The Alpha’s Pen Pal (Crescent Lake Book 1)

The Alpha’s Pen Pal: Chapter 36

At some point between the kiss at the pier and us getting ready to settle in to sleep for the night, I realized that spending the night in a tent with Haven was a terrible idea.

Especially once I found out there was only one sleeping bag in my truck.

I didn’t know if Seb removed the other one I could have sworn was in there or if there was, in fact, only one in there in the first place, but that didn’t matter. What mattered was there was only one, and there were two of us.

Well, it actually didn’t matter. I could sleep without the bag—the temperature wasn’t cold enough to affect me. But, I had to keep up pretenses, and that meant acting as though I needed a sleeping bag.

As I came back into the tent with our bag of extra clothes, the camping pad, and the one sleeping bag and pillow, the second reason it was a bad idea reared its ugly head at me in the form of Haven’s words.

“I don’t have anything to wear to sleep in,” she muttered as I put the pad and pillow on the floor, her cheeks turning pink.

I stopped my movements and stared at her, my throat closing up. What was she trying to imply? Was she saying she was going to sleep naked?

Images of just that flashed in my mind’s eye, too fast to catch a clear picture of, but each snippet enough to feed the growing desire in my soul. And my pants.

“Wha-What?” I stammered, shaking my head to clear my thoughts.

“I don’t have any pajamas,” she said with a nervous laugh.

“Pajamas. Right,” I mumbled, mentally smacking myself on the forehead. Of course, she didn’t mean she wanted to sleep naked.

I fumbled in the bag of extra clothes, keeping her new outfit hidden from her because I didn’t want to get yelled at yet, and grabbed one of my old T-shirts.

“Here,” I mumbled, holding it out to her. “You can sleep in this.”

“Thanks,” she murmured, taking it from me and brushing my fingers with hers.

That one touch almost sent me to my knees and had me clenching my jaw and fists as I tossed the bag on the tent floor and turned to give her some privacy to change.

Goddess, damn it, I was acting like a bumbling teenaged virgin instead of the experienced, confident alpha I was. I don’t know what it was about her that made me that way, but she turned me into a helpless puddle without even trying.

The soft rustling sounds of her changing filled the tent, and I yanked my shirt off, dropping it on top of the bag before unbuckling my belt and removing my jeans.

I stood with my hands on my hips, breathing deeply, trying to control my thoughts, deciding whether to slip on my gym shorts or stay in my boxers. But the only thing my deep breathing did was fill my lungs with Haven’s jasmine and fruit scent mixed with the light musk of her arousal.

My dick had been semi-hard pretty much all day, and the fragrance coming from her side of the tent did nothing to ease the tension in my pants. I lifted my fist to my mouth and bit my knuckles to keep in the groan threatening to spill out of me.

I wanted her.

“Are you done changing?” I asked through clenched teeth, my hand moving to my hair, my eyes closing as I tried to hold my breath.

“Yeah,” she said.

I took a moment to prepare myself before I turned to face her. I knew seeing her in my clothes would light a fire in me, and there was a chance it would bring my lycan forward, so I needed to be ready.

I turned my head first, looking at her over my shoulder. She’d taken her braid out so her hair fell in damp, loose waves over her shoulders, and my old, gray Stanford T-shirt came to the middle of her thighs, leaving the rest of her long, smooth dancer legs on display.

I let my eyes skate over her body, searing the image of her in my clothes into my brain. My lycan didn’t know whether to purr, pant, growl, run around in circles, or roll around on his back at the sight in front of him. So he was in my head doing a weird dance of all five.

Her eyes did the same once over on my body, a long, slow drag of her gaze as she drank in almost all of me. The heat and desire in her eyes when she met mine brought my dick to full attention.

Fuck, I wanted her.

I grabbed the sleeping bag from the mat to cover my dick as I faced her fully and started babbling.

“So, bad news, unfortunately. I thought there was another sleeping bag in the back of my truck, but it turns out there was only one. I think Seb or Reid might have stolen it the last time they went on a hike or something. I don’t know. I swear, though, I didn’t know there was only one. I really thought I had two. If I had known, I would have gone home for another one or stopped somewhere and bought you one, but—”

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling of the tent. Yep. Bumbling idiot.

“So, long story short, there is only one sleeping bag,” I said.

She shook her head at me and grabbed the sleeping bag from me, unrolling it and unzipping it to lay it out on the thin camping pad on the floor.

“Wes.” She laughed as she got on her knees and spread the sleeping bag out like a comforter. “Wesley, you didn’t have to pretend to bring only one sleeping bag. If you wanted to snuggle me, all you had to do was ask,” she said, peering up at me from the pad, her blue eyes wide and sparkling.

I crouched down to her level, helping her spread the bag out. The horny, anxious beast in my head paced back and forth as he watched me. He wanted to push forward and help me, but I held him back. I didn’t need his help. I would do this my way.

I reached out for her cheek once we had everything settled, and took in a deep breath. “Sugar Plum, will you snuggle—”

Her lips were on mine before I could finish the question, her arms moving around my neck to pull her body closer. My hands grabbed her hips, lifting her so I could maneuver us down to the pad. Her legs wrapped around my waist, pressing her core against me and letting me feel through her underwear how warm and wet and ready she was for me.

I held onto her with one arm around her middle while the other balanced me as I lowered her to the pad, my hips settling between her thighs and my rock-solid cock pressing into her warm center, showing her how I wanted her just as much as she wanted me. A moan left her mouth, and my own answered it as she writhed under me, pressing her pussy harder against my dick.

My shirt on her body had ridden up around her hips, exposing her navy blue underwear to my eyes as I tore my lips from hers to gaze down at her as she lay beneath me.

Her cheeks flushed with desire, and her red curls spread out on the pillow behind her. Her chest rose and fell with her breathing, and her scent filled the tent, feeding the desire in my soul. She was so exquisite, so breathtaking. She was everything I never knew I needed, and I couldn’t picture my life without her in it.

I gripped her hip, squeezing it as her hands moved from my neck to my collarbone and my chest. Her smooth, cool fingertips played with the smattering of chest hair on my torso, making goosebumps appear on my warm skin.

My hips pressed harder into hers, and I tilted my head up towards the ceiling, my throat tight as her hands continued to caress my body, her touch cool but somehow leaving warmth in its wake.

Fuck. I. Wanted. Her.

I lowered myself to my elbows, my body hovering just above hers, and my lips met hers again, my tongue pushing through the seam of her lips into her mouth.

She rewarded me with another sweet little moan as our tongues tangled together, and I savored the taste of her mouth and the sounds of her pleasure.

“Wesley,” she groaned, panting as my mouth moved to her neck.

Her hands clutched at my back, her nails digging into my skin.

She arched up into me, pressing her small breasts against my chest, and through the fabric of my shirt on her body, I could feel her hard little nipples.

It took everything in me to hold back my lycan, to not slice down the center of the shirt with my claw and reveal her naked torso to my eyes. It took every ounce of restraint I had in me to pull away from her, and it pained me to open my mouth and say my next words to her.

But I had to. I didn’t want our first time together to be like this. I didn’t think I could hold myself back from taking her the way my lycan craved—to be dominant and possessive, to claim her as our equal and our mate. Our luna.

“Haven, wait,” I gritted out between my teeth, rising to my knees so our bodies no longer touched.

She whimpered as I pulled away, making my lycan growl and gnash his teeth at me in my head, which made it harder for me to say what I needed to say.

“Sugar Plum,” I grunted, “I want you. I want you so fucking much,” I told her.

“Then take me, Wes,” she murmured. “I want this too. I’m yours.”

Goddess fucking damn it, she had no fucking idea what those words meant, what they did to the primal side of me, what they ignited in my lycan.

She sat up and reached for the hem of the shirt on her body, but I grabbed her hands and lifted them above her head, pressing her back down against the camping pad and pinning her there.

Bad idea. Because now my lycan was really trying to surge forward, and I had to close my eyes and clench my teeth again.

“Please, Wesley,” she begged, squirming underneath me, trying to create friction between our bodies. My eyes snapped open to find hers boring into me, hooded and filled with need.

We stared at each other, neither of us blinking or moving aside from the rise and fall of our chests as we worked to catch our breath.

I wanted her. I wanted her. I fucking wanted her.

But not like this. Not when I could barely control my lycan. Not in my old tent on the hard ground of a campsite. And not when she didn’t even know the truth of what I was.

“Not like this,” I muttered, shaking my head. “You deserve more than this. You deserve candlelight and romance. You deserve better than hard and fast on the floor of my tent.”

“I just want real and you,” she replied. “I don’t need special.”

“Haven,” I sighed, pressing my forehead to hers.

I couldn’t even fully explain to her why I couldn’t just fuck her senseless. I couldn’t tell her it was because if I let myself have her, I wasn’t sure I would be able to stop my lycan from claiming her, from marking her. The whole day had been foreplay, one moment after the next building us up until we were ready to burst, and my lycan wanted to take what was his, mark her as his.

“Haven, please. Just let me—let me do this the way I want.”

I opened my eyes and pulled back from her a little, and she pulled her lips into her mouth and nodded. “Okay,” she said in a very quiet voice.

The disappointment in her voice and her eyes left a bitter flavor in my mouth, and as she tried to pull her arms away from my hands, I smirked.

She needed a release. That much was clear. I could feel it, smell it, and practically taste it—and damn it, I was going to give it to her.

It wouldn’t be exactly what either of us wanted, but it would ease that tension and cool the fire between us. At least for a little while.

“Not so fast, Sugar Plum,” I growled, dipping my head down to her neck. “Just because I’m not going to fuck you doesn’t mean I’m not going to make you feel good,” I said, placing a kiss right above the collar of the T-shirt.

Her whole body shuddered, and I smiled against her skin.

I lifted myself up and ran my hands along her body from her arms and down her sides to her hips, my palms stroking the side of her breasts through the shirt. Her back arched, but she kept her hands up by her head, her eyes on my face, watching me as I watched her.

My lycan urged me to just rip the flimsy fabric of her underwear that separated me from her pussy, but I knew she didn’t have more with her. So instead, I dragged them over her hips and down her legs, tossing them somewhere behind me as I revealed her lower half to my eyes.

My dick twitched in my boxers at the sight in front of me. There was something extra provocative at seeing her pussy and legs exposed to me, with the rest of her still being covered. Even so, I could see her little hard as diamond nipples poking against the cotton T-shirt.

She didn’t shy away from my hungry gaze or try to cover herself or close her thighs. No, she fucking spread her legs further, giving me the perfect view of all of her.

That was the last link on the chain holding me back. I swallowed back my growl as I dove forward, laying on my stomach between her legs, my head at the apex of her thighs. I took one deep inhale of her sweet scent, then I put my mouth on her, tasting her for the first time.

And oh, what a taste it was. One kiss was enough to ruin me. There was no turning back. She was it for me.

Her hands flew down to weave into the short strands of my hair, and she cried out, “Oh, Wesley!”

I hummed my approval as I continued my exploration of her. My tongue tasted every inch of her, licking up every drop that spilled from her.

Her little whimpers and moans were just how I imagined, yet somehow even better in real life. Each one encouraged me to continue, each one drove me wild with need.

Not just the need to have her but the need to give her what she wanted. The need to bring her over the edge and watch her fall apart.

My hands came up near my face. One held her thigh even more out of the way, and the other joined my mouth and played with her, teasing more of those sexy sounds from her body. I slid one finger inside her with ease, and her hips jerked at the full feeling.

My lips twitched with a laugh, but I didn’t stop, and her bucking hips switched to smooth, rolling movements as she chased her orgasm.

I knew she was getting close as her walls tightened around my finger, and I turned my palm up, finding and stroking that special spot in her pussy.

“Wes…” she moaned, and her hands moved away from my hair, her body tensing as she reached the precipice of bliss.

My thumb padded over her clit and I lifted my eyes to watch her as she shattered while still keeping my mouth on her entrance, and I was rewarded with the most beautiful sight.

Her hands squeezed her breasts through her shirt, pulling and twisting her nipples, and her body writhed without restraint. She came hard, with my name on her lips and my hands and mouth on her body. I growled against her pussy as her release spilled out, not caring to hold the sound back from her.

I touched and kissed her through each wave of her orgasm, keeping my kisses tender and gentle until I was sure she was finished.

I crawled back up her body as she caught her breath, hovering over her again and soaking in the relaxed, pleased expression on her features. I lowered my mouth to hers and gave her a sweet kiss, keeping it light and tender and not deepening it. Then I rolled onto my side, pulling her little body into mine and wrapping her up tight in my arms, my nose burying into the top of her hair as I inhaled her scent that was beginning to mix with mine.

She nuzzled into my chest, her arms wrapping around me, too, and hugging me as tight as she could. She was out in minutes, and I knew I would follow her soon.

I was hard as steel in my boxers, but unlike my previous encounters with other females, I didn’t care about getting mine too. All that mattered was her and her pleasure and that I had been the one to give that to her, to make her fall apart. It had been my name falling from her lips as she came, and it would be my name for the rest of our days.

Because she was mine.

My lycan agreed, nodding his head dazedly in my mind as I drifted off to sleep.

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