The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf: Book One of The Alpha Series

The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf: Chapter 27

Ryker! My Dad! He kidnapped me!

Shit! Are you at your father’s house?

No, we aren’t at his house. I’m in some kind of big, old shed or run-down, abandoned factory. I’ve never been here before.

Leon is bringing me a map; we’ll mark all the abandoned buildings and sheds, and check each and every one.

You need to hurry; he says he is going to kill our baby. I hear a ferocious growl through the link.

I’m going to kill him if he lays a finger on you or our baby.

Dad grabs my hair and strikes me across the face.

‘Are you even listening to me? Or are you too busy zoning out?’ He yells.

‘Ryker is going to find me and he is going to kill you for this!’ I yell.

‘Your precious Ryker hey? So, he’s your baby Daddy,’ he says.

‘Yes. Ryker is my mate!’ I reply.

‘Your mate? And what kind of term is that?’ He asks.

‘The Moon Goddess chose us to be together; we are soul mates,’ I say. He smirks and stands, picking the chair up and throwing it onto the ground; I watch it smash into a million pieces.

‘Please don’t. I’m begging you,’ I say, as he approaches me.

Curling up into a ball, I bring my knees up to my stomach while he kicks me over and over again. I cry and scream for him to stop, but he keeps going. Every kick is meant for my stomach and I have no way to shield my unborn baby from the onslaught. He pauses to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and looks down at me, proud of beating me. I’m battered pretty badly, but can feel myself already healing. He leaves and returns an hour later.

‘What the fuck? Where are all the bruises from your face gone?’ He asks. I ignore him. He kneels down to inspect me, realising most of my bruises and wounds are healed.

‘Impossible,’ he mutters, as he stands. He grabs my face tightly in his hands.

‘How did you do that?’ He asks.

‘I already told you. I’m a werewolf; we heal quickly!’ I yell.

He glares at me for a moment in thought, before kicking me hard in the stomach. I cry out in pain, and wish there was something I could do to shield my stomach; I am so big, there is no way to shield it. I cry out as liquid runs down my legs. My stomach seizes tightly and I let out a scream.

‘Looks like I brought on your labour,’ he laughs. I’m panting as soon as the contraction finishes; my forehead drips with sweat. I brace myself for the next contraction, letting out a scream, while my Dad watches, smiling.

‘I’m going to enjoy the look on your face when the baby comes. You won’t get to even hold it!’ He says, as he walks over to an old bench. I hear the sound of metal clinking against metal, as he sorts through items.

‘I think this will do the trick,’ he says, holding up a box-cutter knife.

‘No, Dad! Please!’ I yell, and scream with the next contraction.

Ryker! Hurry! The baby is coming. I’m in labour.

You’re in labour?

He beat me; he triggered the labour. He is going to kill our baby as soon as it’s born! I scream with the next contraction.

There are twenty different abandoned places. We have checked eighteen. We’re getting closer now. I promise I’ll be there soon!

My Dad approaches me, sits on the ground in front of me, and scratches the blade into the concrete to torment me. My contractions are closer together now; my body is almost ready to push.

We’re here! I can smell your scent, he links.

I let out a scream with the contraction.

I can hear you. I’m coming baby, he links. I hear running footsteps outside, twenty metres away; Dad hears them too. He opens a long case, and pulls out a shotgun. He points the gun toward the door.

‘Let her go!’ Ryker growls. My Dad chuckles

‘Or what?’ He says.

‘I’ll rip your head off!’ Ryker warns. My Dad fires, only just missing Ryker.

‘We’re going to play it this way then, are we?’ Ryker says, removing his shirt and jeans, and shifting into his wolf. He charges toward Dad; the gun fires and is followed with a whimper and a yelp.

‘Ryker!’ I yell, watching the blood trickle from his shoulder. The gun is loaded again.

‘Well, I’ll be damned. Werewolves do exist. Just think of the money I would get if I shoot you dead and skin your fur!’ He shouts.

Ryker lets out a growl and circles him. The gun is still pointed in his direction. I let out a scream as another contraction comes, and briefly averts Dad’s attention, giving Ryker enough time to lunge at him. A shot rings out and Ryker body-slams my Dad, and pins him to the ground. Ryker snarls in his face, baring his fangs and a mouth full of sharp canines.

‘Whoa, steady there boy…’ Dad says, raising his hands to surrender. Ryker bites down so quickly, all I see is Dad’s head fly across the room and slam into the wall, leaving a large splat of blood on the wall. Ryker shifts back into human form and runs to me, releasing my hands from the cuffs.

‘The baby is coming,’ I cry. ‘I need to push,’ I tell him.

‘You’re safe now. I’m here now. Push babe. You can do this!’ He says, reassuringly, I nod and push on the next contraction.

‘I can see the head!’ Ryker announces. ‘Come on babe! One more push!’ I push with all my might as the baby slides out into Ryker’s hands, and wails.

‘You did it!’ Ryker says, wrapping his shirt around the baby and placing him in my arms. He sits beside me while we both look down in awe at our very big, but perfect baby boy.

‘Wow! He is one big baby,’ Ryker says.

‘Definitely an Alpha like his Daddy,’ I say, with a giggle.

‘No wonder your belly was so huge!’ He says.

‘I’ve told the doctor and the others where we are. We’ll have you and our son home soon,’ he says, smiling.

‘I can’t believe this boy is our son. What are we going to name him?’ I ask Ryker.

‘What about Magnus? It’s a tough, strong name, and it also means large; very fitting for a future Alpha. I think so anyway,’ Ryker says.

‘Alpha Magnus. I like it!’ I smile.

‘It’s settled. Magnus it is,’ Ryker declares. The doctor arrives and Ryker cuts the umbilical cord. We are driven home where I’m greeted by half the town, in the dining room.

‘I know you’re all are keen to meet the future Alpha of the pack, but Astrid and the baby need rest after their ordeal.

‘It’s a boy!’ Someone yells out.

‘Yes, it’s a boy!’ Ryker confirms. Every one cheers.

‘A boy! The future Alpha of Shadow Crest!’ Someone says. Ryker and I smile at each other.

‘Unless you live in the pack house, please go home. You’ll have the chance to meet the baby during the week,’ Ryker says. Guests aren’t happy about not being able to see the baby wrapped up, in my arms.

I sit in an armchair in the living room. Ryker crouches down beside me, and strokes Magnus’ thick brown hair. Seth, Kane, Mia and Hayley watch on from other sofas, as I unwrap him, and take him out of his swaddle. Everyone lets out a gasp.

‘He is twice the size of a newborn wolf-pup!’ Seth says, shocked.

‘No wonder you were eating ten meals a day, Astrid! It wasn’t to feed you; it was just to feed him!’ Mia says in astonishment. We all burst out laughing at the truth of her words.

‘We have named him,’ I say, excitedly.

‘What’s his name?’ Hayley asks, wide-eyed.

‘Well, we wanted a strong and tough name, he being a future Alpha. He is obviously going to be huge as an adult. We’ve decided on Magnus,’ I say, with a beaming smile.

‘It’s perfect!’ Mia declares, clapping her hands together, delighted.

‘Alpha Magnus. That is a very strong name,’ Seth smiles.

‘He has your eyes, Astrid. And your hair,’ Hayley says.

‘And his Dad’s nose and handsome face,’ I say, giggling.

‘Our perfect baby boy,’ Ryker says, placing his hand on my shoulder proudly.

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