The Alpha's Progeny [The Alpha's #3]

Chapter 17


He had no idea what he was supposed to do in a situation like this. What was he supposed to do? Pick up a book?

Well, Malik wasn’t exactly sure but he didn’t see any harm in trying. For that reason, he found himself in the pack library as soon as he finished up the conversation with his dad.

He wasn’t exactly sure what he was looking for but surely there had to be some information in here somewhere!

I doubt we’ll be able to find anything, his wolf murmured in a slightly dejected tone. It’s not like there’s just going to be a book lying about which contradicts everything that we’ve ever know.

You never know, Malik shot back at the creature, not appreciative of all the negativity. We won’t know if we don’t try.

His wolf didn’t reply. Instead, he retreated to a corner of his mind, allowing the human to do all the nitty gritty.

It wasn’t often that Malik ventured into the library, mostly because he was busy doing other stuff instead of reading. Mostly training and helping out with the pack work but as his dad had pretty much taken away those responsibilities from him.

When he walked in to find the place empty – other than dust which littered every wall and surface – Malik wasn’t all that surprised. He had never seen anyone around here walking around with a book and those that were caught reading, it was usually teens and their compulsory reading for high school. Even then, he was certain that most of them didn’t read the entire text.

Unable to remember the last time he had stepped foot in the library, it took him a while to manoeuvre himself around the room but finally, he was able to locate a few books which looked rather promising from the outside.

Pushing off the top layer of dust, he began with the first book on the top of the stack. He flipped through the pages mindlessly until he came across a passage which caught his attention.

Lord Erebus is often used to personify darkness; the first recorded instance of it was the place of darkness between Earth and Hades. He is also one of the first five beings of existence; the Moon Goddess being the first.

Malik read further ahead but felt like he was reading a biography. Information ranged from how he created the first two werewolves to have ever existed – Lycans. It stopped briefly to explain how the Moon Goddess grew red with angry and green with envy until finally, she had overthrown Lord Erebus and taken over his creation.

That’s not anything new, his wolf murmured.

Malik hummed in agreement. I feel like I’m reading a history textbook.

Look at the title, his wolf snorted.

A look into the rise of Lord Erebus.

Malik snorted at that, too. He should have known better than a book with that particular title to speak anything but praise of the deity.

He rifled through a few more books but they all seemed to reiterate over the same thing.

All these books make him sound like a hero.

Like a God, Malik murmured. Not an actual God. But Godly in everything that he did.

I get what you mean but none of this is adding up. After everything that we heard dad and his secret circle of wolves talking about, nothing is making sense.

None of these books mention Lord Erebus being locked up, he frowned. But it keeps mentioning that the Moon Goddess and Erebus never got along.

They make it sound like they hate each other.

So, who’s lying? Malik questioned quietly. Let’s say Lord Erebus is really locked away, who was the one to lock him away?

The Moon Goddess is sounding like a good shout, his wolf answered. So, let’s say she did lock him away…why would she do that? Surely, it can’t just be because she’s jealous of him for creating the first ever werewolves.

I would imagine it’s something to be jealous over but if that’s the case, why are we only doing something now? Why didn’t we do something about this hundreds of years ago, or earlier than that?

I don’t know, his wolf frowned. All of this is so confusing. It just doesn’t make sense.

We don’t have enough information, Malik hated to agree. We won’t know if Lord Erebus is truly in the right here and it’s the Moon Goddess that ahs wronged him until we find out more about what’s going on. And regardless of whether Lord Erebus is locked away or not, why are we trying to raise him? Why does he need our help? Why can’t he do it himself?

I have no idea.

Malik sighed. Even though he wasn’t hopeful of finding in his remaining stack of books, he forced himself to skim through it just in case there was anything valuable. But alas, it was the same brainwashing material.

When he could nothing but the same brainwashing material only rearranged in different words, he gave up with the books and headed up to his room to surf the net instead. He didn’t have high hopes but by this point, there wasn’t much else he could turn to for information.

Actually, he had thought that he would find the same information as he did in the library books and what he was taught growing up but instead, he found something far more interesting.

Among all the sites that praised Lord Erebus for all that he had done, simultaneously cursing the Moon Goddess for various different things, Malik found several blocked website.

The Truth about Lord Erebus.

Lord Erebus vs The Moon Goddess.

How Lord Erebus over the Moon Goddess.

He tried to click on each of those links but found all of them to be blocked.

Something fishy is definitely going on, his wolf whistled under his breath.

You think? Malik snorted as he closed his laptop, officially giving in after hitting yet another dead end.

As he was unable to access this information from his own pack, he would just have to do so elsewhere. It was just too bad he wouldn’t be able to return to the Lupum Griseo pack for another two weeks without raising any eyebrows.


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Layla Knight


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