The Alpha's Fight for His Omega

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Chapter 101


Every time we do these group dates some how we end up getting readying at my place. I never understood it, but it just seemed to be the way it was. When I walked into the living room to see Colby looking at the flowers I got for Chastity, I chuckled. ‘

“You get her flowers for every date?” Colby asked me.

“Yes. Did you get some for Lexi?” I asked.

“No. Lexi doesn’t like cut flowers. I got them once, and she got mad at me.” Colby admitted.


“Yeah. I got her a little succulent plant instead. She has a bunch of them.”

“What is that?” Ross asked, and Colby showed him.

“Kind of looks like a cactus without the needles.” I stated.

“Pretty much, but Lexi loves them” Colby shrugged, “By the way, where is Jax.”

“Idiot forgot flowers, again.” Ross answered.

“You know, I’m not the most romantic guy in the world, but man my brother really sucks at it.” Colby said, shaking his head.

“He has his moments, but he really does suck at it.” I agreed.

Just then my door opened, and Jax walked in, looking winded, holding another mess of flowers.

“Again with then the weird mess of flowers. Can’t you just choose two or three?” Ross questioned Jax.

“Molly likes a mixture.” Jax snapped.

“Are you sure or do you just not remember what flowers she likes?”

“No. She likes a big mix of wildflowers.”

“I doubt that.”

“You’ll see.”

“Are we ready?” I finally cut in.

We each grabbed our flowers, and headed to Jax’s. When we got to his door, I knocked. Jax quickly pushed me out of the way, and opened the door.

“Why do you always do that? I live here. Just walk in.” Jax stated, as we followed him into the apartment.

“See, not a romantic bone in his body.” Ross muttered to Colby.

“Eh. He’s not wrong.” Colby shrugged.

“Just wait. In 3…2….”

“Molly! We’re here! Let’s go!” Jax called.

“You know Jax, just once it would be nice if you could pretend to be a gentleman, knock, and wait. You know like Rowen, and Ross do?” Molly growled as she walked out of the bedroom.

“But I live here.” Jax complained.

“It’s called romance Jax. You should try it.” Molly stated.

“See. Told you.” Ross whispered to Colby, and I snickered.

“I’m plenty romantic.” Jax argued.

“How many times do I have to tell you sex is not romance? Thank you for the beautiful flowers.” Molly grumbled as she took the flowers from Jax.

“Since when is sex not romance?” Jax questioned.

“Stop while you’re ahead man.” Ross stated.

“Alright. I concede, my brother is an idiot when it comes to romance.” Colby stated, “Molly, where is Lexi?”

“HEY!” Jax snapped.

“She’s changing. She forgot Rowen said pants, and long sleeves.” Molly answered as she sniffed the flowers she got from Jax.

“Ah. You like that mess of flowers Jax got you?” Colby questioned.

“Yes. Jax may suck at romance, but he always remembers that I like a nice mix of wildflowers.” Molly admitted.

“Um. Alright.”

“I do NOT suck at romance. I romance you every night.” Jax grumbled.

“Dude, seriously?” Ross questioned.

“The things I don’t need to hear about Jax.” Chastity complained she came out of her bedroom, making me smile.

I walked over to her, looking over her outfit. The jeans she was wearing fit her perfectly. She had braided her hair back with little curls around her face. She looked great. I kissed her cheek.

“Hi sweet girl. You look good.” I whispered to her, as I handed her the flowers I was holding.

“Thank you. The flowers are beautiful.” Chastity said as she took them from me, and kissed my cheek.

“See that Jax, that is romance. Please do me a favor, and take lessons from Rowen.” Molly begged.

“But…..” Jax started.

“I will say it again, sex is NOT romance.”

“It’s really not.” Lexi agreed as she came out of her bedroom with Melissa following her.

Once we were all ready, we left the house. We walked to the restaurant laughing, and chatting. We were seated quickly once we arrived.

“Are we really going to a blacksmithing class tonight?” Lexi finally asked.

“Yes.” I responded.

“Weird, but do you know what they’re going to be making?”

“No. I just thought it would be interesting to see how they create things. It was that or blade smithing.”

“A movie or something could have worked too.”

“We usually try to do something interactive together.” Molly said.

“We like to be able to talk, and stuff while we’re out. Blacksmithing may not be our thing, but it’s

something we all can interact with each other while doing.” Melissa added.

“Oh. That makes sense then.” Lexi stated.

“Good evening. Can I start you…..Colby? Holy crap. How have you been?” Our waitress said.

“Oh hey Tammy. Been great. You?” Colby responded with a smile.

“Fantastic. How long are you home for?”

“We head back tomorrow. Tammy, this is my mate Lexi. Lexi this is my buddy Dave’s mate, and an old friend of mine, Tammy”

“Uh. Hello.” Lexi responded.

“Hi. I heard Colby here found his mate. Believe me it was a relief. He needs someone to keep him in line. You’re so beautiful, too beautiful for this mutt.” Tammy said with a giggle, making us all chuckle

“Hey!” Colby grumbled.

“Thank you. You know, I keep saying the same thing to him.” Lexi responded.

“Of come on babe. That’s not very nice.” Colby complained.

“We better stop picking on him. You know how these male egos are ” Tammy snorted.

“HEY!” All 4 of us males complained.

“Calm down guys. We’re only messing with you.” Molly stated, causing us to grunt.

“Anyway, what can I get you to drink?” Tammy asked.

Once drinks were ordered Tammy left the table. Chastity was reading over the menu, biting her lip. It looked like she was trying not to laugh at something.

“So, I have an ego problem?” Jax grumbled.

“Damn it! You made me lose. You idiot!” Molly snapped, and pouted, while the other 3 laughed.

“Huh?” Jax questioned.

“I told you it would be Jax.” Melissa laughed.

“I thought it would be Rowen or Colby.” Molly huffed.

“Don’t feel bad Molly I thought it would be Colby too.” Lexi stated, and I as so confused.

“Who did you think it would be Chas?” Melissa asked.

“I said Jax too.” Chastity giggled.

“Why not Ross?” Molly questioned.

“Because in all the years I’ve known him, he’s the only one who seems to never have ego problems.” Chastity answered with a giggle.

“Oh believe me, he does, he just doesn’t show it like the other three.” Melissa stated

“Wait. What is going on?” I finally asked, and the other guys nodded.

“The 4 of us girls had a bet going to see which one of you would make a comment about your egos.” Melissa answered.

“And I lost because you couldn’t keep your big mouth shut Jax.” Molly growled at Jax.

“I do NOT have an ego!” Jax blurted.

“HA! You so do.” Molly giggled.

“Chas, you bet against me too?” Jax pouted.

“Of course I did.” Chastity giggled.

“But….why?” Jax whined.

“Because between you, and Colby, your egos could suffocate us.” Chastity snickered.

“Now don’t bring me into this.” Colby complained.

“She’s not wrong.” Lexi smiled.

“Thank you for not thinking I have a big ego, sweet girl.” I said with a grin.

“I never said you didn’t. Just Jax has a bigger mouth.” Chastity quipped with a smirk.

“Hey!” Jax and I whined at the same time.

“What?” Chastity questioned, but looked like she was trying not to laugh.

“That’s not very nice pip-squeak.” Jax said.

“And to think I assumed you were always sweet.” I muttered.

“Am I wrong though?” Chastity giggled.

“No!” Everyone else at the table agreed then laughed.

Thankfully the conversation was interrupted by Tammy bringing the drinks.

“Here you go. Are you ready to order your meals?” Tammy said as she put our drinks down.

Once she was done we ordered our food, and she disappeared again.

“When do you three get to come home for Christmas?” Molly asked Chastity, Lexi, and Colby.

“We come home the week before, and have to go back on January 2nd.” Lexi answered.

“Are you going to see your parents for the holiday, Molly?” Chastity asked.

“No. Mom, and dad don’t really do the holidays. They were never big on celebrations, and stuff. They’ll send a card. My sisters and I will send little gifts. We might call each other, but that’s about it.” Molly responded.

“What about you Melissa?”

“Ross, and I are doing Christmas Eve dinner with my family. We’ll spend Christmas day at the pack house.” Melissa answered.

“Lexi, aren’t you going to miss your family for Christmas?” Molly asked Lexi.

“I am, but I think they plan to come out here Christmas day. My parents like to do their own little thing just the two of them now that Darren, and I are adults.” Lexi said.

“What about your brother?”

“Darren is going to do Christmas Eve with a couple of friends. He’ll probably come with my parents Christmas Day.”

“Lexi, and I talked about switching between here, and Dark Moon every year. Since it’s our first year together they decided to come here.” Colby added.

“We’ll make sure we have some where for them to stay while they’re here.” Molly offered.

“Thank you.” Lexi said with a smile.

“When do you plan to start decorating?” Chastity asked.

“Do you think you can come home next weekend? We can spent the visit decorating.” Melissa suggested. “Um…Colby, what do you think?”

“I think we can make that work. We’ll leave after class Friday, and go back Sunday afternoon.” Colby said. “As long as we have some time to study, that should be fine. Our finals start that following week.” Lexi added.

“Yes! I’m so excited! I love decorating for Christmas.” Molly squealed.

It was a relief for me to know I was going to get to spend next weekend with Chastity, even though it would be busy decorating. It was still time with her.

“Are you going to want to cook Christmas dinner, like you did Thanksgiving, Chas?” Molly questioned.

“I don’t mind cooking, and I can, but I don’t have to.” Chastity answered.

“I think you should just enjoy Christmas this year. Not spend it in the kitchen.” I suggested, with a smile.

“So who is going to cook?” Chastity asked.

“Lucy, and Tina already offered.” I responded.

“But they should be with their families.”

“Lucy said between the two of them they’ll have it done pretty quickly. Besides, Tina said it would be the perfect excuse to avoid her in laws for a bit. She loves them, but they are pretty pushy so sometimes she needs a break. Lucy said that while she’s there her pups will have time to just enjoy their gifts.” | explained.

“Oh. Ok. Well if they want to do it, that’s fine then.” Chastity smiled.

“Hey pip-squeak, what’s different about you?” Jax asked, causing me to look at her in confusion than smile when I saw the earrings.

“Huh?” Chastity questioned.

“You look different. I can’t figure out why though.”

“Mister observant here. She got her ears pierced today.” Molly snorted with a shake of her head.

“Oh. Ok.” Jax said simply.

“They look great, sweet girl.” I whispered as I kissed her temple, making her blush.

“Thank you.” Chastity smiled at me.

Our meal was delivered shortly after. We chatted through out the meal. It was nice to spend time together. It was especially nice to listen to Chastity laugh, and be happy. She had come a long way in such a short time. I was very proud of her.

Once we finished eating, we headed to the blacksmith shop. I was kind of excited about this. I had always wanted to see how they turned a metal bar into something useable, and beautiful. As we walked I pulled Chastity close to rne with my arm around her waist, causing her to smile up at me.

“I’m sorry if this isn’t your thing. I just thought it was be interesting to watch.” I told her.

“It’s ok. I do like watching how things are made.” Chastity admitted.

“I remember you telling me that.”

We chatted as we walked. When we arrived at the blacksmith shop there were a lot of people. Eventually we found the person in charge to get more information. According to the organizer we were broken down into groups with one blacksmith per group. The group could select an item they wanted the blacksmith to make then the blacksmith would create it, explaining the process as they went along. There were only three blacksmith, but due to us being who we are it would just be us in the group.

We were quickly led over to our observation area. The blacksmith with a big, dark skinned male, with graying hair, and a huge smile.

“Well if isn’t Lil’ Miss Chas. How are ya’ girl?” The blacksmith boomed.

“Hi Hal. How is Lola?” Chastity asked with a smile.

“Fine, fine. Chasing our grandpups around like crazy these days.”

“How many do you have now?”

“We’ve got 6, and Carly is pregnant with number 7. Kane said, he and Polly are thinking of having one


“Aw. That’s so exciting. Please tell Lola I said hi.”

“You know I will. She’ll be excited to hear I saw you.”

Chastity just smiled, and took a stool next to me. I always loved when our pack recognized her, and I got to see what they felt about her. Knowing how loved she was by our pack would make her being Luna that much easier. When the time came of course.

Once we were all seated Hal handed us a photo album, and told us to select an item we wanted to see being made. Of course we all had different ideas. The females wanted flowers, and such. I personally wanted Captain America’s shield which started a whole different debate, and a lot of groans from the females. It was Chastity who finally shut us all up.

“What about this for the front door of the pack house?” Chastity suggested, pointing a picture.

I looked over to see what it was. She was pointing of the pack symbol inside of an oval.

“Wouldn’t it be too heavy?” Melissa questioned.

“If it’s too heavy for the door, maybe hang it on the wall?” Ross said.

“If we put it on the outside wall next to the door it can be bigger.” Jax added.

“Hal, how about this one, but big enough to hang next to the main door of the pack house?” Chastity showed Hal the picture.

“I can do that. It won’t be done tonight, but I can at least get it started.” Hal agreed.

“Thank you.” Chastity gave Hal a huge smile.

Chastity scooted her stool close to mine, and leaned against my chest. That just didn’t work for me. I knew she wouldn’t sit in my lap so I made her stand up, moved her stool so it was between my spread legs, and had her sit down. As soon as she sat down, I pulled her back against my chest, and wrapped my arms around her waist. I smiled when she rested her hands on top of mine, and placed her head under my chin with a sigh. I loved how she fit perfectly in my arms.

As we watched, and listened to Hal work, Chastity asked a lot of questions. The other three females didn’t seem as interested but Chastity was completely enthralled with Hal’s process. He seemed to be

eating up her interest. I had to admit this probably would have been better to do just Chastity, and I as we

seemed to be the only ones really paying attention. For me, I enjoyed watching how the members of my pack mastered their trades. Chastity loved to learn about the work, and process.

Chastity, and I were both seemed to be a little disappointed with the demonstration ended. I was especially disappointed when Chastity pulled out of my arms, and went to speak to Hal privately. I figured she wanted to ask more about his family. I really loved how much she cared about the people in our pack, and was genuinely interested in their lives. Every person she talked to really enjoyed talking with her as well.

“Well that was interesting.” Molly stated.

“Are you just saying that or do you actually mean it?” I asked.

“It wasn’t my thing if I’m being honest, but it actually gave me an idea.”

“What’s that?”

“I have a unit with my students about what they want to be when they grow up. I’ve been trying to figure out ways for the pups to learn about different jobs, and trades. Maybe I could set up field trips for the pups to get demonstrations from some of the tradesmen.”

“That’s a pretty good idea.” Melissa admitted.

“I agree. Sorry you guys didn’t enjoy this.” I said.

“It’s alright. We’re not always all going to like the things we do on group dates.” Lexi said with a shrug.

Just then Chastity came up to me wearing a big smile. I smiled at her, and put my arm around her waist. We all left at that point. We chatted as we walked. I did enjoy these group dates. I knew Jax, Colby, and Ross really well, but part of doing this was so that I could get to know their mates, as well as watch how Chastity got along with everyone. No matter how any of us looked at it, in the future, minus Lexi, and Colby, this would be mine, and Chastity’s core group. We needed a strong bond.

I had been a little surprised when after getting home everyone went off to bed. I followed Chastity to her room. She left me get her off again the same way I had the night before. It was the perfect ending to the night. As I held her in my arms, and fell asleep, I really looked forward to our future.

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