The Alpha's Mutt

Chapter Infected

Finally, after calling all of the Elwood Pack’s alliances that had reported illness and even some who had not yet done so, the Betas had compiled a report for us. We were all meeting in Farris’s office first thing in the morning to discuss their findings.

Jamari and I arrived together to find that Deene and Alessa were already waiting for us. I was surprised, however, to discover that Farris had not yet made his appearance. When he finally walked in, I noticed how tired he looked as dark circles had formed under his eyes. His skin was much paler than it usually was, and his hair was entirely unkempt. As he slowly made his way behind his desk, apologizing to everyone for his lateness, I could hear a faint wheeze in his breathing. He sat down as the meeting began and I could hear him sniffling on occasion.

My ears pinned back on my head and my heartbeat wildly in my chest. Dread overtook my very being as the gravity of the situation dawned on me. Farris very possibly could be sick. Had he caught the virus while we were at the Bristlecone Pack? Oh, Goddess please do not let it be true.

Just as I was about to turn to him and address the questions that were running through my mind. Deene began sharing the results of what they had discovered while talking with the other packs. I decided to wait before grilling Farris on his condition. If he had contracted that terrible illness then we needed any information that we could get, now more than ever.

“And Alessa spoke to the Hemmings River Pack. They have a small family of hybrid witch-wolves that have avoided getting sick. Everyone except for the mother who is the only pure blood in their family.” Deene explained going over the copious amounts of notes that he had taken.

“So, it’s true then?” Farris questioned with his eyebrow cocked. “Only full-blooded wolves are susceptible to the virus.”

“Yes.” Deene concurred. “Every pack that reported having a half-breed also reported that they seemed to be immune to the illness.”

“Alpha Mysti says that there has to be something to this.” Jamari translated my thoughts to the others. “There has to be a reason that the half-bloods aren’t affected. It has to mean something.”

I was certain that this had to be an answer somehow. The mutts appeared immune to the ravages of this illness. The Moon Goddess stated that I would somehow be the answer to this disaster and I, myself, am mixed. Was this what she had been hinting at? Are the hybrids somehow that answer to defeating this sickness? And if they are then…how?

“That was really great work, you three. Thank you, guys, for all the effort.” Farris praised them.

I nodded my head in approval of his words. I knew that it had been a tedious task and I appreciated that they had done it without complaint. Now that we had the information, we just needed to figure out what to do with it.

I sat there quietly, considering what all of this could possibly mean. When my thoughts were interrupted by a sudden coughing fit. I turned my head to see Farris hacking his lungs out into his arm. I turned to Jamari and locked eyes with her, panic taking over my features.

“Alpha Mysti says that we need to get out of this room, immediately.” Jamari announced, sharing my wishes with the others.

“What’s going on?” Alessa questioned, her concern clearly about me.

“Alpha Farris has brought back the virus with him. We need to quarantine him right away.” Jamari explained as I fed her the information.

“Alpha?” Deene asked, stepping towards Farris warily.

“Do what she says!” Farris managed. “Everyone needs to stay away from me! The Alphas wing of the pack house is now off limits until further notice.”

“Yes, Alpha.” Deene nodded in understanding.

I knew that he was worried about his friend and Alpha. I could understand why he was hesitant to leave him. Protecting the Alpha was one of the Beta’s many responsibilities. However, all duties aside for the moment, Deene was a pure blood wolf and he had already spent too much time around Farris. If there was any chance that he and Alessa were not already infected, then we needed to protect them.

“Alpha Mysti suggests that we all wash ourselves and change our clothes. Avoid interaction with any other wolves until we’ve decontaminated ourselves.”

They nodded in understanding. Without further hesitation Deene and Alessa rushed out of the room.

“Do you need any assistance getting him to his room, Alpha?” Jamari asked, staying behind.

I knew that Jamari was of less concern now that we were fairly certain that half-breeds were immune. She was after all a kind of mutt herself being part elf.

“I will let you know if we need anything, Jamari. Thank you. For now, I’m going to do my best to limit his contact. I hope you and the rest of the pack will understand my need to remain with my mate at this time.”

“Of course. Do not worry about that at all.” Jamari assured.

“Please do as I ask and decontaminate yourself, even though you are likely not susceptible, you may still act as a carrier. Once you are cleaned, please make an announcement to the pack that the virus has arrived at our lands. I do not want it to come as a surprise if anyone is to fall ill. Especially given that Farris has been spending time amongst our pack.”

“Absolutely. Not a problem.”

“Thank you, Jamari. We will speak soon.”

Then with a nod of her head, she turned on her heel and left the office. I, however, stayed behind and turned my attention to Farris. Only to find my mate with his head down on his desk, sniffling and wheezing as he fought back another coughing fit.

I nudged him with my nose and encouraged him to get up from his seat. He did as I asked and pushed himself out of his chair. I walked alongside him as we slowly made our way to his bedroom. This is where we would quarantine him in the hope that we could keep this away from the rest of the pack if it had not already spread.

We could only hope.

When we finally got to his room, I knocked the door closed behind us. The only ones who would be allowed in this wing of the pack house would be half-breeds from this point on. His pack did not have any, so my pack would need to take over this responsibility. It was going to be a bit strange of an ask from them, but I knew that they would be up to the task.

Farris sat down on the edge of the bed. He leaned forward slightly, running his hands, slowly, through my hair. I reveled in the comfort of his touch as I was sure that he was doing so as well. He started to cough again, so I pushed against his abdomen with my nose, encouraging him to lay back in his bed. I wished that there was more that I could do for him as I was watching him stretch out, looking worn down.

I wanted more than anything to offer him words of support in this moment, but all I could do was watch. An uneasy feeling was starting to build in my heart and spread itself throughout my body. Was I going to have to watch Farris become a shell of himself? How long before he resembled the struggling wolves of the Bristlecone Pack?

Could I really lose him just as I got him back?

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