fear in their eyes only astonishment and admiration.

"Where is she" Xavier asked in a rumbling voice

"S-she's in t-the room both of y-you stayed at w-while you were here" micheal stuttered

Ripping the door off it's hinges Xavier left the office and made his way towards his mother. He tried reaching out to her wolf Althea but he couldn't sense her. When he reached the door of the room he once shared with his mother he ripped it open to reveal a fraction of what was left of the woman who gave him life, protected him and taught him how to protect himself.

Reverting to his normal size giving over the reigns Xavier walked into the room as Alessandro slowly pushed to the forefront of their mind and knelt at the bedside beside his sleeping mother.

"Mama" he called out

"Mama it's me Alessandro please wake up” he pleaded

"Mia Regina (my queen) please wake up" he cried


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