The Alpha's Fight for His Omega

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Chapter 50


I was standing at the Admin desk waiting for Danielle to let Chastity know she had a visitor when I heard. the sweetest sound in the world come from behind me. It was the sound of my sweet girl’s laugh. I turned around, and instantly spotted her. She had her red hair pulled into a pony tail. She was wearing a yellow sports tank, and a pair of black work out leggings. She wasn’t alone either. She was with what appeared to be Lexi, Norm, and some guy I had never seen before. I almost got upset when I noticed the guy was holding Norm’s hand.

I quickly waved off Danielle calling Chastity, and pointed to my sweet girl. Danielle smiled, and nodded then I made my way toward the group. I looked her over as I moved. She looked fantastic. I smiled as she giggled at something someone said. When I finally reached them, I cleared my throat to get her attention. Norm was the first one to see me though, grabbed her shoulders, and turned her to face me. At first she looked confused, then a huge smile broke across her face.

“Ro….Rowen! Oh my goddess! What are you doing here?” She asked excitedly.

“I rode up with Colby. I wanted to surprise you. So surprise.” I said with a huge smile.

“Aww. Thank you. I’m glad you’re here. How long do you have?”

“‘ll be here all day sweet girl.”

“Ok. So um…what do you want to do?”

“Whatever you feel like doing. What are you doing now?”

“We were getting ready to go work out. Marcus said…..oh shoot. Let me introduce you to my friends.”

Lexi giggled as Chastity turned to her friends. I smiled. She was so cute when she was flustered. I loved how happy she looks.

“Uh…you’ve already kind of met Norm, and Lexi. That’s Marcus. Norm’s mate, and Lexi’s cousin.” Chastity pointed to each person.

“Norm, it’s nice to finally meet you in person. Lexi, good to see you again. Marcus congratulations.” I said. as I waved to them.

“Thanks.” Marcus said, looking to his mate with loving eyes.

“It’s good to see you again Alpha Rowen.” Lexi said bowing to me.

Norm mumbled something, and kept his head down.

“None of that please. I’m just Rowen, no Alpha, and no heads bowed or any of that. I’m here to spend the day with my mate, and her friends.” I said lightly.

I smiled when Chastity looked at me with a huge smile on her face.

“Oh thank goddess. I did NOT want to spend my day looking at the ground.” Lexi said with a sigh.

“So….um….what did you want to do today?” Chastity asked again.

“I’ll join you for whatever you have planned. It’s your day.” I stated.

“OH. Ok. Well we’re about to go work out. Marcus said that the best way to keep our muscles in shape is to work out everyday, even though we don’t have self defense class on the weekends. I figured he would know best being a warrior. So….umm…do you want to go work out with us?” Chastity explained.

“UH.” I looked down at the polo, and khakis I was wearing, “I don’t have gym clothes with me. I’m sure I can find a place to buy some though.”

“We can go up to the department store to get you some real quick. If you can of course.” Chastity offered.

“YES! SHOPPING!” Norm squealed earning a giggle from Chastity, and Lexi.

“Not you babe. You don’t need anything.” Marcus said to Norm quietly.

“I don’t have to buy anything. I can help him find something though. That’s half the fun.” Norm whined, and Marcus rolled his eyes.

“Why don’t we go get me what I need then we can all go work out together.” I said.

Chastity nodded, and skipped to the elevator. I followed behind, checking out her ass. As always it was perfect. Just like everything else about her. It was driving me nuts that I hadn’t even got a hug from her yet, but I knew why, and understood. Touch was something she was struggling with. Once we were on the elevator though, she surprised me. She came up to me, and wrapped her arms around me, and squeezed gently. I put my arms around her immediately, and looked down at her. Her smile was so big, and I could even see it in her eyes..

“Hi.” I said smiling back.

“Hi. This was a nice surprise. Thank you for coming.” She whispered.

“You’re welcome. I’m happy to be here.”

She released me as soon as the doors to the elevator open. Before she could get far from me I took hold of her hand. She looked up at me with a small smile then led me to where I could get some gym clothes. Once done we all made our way to the gym. When I met everyone in the gym after changing I found. Marcus watching the other three stretch. I gave him a questioning look.

“I’m mostly spotting, and monitoring. I did three hours work out this morning.” He explained.

“AH.” I responded then began stretching.

I hadn’t worked out today or done any training so I decided to jump right in with Chastity, Lexi, and Norm. I will fully admit that watching Chastity in her tight pants and top was killing me though. I couldn’t count how many times I had to adjust myself in my shorts. Exercising with a hard on was not any easy thing to do. I caught Marcus snickering at me near the end.

“What’s so funny?” I asked quietly as I walked to him.

“Having a hard time there aren’t you?” He chuckled.


“Why do you think I did my work out BEFORE coming here today? I learned that lesson yesterday. Watching my mate’s ass in those shorts of his was killing me yesterday.”

“I’ll bet.”

“Alright you three. We’re done here.” Marcus called out.

Chastity looked relieved, and flopped back on her mat.

“Lex I think Marcus is trying to kill us. Matt never works us this hard.” Chastity said breathing hard.

“That’s because Matt is a pansy. He does everything soft.” Marcus stated.

“So why aren’t you teaching our class then?” Lexi asked.

“Because I expect too much from beginners. At least that’s what I’m told.” Marcus answered, helping

Norm up.

“I don’t think you do honey.” Norm cooed.

“I’m just getting started with you. You haven’t seen anything yet.” Marcus growled.


“Deal with it brat.” Marcus said, rolling his eyes.

I chuckled as I helped Chastity, and Lexi up.

“Ummm. You can take a shower, and change in my room, if you want.” Chastity whispered to which I nodded.

After running to grab my stuff from the locker room, I followed the group to the housing building. I was kind of surprised to see Norm, Lexi, and Chastity had their rooms so close together. I some how knew that made Chastity feel a little more safe. She needed that, and it was good for her to have people she cared about so close. I knew Lexi was looking out for her as I had received an email earlier in the week telling me as much. I chuckled as Chastity slowly opened her door, and peeked inside before letting us both walk in.

“Checking to make sure it was safe?” I joked following her.

“No. Just making sure Lilac didn’t try to make a sneak attack.” She answered with a smile.


I looked around the room. I spotted a fleece covered tray hooked to the window, a small basket full of what I assume was cat toys, a four foot tall what Chastity called a cat tree, food and water dishes, but no cat. After looking for another minute I finally spotted a tiny ball of fluffy curled up on the bed with, of all things, Chastity’s stuffed Duke, on top of my hoodie. Chastity called her name, and a tiny head popped up. That was Lilac.

“That is her baby? It looks small enough to be what I coughed up the other day.” Duke snipped.

“Shut up Duke. It’s only two months old. It’s gonna be tiny.” I snapped back.

Chastity broke me out of my conversation quickly.

“If you want to pet her, move toward her slowly, and let her sniff your fingers first.” Chastity advised as she set her phone and ID down before taking off her shoes.

I did as she suggested. Lilac sniffed my fingers for a second before rubbing against them. I could just hear her little purr. Kneeling down by the bed so I was eye level she walked right up to me, and touched. her nose to mine. I had to admit the thing was kinda cute. Before I could move away the kitten climbed onto my shoulder, and sat down. I looked at Chastity, confused.

“She likes you. She only does that to me.” Chastity said with a giggle.

Lilac started rubbing her head against my ear, and purring as loud as her little body would allow.

“Now you belong to her. She marked you.” Chastity said.

“Uh Excuse me?” I questioned.

“Cats have scent glands on their cheeks, and behind their ears. When they rub on you like she is it means she is telling other cats you belong to her.” Chastity explained as she sat down at her desk chair.

“Kind of like wolves when they scent their mate.”

“Pretty much. That’s about all our similarities though.”

“Hmm. Interesting.”

“Why don’t you go take your shower first?”

“No. You go ahead. I’ll spend some time getting to know Lilac.”

“Uh. Ok. If you want to play with her she loves the wand toy on the dresser. Make it kind of hop along the floor, and she’ll chase it. If you lift it up in the air, and shake it, she’ll jump for it. Switch between the two. She’ love it.”

“UH. OK.”

After Chastity grabbed clothes, and closed herself in the bathroom, I lifted Lilac off my shoulder to look at her. She was pretty cute, for a cat. I stared at her as she stared right back.

“So you’re the one taking care of my sweet girl.” I said quietly, and I heard Duke laughing at me in my head.

“Dude. It’s a cat. What’s it going to say?” Duke chuckled.

“Oh shut up.” I snapped, as I put Lilac on the floor, and grabbed the wand toy.

I jiggled the feathers on the ground, watched as she jumped at it, after wiggling her little butt. Before she reached it I pulled it off the ground. I watched it closely as it watched the feather dance in the air, and it’s whiskers twitch. Before I knew it I was laughing watching this little ball of fluff go crazy over a couple of feathers. It was definitely more agile than I expected as it twisted and flipped after the feather.

“Alright. I concede. The little thing is kind of cute.” Duke huffed in my head.

“It’s entertaining. I never knew they could move like that.” I said.

“Cats are weird. Their whole spine can twist in all kinds of funny ways.”

“Do you see it always lands on it’s feet?”

“I see everything you are. Idiot.”

“Don’t start.”

“What a weird creature.”

“Yes it is.”

“Leila loves it.”

“So does Chastity.”

“Fine. I guess we can keep it.”

“And you won’t try to eat it?”

“Dude! It looks like a hairball I coughed up. Why the hell would I want to eat it?”


I cut off our conversation when I heard the bathroom door open. I looked up to a freshly showered Chastity. Her hair was still wet, and she was in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, but she still took my breath away. I heard her giggle, and I looked at her curiously. She just pointed at the floor. Lilac had given up on the feathers that were no longer moving, and had decided my shoelaces looked like a toy. She was so small I hadn’t even felt her attack my foot. I chuckled at the thing.

“There is a clean towel, and wash cloth set out for you. Sorry you’ll have to use my shampoo, and stuff since that’s all I have.” Chastity said quietly.

“That’s fine. Thank you.”. I responded, and moved to the bathroom.

As soon as I closed the bathroom door I breathed deep. It smelled of a mixture of her scent of lilac and honeysuckle, with her rose scented shampoo. I loved it. I took the quickest shower of my life. I had limited time with Chastity, and I didn’t want to miss any of it. When I came out of the bathroom she was sitting on her bed, reading a book, and Lilac curled up in her lap. She looked adorable.

“What are you reading sweet girl?” I asked as I sat on the bottom of the bed.

“One of my textbooks for a class I start in a week. I kind of want to be ready for it. There is a lot of reading to do according to the syllabus.” She answered as she set the book down.

“That’s a very smart thing to do.”

“Thank you.”

“Do you like it here?”

“So far yes. I’ve only been here a week though. It’s going to be a lot of work.”

“I have no doubt you are up to the challenge though.”

“You really think so?”

“Yes I do.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. So what were your plans for the day?”

“After lunch with Colby we were going to help Norm, and Marcus move upstairs to one of the mated couples suites. Later we were all going to go from a run out back then have dinner.”

“I don’t mind helping.”

“But you came for a visit. I’m sure they would understand if I didn’t help.”

“I will do whatever you want to do. If you want to help, I have no problem with that.”

“Ok. Well Lexi will be over any minute. Marcus is helping Norm pack the rest of his stuff until lunch.”


“Hey small fry! Open up!” I laughed as I heard Lexi at the door.

Chastity jumped up, and let her in. Lexi wandered in, and dropped onto the floor.

“Anthony pulled another stupid stunt just a bit ago.” Lexi growled.

“What did he do this time?” Chastity asked.

“He called me then handed the phone the Heather to beg me to model her designs for some company. I told her to eat her damn designs. She called me ungrateful because she’s trying to help me do something

real with my life because you know being a nurse isn’t doing something real with me life.”

“Nursing is certainly more contribution than modeling.”

“Yeah it is.”

“What did you say to her?”

“I called her an airhead, and hung up on her. I blocked his number on my phone.”

“They could still mind link you.”

“Fuck that noise. I blocked them both when two days after he got back he asked me to have a threesome

with them.”

“That’s gross. How could they even do that if they’ve both marked. Doesn’t it cause one pain when the other gets physical with someone else?”

“Yeah. They hadn’t marked each other yet. She wanted some crazy huge, elaborate ceremony with the Luna swearing in, or something. She even wanted to invite the King and Queen. It was nuts what she


“Did she get it?”

“Nope. Robert won the Alpha challenge. He and his mate Beth had their ceremony two days after the challenge. The swearing in ceremony is at the end of the month. Anthony, and Heather’s ceremony was a few weeks later. It was planned pretty big, but not a lot of people showed up.”

“That’s kind of sad.”

“I guess.”

“Why didn’t a lot of people show up?”

“I don’t know. I was sent on my mate search trip a week before. I never asked either. I figured it wasn’t my business.”

I sat quietly, and listened to the two talk. I didn’t need to be involved. I was just happy being in Chastity’s presence. She seemed more relaxed than I had ever seen her. I liked it. She needed that.

“Rowen, dad was telling me he talked to your dad more about the member sharing program the other day.” Lexi said to me, drawing my attention.

“Yeah. Dad is putting me in charge of that. Right now I am going through our recent high school graduates to see who might be a good fit to send here.” I responded.

“How many do you have so far?”

“Not including Chastity, three. Two students are promising for your education school. One is looks good for restaurant chef or ownership. His parents own a restaurant in town. He wants to further his education so he can update processes, and the menu when they are ready to retire.”

“Who are they?” Chastity asked.

“Simon, Mary, and Clay.” I answered.

“I don’t remember them, but I kind of avoided my classmates because of Fiona.”

“They know who you are. They each asked how you are during their interviews.”


“Yeah. Simon’s sister was one of Fiona’s friends. He said his parents put her on grunt work at the restaurant without pay until at least the end of summer,”

“Oh. Why?”

“Because she was raised better, and they felt she needed to learn what it was like to be made to work hard for nothing.”

“Oh. I…I guess I understand.”

“Listen, I need to tell you something.”


I could see the fear, and hurt cloud her eyes. I had a feeling I knew what she thought was coming. Damn it. I should have started this conversation a different way. Now she thought I was going to tell her I met someone or something. I scooted close to her, and grabbed her hands that were shaking. I squeezed them.

“Chastity, it is nothing about you, and me. I just need to make you aware of the fact that we had to move Fiona.” I said gently.

“Oh. Move her or let her go?” Chastity asked quietly.

“No. She has a sentence to serve. We had to move her to an actual prison because our dungeon is not set up for long term convicts. She was moved Friday. Her connection to the pack has been severed, and she was banished permanently.”

“Where was she moved to?”

“Here. The only low security prison is here.” Lexi answered before I could.

“Unfortunately yes. The prison is on the other side of the pack lands. No where near the school. She will be receiving therapy, and rehabilitation while there.” I stated.

“But if she needs medical attention she’ll be brought here because the medical building here is also the pack hospital.” Chastity said quietly.

“No Dark Moon prison has it’s own medical ward. She’ll never step foot here.” Lexi said.

“So I won’t risk seeing her?”

“No. Not ever.” I confirmed.

“Good.” Chastity said firmly.

“I can go rough her up for you, if you want small fry.” Lexi offered.

“No. She is getting what she deserves.” Chastity said quietly.

“You are too nice small fry.” Lexi growled.

“Is that a bad thing?” Chastity asked scowling.

She looked like an angry kitten. It took all I had not to laugh. I wonder if that was how Brinna looked when she got mad.

“Well no.” Lexi said.

Chastity smiled and nodded at Lexi. Then I did laugh. I couldn’t help it. I finally released Chastity’s hands, and went to move to sit beside her when I heard a tiny squeak. I looked around trying to figure out what the sound was from.

“What was that?” I finally asked.

“Lilac. You almost sat on her.” Chastity giggled.

“She squeaks?” I asked.

“For now. She has come into her voice yet to properly meow.”

“She sounds like a squeaky dog toy.”

Chastity tried to glare at me, but with Lexi laughing at my comment, she started laughing too. My heart thumped hard at the sound of her laugh I loved to hear it. The three of us talked until Chastity’s phone went off letting us know Colby was in the Admin building waiting for her. She sent a text to Norm to let him, and Marcus know. I followed Lexi to the cafeteria while Chastity went to get Colby.

“I’m glad you came to see her Rowen.” Lexi said as we walked to the cafeteria.

“I am too. I really miss her.” I admitted.

“You don’t understand. She’s questioning your commitment to her. You being here today shows her that. you are committed to her. She needs that. She’s good people who was dealt a shit hand. She deserves to have you show her that you are committed to her.”

“She is?”

“Yeah. Things will probably be like that for awhile.”

“You’re probably right.”


“Lexi, thank you for being a friend to her. She needs it.”

“Don’t thank me. We’re friends because of her.”

“What do you mean?”

“She saw past my attitude, and just seemed to know I was hurting. She defended me. She told that person that I probably just needed a friend. No one has done that for me since Anthony pulled his shit with me. I couldn’t not be friends with her after that.”

“She has a way for seeing things others don’t. She was the same way with Braxton. He did some pretty messed up stuff. She saw something in him, and after talking to him she stepped up for him. He practically worships her.”

“She did a video chat with him this week. He seems like a good kid.”

“He is. His mom messed with him pretty bad.”

“She doesn’t really talk about what happened to her.”

“Let her tell you about it. She doesn’t want to be pitied. She is also afraid people will agree with what happened to her, and make her fun of her for it.”

“I would NEVER do that to her. She is an amazing person. Anyone that would hurt her is a piece of shit.”

“Believe me I agree, and I did hurt her.”

“I know you did, but I also know you’re trying to make it right.”

“Yes I am.”


Just then Norm, and Marcus arrived. Norm was bouncing excitedly while Marcus was smiling fondly after him.

“What’s got you so excited sugar pop?” Lexi asked with a giggle.

“I get to move in with my mate today, AND I get to have a meal with a hot Alpha, and one of Chastity’s hot brothers. What could be better than that.” Norm said as he dropped into a chair.

“You’re checking out other males while you have me?” Marcus growled.

“Calm down love. You’re the hottest male in the whole world, but you can’t tell me you don’t think Rowen is hot. Not as hot a you, but still hot.” Norm chattered.

Lexi was giggling, hard, while I got a bit red in the face. I was used to this from females, but from other males I wasn’t sure how to take it.

“Eh. I’d do him. If I didn’t have you.” Marcus grunted then kissed Norm’s cheek.

“Um….thanks. I think.” I responded.

Lexi was laughing so hard at my discomfort she was smacking the table, and gasping. Finally I spotted Colby, and Chastity walk in. I smiled at her. I watched as Colby’s eyes widened at the sight of Lexi. Yes she was a beautiful girl, but she didn’t compare to my Chastity.

“Well hello there pretty lady. What’s your name?” Colby purred.

Chastity giggled as I watched Lexi put her nose in the air, and sniff.

“Nope.” Lexi said flatly.

“Well that was rude.” Colby huffed as he dropped into the seat next to Marcus.

“You’re not my mate so I’m not interested.” Lexi responded with a shrug.


“See Marcus. I told you Chastity’s brother was hot.” Norm said excitedly.

“Uh…. Thanks.” Colby said looking confused as Marcus growled making Lexi laugh again.

“Welcome!” Norm singsonged.

“Babe, calm down, and a good boy. You’re making them uncomfortable.” Marcus growled at Norm.

“Don’t worry Marcus, he’ll take the ego boosts any where he can get them.” Chastity giggled.

“Looks big enough to me.” Lexi joked.

“Hey. Come on now. What is this? Pick on Colby day? I drive all the way out here just to see my wonderful baby sister, and I get picked. Thanks short stack.” Colby playfully whined.

“No. You’re here for you interview. How did that go?” Chastity asked.

“What are you interviewing for?” Marcus questioned.

“I had an admissions interview at Denu.” Colby answered.

“Damn! Those are tough to get. I applied last year. They rejected my application right off the bat. No interview.” Marcus said.

“Yeah. It wasn’t easy to get through to the interview. They’re really strict.”

“I heard.”

“Anyway. The interview, and entrance exams went really well. They said I was one of the best they’ve- had this year.”

“That’s awesome. Congrats.”


“What were the entrance exams?” Chastity asked.

“I had to beat two warriors in hand to hand then wolf to wolf. Then I had one hour to track, and locate a pup hidden in the woods behind the school.” Colby answered.

“Wow. How did you do?”

“The warriors were tough, but I did beat them. I tracked, and brought back the pup in thirty minutes.” “That’s impressive. Good job.” Marcus said.

“Thanks.” Colby responded.

“So did you get in?” Chastity asked.

“I’ll know in a week or two. They still have some more applicants to interview before they can tell me for sure. They think I’m good as in though. Unless the other guys do better.” Colby answered.

We all slowly went to get food in small groups until we all had lunch in front of us. Once we were seated, conversation started back up again.

“Colby, are Braxton and Greg spending much time together? Braxton doesn’t say much about him when we talk?” Chastity asked between bites.

“That man is a shit, and about worth one too.” Colby grunted.

“Colby!” Chastity gasped.

“I’m serious Chas. Brax will try to talk to him, tell him about his day, ask him questions about himself, but the man barely speaks, or not at all. Brax invited him down for dinner everyday, and the man has only come down once. Didn’t speak the whole time either. Brax offered to take him out to dinner just the two of them the other night, and the man turned him down flat. No reason, just said no thanks then went to


“Why didn’t Braxton tell me?”

“He didn’t want you to worry. He wants you to focus on you and school, not him. He’s doing alright though. He still has dad. Dad’s been great. Does stuff with him, talks to him, listens to him. Still acts like, well a dad to him. Dad is helping him figure out what he needs for the self defense class for pups he wants to do. Even took him around to meet some pups and parents to see what they think of the idea.”

“Well I’m glad he has that.”

“Yeah. Me too. He’s doing good other then the bullshit with Greg. Don’t worry Chas.”

“I’ll try. I just don’t understand why Greg is doing that to Braxton though. Maybe trying to protect Braxton from too much hurt when he dies?”

“Maybe. I don’t really know Chas, and he won’t talk about it.”

“Wait. Who is this Greg guy?” Norm asked.

“Braxton’s biological father.” Colby answered.

“But I thought you said you are your mom’s only child Chastity? If Dimitri isn’t his dad then he’s your mom’s right?” Norm questioned.

“He’s neither actually. He’s mine, and Jax’s half brother. He’s not related to Chas at all.”

“I don’t think I understand.”

“My mother Aurora was a conniving bitch, and my dad was messed up over the loss of his mate. He stupidly went to Aurora for comfort. Behind his back she was messing with Greg who turned out to be

her mate, but she refused to let him mark her. Dad was out of town for over a month well she got pregnant by Greg Once she confirmed the pregnancy she rejected Greg, and convinced dad she was pregnant with his pup. Dad figured it out when Brax was four months old, but he decided it would be better for all of us if he just kept claiming Brax as his. For the last fifteen years we’ve all believed Brax was dad’s pup. Now we know the truth, and Brax met Greg.” Colby explained.

“I think I’ve got it, but it sounds like a bit of a mess.”

“That’s Aurora for you.”

“Why do you call your mom Aurora?”

“Because she’s a lying, manipulative, conniving, murdering, abusive bitch.”

“Can I ask what she did?”

“It’s not my story to tell. When that person is ready they will tell it. Sorry man.”

“No problem. So if you get into the school here, how long will you be here? When would you start?”

I laughed quietly as Norm started bouncing again. Lexi, and Chastity giggled.

“If I get in I start the end of summer. I’ll be here for two years.” Colby asked with a chuckle.

“Yay! You can come hang out with us. Have meals with us. Even shop with us.” Norm squealed.

“Baby, calm yourself a little that training is very intense.” Marcus said with a chuckle.

“Colby, if you’re here, I hope we’ll get to spend time together.” Chastity smiled shyly at him.

“I will. On one condition.” Colby said.

“What condition?” Chastity asked sadly.

“Tell me how the hell you make your coffee so good. Every other coffee tastes like shit compared to yours.” Colby grumbled.

“Really?” Chastity laughed.

“Hell yes! The only good coffee is yours. All the rest is crap.”

“Fine. One spoon of french roast, one spoon of hazelnut, and one spoon of dark roast. But them in a container, shake it well, then dump in the filter, and start.”

“You mix the three?” Marcus asked.

“Yes. When I was making coffee at the pack house, everyone liked different flavors, but we only had one machine. I mixed them together once, and it was hit. I’ve done it like that ever since.” Chastity explained.

“I’ll have to try that.”

“Believe me man, once you try it, you’ll never drink another coffee again because it’s all shit.” Colby stated.

At some point during the conversation I had reached my hand over, and took hold of Chastity’s. I breathed a quiet sigh of relief that she didn’t pull away. Instead she wrapped her fingers around my hand. It felt good to touch her. To hold her hand.

“Are we ready to get me and Marcus moved now?” Norm squealed, and jumped up, grabbing trays.

“Yes Norm we’re ready to get you moved.” Lexi jokingly huffed.

Marcus just shook his head, and chuckled. Chastity giggled. Hearing her laugh so much today warmed my heart. She sounded so happy, and carefree when she laughed. I loved it. I caught Colby’s widened eyes, and smile every time she laughed too.

“Hey Chas. I’m beat. It’s been a busy morning. You got some where I can nap for a bit?” Colby asked stifling a yawn.

“You can take a nap in my room.” Chastity answered as she stood up from the table still holding my hand.

“That’s fine.”

“We’re all going for a run out back after we’re done. Do you want to come?”

“Sure. Just wake me up when you’re ready.”

“I will. Oh leave Lilac be. She’ll come to you if she wants.”

“Short stack I’m not gonna mess with your furball. I don’t like cats.”

“She’s not a furball. She’s an adorable little kitten and she’s mine so you be nice to her.”

“OK. OK. Short stack, I’ll leave her alone.”

Chastity nodded, opened the door enough to check that Lilac was away from the door then let Colby in. Once he was set for his nap, we got to work helping Norm, and Marcus move. Marcus didn’t have a lot, and it had all been in his car. Norm though, had so much stuff I didn’t know how he fit it all in his room. It took a few hours, but we got it all moved. We laughed at Norm’s excitement about the place. It had it’s own living room, a kitchenette with breakfast bar, and one bedroom with an ensuite bathroom. It was a nice little place.

Once everything was moved in Norm, and Marcus went to the Admin office to change Norm’s room code. on his ID. Lexi went with Chastity, and me to wake up Colby. We had just walked into the room when Chastity stopped in her tracks, and started giggling. I looked around for a second to see what was so. funny. When I spotted it had to bite my lip.

Mister I hate cats was passed out in the middle of Chastity’s bed, on his stomach, holding a pillow, and on his back, curled in a ball, fast asleep was Lilac. I quickly grabbed my phone, and snapped a picture of the sight before me. Colby was going to flip when he found out, but it was just too funny. Finally Chastity. went to wake up Colby after moving Lilac while I snickered, and showed Lexi the picture who instantly – started giggling again.

After he was awake enough to be aware, I showed him the picture. He glared, and told me to delete it, but hell no was I doing that. He grumbled all the way to the woods behind the school where we found Norm, and Marcus waiting for us. We all quickly split off to shift behind trees and rocks. I choose a spot near Chastity. Once shifted, Duke came out from his spot, and went to sit in front of where we knew Chastity


After a few minutes Leila came out, and walked right to him. They touched noses then buried their snouts in each other’s necks. They followed that by rubbing their sides against each other. One thing Duke, and I notice is that in only a week Leila had put on a little weight, and was looking healthier. We both were happy about that.

Once all the wolves had smelled each other to take in each other’s scents we were ready to run. Leila dropped her front legs to the ground, butt in the air, wagging her tail, and barked at Duke playfully. Before he could do it back, she hopped up, and took off. Duke yipped and chased after. When he caught up to her he tackled her, and they wrestled a bit before he hopped up, and ran from her. The two played tag for a while. Duke was loving every minute of it. Leila seemed to be enjoy herself too.

Eventually they joined the rest of the wolves, and they ran around with the other wolves for awhile. Every chance Duke got he rubbed against Leila. She seemed to enjoy that as she would press her body into him every time. It was nice to run our wolves together. Duke was startled when a bell rang out.

“That is the alert system they set up to let anyone running know it’s five, and dinner has started if we’re hungry.” Chastity mind linked me.

“It’s five already?” I asked.


“Damn. This day has gone too fast.”

“I know. Do you want to eat dinner before you, and Colby leave?”



“Food please!” Colby whined.

“Alright. Let’s shift, and head back.”

Duke watched as Leila went behind the tree where Chastity’s clothes were. He looked around once to make sure no one else was around to see his mate naked then went behind the boulder my clothes were, and shifted. When I came back I saw Chastity waiting, a smile on her face. Goddess she was beautiful.

Taking her hand in mine, we walked back to the housing building with the group. Dinner was lively, but I was starting to feel down. My time with Chastity was coming to an end, again. I wasn’t ready for it, but

what choice did I have. Colby, and I decided that we would head home after dinner. We said our goodbyes to Norm, Marcus, and Lexi outside of the cafeteria. Chastity walked with us to our car.

“I’ll let you know if I get in Chas.” Colby said as we reached the car.

“Yes please. Thank you for coming to see me while you were here, and for bringing Rowen. It meant a lot.” Chastity smiled as she looked up at her brother.

“You’re welcome short stack. I’ll miss you.”

“Miss you too.”

“Chas….can I…can I give you hug?”


Colby instantly wrapped her in a big hug. I watched as she hugged him back tight. Finally they pulled away from each other. I tossed him the keys, and stepped in front of Chastity. We just stared at each other for a minute.

“Thank you for coming. It really meant a lot to me.” Chastity whispered.

“Anything for you sweet girl.” I whispered back.

We were quiet again, just staring. Leaving her again was breaking my heart, but I had to.

“Oh. There is a bag in your room with some fresh shirts, and a sweatshirt if you need them. You can mail the ones you have back any time.” I said quietly.

“Thank you.” She smiled at me sweetly.

I couldn’t take it. I had to kiss her. I pulled her too me, and pressed my lips to hers. My heart soared as she griped my biceps tight, and kissed me back. As much as I wanted to taste her, I didn’t push. Finally I pulled away, and put my forehead on hers. I breathed in her sweet scent then looked into her eyes.

“I’ll miss you.” I said quietly.

“I’ll miss you too.” She responded.

Eventually I released her, and went to the car. I turned back to her before getting into the car, smiled, and waved. She waved back, but I could see the tears in her eyes. As horrible as it sounds it made me happy to know she was sad to see me go. Finally I got in the car, and we pulled out. I watched her silhouette in the mirror long after she was out of sight.

The drive home was silent. Some how Colby knew I didn’t want to talk, and he respected that. The whole drive home I replayed our day together. We didn’t do a lot together just us, but I was just happy to be with her. Next time we would do something fun together, just us. When we reached home I spoke not a word. Just went to my room, and flopped on my bed. I fell asleep to dreams of my sweet girl just like I did every night.

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