The Alpha's Fight for His Omega

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Chapter 110


The week after Christmas flew by Rowen, Jax, Ross, Joe, dad, and Pete were back to work. Molly was off due to winter break at school. Melissa was off from her online courses as well. She did spend Tuesday, and Wednesday at her mom’s shop with her. Lexi, and I spent Tuesday, and Thursday working with midwife Wanda. Thursday we got to be part of a delivery. That had been so exciting.

The rest of the days were spent with Molly, Melissa, Lexi, and Gina. It was nice having girl time, and we all got along really well. Listening to Molly talk about her students was adorable as I could really hear in her voice how much she enjoyed them, and teaching. I noticed that Melissa talked more about working in her mom’s shop than her classes, and said noting about her coming classes. She seemed like she was hiding. something. When I finally got the chance to ask Molly about it one evening, she informed me that Melissa ended up hating it once she really got into it. She hadn’t planned to go back the following semester, but didn’t want to tell me because she was afraid of letting me down.

I fixed that quickly though. I took Melissa to lunch, and after a bit, she finally admitted to how she felt about her classes. I made sure that she knew I was not disappointed in her in anyway. She also admitted she was more interested in taking over her mom’s shop some day, as well as expanding it. She just didn’t know anything about business. With some discussion, and looking into programs offered by her college. We found that her college offered a Business Management degree. She attempted to sign up for classes while we sat there. We both felt a lot better by the end of lunch.

I also had lunch with Jax one day, at the town diner. Unfortunately Rachel was our waitress. She tried flirting with Jax, but got turned down quickly, much to her displeasure. She didn’t say anything to me though, and actually got my drink order correct, thankfully. Jax, and I did make plans for him to come

for a visit when I returned to school. He was going to come for a weekend, by himself so we could spend some much needed sibling time together. I was really looking forward to that.

Dad had a lot of end of year paperwork to do so he wasn’t able to go out for a meal with me, but we did have lunch in his office one day. I didn’t know he had hung the collage I made him in his office. When i saw it on the wall next to his door so he could see it from his desk, I smiled, and felt really good about it. I also appreciated the picture he had of all of us from Molly, and Jax’s mating ceremony on his desk, next. to the one of him, mom, and me from the day I was born. I spent most of our lunch listening to him tell me about the plans he had for the train I got him. He even picked up more expansion sets for it. I couldn’t help, but laugh at his excitement over it.

Rowen, and I did have another one on one date which was really nice. We had dinner together then we went to the pottery class Molly told us about. That turned into a bit of a mess, but it was fun none the less The pieces were premade, we just had to paint them. Rowen’s artistic abilities were not great, but he did try I could tell he wasn’t really a fan of the activity, but he did it for me. That meant a lot to me. We did also end up finishing the Transformers movies. We messed around once or twice too, but nothing. more than we had already done.

It had been a great week, but unfortunately I was heading back to school the day after New Year’s. On New Years Eve, we decided to hang out in the main living room. Norm and Marcus would be joining us. I knew they had made it to Moonlight a few hours before, but they had to drop Norm’s mom off at his sister’s house I figured they were spending some time with his sister first The night’s plan was to hang out in the living room, playing games, eating, and having fun Gina, and Braxton were off spending the night with their friends Dad, Joe, Peter, and Naomi would be joining us. I was looking forward to it. I was setting out a platter of sandwiches, and wraps when Lexi went to open the door.

“The PARTY is here!” I heard Norm squeal from the door, causing me to giggle.

“Hey there sugar pop. Come on in.” Lexi said with a giggle.

Norm, and Marcus followed her into the house. Well Norm was more bouncing than walking. I turned, and smiled at him. He wasn’t having just a smile though. He rushed to me, and picked me up, sort of into a huge hug.

“CHASTITY! HI!” Norm squealed.

“Hi Norm. It’s great to see you too.” I giggled after he set me down.

“Hey Chas.” Marcus said, waving at me.

“Hi Marcus. I see he’s already excited.” I said.

“Very much so. He’s been like this since we left Dark Moon.” Marcus responded with a chuckle.

“Hey Marcus. Hi Norm.” Colby said as he walked in the room, carrying a cooler for drinks.

“Hi Colby! I’m so glad she loved the ring. The necklace was such a great idea. You did great.” Norm rushed out as he bounced over to Colby to help with the cooler.

“Thanks Norm. I am too.” Colby stated with a chuckle.

Norm bounced around to everyone to say hello. Once that was done we all loaded up plates to eat, and found seats around the huge card table dad, and Joe set up. Some one bought the game Cards Against Humanity, and we were playing that night. I had never even heard of it, but was willing to give it a try.

“Did you ever send that application in, Marcus?” Colby asked as he took his seat.

“Oh. Yeah. I didn’t tell you?” Marcus responded.

“Tell me what?”

“They put a rush on the process because they need to fill the position quickly. My applications was one of 3 accepted. I interviewed, and did the practical two days ago. I got a call last night. I got the job. I go in on Monday to fill out the paperwork, and start orientation on Tuesday. I should be in a classroom in two weeks. I’ll be starting with first years, but that’s ok. I’m excited.”

We all congratulated Marcus. That was really exciting for him. Colby truly believed Marcus would do well with this new position. It also provided more financial stability for him, and Norm.

“How was dinner with your parents, Marcus?” Lexi asked since they had been so busy we hadn’t had much time to talk.

“Informative.” Marcus answered.

“How so?”

“Dad had a whole bunch of financial tips for us. He also wanted to help us apply for Norm to get a scholarship to Cloverland due to being mated to warrior.” Marcus responded.

“That was good of him.”

“Yeah but due to my job change, we don’t qualify any longer.”

“That kind of sucks.”

“His dad is going to help us figure out other options.” Norm added.

“So he is trying now?” Joe asked.

“He is. I found out that after that day at the street fair my mom gave him an ultimatum. Either he learned to accept that I’m gay, and get to know Norm or she would leave to live with us.” Marcus explained.

“She did?” Lexi asked, sounding shocked.

“Yes. She said that she couldn’t stand not being a part of my life any more. She didn’t want to choose between me, and dad, but she didn’t know what to do any more.” Marcus answered.

“Well I’m glad she did.” Lexi stated.

“Me too. They came to mom and dad’s for Christmas. His dad did spend most of the time giving financial advice to my family. At one point he held my youngest niece so my sister could eat. He was really good with her.” Norm added.

“My uncle has always been good with pups.” Lexi said with a shrug.

“How do you feel about this Marcus?” I finally asked.

I….I’m not really sure. It’s weird for me. I can’t say I trust him either. He hasn’t been rude to Norm, but he hasn’t exactly talked to him much though.” Marcus answered.

“Yes he has.” Norm stated.

“When?” Marcus questioned.

“We talked about my classes, and he asked me some questions about the house.” Norm responded.

“The house?”

“Yes. He was asking how the remodel was going, and if we needed anything to get it complete by the time I graduate.”

“Oh. Is that all he said?”

“He sent me a text this morning asking me to tell you he’s proud of you for your new job.”

“He….why didn’t he text me that?”

“He’s still not sure of your relationship with him, and he’s a little worried about upsetting you.”


“Try texting or calling him sometime. It might help with him going directly to you instead of going through


“It’s ok to be scared, or nervous Marcus. It’s not always easy to forget when someone hurts you, but if you let that fear hold you back you might miss out on having a great relationship with your father in the future.” I stated.

“Chastity would know best about that.” Naomi stated, and I blushed a bit.

“True. I know you’re right Chastity, it’s just hard.” Marcus stated, and my heart went out to him.

“Believe me, I know it is, but don’t miss the chance you have, you may regret it in the long run. Remember what you said to your dad at the street fair about looking back, and wondering why he’s not there. Yes he screwed up in the past, but if he’s sincere about making it right, let him.” I said.

“I get it, but it’s not that easy.”

“No it’s not, but look at me.”

“What about you?”

“Sorry everyone. I’m not trying to make any one feel guilty, just trying to prove a point. Marcus, remember what I told you about my life before?”


“Do you realize that people that hurt me are sitting right at this table in varying degrees? Some by ignorance, or turning a blind eye. Some with words. Some with silence. Some physically. Some throught rejection.”


“The people at this table that hurt me in one way or another wanted to make amends for their actions in the past. Had I not let them, do you think you, Norm, Lexi, and I would be sitting at this table? Do you think I would be as happy as I am right now? Do you think I would have my mate in my life?”

“I…..No. I guess you wouldn’t.”

“No I wouldn’t, but I did forgive them, and I gave them a chance to make things right. By doing that I have never been so happy in my life. I have a family who loves me. I have friends who mean the world to me. I have a mate who loves me very much, and I love him.” Rowen kissed the top of my head, and I smiled, “I know it’s hard, but it could one of the best decisions you ever made in your life.”

“I see what you’re saying, and you’re probably right. Just how do I forgive him?”

“Maybe talk to him, and find out why he thinks and feels the way he does. That could be the first step.” “How did you do it?”

“For me it was all about being able to move forward with my life. I couldn’t do that if I held onto the Hurt, and anger. They made the rest easy for me because they treated me better than they even needed to. They have proven to me over, and over again that they were worth my forgiveness.”

“And if he doesn’t?”

“Than you make your decision on how to proceed with your life, with or without him in it. Does it hurt to give him a chance?”

“If he hurts my mate, it does.”

“Norm, how often do you hear from Marcus’s dad?”

“Since Thanksgiving, about twice a week.” Norm answered.

“And what does he usually have to say?” I asked.

“Mostly just checking in to see how we, more Marcus than me, are doing, and if we need anything.”

“Have you ever told me we did?” Marcus questioned.

“No. I’ve always told him we’re doing really well, working hard, and stuff like that. I do tell him that you do need a relationship with your parents.” Norm responded.

“What does he usually say?”

“He asks me what he can do to have that.”

“And you say?”

“That I’m not sure. I think, he’s not sure either. He talks about helping us create financial security for ourselves, and helping us figure out ways to put more money in our pockets is because he’s not sure what to talk to you about. You two are so different, and he really knows little about you. I think he’s scared to say something to upset you.”

“So what do I do Chas?”

“Invite him out to dinner, just the two of you, ask questions about himself. If he asks questions about you, answer them honestly, but know he’s not asking to attack, but to know you. Ask him about how he met

your mom, or ask him about things he did as a pup. Also ask him about things he enjoys now.” I answered. “I guess I could try that.”

“If it doesn’t go well at least you know you tried, and you won’t be left with regrets.”


“You’re welcome.”

“0000k. No more heavy stuff. Game time!” Colby stated, making us all laugh.

The table was cleared, and cards were dealt out. I had to have the game explained to me, and it took a bit for me to catch on. I didn’t understand some of the things on the cards, but it was a lot of fun with a lot of laughs. Rowen was really good about quietly explaining things to me if I didn’t get it. I did spend a good bit of time blushing though. I could see why this game was called Cards Against Humanity because it was offensive, but that was half the fun.

Some where during the middle of the game Norm got a call that his sister went into labor. She was 2 weeks early, but there was no real concern as the pup was fully ready to go. Of course that made Norm even more excitable. He, and Marcus would go to see the pup before they left to go home. Norm couldn’t wait, thus causing more laughter. All in all the whole night was a lot of fun.


A little before midnight we put the cards away, and turned on the TV to watch the ball drop. This was, first time I remember seeing it. Before I became excluded I was too young to stay awake so late. I

always fell asleep before midnight. After, well at this point everyone knows why I missed it. I was excited to watch it. I squeaked when Rowen pulled me onto his lap, and buried his head in my neck.

“I want to start this year with you as close to me as I can get.” Rowen quietly growled in my ear, sending a shiver up my spine.

“Why is that?” I whispered.

“Because this is the first of many, many, many years we’ll have together. I want to start it out right.”

“You always say such sweet things.”

“Only for you. Only for you.”

We were interrupted by every one yelling out the count down










“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” We all yelled.

Rowen turned my face to him, and he kissed me sweetly a few times than hard. I kissed him in return.

When he pulled away, I was passed around to everyone to get hugs, and kisses on the cheek. Joe finally got us all out to the front porch so we could watch the fireworks being set off in the town center. It was


By the time we all went to bed it was almost 2:00 in the morning. When Rowen climbed into bed with me I was laying on my side, facing him, and smiling. I was just so happy. I meant it when I told Marcus I was the happiest I had ever been in my life. Rowen was a big part of that happiness. Things started out terribly between us, but they were amazing now.

“Thank you.” I whispered to Rowen.

“For what?” Rowen asked.

“For being amazing to me. For contributing so much to the happiness I have in my life now.”

“You never have to thank me for that. It is my honor to do all I can to make you happy. I’m so glad that I do. For a long time worried I would never be able to. I worried that you would decide to reject me, then leave, and never return.”

“You were?”

“I was. I made such a horrible mistake in the beginning, and I worried you would never be able to truly forgive me, or move past what I did. I would have understood, but I would have never forgiven myself



“OH. I never knew that. I would have never guessed you felt that way.’

“I never told you because I never wanted you to feel obligated to stay to avoid me feeling that way. You staying with me, accepting me as your mate has to be your choice, and your choice alone. I can’t say that I never want to influence you to stay with me because that’s not exactly true. I treat you so well so you know for sure that I will always treat you well. I guess in a way that’s me influencing your choice to stay with me, but I would never use guilt as a reason for you to not reject me.”

“I know I haven’t made things easy.”

“Chastity, I knew full well when I retracted my rejection that things would not be easy because of what ! did to destroy any trust you would have had in me if I had accepted you the moment I knew you were my mate. I was prepared for it. I was, and still am willing to do anything you need me to do.”

“Yeah, but….”

“Nothing you have done, or said has made me angry, hurt, or regretful of retracting my rejection. There have been things that have made me worry about you. Especially when I couldn’t be right there to get you through rough patches, but never angry or any of that. Watching you come into your own, and becoming the female you are meant to be has been a kind of joy that words cannot express. Your inner strength, and compassion take my breath away. I can’t tell you how proud I am of you in everything you do, and say. I’m damn lucky to have you as my mate.”

“Thank you Rowen. I love you.”

“I love you too Chastity. So much.”

“I was thinking about something.”

“What’s that?”

“Do you think things would be different if you had accepted me from the start?”

“I’ve asked myself that a few times, and there are times I think yes, and times I think no.”

“Why is that?”

“Think about the person you were at that point. Think about how scared you were of, well everyone. Remember what you believed about yourself. What do you think would have happened?”

“I’m not really sure.”

“I think you would have accepted me, but you would have been terrified of me, and just waiting for me to hurt you like everyone else did. I think you would have just focused on serving me, being beneath me instead of my equal in every way. Looking back, I think accepting me would have only changed you not being harmed any more or having to hide it even more than you already did.”

“They wouldn’t have been able to hurt me any more with you as my mate though.”

“Maybe or maybe they would have gotten worse to get you out of the way of what they wanted.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well think about it. Aurora had convinced Fiona that she was my mate, and I would make her Luna. Aurora felt that Fiona being the Luna would put her position even higher because she was Fiona’s aunt, and the female that raised her. Essentially she was more a mother to Fiona than an aunt. Aurora saw the benefits of Fiona being made Luna for herself. Mated to you, Aurora wouldn’t get those benefits, or may not have. Aurora already murdered one person because she was in the way of what

Aurora believed was hers. Even fear of me wouldn’t have prevented her from doing it again. In the meantime making life more difficult, and painful for you. You life would have been even more at risk than it already was.”

“But she wouldn’t have been able to use you as a threat against me.”

“No, but she could have probably tried to convince you that she had my permission or that I didn’t truly want you.”

“But she wouldn’t have been able to do that because you wouldn’t have treated me badly, right?”

“Of course I wouldn’t have, but remember what your mindset was back then. Would you have told me she or anyone was hurting you?”

“I…..No. I probably wouldn’t have. You would see the signs though.”

“Yes I would have, but let me ask you something.”


“Did mom ever see the signs of you being hurt? Did she ever ask you about it?”

“She did to both questions.”

“And what did you tell her?”

“That I was clumsy.”


“Aurora threatened Jax’s position as Beta. She threatened to have him pulled from school. That she would make up some lie to get him demoted, thrown out, or even punished for something if I told Jane.”

“Exactly. She got you to lie by using the only person who treated you well, and that you loved most to keep you quiet. Don’t you think she would have continued to do that to keep you from telling me what she was doing to you?”

“But what would she have to use against me?”

“I have no doubt she would have found something. As you said she was very good at finding a person’s weakness, and using it against them to get what she wanted.”

“That’s true. So why do you think things would be like they are now if you had accepted me back then.” “Sadly, more wishful thinking on my part.”

“What do you mean?”

“The egotistical part of me wants to believe that I alone could heal you, and get you to be the person you are becoming every day.”


“I think that you being away from home, and seeing that things are not really as you were raised to believe were true has done a lot of good. Being stuck in this house, with your abusers would have continued to make you fearful, and closed off. I think you being here would have also kept them from changing, and doing better. As much as I hate it, I know in my heart this is the best thing for you. Maybe the best thing for both of us, and our relationship.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Chastity, before all of this, how much did you know about me?”

“I knew you were Joe, and Jane’s son. I knew you were Gina’s brother, and Jax’s best friend, as well as the same age as Jax. I knew you were the future Alpha of our pack Beyond that, not much.”

“Right. When I first saw you serving drinks at the party, I didn’t even remember you. I had no idea who you. were. It didn’t click until we caught Aurora, Fiona, aunt Naomi, and Gina. When I heard what Jax said, that’s when I remembered. I remembered a few times when I was pretty young of you playing with us. With you following Jax around constantly. I’ll admit that there were times when we were pups I would get. annoyed with Jax for bringing you along when we played, but looking back now I realized I was just being a jerk. I don’t remember much of you during my teen years, but that was because of me, not you.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“In my teen years I was more worried about females, school, and training with dad. I barely remember seeing you because I was caught up in my own little world. When ever Jax would talk about you, while we were away, I never really made the connection, again being caught up in my own little world.”

“Oh. I guess that makes sense.”

“As much as it sucks, and as horrible as it makes me sound, it is the truth.”

“Ok, but it doesn’t explain why you think that us being separated like this maybe what is best for us, and our relationship.”

“It does though. Do you realize that the majority of mated couples know nothing about each other prior to jumping into mating?”

“I did know that. That bond is instant, and they become all you want.”

“True, but they know very little about each other. Mated couples tend to struggle for a long time getting to know each other, and building their relationship after the commitment has already been made because they know nothing about each other. It’s different for us because we’ve had this time to really get to know each other, become comfortable with each other, and I think in the long run build a much stronger relationship than most mated couples have.”

“Mated couples have strong bonds.”

“They do, but more often than not it has more to do with the mate bond than the people themselves. It can take a long time for the bond between the pair to become more than just being mates. It takes them time to build the friendship, trust, comfort and true foundation of the relationship. They are sort of forced to do that as fighting the bond is not something one wants to do.”

“That’s true, but they make it work.”

“They do, but there are times when that foundation isn’t really ever there.”

“How can you say that?”

“Well take Uncle Pete, and Aunt Naomi as an example.”

“What about them?”

“How much has Aunt Naomi hid from Uncle Pete over the years?”

“….um…..what do you mean?”

“Do you remember her saying she never told Uncle Pete the real reason she didn’t want more pups, and how she treated Ross? As well as her hiding how her parents really were to her.”

“Oh. Yeah. I do.”

“If their foundation had been stronger she wouldn’t have felt the need to hide those things. If she felt that he would have supported her completely or helped her, she wouldn’t have kept those big things from him.”

“That’s very true.”

“As soon as they found each other they marked each other, and Aunt Naomi moved in here. They knew nothing about each other, but moved forward with a fully committed relationship within days of meeting.”


“Yeah. The difference for us is that we’ve got this time to build that foundation. You’re learning to trust me to always be there for you, help you, support you, and take care of you. We’re getting to know each other, and have built, what I think is a great friendship.”

“Just a friendship?”

“No my sweet girl, not just a friendship, but shouldn’t your life partner also be your best friend?”

“Yes, I think they should be.”

“Exactly, I think that our relationship is, and will be stronger going forward because we have taken the time to build those things.”

“I cannot disagree with you there.”

“I didn’t think you could.”

“So maybe the rejection in the beginning was a good thing for us.”

“As much as I hate to admit, I agree. Maybe better for you than me, but still a good thing none the less.”

“Why more for me?”

“Because of how far you have come over the past months. Because of how much happier you are now than you were. If I had accepted you that night you wouldn’t have been able to leave for Cloverland without serious problems emotionally, mentally, and possibly physically. You’ve stretched your wings, grown, and learned about yourself while there. Here, you may have still been trapped.”

“I see your point, and I think you’re right.”

“I am every once in a while.”

I leaned forward, and kissed Rowen with all of the love I felt for him. He pulled me tight to him, and returned my kiss with one of his own. When the kiss ended I snuggled up close to him, and buried my head under his chin, just breathing in his scent. He wrapped his arms tight around me. I felt him kiss the

top of my head several times. I fell asleep just like that.

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