The Alpha's Fight for His Omega

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Chapter 59


“Now listen you two. I am asking Chastity out on a date for tonight. I want this to be just for the two of us. so do NOT try to muscle in.” I growled at Jax, and Ross.

Chastity has been home for two days now, and the only time alone we’ve had is when we went to bed, and when we got up in the morning. Both mornings I’ve had to run her out of bed because having her pressed against me caused a hard on from hell. Duke wasn’t helping because he kept trying to push me into just taking my mate as a wolf should. He didn’t understand that she was not ready, or he just refused to believe me. He’s absolutely convinced that she would be just fine with it. I knew better, and had put my foot down with him. He hated it, but he was just going to have to deal with it.

“Oh come on man. The last time we all went out on a date together it was a great time.” Jax complained. “She didn’t seem to mind either.” Ross added.

“Do you two realize that the only time Chastity, and I have ever been completely alone for anything length. of time is the night of Jax’s mating ceremony. Hell that wasn’t even spent alone as she wanted to talk to Fiona. Yes I slept in her room before she left, and I am now, but that’s a total of about five to ten minutes. before she falls asleep, and the same in the morning before she gets out of bed.” I stated angrily.

“You went to visit her that one day.” Ross argued.

“Yup, and I only spent thirty minutes of that time alone with her. The rest of the time we were with her friends. You two have taken your mates on dates, just the two of you. You’ve done lots of things just you and your mates. Chastity, and I have had none of that. I think we’ve earned that for ourselves.” I growled.

“Fine.” Jax grumbled.

“Dude, what is your problem?” Ross asked him.

“I want to spend time with my sister. As much time as I can because she’s living away from me. Hell I spent four years away from her. Now I have to deal with another three years.” Jax said sadly.

“You’re afraid of being away from her, aren’t you?” I asked, the reason for him muscling in on the last date I tried to plan, starting to make sense.


“Jax, you didn’t know. You can’t spend your life beating yourself up over something you cannot change. She also needs this. She needs to be away from here to find herself, and heal. I don’t think she would ever really heal, and move forward with her life it she was stuck here right now.” Ross reasoned with him.

“You don’t get it Ross.” Jax growled.

“You’re right, I don’t, but you’re not what she needs right now. She can’t heal here. She wasn’t healing here. Anyone could see that she was swallowing her fear of us when she was here before. She was struggling, and barely breathing here with us. She needs to be away from here to gain her confidence. She loves you, but she was trained to fear you. To fear all of us. Sending her away to school was the right thing so she can lose that fear. She also needs time with her MATE! They get very little of it as it is, and never alone. You and I have had plenty of that. When you first met Molly did you take her on group dates for every single one? Did you surround yourselves with others constantly or did you take time just the two of you to get to know each other? Did you spend time alone?”

“Of course we spent time alone, and all of our dates were just us. This is different though.”

“No it’s not Jax. The only difference is that she is your sister. If Rowen’s mate was a stranger you wouldn’t think twice about them going off alone. Let the man take his mate out on a date, ALONE! They need this time together.”

“But I want time with my sister. After this week she won’t be back for Goddess knows how long.”

“She’ll be home for my mating ceremony. It’s not like you can’t go visit her either. They need this. Badly. They are so far behind where other mates usually are at this time, and they have a long wait ahead of them to be what they should be. Now back the hell off, and give them what they need.”

“Fine, but keep your damn hands to yourself!” Jax growled at me.

I just raised an eyebrow at him. Did he seriously think I was stupid. I knew what was acceptable with my mate, and what wasn’t.

“Knock it off Jax. You have no right to tell a mate he can’t touch what is his!” Ross growled at him.

Jax just glared then stormed out of my office. Ross plopped down on the chair in front of my desk, and sighed.

“You know I’m starting to wonder how much of his reaction to you being alone with Chastity is him wanting to spend time with her, and how much is him being the over protective big brother.” Ross mumbled.

“It’s both. You didn’t see Jax at the hospital that day. It was bad. I thought for sure he was going to kill someone. Doctor Deb threatened to sedate him if he didn’t calm down. Molly wasn’t even enough. When he finally let his anger go he cried for hours over what Chastity was going through. You should have seen his reaction when he saw her scars. I thought someone was surely going to die that day. He spent the rest of the week going between anger over what had happened to her, and beating himself

up for not protecting her. The only reason he didn’t go on a killing spree is we convinced him we would do the right thing by Chastity. You know he still wants to kill your mom for her part.” I explained.

“Yeah. I can tell. He won’t even look at her. Any time she tries to even speak to him he growls at her, and walks away. Dad is pretty bad too. She is sleeping in her own room in their apartment, and he hardly speaks to her. Not that I blame him. She made him look bad.”


“So what do you plan to do with Chastity?”

“Dinner, after that I’m not sure.”

“There is a play going on at the play house tonight, It’s a sweet thing Melissa was telling me about. We are going, but if you want to take Chastity too, we’ll make sure to give you two space.”

“Do you know what it’s about?”

“No, but Melissa said it’s being done by some of the pups. Since Chastity loves pups so much, maybe she’ll enjoy it.”

“Ok. I’ll get some tickets.”

“It’s free.”

“Ah ok”

“Enjoy your date Rowen.”

He left my office after that. I spent another hour doing paperwork before going in search of Chastity to tell her about our date. I probably should ask, but it was already planned. I found her with Gina, Lexi,

Molly, and Melissa in the sunroom. They were surrounded by balloons, tissue paper, streamers, and stars. I

guess they were still working on the decorations for the barbeque. I smiled when I heard Chastity giggle at something. I loved her laugh. I walked up to the group, and placed my hands on the back of her chair. I smiled broadly when she leaned her head back, and looked up at me.

“Hi sweet girl. Are you having fun?” I asked.

“Oh yes. Very much so.” Chastity responded with a big smile.

“I’m so glad. I wanted to tell you….well I should probably say ask you to go on a date with me tonight please.”

“Oh! That sounds like fun. Our last date was a blast.” Molly squealed.

I looked up at her and narrowed my eyes, then mind linked her, “No Molly. I need a date ALONE with my mate! I have NO TIME alone with her. We need this!”

“But…..” Molly mind linked back.

“Damn it Molly! I already had the same argument with Jax, and Ross. She and I NEVER do anything just us. I WANT TIME ALONE WITH MY MATE!” I growled back through the mind link.

“Yes Alpha.” Molly whimpered through the mind link.

I felt instantly guilty because I hadn’t meant to use my Alpha tone on her, but I really did need this.

Chastity, and I both needed this. I finally looked back down at Chastity to see a bit of shock on her face. “What’s wrong sweet girl?” I asked.

“Nothing. You….you want to go on a date with me?” She asked shakily.

“Of course I do. Do you want to go?”

“Yes. Yes of course.”

“Good. I’ll get you from Jax’s around five, ok?”

“O…Ok. Should I wear something specific?”

“Anything you like. You look beautiful no matter what.”

“Tha….thank you.”

I smiled, leaned down, and kissed her forehead gently. I smiled as I walked away hearing the other females gush at Chastity. I had a few hours before out date, and I still had a little work to do. At four I booked it to my apartment to shower, and dress. After grabbing the bouquet of purple roses I ordered for her, I left my apartment to go get my girl.

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