The Alpha's Rejected Heir

Chapter Chapter Twenty

Ke'shaun's pov I can't believe Jermaine how could he do that to me I mean I know I messed up big time with Rosalyn and even though our bond weakened drastically it's not completely gone so even though it's extremely slim I still had a chance with her I could have strengthen our bond, bring it back to full strength. I know it would probably take years but I was willing to try and once she started feeling the bond she would be too then I could start winning over Alessandro when he saw that I cared about his mom, now that's all ruined thanks to my so called brother. I know father said we shouldn't go anywhere near her but I'm the alpha not him he can't tell me what to do I only said that to Jermaine to make him back off but it seems I clearly under estimated his resentment for our father he would rather go rogue than do what dad says. Now that I think about it you know what I don't care if they want to be together they can have each other their all scum beneath my feet anyway I am an alpha and I don't need her or anybody I have been running this pack by myself for years and I will continue to do so plus I have amber who is way more of an eye candy than Rosalyn will ever be plus i can take her whenever I want wherever I want what more could an alpha like myself ask for. Speaking of the devil she walks into my room moments later in a mini skirt and a tight crop top. "Hey baby what's up” she purrs seductively walking towards me swaying her hips "Hey Amber I'm actually glad your here" I say with a smirk as an idea comes to mind "And what's that babe?" She asks rubbing her arms along my shoulders "I've got an itch that needs to be scratched... Down there" I say pointing to my private area She smiled as she trailed her hands down to my pants and pulling down my zipper, she got on her knees as she pulled my member out of my pants. I groaned when she took me in her mouth taking me all in straight to the back of her throat without gagging not even once she is a pro I should know. She sucked me off vigorously as I grabbed a fistful of her hair moving her head faster and faster. I could feel myself getting closer to my release with each thrust she made, she went faster taking me deeper and deeper until I couldn't hold back anymore, my release finally came and I emptied in her mouth. She swallowed and licked me clean until there was nothing left. I lifted her to her feet then slid my hands under her skirt ripping off her underwear, I bent her over across my bed and slammed into her from behind, she screamed and moaned my name as I slid in and out of her at inhumane speed and in no time I could feel my release building up again. I thrust harder and deeper into her as she moaned beneath me I could feel her starting to tighten around me and I know she was close, she kept begging me not to stop, to go harder and faster to which I complied. I felt her tighten around me then she spilled her release all over my member I continued my assault until I couldn't hold back and I slammed in to her one last time and released myself, afterwards I walked away and headed into the bathroom to clean up with her close behind. I layed in bed after my steamy shower with amber, after I went to the bathroom she followed me, we began to shower together and I took her in the bathroom again and again until I was too tired to move she's really good at sex if nothing else that's for sure. My mind went back to the conversation Alessandro and I had about a week ago when he told me I had a developing rogue problem turns out he wasn't lying I contacted the alpha's and they told me that rogues were spotted passing through their lands but they weren't being attacked like we were they just pass through never to be seen again so it looks like they may be targeting my pack for some reason. I don't understand why though it's been so long since we had a rogue attack they only started attacking after Rosalyn and Alessandro got here maybe they were the ones they were tracking and followed them here from Italy maybe that's why he warned me because he knew, that's the only conclusion I see That son of a bitch he brought rogues to my land!!! Good thing I kicked them out and now that I think about it we haven't had an attack since they left but I'm still gonna keep an eye out rogues are unpredictable afterall and as long as I'm alpha those two will never set foot on in this pack house again. I'm actually glad Michael moved his wedding service from the lake to a church in the city so I won't have to worry about those too bringing their problems to my pack they should be lucky they're related to micheal or I'd capture them and hand them over to the rogues. Amber was asleep next to me and I felt her moving about in the bed. I looked down at her removing a strand of hair from her face, she really is beautiful. I turned to my side pulling her closer to me as I laid down, I closed my eyes inhaling her scent then drifted away into a much needed nap. Rosalyn's pov

Jermaine and I are currently on our first date and I can't help but be nervous it isn't anything extravagant as per my request but still I'm pretty nervous. We had lunch at a little diner and now we're taking a walk in central park. I held on to his hands as we walked, taking in the beauty of mother nature and enjoying each other's company, it's been a long time since I felt like this. "So Rosalyn tell me about life in Italy, what's it like” Jermaine asked "Well it's not as extravagant as yours I'm sure but it's quite lovely I have a lot of friends both human and supernatural, being the owner of a café you tend to meet alot of people. we go out on our girls night, we have our book clubs were it's just us girls although we gossip more than we read Life is pretty simple and enjoyable just the way I like it" I reply "Well that sounds really nice and peaceful unlike mine, I do go out to parties I mean I live in new York it's impossible not to party but it's really rare because most of my time is spent working I have my own company to run plus the family business that ke'shaun and I share it's really hectic but I managed to get by" he said "Wow that does sound hectic. So what kind of business do you own" "I run a telecommunications empire no offices in Italy though I might have to change that" he said with a smirk I laughed and shook my head at him he smiled at me then stopped with a serious expression on his face "What's the matter?” I asked "I just realized that you'll be leaving after your brother's wedding and we live countries apart” "Yeah I know I've been thinking about that too you have your whole life here and I have mine in Italy how are we gonna work that out" "Well maybe I will have to build that office in Italy afterall” "Quit joking around this is serious” I say "I know and I'm being serious as well I refuse to let anything keep us apart besides I have a private jet I can always visit you whenever I want until we figure out a way around this but let's leave that for another time and enjoy our date” "Yeah you're right" I replied We continued walking until we saw an ice cream cart. I literally dragged Jermaine over towards it, I love ice cream more than any other dessert out there I know it seems childish but what can I say it's what I like. After getting ice cream we started walking again until Mr greedy decides to lick my ice cream. He looked at me and smirked when he saw my expression, after which he grabbed my ice cream and ran. without thinking about the fact that we're too adults in a park I chased after him like a little kid who just got her favorite doll snatched by her annoying big brother. I chased him for quite some time until I finally caught up to him then when I was about to take back my ice cream both of them fell from his hands, he halted in surprise while I looked at both cones in shock, Jermaine hesitantly turned to look at my face I must have had a frightening expression because he then said "Rosalyn baby don't freak out ok" while slowly backing away I pounced at him as he took off running, once again I chased him until I was too tired to run we ended up laughing at the whole matter by time we stopped running however, I made him promise to buy me a tub of ice cream before we go home. After a couple more hours of talking and laughing and getting to know each other more Jermaine bought me a huge tub of ice cream then we got in his truck and he drove me back to the hotel while I teased him about how big the truck was. When we reached he walked me to my room door and we stood outside talking for a bit, I invited him inside but he said he couldn't stay as his mom wanted to see him. "So when am I gonna see you again” he asked "I should be the one asking you that I have nothing to do but sit around waiting for the wedding your the one who's always busy Mr business tycoon” I teased He laughed then said "I'll be available as long as you need me darling” His phone rang and I could here Mrs Black's voice when he answered however I tuned them out not wanting to eavesdrop on his conversation. When he was finished talking he had a angered look on his face as he said "I have to go now my dad is going crazy because he found out about us I don't want him to take his temper out on my mom so I'm gonna head over there and see what's going on" I nod then told him to be careful he replied with "always" before lifting my chin with his forefinger and placing a sweet gentle kiss on my lips before promising to call me later then walked away. I opened my door and went inside, leaning against it I sighed in content. "Well well well look who decided to finally return from their date” an unfamiliar voice said I snapped my head in its direction to see a tall man with a scar under his eye sitting on my bed "Who the hell are you" I ask getting into a fighting stance "Well have all the time in the world to get to that Rosalyn” he said I extended my claws and lunged at him he dodged me but my reaction time was quicker than his so I spun around mid strike and did a sweep kick landing him on his back then stuck my claws in his neck ripping it out. I looked at the man laying dead on the floor realizing I went a bit overboard when I saw all the blood, besides I probably should have gotten answers before i killed him. who the hell is he and why was he here? I started searching his person for any identification when I felt a sting in my neck and my body went limp. I was still conscious but I couldn't move or mind link then I saw Jermaine's father walk from behind me with a needle in his hand. That son of a bitch I thought he was at the pack house how could he be here in my room and what the hell did he inject me with He looked at the mysterious man then took out his phone and called someone, the person he was talking to sounded familiar but I couldn't fully make out the voice. I was trying to will my body to move, I grunted in frustration and he turned to look at me as the person on the phone mentioned something about Jermaine and the woods "Your still awake" the asshole sneered "She's a stubborn one isn't she" the person said "Oh my dear Rosalyn if only you had just stayed where you were none of this would be happening” I recognized the voice after that and to say I was shock wouldn't begin to cut it. Before I could do anything else I heard Jermaine's father yell "Why don't you go to sleep already you bitch" raising his foot to kick me "Alessandro help---" was all I could get out through the mind link before I felt a foot connect with my head and I was out like a light.

Jermaine's pov I rushed out of the hotel making my way to my truck, damned that old man he just has to ruin everything in my life doesn't he I had to cut my date with Rosalyn short because mom kept mind linking me the whole time saying dad's temper is getting out of control and ke'shaun needs my help to subdue him. He's an alpha for fucks sake why does he need me to help him subdue an old man I sure hope he isn't using some plot to get me away from Rosalyn or I'll kick his ass. I didn't even realize I almost pass the turn that lead to the pack house until I saw that kid Alessandro saved at the last rogue attack and his friends sitting on a bench near the paved entrance that lead to the pack house, I slowed down turning to the entrance then sped up again When I reached the pack house I hopped out of my truck and ran to the front doors, when I got inside I saw ke'shaun holding mom as she was crying. "Mom what's wrong, what happened? where's dad" I asked worriedly ke'shaun looked up at me in anger then said "where the hell were you this is all your fault we've been calling you none stop dad already left some time ago I managed to get him to go to the woods and cool off he hit mom by accident in his fit of rage” "My fault? how is this my fault everyone here knows I went on a date with Rosalyn and when mom called I took her home and headed straight here besides he's just an old man why couldn't you subdue him your an alpha and don't give me that bullshit about him hitting mom by accident we both know that was no accident” I replied I walked up to my crying mother and took her in my arms rubbing her back as she shook in fear. I was so angry at that asshole how dare he put his filthy hands on my mother I swear I will kill him. Helping mom to sit on the sofa I say to ke'shaun " it's obvious that old man and I have some issues to deal with, last I check who I dated was my business and not his where in the woods did he go” "He went towards the northern borders and don't piss him off more ok I don't care what you both do as long as he doesn't come back worst than he left and take it out on mom again you both can do as you please” ke'shaun replied I walked pass him and headed towards the northern borders following my father's scent angry and determined to find him and give him the ass whooping of a life time for hurting my mom. His scent is kind of faint for someone who's been walking around the woods only moments ago. I hasten my steps following his scent until it stopped, by the time I realize I've been walking in circles it was already too late, I heard a twig snap behind me and when I turned around I was hit in the face with a branch I groaned holding my bleeding nose, the scent of rogues filled my nostrils as I was surrounded by wolves. I was getting ready to start fighting when the man with the branch took a swing at me again, dodging it landed an upper cut on his chin he fell to the ground and I took up the branch as all the wolves lunged at me. I fought them off one by one but I was too distracted to realize the man I punched earlier hand gotten back up. By the time I saw him he already stuck a needle in my neck, suddenly my body stopped functioning and I blacked out, thoughts of my mom and Rosalyn flood my mind as darkness took over.

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