The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf

Chapter 17

Chapter 17


“Astrid, you need to eat, James says. Ignoring him, I keep my eyes on the stone floor. This will be my second night down in the cell. I've refused all food and never acknowledged James’ s presence when he comes down to the cell.

He punches the cell door angrily. I flinch in fright. I'm worried.

“Damn it, Astrid! Why can’t you be a good little mate and do what you're told?’ He yells.

Hearing keys, James unlocks the cell. It creaks open. James picks me up and sits down on the bench, holding me tightly in his lap. I try to fight him off. I scratch his cheek. He slaps me hard across the face and wraps his arms tightly around me so I can't move. His nose nuzzles my hair and sniffs the back of my neck

“Astrid, I could make you so happy if you let me,” he says.

"You will never think of Alpha Ryker again if you give me a chance, he whispers. I wriggle and squirm. “After your first shift, I will mark you straight away, he says. I stiffen at his words.

“No, I won't let you. You can’t mark me. I belong with Ryker.’

"You may not like the thought of it now, but you will learn to

love me,’ he says.

“I will never love you, James! So, you better start getting that into your thick head!" I yell.

“Finally! You speak, he says with a chuckle. Two more nights, and your wolf will be here. Perhaps I'll watch your first shift. Hmm?’ he says.

I'd rather you go jump off a cliff!’ I say.

“Now, now," he says, moving my hair away from my shoulder. He plants kisses along my shoulder. Stop!” 1 yell and squirm. James lets out a sigh and places me on the stone bench.

'l will be back tomorrow to spend some more bonding time with you, he smiles.

I cross my arms in disapproval as he leaves the cell and locks the door.

“Goodnight, Astrid. he says, walking away. I lie down facing the cell door, cradling myself. I have to get out of here,

A few hours later, Amelia tiptoes softly downstairs. She lets out a sigh of relief when she sees James hasn't marked me yet.

“Alpha Zenith is going back into the city tomorrow for business. James and John will also be going. I'll look for the

cell keys. I'll get you out of here, she says with a smile.

Nodding, I'm hoping her plan works. Through the gaps of the bars, I take her hand.

“Come with me!" I offer. Amelia looks taken back.

“I can't leave. John and Zenith will hunt me down, she says sadly, looking away.

“Let them! Alpha Ryker and my pack will protect you,” I assure her.

'I don't know if I could leave all the other pack members.’ She cries, “I'd never be able to return and could never see them again.

“At least think about it until you find the key,” I suggest. Amelia nods and gives me a small smile, leaves the cell, and retreats upstairs.

Tired, I curl up on the cold bench and hug myself to keep warm. I'm playing hide and seek in the woods with mum. She has long brown hair and green eyes. I watch her run through the trees. “Come on, Astrid, darling. It's your turn to find me,” she says. Closing my eyes, I count to thirty. My mum is quick on her feet and can run twice as fast as anyone I know. My mother is so strong and very kind. I admire her strengths. She is the most loving mother I could ask for. She always tells me how special I am, I never believe her. I figure mum is being biased because I'm her daughter. “When you're eighteen, you'll

believe me,’ she says, smiling at me..

Slowly, I wander through the trees, searching for her. I see rustling in the distance up ahead. “Found you! I shout. I run toward the rustling, only to hear a growl. I freeze in place, slowly stepping backwards in fear. Panic fills my body. I see movement in my peripheral vision. Mum has her index finger over her lips, motioning for me to keep quiet. I'm shaking with fear. Mum points behind me. Turning around, I tiptoe into the shrubbery she points to. I lie still, I'm flat on my tummy, with both hands over my mouth to conceal the sounds of my breathing. A vast grey wolf wanders around, sniffing, it lets out a loud growl.

For a moment, I closed my eyes. I can hear the wolf walking toward me. I open my eyes. My mother has a look of fear on her face. She slowly shakes her head and holds eye contact with me, motioning for me not to move. The big grey wolf slowly walks past me. He is ragged and worn and is even missing one of his ears. I've never seen such a ferocious animal. I tremble where I lie.

The wolf sniffs around before emitting a vicious, blood curdling growl. I scream in fear. The wolf turns, spotting me. I quickly stand and start running. The wolf gives chase until I hear my mother yell, “It's me you want!’ The wolf stops chasing me and runs toward my mother. Astrid! Run!’ She screams.! don't want to leave her. I run a small distance and climb a tree. My mother's body lies limp. I can see blood pooling

beside her. “Mum!’ I scream at the top of my lungs, crying. The wolf circles her. The wolf has blood on his face from my mother's wounds.

My Dad is yelling in the distance, “Astrid!’

“Daddy!’ I scream. The wolf looks right at me. I'm terrified. He walks toward me like I'm his prey until the sound of a gunshot rings out. Bang! The wolf retreats.

“Astrid?’ My Dad calls out again, this time much closer. Another shot rings out. Bang!

“Dad! Over here!" I scream. The wolf turns and runs, knowing Dad is approaching. When the wolf is gone, I climb down the tree.

“Astrid! What's wrong? I heard your screams. Where is your mother?" he asks, in a panic.

'W-wolf... wolf... wolf..." I cry, shaking in fear and sobbing.

'A wolf?’ Dad asks. I point in mum's direction.

The wolf got her, Dad,’ I say, bursting into tears.

Dad's face pales. He grabs my hand, and we wander cautiously toward my mother's body. Dad drops to his knees, lifts her head to his chest, and cries. “My love! My beautiful love!" He cries, I craw! over to my mother, take her hand, and hold it up to my face. I cry into her hand. We stay like this for a while until Dad says something.

Astrid, you need to tell me exactly what happened, he says firmly.

'We were playing hide and seek. It was my turn to find her. I thought I had found her, but it wasn't her. It was a wolf. He growled and came out from behind the trees. Mum wanted me to hide in the shrubs. Even though I was so scared, I stayed as still as possible, but the wolf came close and scared me again with an angry, loud growl. I didn't mean to scream, Daddy. The wolf chased me, and I ran. Mum yelled out at the wolf. She said it was her the wolf wanted. She screamed for me to keep running. When I turned, the wolf was hurting her. So, I ran to that tree and climbed it. Then I screamed, and you came here, I say, crying. I look at Dad. I've never seen him look at me that way before. It's a look of pure hatred.

“Daddy?’ I say, crying. Dad grabs me by the hair and drags me back toward our house.

“Daddy, Daddy. What are you doing? Why are you hurting me?" I


“It's your fault she is dead! It's your fault the wolf killed her! If you listened to her, obeyed her and stayed still, she would still be alive; he yells. “Daddy, please! I didn't mean to kill her! Please! I didn't mean to!” I'm dragged upstairs to my room and thrown inside. My Dad slams my door closed, and for the first time, I hear a key locking the door.

Mum!’ I scream, sitting up drenched in sweat. I look around

the cell and let my eyes adjust. My breathing is heavy, and my heart races with panic. It was just a dream, the same dream 1 always have. Huddled in the corner of the dirty cell, I rest my chin on my knees. I jerk my head up when I feel a presence.

“Who's there?" I ask, sniffling. Footsteps come closer. Alpha Zenith has a grin on his face. I glare at him.

“What do you want?" I yell.

"You know very well what I want, he snaps back.

I'm not letting James mark me. I sure as hell won't be his mate!” I yell. His grin changes into a glare. “Do you know, you were screaming out for your mother before you woke up?’ He says. I look at the ground.

“What happened to her?’ He asks.

“None of your damn business! I yell.

“What if I told you, I already know?’ He says, grinning again. I look at him, confused.

“What would you say if I said I knew your mother?” He asks.

I don't believe you, I say, looking away again.

He laughs, drags an old rickety chair in front of my cell door, and sits

“Well, aren't you in for a big surprise?’ He says with a smirk

and crosses his arms.

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