The Alpha's Mutt

Chapter A Troubling Symptom

Early the next morning, Jamari and I were summoned to Farris’s office. I was not eager to see him again this soon, but I knew that it was inevitable. I would not be able to avoid him for long if we were going to be working together. Unfortunately, he had all the contacts that I required to collect any information that I may need for my duty.

Admittedly, after discussing it further with Alessa last night, I did have a slightly different view than I had held before. From what Alessa had explained, Farris truly had been suffering during the past two years. I had found a way to survive and thrive despite the pain. He had done just the opposite.

As we arrived at the door of Farris’s office, I did my best to push my feelings aside. I needed to remain focused. We were here to discuss the possible attack against wolf-kind. We were not here to play out another dramatic episode in the story of our mating.

“Alpha Mystique. Beta Jamari. Please come in.” Farris bid when he noticed us in the doorway. “And if you don’t mind, close the door behind you.”

We did as we were asked before standing in the center of his office, determined to remain stoic. I was going to keep this meeting as professional as possible. There would be time later, to explore anything further between Farris and me. If that was what I truly wanted.

“Alpha Farris, your request seemed quite urgent. I assume that you have discovered new information?”

“I have.” He confirmed with a nod, his eyes never leaving mine for an instant. “And I fear that its troubling.”

“What has happened?” I demanded, snapping to attention.

“One of our allies, the Bristlecone Pack, was among the first packs to alert anyone of the illness overtaking their pack. Well, they have also just released information regarding a disturbing new symptom.”

“Which is?” I pressed, not certain that this was going to lead us anywhere.

We had been talking about this illness, as it was the only thing that we had to go on. But I was not certain that this was the “big thing” that the Goddess was warning me about. Certainly, it was not normal for wolves to fall very sick. However, it did happen on occasion. We may have been immune to most of the viruses that would take down an average human, but we were not indestructible. We could fall ill from time to time.

“They cannot shift.” Farris informed me, stone-faced.

Well, this was definitely not a normal side effect from any of our known illnesses.

“How do you mean?” I questioned.

There were a lot of different problem areas when it came to shifting. Was it only during the day that they could not shift? Did they require a full moon? Or were they simply so ill that they did not have the energy that it required to fulfill such an undertaking? Shifting is, admittedly, not the easiest thing for a body to do.

“Exactly as I stated. They have no shifting capabilities at all. They do not have access to the mindlink, not even between mates. There is not a single member of the pack that can transform into their wolf. We have an entire pack out there, completely unprotected.”

This was a major problem. Without the ability to shift, the pack was at the mercy of any enemy who wished to take advantage of that fact. They could be overrun by vampires, sorcerers, demons, other wolves, or even humans. With the entirety of their pack ill and weakened, they could be slaughtered without a chance.

“I have promised a few warriors to aid their pack, as have several other allied Alphas.” Farris added.

“That is good news, I am glad that they will have some protection.” I paused, considering my options for a moment. “I will travel with your warriors and a few of my own to the Bristlecone Pack. Please tell your wolves to prepare to leave immediately.”

“Wait?!” Farris demanded as he jumped up from his chair. “What do you mean that YOU are going?”

I stared at him for a moment, surprised that he was even bothering to question me on this.

“Yes, of course, I am going. I am meant to find out what is happening so that I can stop it. For that, I need to see the effects firsthand.”

“I am not sure that is such a good idea.” He argued.

“Why not?” I huffed, crossing my arms in annoyance.

I had no idea what made him think that he had a say in what I did, but we were not there yet. Not by a long shot. I would be kind enough to inform him of my movements, but I would not ask his permission for anything.

“It could be dangerous. You could catch this illness. I just do not think that it is a good idea for you to be out there like that.”

“First, I have been ‘out there’ for years now, and I have been just fine. Second, if I catch this strange illness then it will only affect my shifting which is already different from yours anyway. We don’t even know what kind of effects it could have on me given that I am not a full wolf. But that is for me to worry about. Not you.”

“You are my mate! Of course, I’m going to worry about you!”

“Mate or not, I have to do what I have to do. I am going with the warriors to the Bristlecone Pack. I will return as soon as I have gathered all the information that I can. Jamari will be in charge of the Pariah Pack while I am away.”

“Yes, Alpha.” Jamari responded as expected.

“Then it’s settled.” I nodded.

“No, it’s not.” Farris insisted.

“Yes, it is.”

“No, it’s not.”

“Yes, it is.” I growled, my nostrils flaring in my anger.

“Fine.” He relented.


“But I am coming with you.” He confirmed.

“No, you are not.”

“Yes, I am. I already lost you once. I am not letting it happen again.”

I sighed, knowing that he had a point. I had just returned to him and now I was planning to leave once again. I should not have been surprised that he wanted to accompany me on the trip.

“What about your pack? Aren’t you needed here?” I reasoned.

“They will be fine in the capable hands of Deene and Alessa. My mate needs me, I am going. End of discussion.”

“Alright. If you insist.”

I guess it could be worse. We needed time together to figure ourselves out anyway. There was going to be no avoiding it, so I supposed that now was as good a time to start as any. We could begin getting to know each other again, not that we really knew each other before.

I just hoped that our relationship drama would not get in the way of the more important mission at hand. We needed to keep our problems separate from the more important issue. Wolves were falling ill, and it was causing them to lose the most integral part of what makes us who we are. I needed to find out what was happening and if there was any way to stop it.

This was not going to be easy.

What had I gotten myself into?

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