The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

It's the night of my wolf ceremony. I've spent the day with my parents, greeting all the Alphas that arrived along with their families and pack members. It's been exhausting. I have met hundreds of unmated females that have swooned over me all day long. Along with all that, I've been worried that I might shift against my will tonight. The pain I went through when I had shifted was unbearable, to the point I thought I would die. It's definitely not an experience I want to repeat. I know the pack doctor is here just in case but is there anything he can do that will help me?

More unmated she-wolves arrive and swoon around me. “Is it true you shifted early? Is it true your wolf is white? Are your muscles real?” Another asks, feeling my biceps. I can't help but notice Nina glaring at me. She looks stunning in her red dress that flows at the bottom. It has a long slit on the right showing off her petite, beautiful legs. Her hair is up high, with a couple of strands dangling down her cheeks.

Great, what have I done to upset her now?

The Moon Hall is filled with roughly a thousand people. I walk to take my seat. Moss arrives and takes Nina's hand and sits beside her. Now I am the one glaring at her. Mum elbows me, gaining my attention.

Not even one of these unmated she-wolves is your mate?’ she asks with hope

“No mother, I'm sorry.’

“It's okay, perhaps she is not from any of these packs?’

Patience Mum, all in due time.’

She smiles, content with my answer. She nods.

My father stands up and thanks everyone for being here. We enjoy the banquet over the next hour. Although I'm hungry, I don't feel like eaung Instead, I push my food around with my fork.

It's time for the dance to begin’ My father announces. Mother elbows me to stand up. Because it's my wolf ceremony, I have to join the dance

A dozen she-wolves try to outrun each other towards me, hoping for the first dance. I don't want to dance with any of them, but have to oblige Without looking, I take a hand and pull her along to the dance floor. She giggles the whole time we dance. The song finishes and I choose another random she-wolf and dance. She flutters her eyes the whole time, causing one of her fake eyebrows 10 fall oft. She hasn't realised and I say nothing As I dance with the next girl, Moss and Nina approach the dance floor.

I Can't help but overhear everyone saying what a beautiful couple they make and that they hope they are fated mates. His hands been to cleep tower and lower every time I look, almost touching her ass. A growl erupts from within me. I can’t control it. All eyes ale on me Sorry everyone, my woli just wants to join the dance’ I smile and everyone laughs and continues to dance. Moss holds tkie tegnty agafist tus body as they dance. I can’t help but sense she is uncomfortable.

Thank you for the dance'i tay polnely to the girl and step away I approach Moss and tap him on the shoulder, stopping their

has the future Alpro and being iny wolf Ceremony, it is only proper I get to dance with a girl of my choice 'I say, taking Nina's hand from the He K w he can't decine as it will cause a scene and show disrespect to not only me but my father, the Alpha

Wtay ceflaway be afrage Geally angry

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ghd vidity and place the other gently say the waist and began the waltz i dance like a true gentleman, HOL

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that you might shit?

I won't lie, I'm definitely nervous, but there is the chance I won't shift since I have had my first shift already.’

That's true. I won't go anywhere, no matter what happens tonight, Magnus.’

“If 1 shift, will you... stay with me?’

“Of course, I will. Ill be right by your side’ She says, resting her head on my chest as we continue to slow dance. I want to stay like this forever, with my best friend in my arms. Where I can keep her safe and close to me forever.

Dad has the biggest grin on his face, watching us as if he knows something I don't. I raise my eyebrow at him and his smile only grows bigger.

"You were angry at me earlier; did I do something wrong? I ask.

“What do you mean?’

“Before the banquet when more she-wolves arrived, you were glaning at me?’

“Oh, I wasn't glaring at you, I was... never mind. It's not important. I was just being silly." She says. The dance ends. My hand leaves her waist, and our hands slowly part even though they want to stay joined

Moss approaches quickly and takes her hand and walks back to their table. He looks over his shoulder and gives me a glare

It's a quarter to midnight. My hands tremble and I sweat as my wolf is trying to take over control I'm trying with all my might to keep him at bay.

I am supposed to stand in the middle of the hall where there is a lorge round window on the ceiling for when the moon is in place and it's time, we can all see the moon and its glow shine over me. “Magnus?’ mother says, sensing something is wrong.

Tlook at her and she gasps, startling dad and anyone nearby. My eyes are pure black and sweat beads glide down my face.

“Ryker, it's begun. He is going to shift.” She says to him with worry

Dad and Leon place my arms over their shoulders and carry me to the moon's beam of light. It's obvious I'm in a lot of pain.

I scream out in pain as bones crack and break. My body finches and flings around with each snap. Magnus! I hear Nina yell. She runs towards me, but Moss grabs her arm and holds her back.

“No, you must stay here. He tells her.

“No, I promised him I'll be by his side if he shifts.’ She tells him.

“Nina, he is not your mate. It's not your business to intervene.’ He growls.

'I don't care if he isn't my mate Moss, 1-1..."

“You what?" he snaps.

'h doesn’t matter. What matters is I'm there, by his side.

"You are meant to be by my side Nina and you will stay by my side. He says discreetly taking her further back behind the crowd.

“Nin-argh! My back snaps loudly right in the middle of my spine The pack doctor kneels by my side. Everyone whispers that the forst shift is painful, but they have never seen a shift like this cause pain almost to the point of dying.

Give him space, get back’ Mother yells,

“Where is she?’ I say

“Where is who? Mother asks

I can no longer speak, I can’t reply as my arns and legs snap into place White tur sprouts from my skin and my face morphs. I let out a howl that shakes the hall I've shifted

Everyone steps back and gasps of coos at the beauty and immense size of my wolf

My wolf only had one agenda strictly on his mind Moss

My wolf growls ferociously, snarling I leap over the frightened crowd

Dad looks at my mother.

“We need to shift now! His wolf has death on his mind and we need to stop him.’

They shift quickly and race after me, leaving everyone confused.

My wolf is full of rage. How dare Moss take Nina away from me. I see nothing but red. I want to see nothing but blood. Moss's blood. I can sense wolves chasing after me, but their scent is familiar. I work out it's my parents following me.

My speed increases as I search for Nina and Moss. I sniff around and catch her scent of mint and lavender towards the parked cars. I howl, letting Moss know I'm after him. There is a car driving away. I know it's them. Before he gets too far, I leap onto the roof of the car, causing Nina to scream and Moss to swerve.

“Let me out, let me go.’ She screams at Moss.

“No, you are mine, Nina."

“He will kill you, Moss!

“Let him try." He laughs.

Moss continues to drive, swerving, hoping I lose my grip and fall. jump onto the bonnet of the car and begin banging my head against the windshield. It cracks, then breaks, shattering into thousands of pieces.

Nina continues to scream and holds onto the car door. Moss speeds up even faster as I lunge forward into the car. I bite into his left arm, Moss yells in pain. He swerves the car and I slip, letting go of his arm. I jump back onto the roof of the car as the car plummets full force into a tree. I'm flung from the impact a dozen metres away. Slowly standing on all fours, I gain my balance and look at the car smashed into the tree. Smoke rises from the bonnet.


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