The Alpha’s Mate And The Vampire King (The Alpha Series Book 3)

The Alpha’s Mate And The Vampire King: Chapter 10

‘Ironically, I think it’s in your best interests to know what we’re doing to save this world from being destroyed, and maybe, by some miracle, you’ll come to some type of mutual respect for us witches,’ Fern says.

‘It has been entrusted upon Yiselda for the previous two hundred years to take over Pandora’s Box and stay there. It was known as the Midnight Covenstead for generations until the Vampire King sought revenge on the humans for the death of his blood flame. He summoned Shadow Reapers and Grimghouls and released them into the world. As a result, many werewolves were killed, and their territories were seized. It was only a matter of time before they infiltrated human settlements, and as you know, humans must never learn about the supernatural side of our world.

Many witches banded together and used their power. We were able to imprison the Vampire King and his minions inside the Midnight Covenstead, where spells were put to keep them locked up for good. Centuries had passed, and the witches and wolves had coexisted peacefully until the Alphas were dissatisfied with the love and adoration we got from their pack members. They lied to their pack, claiming they were cursed and that all witches must be slain, so we can’t control them with spells. As a result, they set out to find us. It was the largest witch hunt in history.

Yiselda was the only survivor of the Midnight Coven after the witch hunt. She remained there, keeping the charms and spells in place, knowing it was now her responsibility to keep the world safe. Years later, in a human village, she stumbled upon us at an orphanage and sensed right away that we weren’t humans. We were too little at the time and didn’t know we were witches till she brought us in. Since then, she has served as our mother, teacher, and protector. She remains at Pandora’s Box to this day in order to protect us all.’ Fern explains.

‘Do you think we’re going to believe that? A Vampire King, Shadow Reapers, or Grimghouls have never existed. Everyone is aware of the past. Witches used their magic against us for selfish reasons, which is why you were wiped out,’ Alpha Bennet sneers.

‘That is completely false!’ Fern yells.

Alpha Bennet stands, ‘We will take our leave to discuss this, and we will return tomorrow with our decision,’

‘What decision? There isn’t anything to decide,’ Magnus growls.

‘The decision on whether or not to allow the witches to reside here or be exiled,’ Alpha Bennet smirks, turns, and goes out the door, followed by Alpha Amir and Alpha Theaton before they all leave.

Alpha Amir comes to a halt and turns. ‘In the meantime, we’ll leave a dozen of our warriors here to keep an eye on the pack until we return tomorrow,’ he smiles.

‘They can’t be serious?’ Fern is concerned.

‘You and your sisters are part of this pack. We won’t allow them to harm you, any of you.’ Magnus says.

Reaper flies towards the Alphas, swooping them and then flying back up.

‘What in the world was that?’ Alpha Bennet says, his head tilted.

‘I’m not sure. All I saw was black mist,’ says Alpha Theaton.

‘Witchcraft, perhaps?’ Alpha Amir says, returning his gaze to the packhouse.

Reaper caws and charges at them once more. This time, they come across a big black raven. They run from our territory, escaping Reaper.

Reaper flies inside the house and lands on my shoulder.

‘Reaper chasing after them off isn’t going to help our situation,’ I say to him.

He mind-links, ‘It doesn’t matter what we do. They have a vendetta against this pack,’

‘Do you really think so?’

‘They had already decided they didn’t like witches before they stepped foot in this packhouse. When they return tomorrow, it will not be with good news,’ Reaper mind-links.

‘We should probably see Yiselda,’ Fern says. They all nod and walk outside. Ela redraws a star within a circle on the ground while Ria places the stones at each point.

‘Just step into the circle, and it will teleport you there with us.’ Lilac explains.

As soon as they all step in and teleport, I follow and instantly appear in front of Pandora’s box, surrounded by a dense forest. The Covenstead has a red tint, and any framework and lattice around it is a dark brown. The chimney is emitting smoke, and a window shutter swings open.

Ria yells, ‘Come on, Luna, the entrance is this way.’

I accompany them inside the Covenstead. I’m dizzy from spinning around since there’s so much going on. On the bookshelf, books and knick-knacks are rearranging themselves. A broom is sweeping the floor on its own. There are cats, frogs, spiders, and even a chicken roaming the area. We follow the sound of bubbling water into the kitchen. I expected to see a kitchen island instead of a large black cauldron. Steam and bubbles float to the surface, and I cringe when I discover the bubbling fluid is green.

‘I’m so delighted you all came to visit,’ Yiselda smiles. We all crowd around and share one giant hug. ‘Let me put the kettle on, and we’ll have some tea while you girls tell me how well you’re settling into Shadow Crest,’ she says. Yiselda turns and wields her wand, saying, ‘Lifto Levitatous, Aqua Bedew, Inferno Flamo.’

We watch as a black iron kettle floats over to the tap, fills with water, and then floats over to the fire, hovering over it.

She waves her wand again, this time at a teacup and saucer, saying, ‘Lifto Levitatous.’ The cup and saucer drift to the dining table and land. She says, ‘Spawniate.’ The cup and saucer multiply to become a set of six on the table.

‘Lifto Levitatous,’ she says as she calls the pot of water over to the table. The kettle floats and tips over, dumping boiling water into our teacups. I place a tea bag on the saucer after dipping it in my teacup until I’m satisfied with the strength.

Yiselda has come to join us at the table. ‘How has it been so far?’ she inquires.

‘We had a lot of fun, went into town, met many people, and even got free cupcakes from the baker when we helped replace the broken fence and sign,’ Lilac says.

‘They were very thankful,’ Ria smiles.

‘I’m delighted to hear everything is going well,’ Yiselda says.

‘Well, until today, when the wolf council came to visit us,’ Fern explains.

Yiselda almost spills her tea as she stares at me.

‘Unfortunately, they don’t appreciate the fact that we’ve let witches into our pack. They believe witches used to cast spells against them, which is why their predecessors fought against witches,’

Yiselda sighs, placing her teacup on the saucer.

‘It’s a shame their parents and grandparents have lied to them about us. They don’t plan on causing any harm to the girls, do they?’ She asks me.

‘Well, they left not in the greatest mood to discuss the matter. The wolf council said they would return tomorrow with their verdict. Magnus insisted us witches are not a problem and that the girls had already been initiated and welcomed. Alpha Bennet claimed we could turn against them using the witches to our advantage. I’m hoping they come to their senses and understand witches just want to help,’ I say.

‘We even told them they needed us because of Pandora’s Box, but they didn’t seem to believe me when I told them why,’ Fern says.

‘If something happens to any of you, or if you believe you are in danger, please return here immediately, okay?’

‘Yes, Yiselda,’ they all say at the same time.

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