The Alpha’s Pen Pal (Crescent Lake Book 1)

The Alpha’s Pen Pal: Chapter 60

“Haven! Oh my goodness, you’re all right! I was so worried.”

A head of blonde hair raced towards me down the hall as I exited the office with Nolan and Reid right behind me. Imogen’s body slammed into mine, and she hugged me tightly.

“Imogen? What are you doing here?” I asked, my eyes widening as I returned her hug. Maya came down the hall as well, and I smiled at her over Imogen’s shoulder.

“That girl Sarina drove us here the other night after you were attacked, and Sebastian brought you here,” she said. “Are you okay?” she asked as she pulled back to look at me.

“I’m okay, I guess. Yeah.” I shrugged.

“How’d you heal so quickly?” Imogen looked around at Nolan and Reid and then at Maya. “Are you… are you one of them too?”

“She knows?” I asked, glancing at Nolan.

“I saw him as a wolf,” she said, pointing at Nolan, “and then Ramón kindly explained everything to me when I panicked, thinking Nolan was the one who bit you.”

“She had to sign a contract spelled by a witch to never reveal what she knows about us to anyone who doesn’t already know about us,” Nolan explained.

“It was either that or have my memory wiped, and that didn’t sound very safe or fun, so I chose secret keeping instead!” Imogen said.

“Well, I’m not one of them,” I replied. “The doctor confirmed that I am one hundred percent human, just like I knew I was. And I won’t turn into one,” I added, anticipating her next question. “Why haven’t you gone home yet, though?”

“Well, they wanted to ask me some questions about what happened that night. And then I had to sign that magical contract. Plus, Mr. Stone isn’t letting me leave until they find the wolf who attacked you,” Imogen rushed out. “But that means we can have girl time!”

“Ooh, yes, we can go back to your place,” Maya said, clapping her hands. “Your clothes just came in since I made Wes pay extra for overnight shipping.” She looked at Nolan and Reid. “The boxes are in the packhouse entry. Can you grab them and bring them to Wes and Haven’s?”

“My… clothes?” I asked, my brow furrowing.

“Yes,” Maya said, linking her arm through mine and leading me towards the door. Reid and Nolan went to grab the boxes, and Imogen fell into step behind us. “Your mate had me order you basically an entire new wardrobe—clothes, shoes, dancewear—everything.”

I pursed my lips together to keep in the groan threatening to escape me at that information. Part of me loved that he thought about making sure I had clothing and whatever else I needed in our house. The other part of me hated that he’d spent so much money on me. Not just on the clothes, but to get them there so quickly. I would have been fine with what Reid had brought for at least a few more days.

“Don’t even try to turn down this gift from him!” Maya warned. “I worked my ass off, hunched over Wesley’s laptop all damn day yesterday, ordering this stuff for you while he built you that delightful dance studio.”

“He built you a dance studio?” Imogen asked, and I nodded. “Oh, my god, that is the most adorable thing I have ever heard. Please show me?”

“I thought you were team ‘Wesley sucks?’”

“That was Friday Imogen. Now it’s Sunday, and I am a new woman,” she said as we walked into the house. “Also, they explained the whole ‘soulmates’ thing to me and the pen pal thing in more detail, and now I’m definitely team Haveley.”

Maya snorted, and I wrinkled my brow. “Team Haveley?”

“Yeah, Haven and Wesley combined makes Haveley. Hashtag Haveley forever!” Imogen exclaimed. “That’s going to be your wedding tag. I’ve decided.”

“We’re not getting married, Imogen!”

“The way Reid explained it, you basically already are in their eyes.” She shrugged. “Now, show me this dance studio.”

“I’ll be in your room,” Maya called after us as I led Imogen down the hall.

I opened the door to my studio, and Imogen walked in, her eyes examining everything in that critical way of hers. Not because she was rude, but because she was a detail-oriented person. Because, like me, she needed to absorb even the smallest detail before making a judgment or stating her opinion.

That was probably why we didn’t get along well at first. We were too much alike. Too closed off, too focused on our careers, too hypercritical of ourselves to let others in. And our standoffish ways made others think we were unapproachable.

But I realized I needed to stop shutting everyone out. Not everyone was out to get me, to hurt me. Not these people surrounding me at Crescent Lake, at least.

Imogen walked over to the frames on the wall and looked at each one, then turned to the mirrors and laughed. “He’s going to put a real mirror there,” I said. “This is just temporary.”

“No, it’s perfect. It’s so thoughtful of him to put a bunch of mirrors there until the actual wall mirror can be installed.” She sighed and turned in place, looking at the room one more time. “I want a werewolf soulmate!” she whined, her bottom lip sticking out.

I just giggled, and I heard Maya laughing down the hall as well. “I thought you weren’t a one-man woman?” Maya yelled.

“I’d turn into one if he was a sexy werewolf who made me a dance studio in his house ’cause I was mad at him!” Imogen called back. “Not your sexy werewolf,” she clarified, looking at me. “I have no intention of trying to steal him from you. You two are clearly meant for each other. Anyone can see that.”

“Except Reid, apparently,” Nolan said as they walked down the hall with two boxes each in their arms.

“Never going to let me live this one down, are you?” Reid grumbled.

“Not until the next time you lose one of Seb’s bets,” Maddie answered from behind him, her arms also full of packages.

“We only have one bet left, and I’m never losing that one,” he said.

“And what’s that bet?” she asked.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he answered, smirking at Maddie over his shoulder.

“Duh, that’s why I asked, dickhead,” she replied with a roll of her eyes.

“Well, it’s a good thing he built you this studio. You’ll need a place to rehearse and condition,” Imogen continued as the three of them disappeared into the bedroom, and we heard the boxes being opened.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Since you won’t be at rehearsals? Or classes?”

I blinked at her. “I’m sorry, what?”

“Oh. Um…” She glanced over my shoulder, and I turned to see Nolan standing there, leaning against the doorframe.

“Wes should really be the one to talk to you about all this, but he doesn’t even know yet,” he sighed. “We met with Alpha Harrison and Peter. They agreed you’ll need to stay here in our territory and not go to the city for rehearsals.”

“Until they catch Lennox,” I said with a nod. “That makes sense,” I told him. “It sucks, but I get it. They want me to be safe.” Nolan just stared at me, and Imogen looked at her feet as she did some impromptu tendús. “That’s not what you mean, though, is it?” I asked.

“No,” he sighed and rubbed his head. “It’s not just keeping you safe while Lennox is on the loose. The other alpha is still out there too—the one we were trying to incriminate—”

“Tiny Tim,” Maddie said as she walked around Nolan.

“What?” he asked, frowning at her.

“Tiny Tim. I figured with all his big talk and showboating and everything, he must have a tiny dick he’s trying to compensate for,” she told him.

Nolan lifted his eyes to the ceiling and muttered, “Goddess, help her mate.” Then looked back at me. “Anyway, he’s still out there somewhere, too. But the biggest issue is your healing.”

“But I’m healed,” I said, my hand moving to my scars.

“Exactly,” Maddie nodded. “You shouldn’t be healed yet. The company all knows about the attack, because nothing is a secret ever, and if you show up at rehearsal tomorrow with only a few scars, well. They’ll be suspicious,” she explained, glancing at the scars on my neck and taking my hand.

I swallowed against the tightening in my throat but nodded. “Of course,” I whispered. “That makes sense.”

Because it did make sense. I hated to admit that they were right, but they were. It would be suspicious for me to show up to rehearsal already healed after an extensive injury like I’d had. Too many people would ask too many questions.

“You need to make it seem as though I’m still healing. Still in the hospital,” I continued. “But if I can’t go to rehearsals, then I won’t be able to be in the next ballet. In The Nutcracker,” I added.

Nolan shook his head. “I’m sorry, Luna.”

I blew out a breath and didn’t even bother to correct him for using my title instead of my name. “It’s fine. I’m fine,” I told them, even though I wasn’t. “I understand.”

I squeezed Maddie’s hand and gave Imogen a weak smile. “I’m going to go help Maya with my clothes,” I said.

I walked into our room just as Reid said, “Oh shit. Nope. No. I am not touching anything in THAT box. I enjoy being alive.”

“Why not?” Maddie asked, rushing around me to peek inside of it. “Oh, this is the fun box!” she declared.

“I’m out. Bye, Haven, I’ll see you later,” he said, lifting his hand in a wave as he scurried out the door. “Come on, Nolan, let’s see if Wes has any cookies today.”

“Why is that the fun box?” I asked, walking over to Maddie.

“Because of this!” she exclaimed, lifting out a piece of black lace lingerie.

My cheeks turned bright red, and I snatched it out of her hands and hid it behind my back.

“Maddie!” Maya scolded, and I could hear Imogen giggling behind me.

“What? I’m not stupid. I know what mates do.” She shrugged. “I mean, no, I don’t want to think about my brother seeing his mate in these, but I can also admit that Haven would look fucking hot in any of them,” she added as she continued to dig through the box.

“Please stop,” I groaned, grabbing the box from her and taking it into the closet, where I set it on the ottoman in the center of the large space. “Why did you buy these?” I directed at Maya.

“Because, like Maddie said, you’ll look fucking hot in them,” she said with a smile as she continued organizing the clothes in the closet. “Wesley will go crazy and won’t be able to keep his hands off you.”

“I don’t think that’s a problem she needs to worry about!” Maddie called from the bedroom. “But the lingerie will still be a hit!”

Maya shook her head and pulled out a small box. “Here,” she said, handing it to me. “It’s just something small. Something to put on your bracelet.” I opened the box, and nestled inside was a tiny, rose gold crescent moon charm, with Swarovski crystals embedded into the curve. “It’s because you’ll be the Crescent Lake luna,” Maya said.

“It’s beautiful,” I told her, looking at her with a smile. “Thank you,” I added, taking her hand and squeezing it.

“Of course!” she said. “You’re my best friend, and I can’t wait for you to be our luna. And you better let me design your gown if you have a wedding.”

“I don’t know if we will, but if we do, I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I replied, giving her a hug. “Just no glitter.”

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