The Alpha's Fight for His Omega

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Chapter 104


When we pulled up in front of the pack house, the usual crowd was waiting for us. I loved when they were standing there to greet us. It made me feel loved, and welcome. I always had a big grin on my face to see all of them excited for my return. Well our return, but it was an amazing feeling either way. I did giggle a bit when I saw Rowen sitting on the step in front of Molly, and Melissa with his arms spread in front of their legs as if to stop them from moving forward. Lexi saw it as well, and took Lilac from me before I opened the car door,

As soon as I did Rowen was up, and moving toward me, quickly. When he reached me, he put his arms. around my waist, picked me up, and kissed the hell out of me. I don’t know when it happened, but eventually I wrapped my legs around his waist, and clung to him like a monkey. It took me a minute to register the growls, and giggles going on around us. When I did I quickly let Rowen go, buried my head in his chest, and blushed.

“Don’t touch my sister like that, Rowen!” Jax growled.

“Jax, we gotta talk.” Colby muttered.

“About what?” Jax snapped.


“Can we get hugs?” Molly asked, and I giggled then pulled away from Rowen.

I was passed around to say hellos, and give hugs. Even Naomi greeted me with a big smile. I think I shocked her when I pulled her into a hug. Gina whispered to me that she, and Braxton put the USBS with the pictures I wanted in my night stand drawer. Knowing that I was excited to get started on

projects for Rowen, Jax, and dad. I planned to take the USBS to the photo center on Monday to pick, and print the pictures.

Once everyone was greeted Colby went to get our bags out of the car. With a quiet giggle I got an ideal that I knew would shock Rowen. I snuck up behind Rowen, and jumped up on his back. He chuckled, and grabbed ahold of my legs as I wrapped them around his waist. He bounced a bit to get me adjusted so I could get a comfortable grip around his neck. I giggled again, and kissed his cheek. With that we followed everyone into the house then up to Jax’s apartment.

It wasn’t until we reached my room, and my door was shut, that Rowen let me down off his back. I was giggling, and looking up at him, when he grabbed my waist, and pulled me against him. No sooner did my hands hit his chest that he was kissing me. I wrapped my arms around him quickly, and pulled at his hair as he prodded my lips with his tongue. As he continued to kiss me I felt his hands slide down to my ass, and he pulled him even tighter to him. I could feel his erection pressing at my stomach. To my surprise I didn’t feel uncomfortable about that, I just pressed harder against him, making him groan. Eventually he ended the kiss. We were both panting hard as he put his forehead against mine, stared into my eyes, and


“I missed you sweet girl.” Rowen whispered.

“I missed you too.” I responded, smiling at him.

We just stood like that for awhile. I got lost in his blue eyes. I could see everything he was feeling right there. Just standing here like this, with Rowen made me happy. I didn’t know why, and I didn’t question it. Finally he released me, after placing a kiss on my nose.

“Get Lilac set up. You, and I have a date this afternoon.” Rowen finally said.

“On this I won’t concede.”

“Neither will I.”

“I see a lot of years disagreeing about this.”


We both laughed as we walked into the diner, and found a table. It was the same diner I had lunch with Jax a few weeks ago. I hoped we didn’t end up with the same waitress. Thankfully it wasn’t her, but it was someone worse. Someone I knew had a thing for Rowen at one point. The smile she gave him almost had me wanting to rip her face off. I remembered her from before Rowen left for Alpha school. She was always showing up, even after Rowen ended things with her. She also kept coming around for awhile after he left.

“Well hello there Rowen baby.” The waitress said sweetly.

“Hello Rachel.” Rowen grunted.

“You’re looking good.” Rachel smiled and batted her eyes, making me roll mine.

“Um. Thanks.” Rowen shrugged, continuing to look over the menu.

“It’s about time you came to see me. I’ve been waiting for you.” Rachel purred.

“Oh. That’s nice. Can we get our drinks please?”

“Fine. We’ll talk in a bit. What do you want to drink?”

“Chas, what do you want?” Rowen looked at me, and asked with a smile.

“A Dr. Pepper, and a water, please.” I requested.

“I’ll get a coke.” Rowen stated looking back at his menu.

“I’ll be right back.” Rachel said then she turned, and wiggled her ass at Rowen.

I caught myself growling at her actions. She needed to back off before I clawed her eyes out. He was mine, and she could not have him. Those thoughts shocked me. I couldn’t believe myself. I was pulled out of my thoughts as a single glass was set on the table in front of Rowen. I pinched my brows when I didn’t receive my drink.

“You forgot something.” Rowen stated without looking at Rachel.

“What?” Rachel asked, trying to sound innocent.

“Chastity ordered a Dr. Pepper, and a water. I see no Dr. Pepper or water.” Rowen snapped.

“I know you just brought her in here to get my attention. Now that you have it, you can send her on her way. Although you didn’t have to go to such lengths. You know you always have all of my attention.” Rachel stated as she went to reach out to touch him, making me growl quietly.

“Rachel, you are very wrong. I could care less about your attention. If you remember correctly I have a mate. The whole pack knows it.” Rowen stated firmly, avoiding her touch.

“Yeah right. You keep saying that, but no one ever sees you with a mate. You started that rumor to make me jealous. You didn’t need to go to such lengths. I’m all yours baby. In every way. You know that.” Rachel purred.

“Chastity IS my mate! You’ve seen me with her She’s here now!” Rowen snapped.

“You?” Rachel asked as she turned to me.

“Yes me. Now I would appreciate it if you went to get my drinks, and do NOT try to touch my mate again!” I growled.

I glared at Rowen when he snickered. He instantly quieted and looked back down at the menu. Rachel narrowed her eyes at me, and walked away. As soon as she was gone Rowen put his menu down, and smiled at me, eyes glowing.

“What?” I snapped as I picked my menu back up.

“That’s the first time I’ve ever heard you get possessive over me.” Rowen gloated.

“Um. Sorry?”

“I like it. It’s sexy.”

“You’re weird. Why is it almost every time we go some where in this pack some female hits on you?”

“I don’t know. Why do the eyes of males always follow you every where you go?”

“They do not. Stop making stuff up.”

“Oh believe me sweet girl. They do. The only reason they don’t hit on you when I’m around is because of who I am.”


“Come here.” Rowen motioned with his finger to come closer.

I leaned across the table towards him, trying to figure out what he wanted. He put his hand on the back of my head, and kissed me hard on the lips. He pulled back just enough to look into my shocked eyes.

“You sweet girl, are beautiful, and oh so sexy. The males can’t take their eyes off you. Especially now that you wear clothes that show of that perfect ass of yours.” Rowen whispered against my lips, causing me to gasp.

“Rowen, don’t say things like that.” I said between gritted teeth.

“Why not? It’s the truth.”

“You’re seeing things.”

“Believe me. I’m not.”

Rowen quickly kissed me again before I could say anything more. He was just sliding his tongue into my mouth to deepen the kiss when something slammed against the table, making me jump. I quickly sat back down, and saw my Dr. Pepper sitting there. I quickly took a sip, but wrinkled my nose when it tasted. funny.

“This isn’t Dr. Pepper.” I protested, and pushed it away from me.

“Dr. Pepper? Oh. I thought you said Diet Coke. I figured you wanted to lose those few pounds you may be hiding under that sweatshirt. Need to keep a sexy body to hold the attention of our Alpha.” Rachel said sweetly, making my insecurities rear up.

“Get the FUCK away from our table! We want a new waitress!” Rowen growled.

“Oh. Sorry. I’m the only one available right now.” Rachel gushed.

“You say one more wrong thing about my mate, I’ll rip you apart, even if you are a female. Either that or I’ll have Molly, and Melissa do it.” Rowen stated, glaring at Rachel.

“I’ll stop when you stop trying to make me jealous. I know you want me, not anyone else.”

“The ONLY person I want is Chastity! She is my MATE! She is the only one good enough, smart enough, sweet enough, beautiful enough, and sexy enough for me! Actually she is too good for me. I’m just thankful she’s willing to settle for me.”

Hearing Rowen say those things about me made my heart squeeze, tears spring to my eyes, and a small smile hit my lips. Those words made me feel wonderful. Knowing he felt that way about me warmed me up inside.

“But Rowen.” Rachel whined.

“Bring Chastity her Dr. Pepper. While you’re at it, she wants a turkey club sandwich on white toast with no tomatoes, and fries. I want a bacon cheeseburger with everything, and fries. Now get the hell away.” Rowen growled.




Rachel ran away from the table quickly. I tried not to laugh, but failed miserably. I couldn’t help it.

“Glad you found that funny, sweet girl because I sure didn’t.” Rowen grunted.

“Her reaction was funny.” I admitted once I stopped laughing.

“You know I meant what I said, right?”

“….. Part of me does. It’s just the part of me that still lacks confidence doesn’t see it.”

“I know. It will take time, but I’ll be right beside you, reminding you that you are all those things, and so much more.”

I smiled brightly at Rowen. He always knew just what to say to make me feel better. Without thinking about it, I got up from me seat, slid into the booth next to me, turned his face toward me, and kissed him. It was just a quick kiss, but I hope he felt how good he made me feel in it. He smiled against my lips than kissed me again.

“I love you sweet girl.” Rowen whispered against my lips, making my heart skip a beat.

“I love you too.” I said staring into his eyes.

I jumped was something was slammed down on the table in front of us. I looked over to see my Dr. Pepper sitting there, and snorted. Jealousy did not look good on Rachel, but it was funny. She was glaring at me as I smiled up at her. I didn’t know what had gotten into me. I never acted like this. I felt like I should be embarrassed, or maybe a little less straight forward, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. wanted this female to know Rowen was mine, and she couldn’t have him. When she walked away, Rowen buried his nose into my neck, and chuckled.

“My sweet girl is jealous, and possessive. I like it.” Rowen snickered against my neck, causing me to


“I feel like I should be embarrassed, and back down, but I can’t seem to do it.” I admitted, blushing.

“You should not be either of those things. You are claiming what belongs to you, in front of someone trying to take it. That’s exactly what you should do.” Rowen stated.

“Really?” I questioned.

“Yes, and if I’m being honest, it’s making me hard, fast.” Rowen quietly growled in my ear.

“Rowen!” I squeaked.

“I’m not going to apologize so don’t expect me to.”

“But we’re in public?”

“I’m aware of that, and I suggest you go back to your seat at this point.”


“Because I need to calm down, and you being this close isn’t helping.”

“Um. Ok. You’re weird.”

Rowen chuckled as I quickly moved back to my seat, and sat down. I looked at him confused. I didn’t understand why my being jealous, and possessive would turn him on. It seemed weird to me. It took some time for me to gather the courage to ask. Thankfully Rachel had already brought our food when I finally managed.

“Uh, Can…..can I ask you a question?” I asked, blushing, and staring at my food.

“Sure.” Rowen responded.

“Um…..why……why did my being possessive, and jealous make you……..turn you on?” I stuttered.

“It’s the way with mates. Knowing our mate will do what they need to do to run off anyone trying to take what is theirs is a huge turn on. Especially when that mate is soft spoken, and doesn’t assert themselves as much. I’m not exactly sure why, but it is.”

“Um. OK?”

“I think another part of it is the hormones the mate gives off. Their scent gets stronger. Their scent is an aphrodisiac to their mate. The stronger the scent, the more excited the other becomes.”


“Yeah. I do want to apologize for what happened though.”

“I would say it’s not your fault, but all of you males couldn’t keep it in your pants in your teen years. There are bound to be some females who couldn’t let go.”

“Now I regret everything I ever did before I became mated to you.”


“I’ll try. I make no promises though.”

At that point we changed the subject, and enjoyed the rest of our meal. Rowen caught me up on the progress of the Community Center, as well as his training program. He also told me about him, Molly, Robert, and Beth working on moving the early education school to our pack. It was something Molly was really hopeful for. It was nice to hear about the plans Rowen was making for our pack. At one point I got. up to go to the bathroom. I was just about to leave the room when Rachel walked in, and blocked me.

“Excuse me.” I said politely.

“Not until we have a little chat.” Rachel sneered.

“About what?”


“Oh, Ok. What about him?”

“He’s mine! You need to leave him alone.”

My eyebrows shot up at her claim. If she was his, he wouldn’t be with me. Didn’t she know how it worked

with mates?

“Uh. It doesn’t work that way. He’s my Moon Goddess given mate.” I retorted.

“So reject him. He’s better off with me.” Rachel snapped.

“Uh. If the Moon Goddess believed that, don’t you think she would have made him your mate instead of mine?”

“She made a mistake. Reject him.”


“No? If you don’t I’ll make you regret it.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“Yes I am.”

“Do you even know who I am?”

“Some little good for nothing no one knows, nor cares about.”

“Well you’re wrong there. On top of being Future Alpha Rowen’s Goddess given mate which makes me your Future Luna! I am also Beta Dimitri Bloomfield’s daughter, and Future Beta Jax Bloomfield’s little sister. How do you think Rowen, Dimitri, and Jax would take it if they found out you were threatening me? Do you remember Aurora Goldrind’s trial last summer?”


“That was me she hurt! Do you remember what happened to her, and the rest of the females that hurt me?”

“I….I do.”

“Do you think my father, brother, and mate would take it well if they knew you were standing here threatening me?”

“I…’re……you’re Beta’s daughter, and Jax’s sister?”

“Yes I am. Now you have two choices. You can either apologize, move out of my way, and STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MY MATE….”


“Or I can tell them you threatened me, and see what they do about it. The choice is yours, but I should warn you that they are incredibly protective of me. The last person to even come close to doing anything to me lost his job, and almost lost his life. Do you want to take that risk?”



“I….I’m sorry.”

“Good. I’m sure you’ll find your mate when the time is right, and you’ll have a good, happy life with him. That person is not Rowen though so please move on.”


“Thank you. Can I go now?”

“Ye…yes. Sssorry.”

Rachel quickly moved out of my way, and I left the bathroom. I couldn’t believe I had done that, but I had to admit that felt really good. I had never stood up to anyone like that before. The fact that I was able to

impressed me. I never thought I had it in me. I found Rowen standing across from the bathroom door, leaning against the wall, smiling at me.

“What?” I questioned, confused.

“I’m proud of you sweet girl.” Rowen responded.

“For what?”

“You stood up for yourself. You didn’t cower or back down. Someone threatened you, and you didn’t just take it. That’s something to be proud of.”

“Is it?”

“With all you have been through, very much so.”

“Oh. Well thank you. Um…you’re not going to punish her for threatening me are you?”

“Nah. Lthink she got the message loud, and clear. If she didn’t, and she does it again, I will punish her. With Jax, and Dimi’s help of course. Probably Colby, Molly, and well everyone’s help really.”


“Because we love you, and we’re not going to stand by to let anyone threaten you or harm you.”

“Oh. Well…um….ok.”

“Ready to go?”


As we left the diner, Rowen put his arm around my waist, and pulled me close to his side. I don’t know. why, but I loved when he did that. On our walk back I told him about the classes I would be taking the following semester, as well as shadowing midwife Wanda while I was home for the next two weeks. When we reached home I went to grab Lilac, while he went to set up the movie in his apartment.

By the time I reached his apartment he had the movie pulled up on the screen, bottles of water on the coffee table, and he was in his pajama pants. He did have a t-shirt on though. He stretched out on the couch, leaning back against one arm. He had one leg on the couch, the other foot was on the floor. Hel patted the spot for me to sit between his spread legs. For a moment I was a little uncomfortable with the idea of the position, but it really only lasted a moment. I wanted to be in his arms more than I was uncomfortable.

I quickly took my sweatshirt off, sat down between his legs, and leaned my back against his chest. Once I rested my head against his shoulder, he wrapped one arm around my waist, and brought the other leg up to the couch, resting it along side my outstretched legs. He kissed my shoulder, sighed, and started the movie. I smiled, and snuggled in close. One of my hands holding his, the other resting on his leg.

“You know this is based off of an 80s cartoon?” Rowen asked.

“No. I didn’t.” I responded.

“Well kind of. Transformers was a cartoon back then. Some people got together, and decided to make this movie. The rest of the movies followed the line of this one. Kind of at least. This one is my favorite.”

“Huh. Which is your favorite car?”

“He’s not a car. He’s a truck. Optimus Prime.”

“I figured.”


“I’m liking Bumble Bee so far.”



“Most females like Bumble Bee.”

“He’s funny.”


We continued watching the movie for awhile in silence. Suddenly Rowen groaned, and grabbed ahold of my hand that was on his leg.

“Chastity, you gotta stop that.” Rowen groaned.

“Stop what?” I asked confused.

“You’re running your fingers on my leg, and it’s driving me crazy.”


Rowen didn’t answer, instead he thrust up a bit against my back. I instantly felt the problem against the small of my back. I blushed, and gasped.

“Oh. Sorry, I….how did that happened?” I whispered.

“You’re touching me.” Rowen groaned, and I could only hod.

I laid my hand back down flat on his leg then want back to watching the movie. I ended up losing focus. when I felt Rowen rubbing my side gently with his fingers. It was making me shiver, and I felt my nipples hardening. Rowen started kissing the side of my neck. I tilted my head to the side to give him better access, and sighed. I quickly started feeling restless, and found myself digging my nails into Rowen’s leg as he sucked, and gently nipped at my marking spot.

“Rowen.” I whined, and squirmed.

“Are you ok sweet girl.” Rowen whispered against my neck.

“I…Rowen.” I whimpered.

Rowen chuckled then kissed up to my ear, and nibbled it causing me to moan quietly. He turned my face, and kissed me. I fell into the kiss quickly. I found myself rolling over on top of him, and wrapping my arms around his neck pressing against him. He pulled me tight against him, groaning into my mouth. I moaned. when Rowen grabbed my ass, and pulled me tight against his erection.

He shocked me when he flipped me onto my back. I quickly spread my legs, and he nestled his dick against my clit. I thrust against him, and moaned. Just the feel of him drove me crazy. I didn’t question it for a second, just enjoyed it. I didn’t stop him either when he pulled my shirt off, and ran his tongue over, and around my nipple. I could only moan, grind against him and dig my nails into his shoulders.

I slapped my hand over my mouth to muffle the moan when he sucked my nipple into his mouth. He didn’t stop his attention to my breast as he pulled my hand away from my mouth, and put it back on his shoulder.

“I want to hear you.” Rowen said as he kissed his way over to my other nipple, causing me to whimper. I almost shot off the couch when he sucked my nipple into his mouth then lightly bit it, only to run his tongue over it to sooth the slight pain. I felt that bite all the way to my clit, and I thrust my hips hard against him. He chuckled, and did it again. At the same time using his fingers to pinch the opposite nipple.

“Rowen!” I moaned.

“Do you trust me?” Rowen mumbled against my breast, and I could only nod.

“If you want me to stop, just tell me, ok?” He said, and I nodded again.

I felt his hand travel down my stomach slowly. I trembled slightly, but didn’t stop him. I was a little. surprised when he didn’t reach into my pants, but thankful at the same time. My panties were soaked, and I was embarrassed by that. As soon as I felt his finger brush along the seam of my pants, right over my clit, I shook, and moaned. At the same time he started sucking on my nipple again. I couldn’t stay still or keep quiet. He added more pressure on my clit, and started rubbing it in circles as he switched back, and forth between my nipples, sucking, licking, and nibbling.

My hips followed his every movements, and I clung to him, pulling at his hair, trying to hold his mouth. tighter against my breast. I felt my body tightening up, and I knew what was coming. In an instant my back. arched, my body felt like it was locking up, and I screamed his name as I came. It seemed like every time he touched me my orgasms were stronger, and stronger. I felt like I was dyeing, and coming alive at the same time. I was coming back down from my orgasm when I finally registered that Rowen was lightly kissing my neck, and cheeks.

“Beautiful. You are so beautiful when you cum.” Rowen whispered against my lips, and kissed me lightly.

“….” I didn’t know what to say.

I just blushed, and buried my head into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, rolled us onto our side, and held me as I calmed down. When I was finally calm enough I noticed he was still hard, and I instantly felt guilty. I didn’t have the guts to do anything about it though.

“Did you?” I whispered against his chest.

“No, but that’s ok. I got exactly what I wanted.” Rowen responded quietly as he ran his fingers up, and down my back.


“Shhh. It’s really ok. I don’t need to get off to enjoy what we do together. Making you cum is so much. better.”

“That……that doesn’t seem fair though.”

“Sweet girl, are you ready to touch me?”

“…..ummm…..not really.”

“Exactly. I don’t need you to in order for me to enjoy touching you.”


“Oh. I….”

“Shh. It’s really ok.”

I just nodded, and snuggle closer to him. Next thing I knew, Rowen was lightly shaking me, and kissing my forehead, cheeks, and neck. I opened my eyes slowly, and looked up at him bleary eyed.

“Did I fall asleep?” I asked quietly.

“You did.” Rowen said with a smile.

“Oh. Sorry.” I mumbled.

“It’s ok. You were tired, but it’s time to get up now, and go have dinner.”

“Oh. Um. OK. Can….can I have my shirt please?”


Rowen rolled over to grab my shirt, and I instantly wrapped my arms across my exposed breast. I didn’t know why I was suddenly so shy, but I was. Rowen chuckled, kissed my forehead, and handed me my shirt. He then got up off the couch, and went to his bedroom. When we left his apartment we stopped at Jax’s so I could put Lilac back in my room, and change my clothes. Dinner that night was kind of weird for me. I kept thinking everyone knew what Rowen, and I had done. Nobody said anything or looked at me funny so maybe they didn’t. I hoped not. I couldn’t handle that embarrassment if they did.

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