The Alpha's Fight for His Omega

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

Chapter 98


Tuesday, and Wednesday, during the day I spent mostly with Lexi as everyone else had responsibilities. Wednesday I took her over to the pack hospital to meet midwife Wanda. It was nice catching up with her, and she was impressed with Lexi. We even got to be involved in examining a pregnant female who came in for a check. Lexi really loved watching the ultrasound, and the expectant parent’s faces seeing their


Wednesday evening, after dinner I started Thanksgiving dinner prep. I had the pies done, and the dough. for the rolls rising. Thanksgiving morning I was up before anyone else in the house to get the turkey going. As soon as that was done I started making my croissants, and coffee. I was taking a tray out of the oven when Lexi, Molly, and Melissa wandered into the kitchen..

“Good morning. What are you three doing in here this early?” I asked as I started another tray for croissants.

“We’re here to help.” Molly responded.

“Oh. Well I won’t really start until around 10:00.” I said.

“Then why are you up so early?” Lexi yawned.

“I had to put the turkey in the oven. I also wanted to make breakfast. Coffee is done, if you want some.” I explained.

“Oh thank the goddess.” Lexi grumbled, and got herself some coffee.

“Is there anything we can do?” Melissa asked.

“Set the table please. Beth, Lucy, and Tina are off today.” I requested.

The girls left the room to set the table for breakfast, and I started eggs, and bacon. Breakfast went quickly. I was shocked when I walked into the kitchen after eating breakfast to find Naomi washing dishes. When I tried to help, she shooed me away saying I was cooking for the day so she was going to clean up. At 10:00 Lexi, Molly, and Melissa showed back up in the kitchen.

I ended up giving them a big bag of potatoes to peel, cut, and prep.

“Naomi, are you going to help cook?” Lexi asked as Naomi was pulling ingredients for me.

“Someone would end of sick if I cooked.” Naomi answered with a shake of her head.

“You never learned to cook?”

“I tried, but I always ended up doing something wrong. It either burned, or was under cooked. Jane, and Brinna even tried to teach me, but it never went well.”


“What about you three?”

“I can’t cook to save my life, but I can bake, and decorate like nobody’s business.” Lexi responded.

“I can cook. I’m picky about what I cook. I hate cooking chicken. It’s just gross.” Melissa said wrinkling

her nose.

“I agree with you there.” Naomi said.

“I can cook. Better now as I use the cookbook in here.” Molly said.

“I remember when Jane, and Brinna made that. They wanted me to help so I typed it up for them. They were so excited about it.” Naomi said, with a watery smile.

“Were you close with them?” Melissa asked.

“I was. They were amazing females. They never judged me for my inabilities either. They just found ways to focus on my strengths.” Naomi whispered.

“You miss them?” I asked as I worked.

“Very much. I can’t help, but think if Jane was still alive, I wouldn’t have fallen in with Aurora. I really screwed up there.” Naomi whispered.

“You can’t dwell on the past Naomi. It’s not healthy.” I said.

“…how can i not?”

“Realize you can’t change it, and holding onto it, only holds you back.”

“….I guess. Do you need some help with something?”

“Why don’t you wash, and cut up the vegetables for the salad?”


We all spent the next couple hours working, and chatting. We learned a lot about Naomi we didn’t know. Her love of fashion hadn’t surprised me, but Molly, and Melissa asked her a lot of question. She followed that with telling us stories about my mom, and Jane. She had all of us in tears from laughing at some of the things the two females got up. At one point, I guess we got loud, disturbing the males from their male bonding as Rowen, Jax, Colby, and Ross came to check on us.

“What are you females up to in here?” Colby asked.

“Yeah. It sounds like a bunch of hyenas in here.” Jax agreed.

“Mom, what are you doing in here” Ross growled, and moved to Melissa as though he was going to protect her.

“Calm down Ross. Naomi has been telling us stories about Luna Jane, and Brinna.” Molly stated.

“She’s also helping by washing dishes as we cook.” I added.

“But…” Ross started.

“We’re fine. Relax.” Melissa said as she patted Ross on the chest with a smile.

“You all have a great group of females. They will take good care of this pack. Jane, and Brinna would be very proud.” Naomi stated, and she washed more dishes.

“You’re not working too hard, are you sweet girl?” Rowen asked.

“What? This is easy. If you bunch aren’t here to help, out.” I stated.

“But, I haven’t seen you since breakfast.” Rowen whined at me, as he wrapped his arms around my waist, and buried his nose in my neck.

“None of us have. We miss our mates.” Jax added.

“You all go all day without seeing us, almost everyday. What’s with the whining about it now?” Molly asked.

“We’re all here together, and have the day off.” Colby answered.

“Naomi, are all males this needy?” Lexi questioned.

“…uh……yeah. They tend to be.” Naomi answered with a giggle.

“MOM! That’s not very nice.” Ross grumbled.

“Nice or not, it’s true.” Naomi responded with a shrug, causing all of us females to giggle.

“Everything will be ready in about an hour. You can wait until then.” I stated, using my hip to push Rowen


“Fine.” Rowen whined then left the kitchen.

We all started giggling as soon as they left the room. Naomi instantly jumped into another story about my mom. Listening to her stories really made me feel good. My mom was such a wonderful person. I hated that she wasn’t a part of my life, and that I didn’t remember her. At least I had these stories to carry with.


By the time the meal was finished cooking, we had the table set, and ready to go. The males of the house carried everything into the dining room for us, and even served us before taking their own food. It was sweet seeing them take care of us. Being in the dining room for Thanksgiving felt wonderful as well. “You did an amazing job, sweet girl.” Rowen whispered to me as he kissed my temple.

“I can never understand how you manage to make all of this in one day, Chassy girl.” Joe said to me with a smile.

“I do a lot of prep, and I start early. The majority of the side dishes can all cook in one oven as they all cook at the same temperature. It makes things easy.” I responded with a smile.

“Everything tastes fantastic.” Braxton said as he shoveled food in his mouth, causing us all to laugh.

“Did you make pies this year too?” Dad kind of whined.

“Yes dad. There is pumpkin, apple, and cherry.” I smiled at him.

“Busy beaver over there.” Peter said.

“I had a lot of help this year.” I said.

“Um….Do we go around and say something we’re thankful for? We always did that with my parents.” Lexi questioned.

“We can, if you would like.” Joe offered.

“I think that would be a nice idea.” Molly agreed.

“Alright. Who wants to start?” Joe asked.

“I’ll start.” Dad offered, “I’m thankful that my pups are healthy, happy, and willing to give me a chance to correct the mistakes I have made.”

“I’m thankful that I got into Denu, and have an awesome mate.” Colby said.

“I’m thankful for meeting Chastity. It’s because of her that I met all of you, and found my mate.” Lexi stated.

“I’m thankful for the support of my mate, and family as I finish Gamma school.” Ross said.

“I’m thankful for all of you.” Melissa said.

“I’m thankful for second chances.” Braxton said simply.

“I’m thankful that I’m finally learning to cook.” Gina said, causing us all to laugh.

“Believe me, we all are.” Rowen added with a chuckle.

“I’m thankful that my pack, and family are doing so well. I’m also thankful to see my family expanding so much.” Joe said with a smile.

“I’m thankful for my mate, and for my family and friends.” Rowen said as he squeezed my hand.

“…I’m thankful for so many things. How much my life has changed for the better. I’m thankful for the relationships I have built, and well just everything I have now.” I said with tears in my eyes because I really. am thankful for all of that.

“I’m thankful for meeting Jax, and having a real family.” Molly stated.

“I’m thankful to be home.” Jax said smiling.

“I am thankful that all of you are willing to give me a second chance.” Naomi said quietly.

“I’m thankful for everyone in this room.” Peter said.

I smiled at everyone around the table, and enjoyed my meal. There was a lot of chatting, joking, a few debates, and a lot of laughs. I loved every moment of it. It felt really good to be surrounded by my family for the holiday. At the end of the meal I was shocked when the males handled clean up. I hadn’t expected that, but they took right over, and kicked us females out of the kitchen.

By the time they were finished Lexi, Molly, Melissa, and I was stretched out in Jax and Molly’s living room, talking. I was laying on one of the couches with Lilac asleep on my chest. Lexi was on the floor,

leaning against the couch I was laying on. Molly, and Melissa were sharing the opposite couch. That is how the – males found us.

Rowen, came up to me, lifted my head, and slid onto the cushion. He put my head in his lap, and started running his fingers through my hair. That was definitely relaxing.

“How much food was left?” Molly asked.

“Not much. Maybe enough to make a couple of sandwiches, but that’s about it.” Jax responded.

“That’s pretty normal in this house.” I responded.

“You made an amazing meal, sweet girl.” Rowen said as he scratched my head.

“All of the recipes were mom’s, and Jane’s.”

“I thought that pumpkin pie tasted familiar.” Rowen smiled down at me.

“So girls, are we going Christmas shopping tomorrow?” Lexi asked.

“Sure. I’m in.” Molly agreed.

“Why not?” Melissa stated.

“I guess I can do that. I have no idea what to get anyone though.” I said.

“What do you want Chas?” Molly asked.

“I have no idea. I’ve never really thought about gifts before. Maybe just if you find something you think I might like.” I suggested.

“Do you know what you’re getting anyone?” Melissa questioned.

“I have a couple of ideas, but I’m not completely sure yet.” I answered.

“What are you getting me short stack?” Colby asked.

“A bag of coal.” I joked making everyone laugh.

“Hey! Why do I get a bag of coa!?”

“Because you asked what I’m getting you. Gifts are a surprise.”

“Are we still doing our date night tomorrow?” Lexi questioned.

“Yes.” Rowen answered.

“So what are we doing?” Molly asked.

“Dinner at the steak house at 5:00 then the blacksmith is giving a class. I thought it might be interesting to watch.” Rowen explained.

“Blacksmithing?” Melissa asked.

“Yeah. I thought it would be interesting to see how they make some of the iron work we have around here.” Rowen answered.

“Not exactly my thing, but it could be cool.” Molly admitted..

“Do you know what they’ll be making?” Ross asked.

“I don’t, but maybe they’ll have something to interest you females.”

“Ok..” Lexi said.

“Sure.” I agreed.

“Kind of a good thing because I already paid for it.” Rowen said with a chuckle.

“This one costs money?” I asked.

“Well yes because you get to keep whatever they make.”

“Oh. Well that makes sense.”

“They did say to wear something long sleeved, and pants to protect your skin.”

We all nodded. We continued to chat for a bit longer before everyone started heading off to bed. I was kind of surprised I wasn’t more tired with how early I had gotten up. Rowen followed me into the

bedroom. After I changed, I grabbed my journal, and sat on the bed to write. I wanted to make sure I remembered today.

Rowen came out while I was in the middle of my entry. He just grabbed his book, and started reading. I did enjoy these quiet times together. I caught myself a few time, glancing at him instead of writing. At one point I caught him smiling at me.

“See something you like?” Rowen joked, causing me to look back at my journal quickly, and blush.

Finally I put my journal away, and looked at him. After thinking some, I asked him a question that had plagued on my mind the last few days.

“Rowen….ummm…why…..why haven’t you done more than kiss me since the weekend?” I whispered as I blushed, and looked at my hands.

“I don’t want to push you, or make you uncomfortable. I know we talked about what happened between us, but I just wanted to make sure you were still ok. I wanted to give you time.” Rowen explained as he

put his book down, and sat up facing me.

“Oh. I…..ok.”

“Do you want me to do more than kiss you?”

“……” I couldn’t put into words what I was thinking so I just shrugged.


I felt Rowen’s fingers under my chin, and tilting my head up to look at him to see him smiling at me.

“Talk to me sweet girl.” Rowen whispered as he moved closer to me.

“…..I can’t. I…I need you to take the lead. I….” I whispered.

“OK, but I need you to tell me when to stop, some how.”

I could only nod before he was kissing me. I sighed, wrapped my arms around his shoulders, and fell into the kiss. The moment he prodded my lips with his tongue, I opened for him. He laid me back on the bed. as his tongue explored my mouth, making me moan softly. Feeling him on top of me seemed like heaven, and I didn’t know why.

I was so lost in his kiss that I jumped a bit at the feel of his hand on my bare stomach then I shivered at the feel of his touch on my skin. I didn’t stop him as his slid his hand up my top to my breast. When I felt his thumb brush across my nipple I moaned softly, and arched my back into his hand. I almost came off the bed when he lightly pinched my already hard nipple. He kissed along my jaw to my ear.

“Can I try something?” Rowen whispered in my ear, and I nodded.

Rowen pulled me up into the sitting position, and slowly removed my top. He was staring into my eyes the entire time, making sure I was ok. I was slightly uncomfortable, but I pushed through it. Once my

shirt was off, and he had thrown it on the floor, his eyes trailed over my chest. I almost covered myself, but Rowen stopped me.

“Don’t. You’re beautiful, and absolutely perfect.” Rowen whispered, and ran his hands up my sides.

He started kissing me again, and laid me back down. When his bare chest hit mine, I shivered, and pressed against him. He used one hand to spread my legs apart enough to settle his hips against mine. I could feel his erection through both our pants. It scared me, and excited me at the same time. I got distracted quickly though because he began pinching, and rolling my nipples again. I didn’t know why it felt so good, but it really did. Every pinch, and pull sent a shock wave of pleasure to my clit. I found myself thrust up against his dick, causing him to groan as he continued to kiss me.

1 was thankful he was kissing me because it kept my moans quiet. Making noises embarrassed me, and I didn’t want to bother him with them either. I also struggled not to dig my nails into his back has he

started thrusting against my clit. When Rowen started to kiss along my jaw to my throat to my marking. spot. I put one my hands in front my mouth to muffle the sounds I was making.

“Don’t muffle your sounds sweet girl. I want to hear your pleasure.” Rowen whispered against my throat, and move my hand away from my mouth, putting it back around him, “Can I try something?”

I bit my lip, and nodded. Rowen slowly kissed down my chest, kissing around my nipple causing me to gasp. The feel of his tongue run over my nipple took all I had to not fly off the bed. I was so lost in the sensations that when Rowen suckled my nipple into his mouth I moaned loudly. I felt every suckle in my clit, making me thrust against him a little harder. The more I thrust against him the more he groaned, and suckled my nipple.

He kissed over to the opposite nipple, and I tried hard to prepare for the feelings that would spread through my body, but failed. In no time I felt my entire body tightening up. I wasn’t ready yet. I was enjoying this too much. I didn’t know how to stop it though. Rowen thrust against my clit hard, and I felt

like I exploded, and floated to the moon at the same time. I think I heard myself call Rowen’s name as I came harder than I have ever made myself cum.

I was floating back down to Earth when I felt Rowen grind hard against me, and groaned my name. He flopped down half off of me, both of us breathing hard. Rowen ran his finger up, and down my sides lightly. I had my arms wrapped loosely around his shoulders.

“Are you ok sweet girl?” Rowen whispered in my ear.

“Mmhmm.” Was all I could manage, making Rowen chuckle a bit.

“I’ll be right back.” Rowen said quietly, kissed me on the cheek, and went into the bathroom.

While he was in there I managed to roll over onto my side, and pull the blanket up. I was almost completely passed out by the time he climbed into bed. I felt him kiss my shoulder, say good night, then I was asleep. I really hoped I didn’t feel embarrassed again in the morning as everything he did felt really. good. I definitely would be ok with more if it always felt like that.

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