The Alpha’s Mate And The Vampire King (The Alpha Series Book 3)

The Alpha’s Mate And The Vampire King: Chapter 28

Alpha Bennet taps his fingers repetitively in the dark of night. Alpha Amir and Alpha Theaton sit at the table beside him. The candelabra above them only dimly lights the room. Hank brings a large jug of wine to the table and refills everyone’s cups before taking a seat himself.

‘How much longer do we have to wait for this Kadva you speak of to arrive?’ Hank asks, evidently impatient with waiting.

The window shutters suddenly blow open, candles flicker, and the lace curtain dances in the air before settling itself back down.

Hank looks towards the window to see no one there but becomes startled when he sees a hooded figure on the seat beside him.

‘What in the world!’ Hank says, ‘Where did you come from?’

‘Kadva, it’s nice of you to join us,’ Alpha Bennet says.

‘It’s been a while, Alpha Bennet,’ Kadva says, sounding polite.

‘Something interesting has occurred and in our favour too,’ Alpha Bennet smiles.

‘Oh?’ Kadva says as he turns his hand upright, and a blue orb of magic appears. He bounces it up and down in his hand as if bored.

Hank’s eyes grow wide, ‘What is that thing?’ he says, frantically pointing at Kadva.

The wolf council are calm, as if it’s normal for them to see such magic.

‘Hank, this is Kadva. He is a mage,’ Alpha Bennet says, almost too calm.

‘A M-mage? I never knew such a thing existed,’ Hank says.

Kadva turns his head at Hank, ‘Refer to me as a thing again, Hank, and maybe I will show you what this thing is capable of,’ Kadva grits through his teeth.

Hank stiffens and goes silent.

‘Let’s get back to business, Kadva. We agreed many years ago that we would keep you a secret from society so you could live your life free from being hunted down by humans. In return, you would owe us a big favour if we ever needed it. That time is now,’ Alpha Bennet smirks.

‘I’m listening,’ Kadva says.

‘We all have mutual feelings toward the human race and find it unfair that we have to stay hidden from humans, century after century. We have even joked about wiping them out, but for thousands of werewolves to go up against billions of humans and their weapons of destruction. We know it would never be possible, and we would lose. However, there is a pack we have disliked for some time now, Shadow Crest. They are responsible for killing alpha Zenith many years ago and, more recently, his daughter Vanessa and grandson Moss. As you know, Alpha Zenith used to be a part of this council, and we were practically brothers. Now Alpha Magnus has taken over the pack, and it turns out his little mate is half-witch,’

‘What? That’s impossible,’ Kadva says, ‘There hasn’t been a record of a witch in hundreds of years,’

‘There is no record of a mage either,’ Alpha Bennet smiles, ‘But yet, here you are. It gets even better from here. A coven of witches came forward and made themselves known to Shadow Crest,’

‘There are more? What is the coven called?’ Kadva asks.

‘The Midnight Coven or something along those lines. They made Nina, and her sister, who also wields magic, members of their coven and then the coven were also welcomed into the Shadow Crest pack,’

‘One big happy family,’ Kadva chuckles. ‘But I can see how that would be a problem to you and all other packs. They would stand out having witches and magic on their side, making them the most powerful pack to exist,’

‘Yes, it is a problem, a big problem. We went to see them and Yiselda, the coven leader, spoke about how they are needed to protect Pandora’s Box from opening. That the box holds beings from your worst nightmares and would wipe all species from the earth, including us, if ever freed. I asked to see this Pandora’s Box, and Yiselda refused. We gave the witches, including their precious Luna, a day to vanish from any pack territories and never return. Otherwise, we would hunt them down and kill them. We left, and further along the road, this smouldering blackbird gave me a note to come back the next day, where I would be taken to Pandora’s Box. We returned the next day and entered a portal with the witches. It was their Covenstead which they named Pandora’s Box. I entered the house to find items floating and moving around. We stepped through a large mirror and opened a door that led to darkness. Yiselda made a staircase magically appear using a book, and then we walked up the stairs until we reached a large dark heavy door covered in sigils. It was a dungeon, we entered, and the first hideous creatures I saw were what they call Grimghouls. Then there were the Shadow Reapers further up. They were all interesting creatures, but what got my attention was the lone vampire king locked away in a small dark cell,’

‘The vampire king?’ Kadva says as he drops his ball of magic onto the table. It shatters into light blue glimmering dust, scattering across the table.

‘So not only do witches still exist but Grimghouls, Shadow Reapers and vampires too? And not just any vampire, the vampire king?’ Kadva says.

‘Yes, hundreds of years ago, humans killed his blood flame, who happened to be a witch. He created the Grimghouls and Shadow Reapers to try and help save her. Afterwards, he sent them across the lands to kill all humans. Werewolf packs teamed up and tried to stop him. He wiped out most of the packs until witches intervened and have kept him in the dungeon ever since.’

‘This is all rather interesting to hear. After all these years, I thought werewolves and myself were the only supernatural creatures left?’

‘Well, the story gets more interesting again. I’ve had Hank here wear that necklace you gave me years ago to cover scents and sent him to spy on Shadow Crest. He returned with rather intriguing news. It turns out Nina, the half-wolf and half-witch Luna, isn’t only mates with Magnus but is also mates with the vampire king,’

‘They have the vampire king on their side as well?’ Kadva says, astonished at the thought.

‘Not quite, Nina wants to let him out, but the others are against it, especially Alpha Magnus,’

‘Well, I’m intrigued as to where I fit in all of this and still not sure where you are going with all this information?’

‘I want the humans gone, wiped out, non-existent, and we can now achieve that with the vampire king’s help. We can take over the world and never have to hide. A human free world full of werewolves!’ Alpha Bennet Beams.

Kadva awkwardly coughs.

‘Oh, supernatural’s, I guess I should say?’ He corrects himself.

‘And how do you supposed we achieve that? We don’t know how to get to the vampire king and if he will want to wipe out the human species?’ Kadva says.

‘Actually,’ Hank interrupts, ‘I happened to follow them through a portal to Pandora’s Box and was able to figure out the location. It’s a few hours run in wolf form from here,’ he smirks and folds his arms.

‘We are not going to visit the vampire king and just ask him if he would do it. We will make him do it. You, Kadva, will take Nina’s wand and kidnap her. Magnus will notice her missing. You will leave this note telling him in order to have Nina safely returned, he needs to free the vampire king, and the vampire king needs to eradicate the human race,’

‘So, I’m to remove Nina’s wand removing her of magic, kidnap her, leave this note and have Nina hidden and locked up somewhere until there are no humans alive?’

‘Correct,’ Alpha Bennet says, ‘Except we won’t be handing Nina over. I want the witches and that vampire dead as well. Hank will burn Pandora’s Box down. We will kill the witches, and together we will kill the vampire king,’

‘Are you sure you want all the blood of those humans and witches on your hand? It doesn’t feel right just to wipe them out. What if we can’t kill the vampire king?’

We will seal him in a dungeon for eternity using Nina’s magic and then kill her. If you refuse to cooperate, Kadva, tell me now because I’m sure the humans would love to hear all about this mage that can manipulate elements they would like to get their hands on. As well as lock-up in one of those laboratories and be experimented on every day?’ Alpha Bennet warns.

Kadva stiffens, ‘So when do I leave for Shadow Crest?’ He asks.

‘Tonight.’ Alpha Bennet smiles.

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