The Alpha’s Other Woman

Chapter Epilogue Together

Carrie Mature

“Mmm, Jason...” I groaned.

He was behind me and pushed into me harder at my urging. How was he so good at this? It should be impossible for one person to be so accomplished, but the feel of him, rock hard inside me, filled me in a way I hadn’t entirely understood before I found him. Sex was sex, but with him it also filled some emotional need while he hit all the physical ones, too.

“You are so good,” I said between pants.

“Keep talking, I’m liking what I’m hearing.”

“You’re an arrogant jerk?” He hit a spot inside me that made my toes curl in pure delight.

“Can’t help it, babe.”

“Jason...I should...argue...but this feels...too good,” I managed to get out, and then he reached around my waist to stroke me, and I came around him.

He followed a second later, and after he’d finished groaning and left me, he pulled me over onto my side, one arm pillowing my head and the other hand on my huge distended stomach. “There. We can argue, now.”

“No, we can’t. My spine has melted.” My body felt so lethargically satisfied, I couldn’t help but think he was fantastic.

“Sorry?” I could practically hear the grin in his words.

“I’m sure it’ll stiffen up in a few minutes.”

“I’m sure something will.”

I playfully smacked his arm.

“So, do you feel anything?”

“Nope. I’m still an overinflated balloon.” My stomach had reached ridiculous proportions and I was so sick of it. I had so many things I needed to do and being an ungainly incubator was slowing me down.

“I never knew balloons could be so beautiful, babe.”

I groaned. “That compliment is severely lacking.” I still sort of liked it.

“Just working with what you give me.” He got more serious. “Really, though, no contractions?”

“I said there weren’t.”

“I’m starting to think that the whole ‘Samantha told me that sex might help induce labor’ thing you said was just a sneaky trick to have your way with me more often.”

I looked over my shoulder to meet his dark eyes and raised an eyebrow at him. “Do I need sneaky tricks to have my way with you?”

He laughed at the idea. “You know you don’t. Just crook your finger and I’m here.”

“Anyways, I just want this kid out of me already. You put it there, it’s your responsibility to help me get it out.”

“That’s terrible, because this is such a chore.” He chuckled, and then rubbed my stomach. “It really would be a convenient week for it to be born though.” He leaned over my huge stomach and said, “Here that, kid? Your alpha commands you to be born.”

“Did you really just pretend to alpha command our kid?”


I teasingly smacked his arm, and he laughed at me. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll protect you from Daddy the Alpha Tyrant.”

Jason kept rubbing my stomach affectionately. “I’m not Tyrant Dad, I’m Awesome Dad.”

Keep that up and you’ll be Dork Dad. Never forget that Mommy is the best parent since she carried you around for nine exhausting months. You owe her allegiance big time, baby.”

We both laughed at our ridiculous argument.

And that’s when the first pain hit me. “I think it’s happening!” I said, jerking up in our bed.

“What? Oh shit! I can’t believe that worked!”

“Of course that command didn’t work! It’s coincidence. Help me take a shower.”

“A shower? We need to get you to Samantha.”

“It’s going to be hours. Just mind link her and tell her we think it’s happening. I want a shower. And a snack. And a foot rub. This is all your fault, Jason, so the least you can do is cave in to my every whim.”

“Fair enough, babe. Shower it is.”

Jason helped me get ready. Once my contractions were getting really unpleasant and close enough together, we started out. Our kid wasn’t the first who would be born in our newly built pack clinic because Theodora beat me to it with a cute little girl named Tianna.

As we walked inside—because I had insisted I didn’t need to be carried—we passed Kain. He nodded to me respectfully with a frown, but his sullen teenage disposition was ruined by the fact he was carrying Tianna with one hand and holding Rosella—who skipped straight past walking to running away—by the hand with his other.

He put on a good show of hating looking after the little ones, but he always agreed readily enough when he was asked.

I didn’t have time to ponder the pup caretaker situation further because another pain hit me. Jason helped me inside.

From my observations while living among humans, being a werewolf was pretty great in general, but there was one distinct downside. Pain medication. Almost nothing worked on us, and certainly nothing that could work on an adult werewolf was safe enough for a baby, so we had to do it the painful way that vindictive nature intended.

I snarled at Jason while I suffered, and he put up with it patiently. I could tell he was nervous, but when I got to that final, exhausting push, and Samantha announced that the baby was healthy and male, his nervousness broke. Theodora had been helping with my delivery, and she quickly wiped down the baby and wrapped it in a blanket. Samantha put the little blood smeared thing on my chest before dealing with the placenta.

My head was whirling and Jason didn’t seem much better. He was beside me, staring at our baby like I was holding a bomb. “Holy shit, holy shit.”

“Stop swearing, you’re going to teach him bad habits.” I stared at his scrunchy weird little alien face and tried to figure out how Jason and I had made this little thing. He didn’t look like either of us, except maybe a blend of our colouring. I touched his hands gently and extended his tiny fingers.

"Him. This is freaking crazy.”

“Are we still happy with Eric?” We’d decided to name the baby after Jason’s late father or mother, depending on what it turned out to be. It seemed his dad won.

“Eric,” he agreed as he watched what I was doing with rapt attention. “Hard to believe this little guy’ll be taking over the pack for us one day.”

“It really is. But this is why we’re doing it, right?”

“Yeah. He is.”

I tried to get the baby to latch on to my breast. Why was this so difficult? He should want to eat, right? Finally I got him on, but I wasn’t sure if I was doing it correctly, but at least he was sucking.

“You did great, babe,” Jason said, still staring at our son, his hand on my shoulder. Our son. It didn’t feel real that he was finally here. My mate ran his hand gently over the back of Eric’s tiny head.

My heart swelled with love for my mate and this child we had made together. I was exhausted, but I felt eager for the future as I dozed off into restful sleep.

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