The Alpha's Mutt

Chapter Fighting the Pull

Later that night, I explained to Farris what I suspected about the virus after my day with Zeeb. I knew it was not much to go off, but it was the best theory that we had at this time. Farris agreed that it would require further investigating. After a lot of discussion, we decided that it was probably best for us to return to the Elwood Pack lands. We could use Farris’s files to reach out to other packs to see if they had any half-breed wolves that were proving to be immune. If there was a pattern to this, then we at least had something to start with.

Not to mention, I was eager to return to familiar territory before my week in human-form was up for the month. While we were developing a strong alliance with the Bristlecone Pack, my shifting abilities were not something that I was willing to share at this time. I still had yet to even really share my difficulties with Farris. He knew that my shifting was different, as it always had been. But I did not believe that he was fully aware of the entirety of the situation.

I felt a small tinge of guilt when I thought about the fact that I had not been one hundred percent honest with Farris yet. I planned to tell him, but I was so focused on the task at hand, that it kept slipping my mind. I knew that I could only put it off for so much longer before there would be no avoiding the issue anymore.

Despite knowing this, once again, I pushed it aside. Instead, we went to Alpha Lowell, explaining to him our thoughts and plans. We still did not know how to help his pack, but this brought us a step closer to our goal. Hopefully it would not be long before we were able to crack the mystery of this strange illness once and for all.

In the meantime, Farris was going to leave the warriors that he had brought with us to help protect the Bristlecone Pack from any outside threats. I intended to leave my wolves as well. But I did explain to Alpha Lowell that I had decided to have them set up camp outside of the pack house. Luckily, he understood my reasoning and did not feel slighted by the fact that I was moving my wolves out of the rooms that he had generously provided. I only hoped that I was not too late in getting my wolves out of this stuffy air. You could smell the sickness wafting through the pack house, settling thick throughout the space, and I hoped that keeping my warriors in fresh air would offer them a small bit of protection.

I had not brought any mixed blood wolves with me and now I was kicking myself for not doing so. If the mutts were the ones immune to this virus, I could have brought only half-breed warriors. I had not done that in the first place because I was trying to protect any of my mixed wolves from a pack that would, potentially, look down on them. If only I had known better then.

Of course, if I was wrong about the hybrids somehow having the cure, then it would not matter which wolves I had brought with me. The only thing that I could do for them was offer them as much space as I could while they remained here. So, I sought out Emlyn, my Gamma, to let her know that I wished for them to make camp outside.

It was easy to track down Emlyn and the rest of my warriors as they were all out at the pack training grounds. I was not surprised by this as our pack did not have the usual facilities that a typical pack offered. I was certain that they were excited to make use of proper training equipment. We may have been happy to live with the bare essentials, but it did not mean that we could not appreciate the opportunity to utilize a better setup when we could.

“Emlyn!!!!” I called out to my Gamma just as she finished up a sparring session.

“Yes Alpha!” She responded without hesitation as she jogged towards me.

“Sorry to interrupt your workout but I wanted to discuss some things with you.”

“Don’t worry about it, Alpha.” She dismissed. “What did you want to talk about?”

I bid her to follow me as we began to walk, slowly, around the track that circled the training grounds. It would make for a nice walk, and it would help to keep Emlyn moving so that it was not a major interruption in her work out. She may not be doing anything advanced at the moment, but at least she could keep her body moving.

“I wanted to let you know that we may have discovered something about this virus, but we are going to head back to the Elwood Pack to pursue it further.”

“That is good, Alpha. I am glad that you may had figured something out. I feel terrible for the wolves of this pack. I have never seen a wolf look as ill as these ones do. They really need some help.”

“Well, that is why your presence here is so necessary. As bad as these wolves are feeling, the last thing that they need is to have to worry about the pack’s safety as well. It has given Alpha Lowell and Beta Chann great peace of mind having all of you warriors here.”

“So, I take it that means that we will remain here while you return to the pack?”

“Yes.” I affirmed with a nod. “I will leave you in charge of the warriors that remain here from our pack.”

“No problem, Alpha. I won’t let you down.” Emlyn assured.

“I know that you won’t, Emlyn. I have the utmost faith in you. But that brings me to my next reason for this meeting. If you do not believe that the warriors would be in disagreement, I would like you all to move out of the pack house and set up camp somewhere nearby. I’m hoping that the fresh, open air will keep you all safe from this illness. If you have been lucky enough to avoid it thus far, I’m hoping that staying outside will keep it that way.”

“Not a problem, Alpha. We will begin setting up camp immediately. We can have everyone outside of the pack house starting tonight.”

“Perfect. Thank you, Emlyn.”

“Of course, Alpha.”

“While I’m away, either I or Jamari will check in with you, regularly. However, if anyone is to fall sick I wish to be notified, immediately.”

“Yes, Alpha. Absolutely.” Emlyn promised.

“Well…go and tell the warriors to finish up. We will get started setting up camp right away. I will begin looking for a good location for you guys to stay near the pack house.”

I spent the remainder of the day with my pack members setting up a camp for them about twenty yards from the pack house. I felt a lot better knowing that they were going to be away from the Bristlecone Pack wolves. They were here to act as protectors, there was no reason for them to be in close quarters with the ill pack members. I wished that I had done this from the beginning.

It did not surprise me that none of my wolves were bothered by moving back outside. It was nice to spend a few nights sleeping in a real bed, but we were used to our lifestyle. We all knew that it was best not to get used to such luxuries. Nor did any of us really want to. Our life may have not been the most comfortable, but it was the life that we had chosen, it was a simple life, and we were happy with it.

Not to mention, I was feeling a bit of guilt for living in a way that was not in keeping with our pack’s values. The rest of my pack was back at the Elwood Pack territory, and they were all sleeping on straw mats or woven reeds, even the children. It was hardly appropriate for me to be in a plush bed while they were not. I really should have insisted harder that I be the one to sleep on the floor.

Keeping all of this in mind, I made the decision to spend this last night at the Bristlecone Pack out in the camp with my warriors. I returned to the room that I shared with Farris to gather my things and let him know of my decision. I had not seen him since I had left Alpha Lowell’s office to find Emlyn. I hoped that he would not mistake my desire to stay in the camp as an attempt to put distance between us again. Because that was the furthest thing from the truth.

“Hey.” I offered, somewhat sheepishly, as I closed the door behind me after entering the room.

“Hi.” He smiled, looking up from the paperwork in his lap.

He sat on the bed, leaning back against the headboard. His hair was disheveled, and he looked carefree. His eyes shined with excitement as he looked at me. His toothy grin spread wide across his face. I could feel my heart melting a bit as I gazed at him for a moment. It made me wish that things had been a little different between us. Seeing him in this relaxed state, he looked so effortlessly handsome, I found myself longing for my mate.

I shook my head and tried to push away the thought. Now was not the time for this. Tomorrow was my last day in human form before I would be stuck as a wolf for a month. Our ability to communicate would be severely affected and it was going to make it increasingly difficult for anything to develop during that time. We would be relying, entirely, on my pack members to translate my thoughts to him. It would make any romance between us a bit awkward.

“Everything alright?” Farris questioned, noting my silence.

“Yes, of course.” I denied as I began walking over to where my bag was laid.

“I just wanted to let you know that I’m going to be spending tonight at the camp with my warriors. So, the room is all yours.” I explained, remaining nonchalant as I spoke.

“You’re leaving?” He questioned, attempting to bite back the worry in his voice. “Why?”

He jumped up from his spot on the bed, scattering his paperwork. Taking a few steps in my direction to close the distance between us.

“I’ll just be outside.” I teased, trying to keep the conversation light. “My pack members are out there, and it doesn’t feel right to be in here without them. Plus, it will give you a chance to get a good night’s sleep in the bed tonight. You’ll need to be well rested for tomorrow. Need I remind you, that you’ll have me riding you for the entire fifteen hours tomorrow.”

“Sounds like a fun fifteen hours to me.” He offered while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

I chuckled at the flirtatious behavior but chose not to encourage it beyond that. I finished gathering my things into my bag and zipped it shut before tossing it over my shoulder.

“I will see you in the morning.” I stated with a smile.

“Well…why don’t I just stay in the camp with you…” Farris suddenly suggested, taking me by surprise.

“Why?” I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

I could not understand why he would want to sleep on the hard ground outside rather than the comfortable bed like he was used to. He had already slept on the floor for two nights trying to prove something to me. We had a long day ahead of us tomorrow and he would be doing most of the work. It made more sense for him to have a good sleep rather than another difficult one.

“Well…” He started, his eyes darting around as though he were searching for answers in the air around us. “It makes sense for us to stay together so that we can leave first thing in the morning. And…” He paused reaching for another excuse. “There’s also the…uh…virus.It’s probably better to be outside.”

I could not argue against that. It was the same reason that I had my warriors move out to the camp. There was a good chance that he would be safer in the fresh air with us.

“Also…” He spoke up again, only pausing to clear his throat, nervously. “I…kind of…want to stay…near you.” His cheeks beginning to burn red with embarrassment at his admission.

I could not help the small smile that made its way across my face. It was hard not to feel a bit flattered that he was willing to sleep outside on the hard ground just to be near me. He was definitely making it harder to keep him at arm’s length. It was going to be difficult to move this relationship forward when we only had one week a month. But if he was willing to put up with the slow pace and the communication difficulties then this relationship could prove to be really rewarding, eventually...hopefully.

“Well…come on then. Get your stuff together and let’s get to camp.”

His grin grew wider, spreading from ear to ear. Before I knew what was happening, he had wrapped his arms around my waist and was lifting me off the floor. He swung me around in a circle before putting me back down.

“Sorry about that.” He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m just really happy that you’re letting me come with you.”

“I’m happy that you’re coming too.” I giggled. “Now hurry up and grab your bag.” I had certainly not expected such a reaction.

Once we both had our things we headed over to the camp. I knew that there would not be a tent for him, and I would not ask one of my warriors to share their space with a wolf that they did not know or trust. All that they knew of Farris was that he was the Alpha of a pack that had treated me poorly. Most of them were also aware that he was the mate who I believed had rejected me. Because of this, their loyalty to me made them automatically dislike Farris. Even though Farris and I were working on things, my pack would not be so quick to accept him.

“You can sleep with me in my tent.” I offered, gesturing towards my makeshift tent.

I had left my real tent back at the Elwood Pack, so this tent was nothing more than a large canvas tarp thrown over a thick tree limb. There was not a lot of space inside, but it would offer more than sufficient coverage for us for a single night.

“I appreciate that.” He responded with a cheeky grin as I pushed the canvas aside, revealing the small space within.

I rolled my eyes at his insinuation. I quickly headed into the tent, keeping my face from his gaze, as a blush crept its way across my cheeks. I was suddenly grateful for the late hour as the darkness made it easier to hide the fact that his flirting was having an effect on me.

I set my bag out on the ground and used it as a pillow for my head after stretching my body across the ground on one half of the tented area. I watched Farris as he did the same. By the time that we were both in our sleeping positions, there was very little room between us, mere inches separating one from the other. I was doing my best not to think too much about it as I could feel strange emotions fluttering to life in my stomach when I did.

“Good night, Mysti.” He bid while I focused my eyes on the branch which was holding up our tent.

“Good night, Farris.” I answered, struggling to keep my voice even.

The effect that he was beginning to have on me was intense. The more time that I was spending in his presence. The more I longed for him. I was trying to take things nice and slow. Trying to keep him at arm’s length for now. But his enchanting scent and the sense of security that I felt being near him were overwhelming. The feeling of his touch on my skin was addictive as the tingling sensation sent my senses into overdrive. I could feel the yearning in my body, calling out for him. I just had to shake it off. I was not ready for this yet. No matter how badly I wanted to give in, I had to control myself.

I forced myself to close my eyes. I needed to go to sleep. I could not keep thinking like this as it would not lead anywhere that I was prepared to go. I needed rest for the long day ahead of us tomorrow. So, I took in a deep breath and cleared my mind, after much difficulty, finally falling into a fitful sleep.

When I awoke the next morning, I was surprised to find myself unexpectedly comfortable and much better rested than I would have predicted. I stretched out my limbs, feeling the firm, smooth object beneath me. I suddenly realized that it did not feel like I was completely on the ground any longer. My legs were clearly scraping against grass, but my torso was not, and something heavy was draped across my waist. I opened my eyes and assessed my position.

At some point in the night, I had somehow ended up on Farris’s side of the tent. The upper half of my body was using his as a pillow, my head laying on top of his chest. His arm was wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him.

“Farris! What are you doing?!” I squealed as I scrambled to push myself off him.

“What? I’m not doing anything.” He insisted, trying to recover from the shock of being woken so suddenly.

He wiped the sleep from his eyes and yawned, loudly, before propping himself up on his elbow, facing me.

“You pulled me over onto you. We had not agreed to cuddling.” I charged. “We were each supposed to stay to our half of the tent.”

“I DID stay to my half.” He responded with confidence, a sly smile making its way across his face. “I did not pull you over to me. You crawled over and laid on top of me.”

“What?” I questioned, suddenly feeling less sure of myself than I did a few moments ago. “I didn’t…I didn’t do that…”

“Oh yes you did.” He insisted. “I was struggling to stay asleep. I was tossing and turning. When out of nowhere, you came crawling over and laid yourself on top of me. It really helped too, after you laid down, I went right to sleep.”

“Well, I…” I hesitated unsure of exactly where I was going with this. “Well, I…or…umm…you…you should have pushed me away.”

“Yeah…I was not going to do that.” He admitted with a shrug. “My beautiful mate was finally willing to let me hold her in my arms. I was never going to ruin that chance.”

“Ugh.” I huffed, running my hands over my face.

I realized that I did not have much of an argument here. I was the one who initiated the cuddling, and I could not really blame him for not putting a stop to it. I guessed that my body longed for him even more than I realized. Damn mate bond.

“Let’s just…let’s just get ready to go.” I sighed, admitting defeat, and dropping the matter.

After quickly changing our clothes and getting ourselves ready, we joined my wolves for a quick breakfast. After eating, we parted ways for a few, while we met with our pack members as left final instructions before leaving. After saying our good-byes, Farris shifted into his wolf, picking up his bag with his mouth. I climbed on his back; my own bag slung over my shoulders. I held on tight, wrapping my arms around his neck and then we were off. Just the two of us on a fifteen-hour journey back to the Elwood Pack territory.

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