The Alpha's Prize

Chapter 4: It's time

I gasped and stumbled back a bit; no, this can't be possible; that monster cannot be my mate.

I shook my head furiously. “No, that's not possible, I refuse to believe that, and even if it is true, I will not go with him,” I said firmly.

Dad ground his teeth. “I don't like this any more than you do, but Alpha Cain has made it clear that he wants you. He informed me that if you go with him, he will end the war and sign a peace treaty between the packs.” He looked to be pained saying this.

“No, I won't do it, dad! I will not go with him!” Anger was flowing through me now, like a never- ending river.

Dad pinched the bridge of his nose. “Freja, you need to understand the situation. Alpha Cain has made it crystal clear that he will come and destroy the pack if you do not go with him. Leaving no one and nothing behind, and then he will take you by force. Either way, he will get what he wants.” He replied, raising his voice.

“So, then we fight, we recruit other packs to stand up and fight with us. I won't go with him; you can't make me do this, dad.” I was almost pleading with him at this point; going with that man would mean the end of me.

He stood to his feet and slammed his fists on his desk, causing the wood to crack a bit. “Freja, you have no choice; I have no choice. Do you truly want to sacrifice the lives of all our pack members? Because I will not.” He boomed at me.

His tone and the height of his voice made me take a step back; he had never yelled at me like this before. I remained where I stood, shock taking hold of me. I couldnt comprehend the reality of this situation and that my own father was just going to hand me over to that monster without fighting. He sat back down in his chair, sighing heavily. “He will be here within the hour to retrieve you. I suggest you pack quickly and say your goodbyes to everyone.”

Tears began to form in my eyes, and my lip quivered. Finally, I didn't say anything else to him, just stormed out of his office. I couldn't look at him anymore or be near him. I was so furious, confused and mostly scared of what the future held for me.

As I exited his office, everyone stood there with a remorseful look plastered on their faces. I stood there for a minute, just staring at them, a million thoughts going through my mind. All I could think about was that this might be the last time I saw them; I was being taken away from my family, from the ones I loved and cared for, being taken away from them by a fucking monster. I felt like I couldn't breathe, my head was spinning, my chest ached with so much pain.

I needed to gather my thoughts; I needed to take a moment and breathe. So, without wasting another minute, I spun around and headed for the back door. I could hear everyone behind me calling my name as I exited through the door and beelined it for the woods. The forest was my sanctuary; something about the trees, the smells, the peacefulness, brought me such tranquillity; it was the place I always came to when I needed to be alone.

As I entered the forest, I began to run. The leaves crunched under my feet, and the smell of the damp forest floor engulfed my nose. The branches from the trees brushed against my skin, and the moon shined down, illuminating my path.

As I furthered into the forest, I began to slow down, my lungs now burning. I then came to a stop, collapsing to the ground. I stared up at the moon and stars that littered the sky with their beauty. I sat there wondering why the Moon Goddess would bestow me with such a fate, why she would allow this to be my destiny. Angry tears began to pool in my eyes as the realization of everything hit me.

As I continued to sit there, I heard the sound of crunching leaves coming from behind me, and I didn't want to see or talk to anyone right now. So I picked myself up and began to jog away, hoping to avoid whoever was looking for me. But as I started to distance myself from them, I heard a familiar and unwelcome voice stopping me in my tracks.

“Now, now, my love. I wouldn't run if I were you; it will only make things harder for yourself. But if you truly want to, that's fine by me. I love a good game of hide and seek.” He said in a menacing tone.

I stood there frozen in my spot, debating on what to do. Finally, I thought to myself; If I just keep running, I may have a chance of escaping him, of escaping my future. But if I do, then that puts everyone I love in danger. I didn't know what the fuck to do. My internal battle continued for a second more before my instincts took over, as I heard him closing the distance between us, and I began to run from the monster that was hunting me.

I ran deeper into the forest; the moonlight faded, and darkness was enveloping me. The forest was dead silent now, except for the sound of our feet lightly hitting the forest floor. Then, finally, I spotted a fallen tree that was now overgrown with moss and vines. I dashed towards the tree and burrowed myself into it in an attempt to hide from him.

I lay there, attempting to slow my breathing, to slow my escalating heart rate so that I could listen closely to my surroundings. Nothing, it was now eerily quiet, and that frightened me even more. Just then, I heard the echoing crack of a breaking branch and another and another, each one growing louder than the last. I knew that Cain was close now.

“You know I can smell you, right? The scent of your fear is all I need to follow to find you, my dear,” He said in an ominous tone.

His voice was so close; he could be right on top of me for all I knew. I tried my absolute best to calm my nerves and gather myself, reminding myself of who I was. I am a fucking warrior; I've battled with the best of them and come out on top; anything that has come my way, I fought with courage and strength. But yet, this man scared the shit out of me for so many reasons, some I couldn't understand.

With my fear subsiding, I was now becoming furious. Angry with myself for hiding, mad that Cain was taking me from my family, and the fact that he was hunting me like I was his fucking dinner. Pushing all my feelings aside, I decided to do something that I would probably regret. I slowly climbed out of my little hidey-hole, carefully observing my surroundings and looking around for Cain. Then, as I rose to my feet, I stood there silently, listening for him and scanning the area for his presence.

Suddenly, the tiny hairs on the back of my neck rose in alertness. “Boo,” Cain whispered in my ear so quietly, so unnervingly, I jumped a little and attempted to run, but his large muscular arms wrapped around me. He pulled me back and into his hard chest, knocking the wind out of me for a moment. As I was about to scream, when one of his hands came up and wrapped firmly around my throat; he tilted my head back, bringing his lips to my ear and causing an electric shudder to course through me; holy fuck, why am I so turned on right now, what is wrong with me?

He brushed his lips against my ear ever so gently and whispered, “I always win at hide and seek, baby. But as fun as this has been, I am becoming bored and irritated at your games; we have quite the journey back to my territory. So now, you can either be a good girl and come with me willingly, and I will allow you to say your goodbyes, or I can take you by force, which I promise you will not enjoy, and you will not be allowed to say goodbye to your family. So, my love, what is your choice?” I closed my eyes, weighing my options. I knew I couldn't run, as the consequences would be dire for my family and myself. But, on the other hand, I knew what I needed to do, I needed to go with him willingly, as much as my wolf and I hated the idea, but we both wanted to say goodbye to our family.

Cain slightly released me from his hold before spinning me around to face him, gripping my arms and holding me close to him. I glared at him with hatred, and my wolf growled, causing him to smirk at me and before raising an eyebrow as he waited for my answer. I tried to release myself, but he just pulled me closer.

I huffed loudly with frustration. “Fine! You win, asshole. I will come with you willingly.” I finally answered him through gritted teeth, giving him what he wanted, but now rage was the only emotion coursing through me.

He chuckled. “Good girl, a wise decision.”

I tried once again to release myself from his hold, but he only gripped my arms tighter, narrowed his eyes and gave me a deadly glare. Finally, he brought a hand up and tightly gripped my throat, restricting my breathing just a bit.

“I will warn you now and only once, my love, I will not tolerate any form of disobedience, sass or backtalk. So, it is wise for you to watch that pretty little mouth of yours because I have no problem with breaking that defiant streak of yours by crushing you, your spirit and your wolf. Do I make myself clear?” His tone was deadly and frightening.

I didn't reply, not that I couldn't, but I knew if I responded with words, I wouldn't be able to control what came out and right now, I didn’t want to push my luck, as I wanted to say goodbye to my family. So, begrudgingly, I just nodded in understanding.

He released my throat from his grip and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, which threw me off. No more than a second ago, he appeared as though he was going to kill me, and now, he was being so gentle, this man was fucked in the head.

I pulled back from him and tried to release my arm, he hesitated for a second, staring at me like he wasn't sure if I would run or not, but he let me go finally. I straightened my clothes and looked at him with nothing but venom and hatred. He raised a hand and motioned for me to go first, and I did so without hesitating.

We began walking back towards the house; I walked with my head held high and felt defeated. I wanted to run as far as I could away from this monster, but I knew if I did, it would endanger everyone, especially my family, and that was something I would never do. He walked behind me, and I could feel his gaze burning a hole in the back of my head.

We were nearing the house, and I could hear the sound of everyone's voices now. I stopped in my tracks as the realization hit me that this may very well be the last time I see them or talk to them. My throat began to tighten, and my eyes started to burn as tears threatened to spill out.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, willing myself not to cry. As I stood there attempting to gather myself, I suddenly felt Cain's hand on the small of my back, ushering me to continue. I flinched at the contact and continued walking, but Cain grabbed my arm before I reached the back entrance. “I will be out front by the car; when you are finished, we will leave. Take your time saying your goodbyes, but don't drag it out, as I would like to get going, understood?” His tone was now a little more gentle but still had a hint of authority.

I didn't look at him, as I couldnt bring myself to do it, I was so angry with him, and I wasn't sure if I wouldn't rip his face off or not. So, I just replied with an “"Mmhmm.”

I stepped forward towards the door, but he pulled me back and tightened his grip on my arm. “I'm sorry, what was that? Didn't hear you?” Cain was now agitated with me and my behaviour; that much was very clear.

I still didn’t turn around to face him; I clenched my fists and inhaled deeply through my nose. “Yes, sir,” I replied through gritted teeth.

He closed what little distance there was between us and brushed his soft lips against my cheek “Good girl.” Cain said, so sweetly, so seductively, that it sent shivers through my entire body. He finally let me go, and I entered the house.

I entered the house and could hear everyone talking near the front of the house, so I followed the voices. As I neared the living room, everyone went silent and turned to face me; they all jumped from their positions and came to my side.

“Are you alright, sweetheart?” Mom asked, worry lacing her voice.

“Yes, mom, I'm fine,” I replied with a smile. I honestly didn't want to stress her out or worry her.

I looked around at everyone, but it was only mom, Gunnar and Adela in the living room and dad must still be in his office, but where is Erik? I thought to myself.

“Mom, where is Erik?" I asked her.

She sighed heavily. “I'm sorry, honey, it was too much for Erik, and he left.” She informed me.

I peered down at the floor, and my chest began to tighten. I couldn't believe Erik left without saying goodbye; that hurt. I took in a deep breath and rubbed my face with my hands.

"Alpha Cain is here; he is waiting outside for me to take me......back to his territory. I just came in to say goodbye to everyone.” I said as my voice cracked with sadness.

Mom began to cry and whimper; then, she engulfed me in a tight, comforting hug.

“Everything will be alright, sweetheart; I'm sure he will allow you to visit or us to visit you.” She was trying to reassure me of things and make me feel better about the whole situation. I loved her even more for that because we both knew I was fucked!

I looked at Adela and reached out to hug her. She began sobbing silently, and I rubbed her back, trying to comfort her.

“It's ok, Adela, I'll be fine,” I said, trying to reassure her.

“I know you will be; it just isn't fair,” She replied between sobs.

I pulled back from her and wiped her tears away before kissing her forehead, but she continued sobbing and then left the living room.

I turned towards Gunnar, and my lip quivered. Even though he and I didn't always see eye to eye, he was my big brother, my gigantic pain in the ass, and I loved him for it.

He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tightly as he rested his chin on the top of my head.

“I know this whole situation is unfortunate, but just remember everything that I've taught you. You are a strong, fierce and independent woman Freja; you will get through this.” He whispered to me, and I held onto those words.

I couldn't conjure up anything to say, as his words brought me to tears, all I could do was shake my head, not wanting any of this to be reality. Then, finally, he pulled back, wiped my tears away and smiled.

I took in a deep breath and calmed myself. “Is dad in his office?” I asked both of them. They nodded in unison. “I should go say goodbye to him.”

I turned away from them and made my way towards his office. As I got closer, I remembered our last words, and I refused to let that be our last conversation. I needed to make amends with him before leaving, as I didn't know if this would be the last time I saw him or not.

I reached for the door handle and attempted to turn it, but it was locked. I knocked on the large wooden door, nothing. I struck again, still nothing. Feeling a bit heartbroken, I turned away from the door; maybe dad didn’t want to see me, perhaps he didnt want to say goodbye; my chest began to tighten, even more, first Erik, now dad. As much as I protested, the tears escaped once again. I looked over at mom and Gunnar, shaking my head; mom tilted her head and gave me an apologetic look; Gunnar just clenched his jaw, clearly angry with our father.

“Well, I guess I should get going, Cain is out there waiting for me, and I don't want him to come in here to get me. I love you guys so much and will do my best to stay in contact.” No matter what it took, I would see them again, and I would return home.

"I packed you a bag, sweetheart; it's by the front door.” Mom pointed towards the bag that lay next to the door.

“Thank you, mom; I appreciate that.” I smiled in appreciation, mainly because I hadn't done that myself yet.

I gave them one last hug before making my way towards the door. I grabbed the bag by the door and was just about to reach for the door handle when I heard dad's office door open. I turned around, and there he stood; his eyes were bloodshot, cheeks flushed, it was evident that he had been crying and was clearly distressed.

I rushed over to him, and he embraced me in a desperate hug, one that held so much emotion, it was overwhelming.

“I'm so sorry, my little girl. I'm sorry that there isn't more that I could do to help get you out of this situation. Please know if I could have done something, I would do it in a heartbeat. I would sacrifice my own life to get you out of this.” He said with heartbreak in his voice.

“I know, dad, I know, and it's ok. I'll be fine.” I assured him, not wanting him to feel guilty.

He pulled back and looked me in the eyes. “As much as I hate saying this, be a good girl, do as he says and please for the love of Selene, try your best to yourself.”

I cocked an eyebrow at him. “Now that, I can't promise, dad,” I smirked.

He chuckled and hugged me again, squeezing me tightly.

“You should get going; you don’t want to make him wait any longer.” He clenched his jaw tightly with his last statement.

I sighed and nodded in agreement; I didn't know what he would do if he became severely irritated waiting for me to come out.

I walked back towards the front door, bent down, picked up my bag again, and tossed it over my shoulder. Then, looking back once more, I smiled. “I love you guys, and I will see you all again,” I said with conviction.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath as I opened the door; with one last glance at my family, I closed the door behind me, leaving my home and my family behind. I took a moment to gather myself, not wanting Cain to see me in such a broken state. Then, with my head held high, I turned to face the monster I was stuck with for the rest of my life.

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