The Alpha's Fight for His Omega

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Chapter 47


When I reached the self defense classroom Lexi, and Norm were already there, but sitting away from each other. I didn’t like the idea of not being able to hang out with both of my new friends at the same time. I had to find away to bring them together so I didn’t feel divided between them. I had a feeling Norm would be the easier one to bring to Lexi. I also thought I might know why there were issues between the two.

Their entire pack knew about what happened between her, and her ex-boyfriend. She probably felt humiliated in front of her own pack, and she probably thought they judged her for it. I doubt she ever actually talked to any one in her pack about what had happened. I doubted Norm judged her for what happened.

At the same time, this may not work, but I had to try I walked toward Norm, as he waved and smiled at me. I saw Lexi from the corner of my eye. She looked to me sad, and dejectedly. Hopefully I could change that. We had about 10 minutes to change things so I had to work fast.

“Hey there bad ass. What’s shaking?” Norm asked as I reached him.

“Hey Norm. How are you?” I responded.

7 am wonderful as always. I got to see my sister for a bit this morning. She’s here seeing the folks for a


“That’s pretty awesome So I was thinking about what we talked about yesterday concerning Lexi. I think maybe she could use a friend or two. She seems kinda lost right now.”

“I don’t know girl. She’s got that attitude, and all. She may not be interested.”

“Maybe that attitude is so she can protect herself from being hurt again.”

“You think so?”

“Only one way to find out.”

“Yeah. I guess.”

“Come on.”

Norm followed behind me as I walked to the other side of the classroom where Lexi stood by herself. Her blank facial expression didn’t change, but I saw her eyes light up slightly when she saw me. They dimmed when they saw Norm behind me though.

“Hey there Lexi.” I said with a smile when I reached her.

“Hi small fry.” She said quietly

“How are you doing today?”


“What did you do?”

“Nothing really. Just hung out in my room.”

“OH. Well….um….do you mind if Norm and I work out with you today?”

“…um….I mean if you want to, but if Norm starts in on me about what happened with Anthony I won’t be responsible for what I say.”

“Why the hell would I do that? He’s a shit anyway. Hell he’s not even that good looking. Now Darren. Man

if he was gay, I’d love to take a turn on that ride.” Norm said.

“You know that’s my brother right?” Lexi said with a snort.

“Well yeah of course I do, but he is one damn fine man.”

“Wow! Um….I’ll take your word for it.”


“Wait. You said you think Anthony is a shit?”

“Fuck yeah. That jerk didn’t even warn you that he found his mate while he was gone, did he?”


“Right. He just showed up, and dropped the bomb on you by kissing her in front of you. Who does that shit? A shithead. That’s who. Good thing he isn’t gonna be our Alpha any more. He’s too selfish for that.”

“Yeah. He did that. He would call me a couple of times a week, strung me along, but never told me he found his mate.”

“See. Shithead. Girl you’re too good for that one any way.”


“No problem. Most of the pack thinks the same thing any way. Yeah we’re happy for him that he found his mate. You should be with your fated mate, but the way he handled that shit was all wrong. You don’t

do that to another. It’s not right.”

“Yeah. I agree.”

“Good. You’ll find yours girl. Just give it time.”

“Yeah. You’re right.”

“Wait. I don’t understand something you said Norm. He went to Alpha school, and was supposed to be the next Alpha, now you say he’s not. How did that happen?” I asked, confused.

“Well he’s a twin. When they reached eighteen it wasn’t clear which was the stronger one, and which would be the better Alpha so he, and his brother Robert were both sent to school. The choice would be made based on how they did in school, how they handled working with other Alpha’s in school, the relationship they had with the Beta, and how the pack visits went. The final deciding factor was a challenge they had to fight when they returned. Whoever submitted first would not be made Alpha.” Norm explained.

“When they went Robert excelled at everything he did. He made new alliances for us. During his pack visits he strengthened a few alliances, and helped open up some trade agreements. Robert, and our future Beta bonded very well together, even though our Beta started out as best friends with Anthony. When they got back, Anthony submitted to Robert in minutes of the challenge. I don’t think Anthony ever really wanted to be Alpha to begin with. He’d rather party, and have fun.” Lexi continued where Norm left off.

“Oh. Wow. How did Anthony take it?” I asked.

“He laughed. He didn’t really care. Said it was too much responsibility any way” Lexi answered.

“His mate isn’t much better than he is. I heard.” Norm said.

“Yeah. She’s something else. Good thing she’ll never be Luna. She doesn’t have what it takes. She also refuses to spend time learning from Luna Clair. She says her fashion is more important.” Lexi stated.

“What are they doing now?” I questioned.

“She designs clothes, when she isn’t strutting around town. She’s not an Omega, but a warrior. That’s the other way most knew he wasn’t meant to be Alpha. Most Alpha’s mate with Omegas. She isn’t one. He, I’m not really sure to be honest. I know that they’re supposed to be leaving to go back to her pack soon.” Lexi answered.


“Because it’s better for everyone, and she doesn’t like being in a bigger pack. She’s not a star like she is in her pack which is much smaller than our pack, or even Moonlight pack.”

“OH. That’s kind of sad.”

“Nah. It’s for the best. He’s kind of annoying.” Norm interjected it.

“Alright all. Let’s get started.” Said Matt from the front of the class, causing me to jump.

I hadn’t even realized he had come in.

“Even one spread out, and start the stretches we worked on yesterday I’ll come around the room to check your form, and make adjustments as needed.” Matt stated as we all moved away from each other, and began stretching.

He moved to Shonda then over to Rose. He talked them through making adjustments in their form before moving on to Norm. He looked over Norm, said a few things then skipped me, and moved to Lexi. He didn’t tell her to make any changes then came to me. I felt a little uncomfortable as he looked

me over I shuddered when I felt his hand on my waist changing how I was standing as I stretched down to my toes. I instantly moved away from him. He didn’t know I didn’t like to be touched, and I couldn’t voice it. I didn’t know why he touched me when he didn’t touch anyone else either

“Uh. She doesn’t like being touched.” Norm said quietly.

“She’ll be fine. She just needs to correct her stance a bit.” Matt stated, and moved my hips again.

I gritted my teeth, and breathed a sigh of relief when he stopped touching me, and moved away. After we finished stretching, we followed Matt into the gym. He led us to the weights rack, and told each of us to take a set of 3 pound weights. Once we had them he went over how to exercise with them properly. I watched every move he made as he took us through the moves so I had them right.

We spent the rest of class working with the weights. Matt watched over us, and talked the others through corrections, but again touched me to move to the way I should have been. A few times I heard Norm growl quietly.

By the time class was over I was worn out, but also hungry. I saw Matt trying to catch my attention a few times, but opted to ignore him to leave the room with my friends. We decided on getting something to eat right after Once our trays were loaded we found a table to sit.

“So small fry, what did you do today?” Lexi asked before taking a bite of her burger

“Oh…um…I well I started seeing a therapist to deal with what I went through as kid.” I answered quietly.

“How did that go?” Norm questioned.

“Better than I thought it would I got a kitten.” I said with a small smile wanting to change the subject quickly

“A kitten? What would a wolf want with a kitten? They’re a prey to wolves.” Norm said sounding confused.

I explained to them what Dee-Dee had told me about emotional support animals as well about Lilac. They had a lot of questions, but I answered them as best I could.

“Do you want to meet Lilac after dinner?” I asked quietly.

“Sure.” Norm said.

“Why not, but we have to do something else first.” Lexi stated.

“What’s that?” I questioned.

“Girl, you need some proper exercise clothes. Leggings, and baggy t-shirts just don’t work. Besides baggy t -shirts get in the way after awhile.” Lexi explained.

“So what are we going to do?”

“SHOPPING!” Norm belted out.

“Shopping? But.” I said.

“Girl, you need to shop, and I LOVE shopping. Finish eating so we can get a move on.” Norm said as he

bounced in his seat.

“You’re a nut boy “Lexi said with a chuckle.

“Damn straight. That’s why I fun, and all the boys just love me.” Norm singsonged.

“Oh I’m sure they do.”

I giggled at them. I was becoming more and more thankful I had met them.

“Hey Lexi. What is your major?” I asked.

“Oh. I haven’t really decided yet. I’m not even sure I’m a fit for this program honestly. Yeah I’m smart enough, but I’m not sure I’ll make a good nurse.” Lexi answered sadly.

“All you can do it try, right?” I responded.

“Yeah. What about you small fry?”

“Pre-natal, maternity, neo-natal, and pediatric. Mostly I want to be a midwife.”

“Wow! That sounds like a lot of hard work. Why pediatric if you want to be midwife?”

“From what our midwife at my pack has told me, most midwives help with the medical needs of newborns for the first few months because they know more about nursing.”

“Oh ok. Well I guess that makes sense. I never understood why midwives got their education with nurses though.”

“I don’t either, but I’m not going to argue with it.”

“Good. Now lets go SHOPPING!” Norm squealed as he jumped out of his seat, and collected our trays.

He ran off with them, and dumped them in the dirty dishes window. He came right back to us, grabbed our wrists, and practically dragged us out of the building, and to the department store. Lexi, and I just laughed the whole way at his excitement. As soon as we were in the gym clothes department he bounced away from us, and starting sorting through racks. Lexi stayed with me as I slowly started looking over the


“Alright small fry, the best way to start doing this, is figuring out what you’re most comfortable with, and your sizes.” Lexi said as she flipped through some sports bras.

“Oh um…small or extra small.” I answered looking at sports tanks.

“Right. I kind of guessed that. Do you know your bra size?”

“Um, B was what I was told recently.”

“That helps. Do you feel you would be more comfortable in a tank or a sports bra?” She asked as she pulled over a hot pink sports bra, and I wrinkled my nose.

“Not not a sports bra. I would rather keep my back covered.”

“Why is that?”

1…um…I have scars on my back.”

“You have scars?” Norm asked as he had bounced back over to us.

“Yeah. I’m not embarrassed by them, but….well I don’t want to have to explain them every time they are seen.” I responded.

1 can understand that. I’m glad you’re not embarrassed by them. I’m guessing they’re from what was done to you. You should wear them with pride to show that you are a survivor, and how strong you are.” Lexi said as she put the sports bra back.

“Yeah. I do see them that way. I just don’t like having them exposed.” I responded.

“I get that. So no sports bras. Norm, put those back. And neon green? Really? She would look like a walking ghost in that color.” Lexi said looking at what Norm was holding.

“But it would make her stand out like the bad ass she is.” Norm protested.

“Yeah, but not in the way we want her too.”


“What colors do you like Chastity?” Lexi asked a Norm walked away.

“Oh. Purple, blue, green.” I answered going back to the tank tops I was looking at.

“What about pink?”

“It doesn’t look right with my hair color.”

“Actually a light pink would since your hair is a darker shade of red.”



“Huh? Ok.”

“Now you know this stuff is tight right? It needs to be so it doesn’t get in the way when moving.”

“Yeah. I kind of figured.”

“Alright lets see what they’ve got.”

The three of us spent sometime sorting through racks. By the time I was ready to try things on I had-a large stack of tanks, shorts, and some leggings to try on in various colors. Some how Norm even

managed to sneak in a bright yellow top, and short set. I decided to put that on first to get it over with. I walked out of the dressing room to show Lexi, and Norm. Lexi just blinked rapidly at me. Norm cracked

“You look like a banana. Doesn’t she look like a banana Lex?” Norm’chortled.

“Ummm. Yeah, but it is a good color on you. Especially once we get some sun on your skin. You’re too pale. If you get that, I wouldn’t wear the top, and shorts together. I would wear a black pair of bottoms. Do you have any black in there?” Lexi said.

“No. I don’t think so.” I responded looking at myself in the three way mirror.

“Hey sugar pie, go get her some black shorts.” Lexi told Norm.

“Sugar pie?” Norm questioned.

“I do nicknames, and I am trying that one out on you. You’re like a thing full of sugar. I don’t think pie

works though. Maybe bowl? Nah. Too dumb. I’ll figure it out.” Lexi said absently.

“Uh. Ok. What about just sugar?”

“Nah. OH. I know! Sugar pop because you bounce around so much.”

“I like it. What do you think Chastity?”

“Works for me. You are sweet, and well you kind of pop up out of no where.” I answered.

“Good. Now go get small fry black shorts.” Lexi waved him off.

He bounced away as I giggled. Lexi giggled with me, Then stood, and came toward me. I watched her walk to me through the mirror. She was looking at visible part of my left shoulder blade.

“How long is that scar?” Lexi asked quietly.

“It stretches across, and down the bottom of the right side of my rib cage.” I whispered.

“Looks like it hurt.”

“It did. It was very deep. Almost to the bone deep.”

“Damn small fry. You are a survivor. I’m in awe of you. I don’t think I could have lived through that.”


“Welcome. Oh good. Here come sugar pop.”

Norm bounced back to us holding a few pairs of black shorts. He handed them to me, and took his seat again. I went back into the dressing room to change the shorts. They both agreed that if I got the yellow! needed to get the black shorts to go with it. I continued to try on different things. I was half through


the pile when I came across something that made me laugh.

“NORM!! HOT PINK! REALLY?” I yelled.

“Sure. Why not? You’ll stand out.” Norm said back.

“Yeah. They’ll be able to see me from the moon.”

I giggled, and threw it out of the dressing room. I spent about an hour trying on different things. I was – getting worn out, but Lexi, and Norm seemed like they could go on for hours. Once I had a small stack of things I was going to get, I came out of the dressing room.

“I think we’re done for the day.” Lexi said with a smile.

“But….” Norm started.

“Small fry looks worn out. Lets call it a day. We’ll shop again another day.”


It was then that I noticed both Lexi, and Norm had a few things of their own they were buying. I hadn’t realized they had been shopping at the same time I was. I was kind of glad they had. I felt better not being the only one to shop. Once we checked out we headed back to my room so they could meet Lilac We had just reached my door when Lexi spoke.

“Oh damn. I’m right next door, Chastity. We’re neighbors.” Lexi said excitedly.

“I’m across the hall from both of you.” Norm said excitedly. “Party in our rooms.”

Lexi, and I both giggled as I opened my door slowly I looked around for Lilac to make sure she wasn’t near the door before opening it too far She was still on her cat shelf She lifted her head when she heard me come in. Lexi, and Norm followed me into the room, and looked around. Norm spotted Lilac first, and squealed

“Oh my goddess. How cute is that little thing?” Norm squealed, and went to approach her.

“Chill sugar pop. You’ll scare her if you’re not a little more relaxed.” Lexi chided as him as she moved toward Lilac slowly

“Yeah. She’s pretty shy.” I responded as I sat down on my bed.

“So why Lilac?” Lexi asked.

“My wolf Leila says she smells like Lilacs.” I answered.

“Hmmm. You smell like lilacs, and a bit like honeysuckle too.” Lexi said.

“I do?”

“Yeah you do. You remind me of spring time.” Norm said happily.

“Thank you. I think.”

I watched as Lexi looked at the pictures I had on my wall then moved to look at the three on my nightstand. Norm started checking out my pictures at the same time.

“Oh. Who is this slice of sexy?” Norm asked, holding out the photo of Rowen, and me dancing.

“That’s Rowen.” I answered, smiling at the picture.

“Rowen, as in future Alpha Rowen of Moonlight pack? That Rowen?” Lexi asked, picking up the picture.

“Yeah. How do you know him?” I responded.

“We were his, and his Beta’s last stop on their Alpha and Beta tour. They were here for about three

weeks.” Lexi answered.


“Yeah. You two look pretty cozy in every picture you have here.” Lexi said with a small smile.

“Yeah. He…he’s my mate.” I stated with a blush.

“No shit! He is your mate? Damn girl! You are one lucky bitch. He is a fox.” Norm exclaimed.

“He is that, and he’s damn smart too. Our Alpha, Beta, and my dad were really impressed with him. They said he asked thousands of questions, took a ton of notes, came up with some pretty good ideas, and even talked about doing some member sharing so some of your members can come to schools here. You pack has better warrior training on a large scale, where ours is more specialized. Dad said his idea about member sharing for training, and higher education was pretty solid, and something they’re going to research to properly implement in the future. They were all pretty impressed with him, and his Beta. Looks like you’re close with his Beta too.” Lexi explained.

“Yeah. Jax is my big brother.” I said, smiling at the picture of me and my brother hanging on my wall.

“No shit. Well get me an introduction girl. He is a tasty looking treat. I wouldn’t mind a taste.” Norm gushed.

“I don’t think his mate Molly would want to share.” I joked.

“He’s mated, and straight? Damn that sucks. Who are the others in these pictures? Any of them swing my way?”

I pointed out each person in the pictures for Lexi and Norm. I told them a little about who they were, and their status relationshipwise. Norm looked a little bit disappointed.

“Damn. I was hoping one of these hotties would be more my speed.” Norm suckled.

“Don’t worry sugar pop. I think I know who to introduce you to.” Lexi said as she stretched out on the floor, leaning against my bed.

Lilac had finally jumped down from her seat, and was moving closer to Lexi, stretching her neck out to sniff. Lexi extended her fingers to the kitten, then rubbed her gently when the kitten was comfortable enough with her.

“Yeah. My cousin Marcus is gay. He’s not as energetic as you, but you never know. Maybe the three of us can go into the pack town this Saturday, and I can introduce you.” Lexi offered.

“Really? You’re not just fucking with me, are you?” Norm questioned.

“Nah. He’s having a rough time of it. His parents kicked him out a year ago when he finally admitted he was gay. They kept shoving females at him, hoping one of them was his mate. He finally had to admit it to get them to stop. My uncle isn’t very accepting so, even though my aunt, she’s my mom’s sister, didn’t want to, they threw him out. He’s living with my parents right now.” Lexi explained.

“Oh wow. That sucks. My parents have been awesome about it. I came out when I was fifteen. There was a girl in my class that was always following me around, trying to get me to date her, but I wasn’t interested. One day she showed up at my house asking me out on a date. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but I had to tell her truth. My parents heard me when I said I was sorry, but I was gay. She started. crying then left. When I turned around there stood my parents. Man did my heart drop. I thought they were going to lose it. Dad said so you’re gay huh? Mom just shrugged and said she knew all along. That was the end of it. They’re kinda disappointed that they won’t have more grandpups, but I’m one of ten so they’ll have plenty to spoil.” Norm told us.

“You’re one of TEN? Lexi gasped.

“Yup. Second to youngest. I have something like twelve nieces and nephews so far.”

“Damn your parents were busy.”

“Yeah they were. So um….what does Marcus do? How old is he? What does he look like?”

“He’s twenty one, is a warrior, and he looks like my brother, only a little shorter, but a bit more bulky

muscles wise.”

“Well hot damn. If he’s game to meet, I’m not down.”

“Great. I’ll text him, and set it up.”

“Awesome. You rock Lex!”


“So tell me Chastity. Why aren’t you marked yet if you have a mate?”

“I…uh….well we had a rough start, and with everything I’ve been through I’m not ready for that yet. I need

to heal first, and get my head on straight. Plus I want to finish school first.” I explained.

“He’s ok with that? Being an Alpha, and all.”

“Yeah. He screwed up in the beginning, and now he’s determined to fix things, and give me the time I need”

“What did he do?”

“Oh…uh….he…he rejected me.”


“Yeah. He says it was a mistake on his part, and retracted the rejection.”

“How? Why? If he rejected you how is the mate bond even still there?”

“I never accepted the rejection. I didn’t know I had to in order to break the bond.”

“You didn’t?”

“No. I was never taught that stuff.”

“Oh. So why did he do it in the first place?”

I explained to them what happened with Rowen, and all he had done since then. I told them about all of the things he said, and what he has done. How he’s supported me. Just everything. When I was done they were shocked, but seemed genuinely happy for me. We spent several hours hanging out, and talking. It was nice to connect with people.

By the time they left I was exhausted, but happy. The day had started out rough, but it got better as it progressed. I found myself happier, and a bit more comfortable then I had the day before I went to bed. wrapped up in Rowen’s hoodie again. Lilac end up laying on my pillow with her tiny chin on my head. I fell into a deep sleep to her purrs.

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