The Alpha's Rejected Heir

Chapter Chapter Twelve

Alessandro's pov

I don't know how much more of this I can take I'm officially at my wits end with these people, I know for a fact that if I don't leave soon I'll kill them all. I'm currently committing deforestation in the woods just to loose all this anger I have. That damn alpha whom I refuse to call my father is tempting me and doesn't realize he's playing with fire.

He had the nerve to reject my mother twice and that infuriating old man acting like he's all mighty and king of the world, talking about my mom isn't worthy to be his son's mate when they are the ones who aren't worthy of my mom. she is literally the strongest person I know she is my rock and I don't know what I'd do without her, which is why I refuse to let anyone hurt her however, I can't touch anyone here because I know mom wouldn't like me snapping these people's necks one by one. I was about to drop my twentieth tree when my grandfather's voice popped up in my head "Alessandro could you come to my room please I need to talk to you."

"I'll be there in five minutes grandpa I'm in the forest.”

My heart hurts every time I think about my grandpa's situation I can't believe grandma left him and to make it worst she mates with someone else and now grandpa's wolf is dying. I've been visiting him everyday when mom is busy helping aunt Genevieve with the wedding, I also asked my wolf to try and reach out to his wolf to see if he can help him like mom had said and I think it's working because grandpa can speak for longer now without coughing every other minute and my wolf told me that the reason my grandpa's wolf isn't responsive is because he's depressed and in pain.

He took most of the pain on himself so grandpa wouldn't suffer the full effects but it seemed he didn't expect the pain to be his horrible because grandpa is sick even though his wolf is taking most of the pain. I just hope he will feel better in time for the wedding so he can be there for uncle micheal and aunt Genevieve.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts I hadn't realized I reach the pack house until I heard uncle micheal called out to me with

"hey Alessandro wait up.”

"Hey uncle micheal what's up I was just gonna go see grandpa he said he wanted to talk to me." "Oh ok well I won't keep you long then because my dad isn't a patient man. I was just wondering if you were ok I know you were really angry when you went into the forest.”

"I'm fine uncle micheal I just needed to blow off some steam and I did but you should really worry about yourself than me I can smell the anger that is still rolling off of you, this must be hard for you because your stuck between your alpha and your sister plus I know you blame yourself because you invited us out here but I just wanna tell you that neither mom or I blame you for any of this so you shouldn't blame yourself either we love you uncle and we would have came wether you invited us or not" I chuckled at the end

"thank you so much Alessandro I really needed to hear that and your right I'm still about a second from losing my shit and slaughtering everyone in this pack house but I know Rosalyn would skin me alive if I did."

"Now that is definitely true” I agreed while laughing.

I continued my journey up the stairs to grandpa's room after talking to uncle micheal and I was surprised to see him sitting up straight.

"Hey grandpa how are you feeling?" I asked happy that he's at least able to move.

"honestly Alessandro i feel a lot better than I've ever felt before since your, micheal, Genevieve and Rosalyn's wolves have been reaching out to my wolf and helping us out of our depression and easing our pain I'm truly thankful for what you guys have done for me and now I'm able to at least sit up by myself, I know it's not much but it's progress.” He replied happily

"it's no problem grandpa we'll do anything for you and being able to sit up by yourself is a great amount of progress in such a short time I'm proud of you grandpa” I told him as I hugged him

"so is your progress what you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked taking a seat at the end of his bed.

His face fell instantly when I asked that and he responded with "No Alessandro I wanted to talk to you about what's been going on with Rosalyn and the alpha. I know you guys didn't want to tell me about the fact that he was the one who rejected my baby girl and how he's been treating her since she came back but this pack is filled with a lot of gossipers so I've known what's been going on for a while now. I also heard what happened today with the alpha’s father and I want to thank you for not ripping his head off infront his wife and kids because I could feel your anger from all the way up here as well as your mother's” He told me looking seriously

"I know it's been hard since you guys have been here and the alpha and his dad are both assholes so please don't let them draw out your anger Alessandro because you and I both know what could happen if you loose control”

"l know grandpa and am trying so hard to keep it together but they just make me so angry all the time and I'm sorry we didn't tell you what was going on we just didn't want you to worry because your sick. Also, I promise I'll keep it together and tough it out until the wedding" I say while giving him a long hug.

We talked for a while then I went and cooked some dinner. I gave some to aunt Genevieve, uncle micheal and placed mom's own in the fridge. I made sure to write her name on it in Italian because I know she would smile when she sees it. I brought mine and grandpa's dinner up to his room and we ate in comfortable silence. After some time I heard mom contact me through our mind link

"Mi bambino are you ok I haven't seen you since you went to the woods"

"I'm fine mom am with grandpa we're having dinner, I left some for you in the fridge in a blue container with your name written on it." I replied

"ok thank you my baby boy I love you.

"1 love you to mom" I told her before she cut off the mind link.

After having dinner I left to take a shower as did grandpa, I was on my way back to grandpa's room when i smelt the most rancid stench which was followed by a loud growl. Alpha dumbass then started yelling orders to his pack members. I could see women children and elderly making their way to the safe room and I instantly realized it was a rogue attack and not a drill assuming they have drills here.

I rushed to grandpa's room to find two omegas helping him out of his room to safety. I assisted them to the safe room with my grandpa and after making sure he was secure along with aunt Genevieve, and had everything he needed I left to find my mom. I walked into the kitchen to see my mom sitting at the counter like she had no clue what was going on around her.

I laughed to myself because I knew why she was doing that. You see my mom isn't the type of person to rush into a fight unless necessary but she also doesn't run and hide when a fight breaks out either because she's badass and she knows it, so i wasn't surprised to see her sitting on a stool nonchalantly. I walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek before saying

"hey momma what's up you ok?"

She replied with "am ok baby is your grandfather secured in the safe room?"

"Yes ma'am” I answered

"and before you ask the safe room is up to standard so you don't have to worry about him I checked it myself."

"Good to know" she told me smiling.

Our conversation was interrupted by alpha dumbass when he saw us sitting in the kitchen talking away as if weren't in the middle of a rogue attack.

"What the hell are you two doing here? You should be in the safe room"

"Excuse me?" mom asked with her eye brows raised

Oh oh this won't end well

"Last I check safe houses are for people who can't defend themselves so why in god's name would I go there?"

"Look Rosalyn I don't have time for this ok the rogues are advancing towards the pack house and I'm just making rounds to make sure all my pack members are safe” he says rolling his eyes

What an ass

"Good so carry on with your check because last i checked we weren't apart of your pack and we can take care of ourselves" my mom retorted

"oh really then if your so great at fighting then why aren't you outside helping with the rogues?" He asks smugly

Mom laughed while saying "well alpha the last we spoke we both agreed I wouldn't get involved in your pack business so I'm doing exactly that" instantly shutting him up.

I laughed when I saw he had no comeback just to piss him off. He growled and walked away from me and mom laughing our faces off, mom then says

"come on let's go help your uncle out, besides I need to release some of my pent up anger and so do you"

I nodded following her because she was right we both needed to get rid of some of our anger. Once out side we could see at the forest line warriors fighting off rogues from all angles trying to keep them from reaching the pack house. Suddenly a big black wolf about a couple inches taller than me ran pass us charging full speed into the fight and started ripping rogues apart. I rolled my eyes because I knew it was alpha dumbass, our wolves were similar except mine had white stripes on my back and belly and on the tips of my ears and on my paws.

I scanned the battle field in search of uncle micheal and saw him fighting off three rogues at once with ease, well he's not the beta for nothing. then my eyes caught two rogues ganging up on a boy that looks around the same age as me, I quickly ran towards him and pulled out my pocket knife and slid under the wolf that was holding down the boy's legs and stuck the knife in its neck and left him to bleed out. I then snapped the neck of the second rogue before he could bite the boy. The boy looked at me with wide eyes probably wondering how I could snap a Wolf's neck with my bare hands like it was nothing. I pulled him up then ran further into the battlefield while shifting so my wolf could have some fun.

I had lost count of the amount of rogues I had killed by time the battle was over and my fur was sticky and stained with blood. I spotted my mom and ran towards her, I nudged her leg when I reached close enough so she would know it's me. She looked at me with wide eyes when she saw my fur then shook her head at me while laughing. She stopped at a tree and took out shorts and handed to me so I could shift. I threw on the shorts and walked back towards her and I could see that she never shifted because she was in the same clothes she left the house in however her clothes and nails and close were covered in dried blood.

The pack members were giving us weird looks as we passed probably because they saw the gruesome ways we killed the wolves in plus we were covered in blood and talking and laughing like nothing just happened. I called out to uncle micheal when I saw him at the pack house doors; his eyes went as big as saucers when he saw us and mom and I instantly burst out laughing when we saw his reaction, every head immediately turned towards us some staring in confusion and others in disgust. I decided to ignore them because i could care less what any of them think and walked up to uncle micheal still laughing.

"Why are you guys covered in so much blood did you guys actually fight or took a bath in blood?" He asked looking us up and down

"well I have an excuse for my appearance my wolf wanted to release his pent up anger and kinda went too far so technically its his fault mom however, has no alibi because she never shifted" I said pointing at my mom.

She looked at me amused and faked gasp while saying "I did shift"

I rose my eyebrows at her and pointed at her clothes and burst out laughing with uncle micheal when she mumbled


Everyone was out the safe room and going back about their businesses by time I showered and came back downstairs after checking on grandpa and aunt Genevieve. I saw the boy I had helped out earlier and he waved me over when he saw me. I was hesitant to go over seeing as I don't have the best track record since being here and his friends looked like stuck up snotty little brats but I decided to go over anyway seeing as It would be rude to walk away when he called me plus mom always say you can't judge a book by it's cover.

"Hey am Alessandro how are you?" I asked when I reached over to him

"I'm Nicholas and I know who you are, also I'm good all thanks to you, I was just telling my friends how you saved my life and how you took out those rogues like it was nothing" he replied smiling at me

"ah it was nothing really, no thanks necessary and as for the wolves you can do that too you just have to train hard" I told him truthfully

"yeah but I watched you through out the other fights and you gotta tell me who taught you all those kick ass moves dude you were like a ninja assassin out there" he said beaming at me

I chuckled at his antics and said "my mom was the one who taught me how to fight"

His eyes went wide in disbelief when I answered him and all of a sudden everyone looked at me in disbelief. A blonde guy sitting at the end of the bench turned to me with a disgusted expression and said

"isn't your mom that hefer claiming to be the alpha's mate so she can come between amber and the alpha because she wants to become the luna of our pack?”

As soon as he uttered those words he was pinned to the ground with my foot pressing against his trachea. When everyone at the table gasped was when I realized I acted so fast I didn't even realize what I was doing. I sighed in exhaustion and annoyance as I ran my hand through my hair

Here we go again

I thought to myself as I looked down at the boy beneath my feet who looks as if he's about to soil himself.

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