The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf: Book One of The Alpha Series

The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf: Chapter 7

It’s a beautiful town with lush trees all around, and plenty of parks. I see a shopping strip up ahead, and some cute cafés and some clothing stores. There are plenty of people around who are most likely werewolves; I feel a lot of unwelcome eyes on me. I spot a watch tower and go there.

After climbing hundreds of steps, I take in the view: Shadow Crest sure is beautiful. A dense, green forest surrounds the town for miles around; there is no way of telling which way is which. I sit down defeated, and dangle my legs over the ledge, resting my head on the rail. What am I going to do? Turning into a werewolf scares me, but I can’t run from that. It’s going to happen no matter where I go. I reflect on last night: Ryker being shot, the way he protected me from my father, and how my heart ached at the thought of almost losing him.

Suddenly, I feel a presence behind me; Ryker lets out a heavy sigh and sits down next to me, dangling his legs over the ledge.

‘Ryker, I’m sorry I ran off. I just panicked and didn’t know what to do,’ I explain.

‘Do you want to talk about it? Mia mentioned what she said,’ he says.

‘How am I supposed to come to terms with shifting into a wolf, shifting into something, I’ve greatly feared, since I was seven years old? I don’t want to meet my wolf Ryker; I don’t want to shift,’ I cry. Ryker puts his arm around me and pulls me close; his nose is nuzzling my neck and sending tingles through my body.

‘Astrid, I want to help you conquer your fears. I will be with you on your first shift. I will help you transition through it. I won’t lie; the first time is the worst but it gets easier. I promise to help you through it,’ he says, tucking my hair behind my ear.

I nod and rest my head on his shoulder, silently taking in the view of Shadow Crest.

‘If you’re ready, we can go to the shopping strip over there. I’d like you to meet some people.’

‘Okay let’s go,’ I smile.

‘Let’s try Medley’s clothing store,’ Ryker says. He opens the door and a bell jingles.

‘Welcome to Medley’s. How can I help you? Oh. Alpha Ryker,’ the sales assistant says, bowing her head.

‘What an honour to have you in my store; it’s been a while,’ she says, giving him a platonic, friendly wink.

‘And who do we have here this time?’ She smiles while looking me up and down.

‘This time?’ I ask Ryker.

‘Astrid, I’d like you to meet Medley; she is the owner here and will help you with some outfits,’ he says smiling, ‘and Medley this is your Luna, Astrid,’ he tells Medley.

Medley’s jaw drops on Luna, and she bows her head.

‘I’m sorry. I had no idea Alpha found his mate. How did Alice and Vanessa react to the news?’ She asks. Ryker looks at me then back at Medley.

‘Alice found out this morning, so she will probably inform Vanessa, today, the agreement is no longer happening.’

‘Right. Well then, Luna, if you’d like to come this way, with me, into the change rooms and we’ll try on some clothes,’ she says.

Following Medley, I ask Ryker, ‘who is Vanessa’?

‘She is just a friend of mine who has a small crush on me, but I wouldn’t worry yourself over it too much,’ he says.

‘Is that why Alice isn’t very happy this morning?’ I ask. Ryker nods.

‘Yeah. Vanessa is her daughter and all of Shadow Crest knows she wants to be my mate and Luna,’ he explains.

‘She doesn’t have a mate?’ I ask.

‘Her mate died two years ago, in her old pack, Shady Crest. She transferred to our pack after he died. She says they were abusive toward her and she became the pack slave. Alice and Vanessa decided to run away, and found themselves here, and she developed a silly crush on me,’ he explains. I nod, accepting his explanation, and continue to the change room where Medley has hung dozens of dresses, tops and skirts for me to try on. In what feels like a fashion-call in a movie, Medley shows me a consecutive offering of chic clothes, in an assortment of fabrics I’ve never worn before.

‘Do you have anything more casual?’ I ask.

‘You’re a Luna, and should dress as such,’ she says, smiling.

‘I haven’t agreed to be anyone’s Luna. Until then I’d just like normal clothes like everyone else, please.’

‘Surely Alpha has marked you?’ She asks, looking at my neck.  I grab her wrist before she moves my hair aside and sees the bruises.

‘You will keep your hands to yourself!’ I say, sternly.

‘Luna, forgive me. I’m so sorry. I’m completely out of line. It’s just unheard of, not marking your mate right away, especially an Alpha mate,’ she explains.

Medley excuses herself while I try on some of the clothes. I choose three casual dresses, a few pairs of jeans, a few tops, a couple of hoodies, and a couple of cardigans to go with the dresses. Medley returns with a few bra-and-underwear sets.

‘These are the clothes I’ve chosen. You can take them to the counter with the undergarments you’re holding,’ I say.

Following Medley to the cash register, she scans the items and places them into shopping bags.

‘Is there anything else you need, Astrid?’ Ryker asks, as he pulls his gold card out to pay.

‘Maybe a nightie to sleep in, but I don’t know if there are any in this store.’

‘There are a few other clothing stores along here we can go to,’ he says, I nod and we leave the store. Ryker insists he carries the bags.

We pass the next couple of shops and go into a night wear store full of pyjamas and nighties.

‘Alpha, it’s a pleasure to have you here. What do I owe the pleasure?’ The sales assistant says, before looking at me.

‘Daisy, this is Astrid, my mate. Astrid, this is Daisy,’ he says.

‘Oh! We finally have a Luna! The elders must be so thrilled! And you, of course, Alpha!’ She walks over to me and gives me a hug; I flinch. She squeezes me and I cry out in pain.

‘Astrid, are you okay?’ Daisy asks.

‘I’m okay. My ribs are still healing is all,’ I say.

‘I should really take you to see the pack doctor to ease the pain,’ Ryker says.

‘It’s fine, as long as I don’t get squeezed again,’ I say.

‘Luna, I am so sorry! What ever happened to you?’ She asks.

‘It’s fine, Daisy. You didn’t know. I fell down some stairs at home,’ I lie, looking away.

‘Anyway, we’re here because Astrid needs some night wear,’ Ryker says, changing the subject for me.

I go around handing Daisy different sets of pyjamas before we go into the change room. I find some of the silliest items I have no intention of buying. I put on a green dinosaur onesie with a long tail, and exit the dressing room; the hood is the shape of a dinosaur’s face. Ryker bursts out laughing.

‘What about this one?’ I ask; Ryker is still laughing.

‘If that’s what you want to sleep in, be my guest,’ he says with a smirk. I return to the change room, giggling, before trying on an astronaut onesie. I walk out in slow motion as though I’m on the moon.

‘Houston, we have a problem,’ I say. Ryker starts laughing again.

‘What’s the problem?’ He asks, chuckling.

‘The zip is stuck!’ I say, slowly walking back into the change room.

Ryker follows me into the small change room he can barely fit in and closes the door behind us. He runs his finger down my spine to find the zip, eliciting a small moan from me. He let outs a small desirous growl, while slowly unzipping the back of my onesie. I turn to face him; our faces are almost touching; it is very hot in the changeroom.

Our eyes are transfixed on each other’s and our breathing becomes heavy. I close my eyes, relishing his warm touch on my face. We’re pressed so closely to each other, and our lips are about to meet, when Daisy opens the door.

‘How are you going in there? Oh, my goodness! I’m so sorry!’ She says, blushing and turning around. Ryker and I straighten ourselves up.

‘It’s fine. Astrid is ready to try on the next one,’ he says, with a grin and a cheeky wink. I blush and Ryker exits the small cubicle.

‘Here, tell Astrid to try these ones on,’ he tells Daisy. Daisy hands me a maroon two-piece set made from silk. The top is a button-up, short-sleeve, silk shirt, and the bottoms are shorts. I think they’re quite nice and modest when I try them on.

‘These are really comfy,’ I say, walking out, with a smile.

‘Great. I’ll buy them for you. Maybe try this set on too,’ he says, grinning. I turn before getting changed; Ryker and Daisy are giggling.

‘Is there something wrong?’ Daisy blushes and looks away.

‘Nope, nothing’s wrong,’ Ryker says, smiling; his arms crossed.

I discover the source of their amusement later that night when I put them away: the silk set has Bite Me written on the bum. I try the other set on; the pants are very soft and have a slight fluffiness to them. I can alternate between a singlet top and a long sleeve shirt with them. I walk out, only to burst out laughing; Ryker is wearing the same dark-blue set, in a men’s version.

‘I thought we could have a matching set,’ he laughs.

‘Fine,’ I smirk, shaking my head in disbelief. I change back into my clothes. Ryker has changed and has paid for everything.

‘Want to look around the other shops?’ Ryker asks.

‘No, I think we’re good to go now.’

‘Okay, let’s go.’

We get back to the pack house in ten minutes. No one else seems to be around, so we go upstairs to sort my new clothes out. Ryker lies on his back with his eyes closed. I lean on the bedpost admiring his handsome face for a few moments, before lying beside him.

‘Astrid?’ Ryker spoke.


‘I’d like you to meet my wolf tonight. I want to remove your fear of us.’ He turns his head to look at me. I turn on my side.

‘Okay, but I only want to meet yours for now,’ I reply.

‘Okay,’ he kisses me on the forehead.

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