The Alpha's Fight for His Omega

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

Chapter 93


I rushed out of my bathroom, wrapped in a towel, to someone banging on my room door. It was the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Lexi, Colby, and I were heading home in an hour to spend the week, and celebrate the holiday with our family. I was excited as I hadn’t been included in Thanksgiving dinner since I was 11. I did miss making Thanksgiving dinner. That had always been one of my favorite meals to cook. It actually took a lot of convincing to get Joe, dad, Rowen, Jax, Colby, and Lucy to allow me to cook the meal. The agreement was that I could cook it, but I had to let others clean up, and I was to ask for help if I needed it.

With a sigh I opened my door to find Norm standing there. He instantly stepped back, cursed, and covered his eyes. At first I was confused until I looked down, and remembered I was only in a towel. With a giggled I left the door open for Norm, and went back into the bathroom. I heard the door shut loudly.

“I think I’m scared for life now Chastity!” Norm called out, making me laugh.

“Sorry Norm.” I yelled back.

“I’m not sure I can ever forgive you.”

“It was an accident. What are you doing here any way?”

“Marcus, and I are about to leave to go to my parent’s house. I wanted to say goodbye, and to tell you about the crazy thing that happened last night.”

“Ok. Give me a minute. I’ll be right out.”

“You better be dressed when you do.”

“Don’t worry. I will be.”

I quickly threw on leggings, a t-shirt, and one of Rowen’s sweatshirts. As it was getting a bit colder so he was sending me more sweatshirts than t-shirts now. I had taken to wearing one most of the time, over wearing my own. I liked spending my day surrounded by his scent. Once I had my toiletries packed up, I left the bathroom, and put them in my suitcase.

“Ok Norm. Tell me about the crazy thing that happened last night.” I asked as I started putting my laptop in my book bag.

“Marcus’s mom called him last night about Thanksgiving. She said she wanted to spend it with her son.” Norm said.

“Really? Does that mean he’s going to his parent’s for Thanksgiving?” I asked as I continued to pack the school things I wanted to take home with me.

“No. While he was on the phone with her, I called my mom. My mom told him to invite his parents to our house for dinner so he did. At least his mom is coming. She said she would try to get his dad to come too. Marcus told her that she needed to make sure his dad understood that he had to be respectful of me if he came. If he wasn’t he would be thrown out.”

“What did she say?”

“She said she understood, and would make that clear. She even said if he wasn’t she would personally walk him out of my parent’s house.”


“Yeah. So I might have Thanksgiving with his parents.”

“I hope it all goes well.”

“Yeah. Me too. Especially for Marcus’s sake. He may not like his dad, but he does miss him, and his mom. His mom the most though. He, and his mom used to be really close. Her not being part of his life has ben really hard for him.”

“I can only imagine.”

“Yeah. Are you excited to go home?”

“I am. I miss everyone.”

“Especially Rowen. It must be hard to go for a week or more without sex. I can’t imagine trying to do that now. Just one or two nights is too much for me.”

“NORM! I…..don’t know want to talk about this.”

“You never want to talk about your sex life with Rowen. It’s kind of boring.”


“Wait. Have you and Rowen not? You’re kidding right? All the nights you’ve spent together, and you. What the hell? Why not? I would be all over that sexy piece of man meat.”

“Man meat? What? Norm, you come up with the strangest things.”

“Don’t try to change the subject Chastity. Now spill. Have you or haven’t you had sex with Rowen?”

“I….I don’t want to talk about this Norm.”

“Chastity! I’m not going to let this go. Answer the question.”

“I’m not going to answer! I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Answer the question Chastity.”

“No I won’t Norm. Drop it.”

“Not happening!”

“Yes it is. Leave it alone Norm.”

“Come on Chas. You can tell me. I’m not going to judge you. Just tell me.”

“Not happening Norm.”

“I won’t tell any one. Just tell me.”


“Well that wasn’t something I wanted to hear being talked about. At least I don’t have to kick his ass for touching my baby sister yet.” I heard a male voice say from my door.

I turned to see Lexi, and Colby standing there. I blushed immediately, and dropped my head into my hands. Through my fingers I glared at Norm who looked shocked.

“I….I’ll take your suitcase to the car short stack. It’s all packed right?” Colby asked, and I only nodded, not looking at him.

I didn’t look up until I heard my suitcase being wheeled away, and the door shut. I looked up to see Lexi smack Norm in the back of the head.

“You idiot. Why did you have to push her like that?” Lexi growled.

“I just wanted to know. Sorry Chas.” Norm whined.

“Can we not talk about this please?” I whimpered.

“I mean I would agree with you, but I have a feeling you need to talk about this.” Lexi said gently as she sat down on my bed next to Norm.

“No. I really don’t.” I grumbled.

“Chastity, we’re not judging you, but it kind of sounds like it bothers you.” Lexi said.

“It doesn’t. Well maybe a little.” I admitted.

“Talk to us.” Norm pleaded.

“It does because I don’t know how he tolerates waiting for me like this. It’s been 6 months, and all we have ever done is kiss. I know he wants more, but he doesn’t want to push or anything so that’s all we do. How can he put up with that?” I whispered.

“It’s not about tolerating. He loves you, and will always do or not do what you need.” Lexi stated.

“But….Lexi, part of me wants to let something happen between us. Not sex because I’m really not ready, but….well I don’t know. I know nothing about this stuff. I don’t know what I want to happen, but something. I guess.”

“You want him to touch you.” Norm offered.

“I guess. I don’t know. I don’t even know what that means really or where he would even begin to touch me.” I said frustrated.

“Ah. I know what you need.” Lexi stated with a smug smile that worried me.

“What?” I questioned.

“A girls night with lots of girl talk. No offense Norm, but there are certain things a male, gay or straight, wouldn’t understand when it comes to this kind of thing.” Lexi responded, patting Norm’s back.

“I could try.” Norm pouted.

“You have a vagina, and a clit?” Lexi snorted.

“Fuck no. I have a nice dick.” Norm sniffed.

“Too much information sugar pop. Neither of us wants to think about what’s below your belt.” Lexi laughed.

“Marcus likes it.” Norm scoffed.

“Norm, stop while you’re ahead. Anyway Chastity, when we get to Moonlight, the 4 of us girls are going to have a girls night with lots of sex talk. Maybe not with you per say, but you can at least listen to our experiences, and ask questions if you want.” Lexi said.

“You realize two of you are mated to my brothers, right? Would you want to hear about Darren’s sex life?” I questioned

“Wanting to or not, doesn’t matter. Darren, and I have the kind of relationship where we can talk about anything, and we do.” Lexi stated.

“My brothers, sisters, and I talk about our sex lives. It’s pretty normal in families. Well to an extent. My brothers and I don’t always like to hear about our sisters having sex, but since only one of them is unmated, we know it happens so we accept it.” Norm added.

“You need this small fry so it’s happening.” Lexi stated firmly.

“What’s happening?” Colby asked as he came back into my room.

“Girls night for Molly, Melissa, Chas, and me. She needs some girl talk.” Lexi answered. “Just don’t corrupt my sweet, innocent, pure, baby sisters.” Colby growled.

“You’re funny babe. You’re sister is an adult, and has a mate. Deal with it.” Lexi quipped.

“Nope. Jax, dad, and I are going to lock her away, and throw away the key so no one can ever do anything inappropriate with her.”

“You mean like when you press me against the shower wall, and fuck me so hard you have to carry me to bed?”

“Nope. No one can do that to my baby sister. She’s too innocent for that.”

“You know Lexi, I don’t need to know those kinds of things.” I whispered as I blushed, and looked at the floor.

“Hell. Tell me more. That’s hot as fuck Lexi.” Norm whooped.

“Nope. Sorry dude. Not sharing my sex life with you.” Colby stated as he pointed at Norm.

“You do realize Marcus tells me what you two talk about right? I know you borrowed our restraint set last weekend.” Norm said with a sly grin.

“You….that’s where you got that? Gross!” Lexi whined.

“Calm down Lexi. We clean it after we use it.” Norm stated.

“I only borrowed it to see if you would enjoy being tied down. You did so I bought my own set.” Colby said as he pulled Lexi against him.

I was so completely confused Restraints? Tying down? What the hell for?

“Um. What are you three talking about?” I asked as I continued to blush.

“Oh hell no! Nope! You are NOT doing those kinds of things. Ever!” Colby growled making Lexi, and Norm laugh.

“What kinds of things?” I questioned.

“You never need to know!” Colby snapped.

“Girl talk Chastity. We’ll talk.” Lexi giggled.

“Female, I swear if you tell my sister about that stuff, I’ll beat your ass.” Colby growled.

“But baby you know I like it when you spank me so that’s not a threat.” Lexi purred.

“WHAT?” I shrieked causing Lexi, and Norm to laugh again.

“Girl talk Chas. Trust me. OK?” Lexi smiled at me.

“I….yeah. Alright.” I finally conceded with a sigh.

I had a feeling I wasn’t getting out of this no matter what I did. I was really worried, but a small part of me was curious. I hoped I didn’t walk away from girl talk more scared than I already was. Colby’s glare did make me laugh though.

We said a quick goodbye to Norm with the promise of calling and texting often. As well as him begging to be on video chat for girl talk. I grabbed Lilac, and we headed home. Colby was pretty quiet during the drive. Lexi said he was brooding. She and I laughed, and joked a lot of the ride though. By the time we reached home girl’s night was set up for that night at Jax’s apartment. The males were being kicked out to go do whatever males do. Gina was also being included in girl’s night.

As soon as we pulled up to the pack house I smiled at the group waiting for them. Jax, Molly, Ross, Melissa, Braxton, Gina, Peter, Joe, Dimitri, and especially Rowen were standing there smiling at us. Molly, and Melissa were bouncing in place. Before I got out of the car, Colby grouchily took Lilac from me. I got out, and was tackled by Molly, and Melissa. Lexi quickly joined in the group of shrieking girls. I laughed over the excitement.

“You know one of these times I’m going to be able to greet my mater before any one else.” Rowen grumbled as he extracted me from the group, causing another laugh.

“You don’t move fast enough. Don’t blame us.” Molly giggled.

“Hi sweet girl.” Rowen as he pulled me into his arms, and gave me a quick kiss.

“Hi Rowen.” I smiled up at him.

I was quickly passed around to everyone to greet me. It was so good to see everyone, and to be home again. I missed everyone so much, and everyone looked great. I did giggle when dad pulled Lexi into a hug, and said he was glad that all three of his daughters, and three sons were home. It was so good to be home. Eventually we made our way to Jax’s apartment to put stuff away. I was a little surprised, and pretty happy to find out that Lexi and Colby were staying in Jax’s apartment with Rowen, and me. Once everything was put in rooms, and Lilac was set up in my room, we headed to the dining room for the Welcome Home dinner. Dinner with everyone was great. It was nice to spend some time with everyone, and catch up. No sooner had it ended that we made our way back to Jax’s apartment, only for all of the males were kicked out which caused them all to whine.

“But Mol. I live here. You can’t kick me out of my own apartment.” Jax whined.

“It’s girl’s nights, and you are not a girl. You need to go.” Molly stated firmly.


“Unless you are willing to let us paint your nails, put make up on you, and curl you’re hair, go.”

“You wouldn’t really, would you?”

“If you don’t leave, and take these three with you, I certainly will.”

“Sweet girl, we haven’t seen each other in two weeks. Don’t you miss me? Don’t you want to spend time together?” Rowen whined at me.

“I do, but the girls had all of this planned. How can I say no?” I responded with a small smile.


“I’m sorry Rowen. I kind of promised them already.”

“You too Ross. Go otherwise I’ll be dying your hair hot pink.” Melissa said firmly.

“Hell no. I’m going!” Ross said as he quickly headed to the door.

“Lex, I would prefer if you….” Colby started.

“I know you would prefer, but that is too bad.” Lexi stated, pushing him toward the door.

“What am I missing?” Rowen asked as he opened the door to find Gina standing there.

“You don’t….Lexi! She is only 15!” Colby stated.

“Her mom isn’t around. She needs to know she can talk to someone about things.” Lexi responded.

“What is going on?” Rowen asked again.

“They’re talking about sex tonight.” Colby grumbled.

“What?! No! Not with my teenage sister!” Rowen growled.

“Rowen, relax. There are things she needs to know, and understand. She needs to know she has someone she can trust to ask questions, and have conservations with.” Molly stated.

“Molly, L…

“Get out of here!” Molly snapped, pushing all of the males out, as she pulled Gina in.

Once the door shut Molly, Melissa, and Lexi started laughing. Gina flopped down on the couch next to me, and smiled.

“Are we really going to talk about sex, Molly?” Gina asked with a giggle.

“Sure. That’s one of the things that has to do with us females.” Molly answered as she sat down on the opposite couch while Melissa, and Lexi spread out on the floor.

‘Oh thank goddess. I have so many questions, but no one to talk to.” Gina squealed.

“Gina! You’re too young!” I chided.

“Oh please. You’ve been having sex with my brother for months. I’m sure you have no problem talking about it.” Gina joked as I looked down at my hands, and blushed.

“Uh, Gina.” Lexi started.

“What?” Gina questioned.

“That…Nothing. Let me grab snacks, and drinks. Lexi, help me.” Moly said pulling Lexi with her.

“Chas, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” Melissa whispered, “Lexi told us that you need some girl advice, and help. That’s why we’re having tonight.”

“I…I know. It’s just…” I whispered.

“It’s just what?” Melissa questioned.

“Other than that one time, I’ve never really talked about this stuff. I mean I talked a little with Dee-Dee, but other than that… It’s embarrassing to me, and I don’t know anything at all. About any of this.”

“That’s why we’re here. To help, to talk, and answer questions.”

“Wait. I’m confused. How do you not know. Haven’t you, and Rowen?” Gina asked, and I just shook my head, red faced.

“Huh? So I’m not the only novice here. Good. I’ll help you. Maybe I can ask questions you’re too uncomfortable asking.” Gina suggested, and I just nodded.

“Here we go.” Molly said as just and Lexi spread out food and drinks.

“Chas, we know you’re embarrassed, but there’s no reason to be.” Lexi said quietly, and I just shrugged.

“How about we change the subject for now? We have all night.” Melissa suggested.

“Alright. I have a question for Gina” Moly said.

“What?” Gina respond as she grabbed a Coke off the table.

“Did I hear you went on a movie date to Tony?”

“A movie date? Hell no. Paula asked me and two of our other friends to go with her to meet a girl. She was nervous so we went. Tony was there, and he decided to tag along.”

“Oh. That’s disappointing.”

“Not at all. Tony is an ok person, but he can be really annoying. He talked through the whole movie. When we asked why he wouldn’t shut up, he said it was because he was bored. I don’t know why he thought he wouldn’t get bored going to a rom-com with a bunch of girls.”

“That’s because he has a crush on you.”

“Eww. I certainly don’t see him that way. Besides Hannah likes him.”

“She does?”


“And who you do you like?” Lexi asked.

“She likes Braxton, but that boy is dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to that kind of thing.” Molly stated with a giggle.

“I do not!” Gina whined, blushing.

“You so do.” Melissa giggled.

“No.” Gina denied.

“Yeah, Gina you do. I saw it when I was tutoring you both.” I said giving Gina a small smile.

“Yeah. Ok. I do, but it’s like you said, he’s too dumb to realize it.” Gina said with a sigh.

“That’s the way with some teenage boys. They’re either hopped up on hormones, and chasing every female they can, or they’re so wrapped up in their own little world they’re blind to a female liking them.” Molly said with a shrug.

“Did that ever happen to you?” Gina asked.

“Yup. He was a dumb jock in our school. Man did I have a huge crush on him. He was completely clueless. When I finally got the nerve to tell him, he just said you do? Cool, and walked off.” Molly explained.

“Wow! What about you Melissa?” Gina questioned.

“Kinda, but I never told him. I’m glad I didn’t.” Melissa answered.

“Why?” Lexi asked.

“Because he ended up being one of the guys on Fiona’s rotation.”


“Yeah. She had about 4 males she would mess around with regularly.” I answered.

“She did? How did you know that?” Gina asked.

“Kinda hard not to when I had to clean up her room or the living room after her.”

“Gross!” Melissa said wrinkling her nose.

“You have no idea.” I responded.

“And she clairned she was meant for my brother. If that was the case why did she do that?” Gina wondered

“She said she was practicing, and preparing for Rowen.” I said.

“Gross!” Gina said with a gag.

“What about you Chas? Anyone you had a crush on?” Molly asked.

“Not a crush, but I kind of thought was cute.” I whispered, glancing at Melissa for a second then looking back down at my hands.

“Ross?” Melissa asked with a giggle.

“Sorry.” I whispered.

“For what? He’s a good guy, and sooo sexy.” Melissa gushed.

“I don’t know about any of that, but I thought he was cute. I got over quickly though.”

“When was that?”

“When I was 16.”

“Eh. A crush is nothing. He’s all mine now any way.” Melissa giggled.

“You’re perfect for him.”


“What about you Lexi? Did you have any crushes?” Gina asked.

“Just Anthony. We dated for awhile, but thankfully it never went any where. He’s a piece of shit any way.” Lexi answered.

“Yes he is.” Molly agreed.

“Can….can I ask if you were all virgins when you met your mate?” Gina asked.

“Yes.” All three girls answered at the same time.

“What about you Chastity?” Gina asked, looking at me.

“I am.” I whispered as I blushed, yet again.

“Do any of you regret waiting?” Gina questioned.

“Not at all.” Melissa responded, “It was the best decision I ever made. I wanted my first time to be with the person I loved, and I’m glad I waited. He’s taught me everything, and it’s been wonderful.”

“I didn’t try to wait, it just happened. Like Melissa said, learning from Jax has been wonderful.” Molly agreed.

“I was a virgin when Colby, and I got together, but I had some knowledge thanks to my older brother. We’re very close, and we talk about everything. He told me a lot of things. I think that helped me be a little less nervous.” Lexi added

“When you say they taught you, what do you mean by that?” Gina questioned.

“Ross taught me what felt good to me, how I liked to be touched, and well what pleasure really is. I had experimented on myself a bit, but didn’t truly understand until Ross.” Melissa answered.

“Same with Jax. He also taught me how to touch him. I learned that I liked pleasuring him because pleasuring him pleasures me too.” Molly said.

“I’ve learned that I’m very adventurous from Colby.” Lexi added, with Molly, and Melissa nodding.

“What….what do you mean by that?” I asked quietly.

“Well sex in bed is fantastic, but there is an adrenaline rush to having sex in places where you might get caught, like dressing rooms.” Lexi explained.

“WHAT?” I shrieked.

“Oh yeah. That is fun.” Molly agreed.

“I…uh……” I sputtered.

“You’ll learn in time. Just like you’ll learn about being tied down, and such. If that ever interests you.” Lexi stated.

“I…uh….I’m still in the i don’t know if I want him to touch me stage. I can’t even imagine what you’re talking about.” I said as my face got red.

“So you two haven’t done anything at all, yet?” Molly asked, and I shook my head.

“Alright. Have you experimented on yourself yet?” Melissa questioned.

“This is so embarrassing.” I whimpered.

“Why? Even I have, and I’m only 15.” Gina said, sounding confused.

“….uh…” I stuttered.

“She’s never had anyone to really talk to about this stuff. While you have girlfriends you can talk to, Chastity has been pretty sheltered about sex, until recently.” Molly explained.

“Oh. That’s true. I didn’t think about that. Sorry.” Gina said.

“It’s ok. Ye….yeah I’ve experimented a bit.” I finally admitted quietly.

“And?” Molly asked.

“I….well I enjoyed it, but no way would Rowen want to touch me like that.” I muttered.

“Why wouldn’t he?” Melissa asked.

“Well, I mean….I don’t know. I just don’t think….” I start than shrugged.

“One thing males enjoy is getting their female off in any way possible.” Molly said simply.

“How….how do you know that?” I questioned.

“I can’t count how many times Jax has called me to his office just to finger me or eat me out for no other reason than he enjoys getting me off. He says it makes him feel good to know only he can do that to me.” Molly stated.

“Ross put me up on our kitchen counter just to go down on me the other day before he left for class. Said he wanted to be able to think of me just like that all day.” Melissa said.

“There have been plenty of nights that Colby will get me off with either his fingers, his tongue, or both before passing out. He didn’t want sex, just wanted to get me off to end his day.” Lexi added.

“Wait. Wait. Wait. What are you three talking about? I don’t understand any of that.” I admitted, feeling stupid.


your experimentation have you stuck your fingers inside yourself?” Molly asked.

“Ye…yes.” I answered blushing harder.

“That’s fingering. Males typically will do that to a female to either prepare her for when he has sex with her so she’s stretched enough for him to fit, or to just give her an orgasm.” Molly explained.

“Why would he want to do that? Stretching? What does that mean?” I asked.

“Well the females vagina is narrower than a males cock. If he doesn’t prepare her some before he sticks it

in, he risks hurting her badly. If he’s doing it just to give her an orgasm he just wants to make her feel really good. Nothing more, nothing less.” Melissa answered.

“Do males do that often?” Gina questioned.

“Yup. They want the female to be ready for them if sex is involved.” Lexi responded.

“So he just sticks his fingers in there, and away he goes?”

“Oh no honey. If he did that he’d hurt you. A male will typically work his way up to fingering before he does it.”


“A good encounter always starts off with kissing, and lots of it. There are spots on the body he can kiss, lick, suck, and touch that will turn you on, and make you wet enough to finger you.” Molly answered.

“There are?”

“Yes. If it’s your mate, kissing, licking, and sucking your mating spot will get you turned on.”

“Just there?”

“No. Rubbing, pinching, lightly pulling, rolling, kissing, licking, and sucking your nipples is another place he will focus on to turn you on.” Melissa said.

“Don’t forget the clit. That is the center of it all. The right amount of pressure being rubbing there is definitely a turn on. As long as it’s done right. A lot of time rubbing the clit while fingering makes for an amazing orgasm.” Molly added.

“Ross likes to play with my clit while he’s fucking me. Damn that feels good.” Melissa sighed.

“Oh hell yeah it does.” Lexi giggled.

“Aren’t you embarrassed when he does that stuff to you?” I asked quietly.

“At first I was. More that I was worried that I was too wet, not wet enough, too loud, too quiet, not tight enough, too tight. That kind of thing. I got over it quickly.” Melissa admitted.


“Ross made sure I knew that everything was exactly how he wanted, expected, and enjoyed.” “Too loud?”

“Yes. Moaning, groaning, talking, and screaming do happen. It’s normal, and males tend to enjoy it.”

“They especially like to try to make you noisy when you’re somewhere you have to be quiet.” Lexi added with a giggle.

“Yeah. Jax works extra hard to try to get us caught when we’re somewhere we shouldn’t be.” Molly smirked.

“I….I doubt Rowen would like it if I was noisy. I don’t think I could be. I’d be too embarrassed.” I said quietly, looking at my hands.

“Time will tell, and so will he.” Melissa said.

“…I guess. Um….what did you mean when you said Ross went down on you? What is that?” I asked.

“Oral sex. The only thing that feels better than oral sex is actual sex.” Molly said brightly.

“Huh?” I questioned.

“Instead of his fingers on your clit, and inside you, it’s his tongue.” Melissa answered.

“Eww. That sounds gross.” I said with a wrinkled nose.

“It may sound like it, but believe me it’s not. It feels amazing too.” Melissa said.

“Don’t I know it. Jax does this thing with his tongue where he flutters it against my clit. Let me tell you, instant orgasm.” Molly gushed.

“Colby does the same things.” Lexi chuckled.

“Well they are brothers so it stands to reason.” Molly agreed.

“And enough of that. It’s one thing to talk about this, but can we not get into specifics about things they do please? They are my brothers.” I requested.

“Sorry.” Both girls said with a giggle.

“Why would a male want to put his mouth down there though?” I questioned.

“To get you off.” Melissa said simply.

“Would….would he expect me to touch him the same way?” I asked.

“Expect? No. Like you to? Absolutely.” Melissa answered.

“Even put my mouth down there?”

“Well yes. Males love that almost as much as they like sex.” Molly said as I wrinkled my nose.

“I….I wouldn’t even know what to do if I tried that.” I admitted.

“Rowen will teach you. Trust me Chastity, he will teach you everything, when you’re ready.” Lexi reassured

“How….how will I know when I’m ready?” I asked the question I most want the answer to.

“Let me ask you a question first.” Molly said.

“Ok.” I answered.

“Has Rowen touched you at all?”

“N…no. Not really. He always pulls back from kissing me, and says he doesn’t want to push.” I responded.

“So all you’ve ever done, is kiss?” Melissa questioned.

“Well one time he kissed, and caressed my whole back. Other than that, yes.” I answered.

“How does your body feel when he kisses you?” Molly asked.

“I get tingly, hot, restless, achy, and um……wet down there.” I whispered.

“How did you feel when he was kissing your back?” Lexi asked.

“The same way, and kind of wanted to touch him too.” I blushed as I answered.

“That’s your body’s way of saying you want to try more. That you’re ready to have him touch you, at least a little.” Melissa advised.

“Oh. How….how do I tell him that? How do I not get scared?” I whimpered.

“You could tell him not to stop.” Molly suggested.

“Or you could pull him back to you, and keep kissing him when he goes to pull away.” Melissa added.

“Have you two talked about taking the next step, at all?” Lexi questioned.

“No….I get embarrassed, and I don’t think he wants to push for something he doesn’t think I’m ready for.” I answered.

“Maybe you should talk to him about how you’re feeling, and what you want.” Melissa suggested.

“….I can’t do that. It’s too embarrassing.” I whimpered again.

“So show him. When he pulls back from kissing you, don’t let him, or pull him back to you. If he questions if you want more nod. If he asks if you want to stop, shake your head. He’s waiting for you to give some. kind of signal. If you don’t, you won’t move forward.” Lexi said.

“Do you want to move forward?” Melissa asked.

“I….I don’t know.” I answered honestly.

“What do you think?” Molly questioned.

“I have no idea. Part of me wants to, but part of me gets really scared at the same time. What if I let him try, freeze up, and stop him?” I responded.

“He’ll understand that you’re not ready, stop, and respect you.” Lexi stated.

“What if he gets annoyed with me for that?” I whined.

“He won’t. He knows that you’re still healing, and need to take things slow. At the same time, if he asks you

to let him try something, let him. It might be the only way to get past your fear.” Melissa suggested. “Is that what you did?” I asked.

“Yes actually. I knew about sex from my mom, but not the ins, and outs. She only told me the basics. Ross was patient with me, and slowly showed me that sex, in all forms, was enjoyable, and hell of a lot of fun.” Melissa explained.

“My mom was pretty basic too. It was my sister that was more informative. She helped me not be so scared because I had an idea of what to expect.” Molly stated.

“Just know, and understand Chastity, that it’s ok to be ready to be touched, and to experiment a bit, but not be ready for sex. Rowen won’t hold that against you.” Lexi said.

“How do you know that?” I asked.

“Because my brother will never push you to do something you’re not ready for. If he was the type to not care about what you are ready for, you’d be marked, and mated already.” Gina stated.

“How do you know that?” I questioned.

“Because he’s an Alpha. Alpha’s wait for no one.” Gina said.

“OH.” I kind of nodded.

“He’s waited this long. He’ll keep waiting because he loves you, and he doesn’t want to do anything to hurt you.”

“You don’t think he’ll get annoyed, and frustrated waiting for me?”

“Nope. Not at all.”

“We’re not trying to push you to do something you’re not ready for, Chastity. We just want you to be informed, ok?” Lexi coaxed.

“I know.” I agreed.

“Good. Now Lexi, tell us, because I have to know. Where is the most risky place you’ve had sex with

Colby?” Melissa asked.

“The gym at school. He had been down there working out so I went to get him. One thing led to another, and we ended up in a blind spot in the cameras. It was quick, but so damn fun.” Lexi answered with a giggle, “What about you and Ross?”

“In the pantry of the restaurant his father is part owner of. During working hours.” Melissa gloated.

“How did you pull that off?” Molly asked.

“I was in a skirt, and we were back in the area where they store very little.” Melissa answered.

“You’re turn Molly.” Lexi giggled.

“My classroom while the kids were at lunch. He sat in my desk chair, and well he just looked too good not to jump. Molly gushed.

“Why….why would you have sex in public places like that? Aren’t you worried about getting caught?” | questioned.

“That’s half the fun. Like I said earlier, the adrenaline rush makes the sex that much more fun.” Lexi responded.

“I gave Jax a hand job during a meeting a few weeks ago. Watching him try to keep a straight face, and keep quiet was fantastic.” Molly laughed.

“How fast did he throw you over his shoulder, and find a place to finish what you started once the meeting ended?” Melissa asked.

“Who said we went any where? Just so you know, the table in conference room A squeaks, badly.” Molly said with a grin.

“Oh yeah. The sink faucet in the bathroom downstairs leaks because of me, and Ross.” Melissa stated.

“You’re turn Lexi.” Molly said.

“I had to sit through dinner with my parents with Colby’s hand up my skirt once. Darren was not thrilled. I just laughed at him, and reminded him of the time he got the same treatment from a female he was messing around with a few years ago.” Lexi said.

“Wait. Didn’t you parents smell that?” Melissa questioned.

“If they did, they never said anything.” Lexi snickered.

“Not me, obviously, but a girl a grade ahead of me got caught by our principal in the girls locker room in the gym. She wasn’t even quiet about it.” Gina stated.

“You do know that the gym teacher’s mate comes to see him for lunch three times a week to get some, right? Melissa asked.

“Eww. No I didn’t.” Gina said as she wrinkled her nose.

“Can….can I ask you all a question?” I whispered.

“Of course.” Molly asked.

“Have….have any of you gone into heat yet?” I asked.

“Oh yeah. That was a blast, but we were both exhausted afterwards.” Molly said with a sigh, and a smile.

“Same here.” Melissa nodded, and agreed.

“Why?” I questioned.

“You know why a female goes into heat right?” Molly asked.

“To raise her chances of getting pregnant.” I answered.

“Right. Well when a female is in heat all she wants is sex with her mate, all of the time, for a week. That is exactly what a mated pair does too.” Molly answered.

“Oh.” I didn’t know what else to say, “What about you Lexi?”

“Not yet, but I know it’s coming. I’m hoping it waits until the two weeks we’re off for Christmas break.” Lexi responded.

“Why is that?” I asked.

“Because Colby won’t get a pass to be out of class for a week, even if I’m in heat.”

“That’s stupid. Why do they have that rule?” Melissa asked.

“Males, or females in the program need to be at the ready always. They also need to be able to have to ability to do their job even if their mate is in heat. Since it will be my first heat cycle, I know it will be the worst one. I’ll need him there.” Lexi explained.

“Why is the first heat cycle the worst one?’ Gina asked.

“Because you’re not prepared for it, and don’t know when to expect it. Since you’ve never experienced it before you’re not sure what you need to do to work through the pain until you’re mate is there with you which can take time. Once you’ve had your first heat cycle you know to expect it every three months after that so both you, and you’re mate are prepared for it. He’s either with you, or close by, and you’ll have a better idea of how to handle the pain until he can take it away.” Molly responded.

“Pain? Why does it hurt?” I asked.

“Because your body needs sex so badly at that point that it cramps. Your body temperature also gets really high, really fast. Only your mates touch can soothe the pain, and bring your temperature down. After that, every time the pain starts, and your body heat rises, you want to have sex with your mate, and you will.” Melissa explained.

“Oh. What if you don’t want to get pregnant though? How do you prevent your heat?” I questioned.

“You can’t, but the birth control for both males, and females is strong enough to prevent pregnancy during heat. It’s specially designed that way.”

“That’s good then.”

“Yes it is. Otherwise I would be pregnant already.”

“Me too.” Molly agreed.

“Colby, and I are both on birth control to prevent pregnancy. I’m glad to know it works.” Lexi admitted. “It definitely does.” Molly stated.

The three of them continued to talk about sex for awhile longer, with Gina, and I asking questions every once in awhile. I learned a lot. Somethings I really didn’t want to know, but I was still glad we talked. I was still nervous, and embarrassed, but at least I had a little better understanding of what to expect,

when I was ready. I still wasn’t sure if I was though. I guess time would tell if I could get out of my own head enough to try at least something.

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