The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter Epilogue

Sunlight danced on the back of his eyelids, drawing him from his dreams. He was reluctant to wake up, until he remembered his reality was even sweeter than any daydream his mind conjured.

Malachi gazed down at his sleeping mate, her small body tucked perfectly against him, his arms tightening to draw her closer still. He never tired of waking up with her beside him. Most mornings, she had found a way to snuggle into him during the night, despite the fact he was a light sleeper and moved around many times. She seemed to understand him, even in sleep, and reached out just when he needed her touch.

The nightmares had stopped, for now. They both understood the significance of their dreams, how God had showed them important things through visions, and were open to receiving any further messages He chose to give them. But for the last month, their dreams consisted of beautiful images of their future together, leading their pack, and raising a family.

Ariella shifted in his arms, her breath coming out warmly against his neck and sending shivers across his bare skin.

He brushed the hair back from her face and kissed her forehead. “Good morning, my queen.”

She smiled lazily up at him. “Good morning, Alpha. Have I told you how much I love you?”

He responded with a heated kiss to her lips.

After a few minutes, she pulled away and trailed her fingers over his forehead, his cheeks, his lips, and down his neck. “I had the cutest dream. I dreamt I had a little brother, can you imagine it? He had curly dark hair, bright blue eyes, and I think his name was Elias, or something like that. Mom was so happy-- the happiest I’ve seen her in ages.”

“That’s a nice dream. If only it was real. I understand how much your parents wanted a child of their own,” Malachi mused, liking the wistful look on her face, but knowing that any false hope about this would only result in more disappointment.

“Hmm,” Ariella hummed, the vibrations from her throat seeping through Malachi’s own chest and setting his heart in an unsteady rhythm. After a month together of being fully bonded, even the smallest things could still catch him off guard and flood passion through his veins.

“We should really get going,” Ariella pushed herself up on an elbow and gave him a stern look. “We told my parents we’d be there for breakfast.”

She looked like an angel in the soft morning light that shone through the billowy curtains. The window above the bed was perfectly situated to allow light in while giving them a view of the valley and creek that traversed the territory surrounding their log home. “We did, but at the time I didn’t realise how beautifully amazing you’d look this morning, with silken honeyed hair and a glow on your face that outshines the stars. Nor did I know how much I’d detest crawling out of bed on so cold a morning, and breaking this lovely enchantment we seem trapped in,” he ran a hand up her arm, over her slender shoulder, his fingers gently trailing his mark above her collarbone before he cupped her cheek.

She angled into his touch, pressing a kiss onto his palm and each one of his fingertips. “Have you been reading a thesaurus again? And one of Asa’s books of love poetry?”

He laughed, pulling her closer until she fell against his chest. “You still don’t believe I can string a few poetic words together, do you? I’m not just a big frightening Alpha who’s more brawn than brain.”

“I know you are very good at many things. But you are also a man of few words. However,” she tapped him on the nose, giving him the carefree smile he loved the most. “The words you say are very well chosen. And romantic. And as much as I would love to listen to more sweet nothings you want to whisper in my ear, I really think we should get going,” Ariella gave him a regretful pout before kissing him once more, quickly, longingly, and with the sweet promise of endless more to come.

“If you say so, my queen,” he surrendered, and it didn’t take them long to get ready for the day.

Packing the sugar-free banana muffins Ariella had made the night before, they locked their front door and walked briskly down the hill behind their home and across the river that led to ForgedHearts territory. The walk wasn’t far, and they had done it many times before, but Malachi insisted on hoisting Ariella onto his back and carrying her. She protested at first, but when he reminded her of the reason for this particular visit to her parents’, she gave in with a little sigh. She’d come to learn there was no use arguing against him when it came to his protectiveness of her. Especially now, he didn’t take any chances with her safety, but had managed to keep her tucked by his side every moment of every day. And when he couldn’t, he arranged an escort of his strongest warriors to remain close should anything happen.

There was still the threat of rogues and demons, and neither of them could let their guard down just because life felt like it was going favourably. Ariella had filled sketchbooks with winsome drawings of the pack, people laughing and smiling, babies born and pups growing, love in the eyes of mates and families. But not every picture was perfect. In the background of most was a dark cloud, the awareness that not all was right, that they would always have to be alert and ready for the evil that lurked through the land like a dormant cancer.

It was stressful despite the tender moments they shared, but he knew they weren’t promised a perfect life. God had given them the sense and strength to fight whatever came their way, and they understood they had a long road ahead of them. Already, they had demoted an elder for his actions that went against everything their pack now stood for. He had been accepting bribes from a few pack members, turning a blind eye to their mistreatment and controlling behaviour towards their mates and children. Malachi, as Alpha, enforced the rules of kindness and fairness no matter who was breaking the fundamental tenets of common decency. He was firm and strict with the crooked wolves, yet gentle and understanding in every other way. He had the compassionate human touch that his father had lacked. His pack now respected and followed him as their honest and wise leader.

“My two favourite people in the world!” Lexi squealed and bounded down her cottage steps as she saw Ariella and Malachi approaching. Charles followed shortly after, a surprised look on his face directed towards his expressive mate. “Okay, well, two of my favourite people,” she amended. “You’ll always be my main man, Charles honey bunny pumpkin pie smoochy boo,” she placed both hands on either side of her mate’s face and squished his cheeks together before kissing him on the lips. Then she turned her attention back to their daughter and son-in-law. “You’re late! I’ve already eaten all the bacon and eggs I cooked for breakfast. So sorry, you’ll have to come back another time,” she joked, but Charles nodded seriously.

“I had to wrestle the plates of food off her before she really did eat it all! Then when I turned my back for only one moment, she raided the pantry and was eating Nutella straight from the jar. Am I going to have to place locks on the fridge next, Alexis darling?” he tickled her waist, causing her to gasp in shock, then poke him in the ribs for revenge.

“I can’t get over how cute you two are,” Malachi began saying, then lowered his voice for Ariella’s ears only, “for your age.”

“What’s that, young man?” Lexi whipped around from glaring at Charles. “I’ll have you know, I am younger than Alpha Asa, and have you seen the way he behaves with his mate? They still act like the cutest, most love-struck adolescents in existence even after thirteen years of being mated,” she threw up her hands for emphasis.

“That’ll be us down the track, won’t it, Mal?” Ariella looked up at him with a contented smile, one he never grew tired of admiring.

“It totally will,” he pulled her close and kissed her, moving to deepen it but being interrupted when Charles cleared his throat.

“So, what was it you two wanted so badly to tell us, that it couldn’t wait till later tonight at Emerald’s party?”

Ariella looked shyly at Malachi, before turning with a wide grin to her parents. “Well, we didn’t want to take over from Emmy’s birthday celebrations, so we thought we should tell you now.”

“We are—” Malachi began.

“Wait!” Ariella held up her hand to stop him. “Why are you grinning like that?” her eyes crinkled in question as she watched her mom hop from foot to foot.

Lexi bounced on her toes, clapped her hands, then threw her arms around Ariella. “My little girl all grown up and having a baby of her own! I am so excited! This is the best news ever!”

“You knew?” It was Malachi’s turn to be shocked.

Charles gave a small smirk, the unusual expression on the normally serious Beta’s face causing Ariella to wonder. “Well, it wasn’t hard to figure out. Put one and one together, and what do you get?”

“Hey, that’s my joke!” Lexi slapped him across the belly then continued hugging and kissing the young couple. Malachi didn’t protest when she squeezed him tightly then poked a stern finger in his face. “Don’t you go messing this up, you hear? Claiming our daughter is one thing. Raising your child properly is another thing entirely, and you’ll have to contend with a very angry grandmama bear if you mess this up!”

“Yes, ma’am,” he nodded respectfully. “Loving and caring for Ariella and our child is the greatest privilege and honour I’ve been given, and I don’t intend to give them anything less than the best of me in return. On my honour, I swear to protect them with my life every moment I breathe.”

“Good boy,” Lexi reached up on her toes to pat his head.

Ariella giggled. She knew how much Malachi hated to be called anything less than a mature masculine Alpha. She took his hand and squeezed it, sharing a knowing smile with him before she turned back to her parents. “Now, is there something you want to tell us? Neither of you can seem to wipe a silly grin off your face.”

Lexi bit her lip as she stared into Charles’ adoring gaze. Both seemed lost in each other for a moment.

And in that moment, the truth dawned on the perceptive Luna.

“No way!” she gasped and slapped her hands together in a deafening clap. “No way Jose!! That’s incredible! You can’t be serious--” she trailed off, her mouth grinning too widely for any more words.

“What? What’s going on?” the clueless Alpha tugged on his mate’s hand for clarity, but she cold only shake her head as tears trailed from her eyes, before she buried herself in her parents’ arms.

“How?” was all she could ask when they’d finally pulled apart, all wiping their eyes and taking deep breaths to calm their overloaded emotions.

“We think it was when you were resurrected. Remember that jolt, like a zap of electricity, when Lexi hugged you first?” Charles began explaining in his no-nonsense manner.

“Yeah, and I was so shocked, I was afraid I’d hurt you,” Ariella nodded, remembering the lightning that seemed to arc from her very body to her mother’s as Lexi pulled her close in the mud and dirt, disbelief on both their expressions as the impossible occurred on that cursed night.

“I felt something not only in my soul, our bond reconnecting after your death, but something else happened,” Lexi sniffed, continuing with her own story. “I can’t really explain it, but I felt a change in my body, an uncoiling of something twisted, a straightening of something destroyed. I think you healed me, Ariella, and I finally became pregnant after all these fruitless years. I know nothing can replace the baby we lost, but this is a miracle we stopped praying for years ago.” She clutched her mate closely, and both seemed once again lost for words.

“This is incredible. But it wasn’t me. I was powerless. It was God, I’m sure of it. No one else could bring the dead to life, or the broken to be healed.” Ariella’s tongue was thick with emotion, her eyes still blurry with the joy of it all. “Now we’ll both have our babies together, and they can grow up as…cousins?” she turned to Malachi, who just shrugged, equally amazed and dumbfounded.

“Have you picked names yet?” Lexi suddenly asked. “Because Charles and I have decided on Elisha for a girl, and Elias if it’s a boy. There you go. We got in first on those names, so no stealing.”

Ariella laughed. “Elias sounds nice,” she raised her eyebrows at her mate. “You can definitely have first dibs on that name. We’ll have to think of something else for our baby, won’t we, Malachi?” Winking at him, he didn’t have trouble guessing what she was thinking.

He squeezed her hand, acknowledging how, once again, her dreams had proven more than just figments of her imagination. Who could have guessed that after all these years, Lexi would have a child of her own? That the devastating and permanent injuries to her body would be made whole, and she would conceive the child of her mate? Even demons didn’t have that kind of power to heal someone. Their Creator was truly powerful, and Malachi could only imagine the future He had planned for this miracle child’s destiny.

“We also have something for you,” Lexi said as they all went inside and sat down for breakfast. Charles handed Ariella a box, and upon carefully opening it, she gasped in surprise.

“My grandmother’s violin! But how did you fix it? Seneca completely destroyed it,” she turned the fine instrument over in her hands, inspecting the flawless way that it had been pieced back together, the timber fastened again.

“Alpha Kaiden knows someone on his side of the pack who is a very skilled woodturner. Dylan was able to source the same kind of wood and put it together again. You’ll have to play it to find out if it will sound the same,” her dad replied.

Ariella was too thankful to find words, so she played a few notes and was astounded at how beautiful it sounded.

“Dylan also found this inside, taped onto the back plate,” Lexi handed her a faded piece of paper, yellowed with age, and thin with handling.

Ariella carefully unfolded it, and read the handwritten words while holding her breath. They didn’t make sense at first, until she saw the name Amariah at the bottom of the page. She recognised it as her grandmother’s, the mother of her own biological mother Aliyah. The edge of the page looked torn, as if from a personal diary, and Ariella folded it carefully again to study more thoroughly later. She wanted to understand every word her ancestor had written, and piece it together with her own experiences to better make sense of the time she lived in.

“And we have something for you,” Malachi said in return to Charles and Lexi. “Well, to your pack as a whole, but we thought it would be best to give in to your safe-keeping.” He handed Charles an object wrapped in black leather.

Charles unwrapped it, and palmed the dagger that had both sides sharpened to a deadly point. The handle was etched with the DoubleEdge insignia--a mysselfolia bloom wrapped in its protective shield of leaves, and a winged karalax encircling the flower with fire blazing from its mouth and down the blades.

“This is to formally symbolise our alliance with your pack, and to show our trust in you as neighbours and friends,” the Alpha said, gripping forearms solemnly with the former Beta. “May we always be there for each other in times of peace and in need.”

“Likewise,” Charles replied with a firm nod and grateful smile.Later, on their way home, the young couple took a detour to the top of the cliff they had visited a few times previously.

“You know, I watched you from this cliff. I could see you as you wandered in your favourite meadow, or sat by the trees to draw in your sketchbook. Many times I would come up here and just dream about what life could be like with you,” Malachi reminisced as he sat on the ledge and held Ariella in his lap. “Always, a darkness would tug me back, back to the hopeless situation that was my life. But you changed everything the day you crossed my border and stepped bravely into my life.”

“That was a crazy moment. I was so scared of what you meant to me. I saw you up here too, so serious and contemplative. You looked for all the world like you would jump, but I knew deep down there was something holding you back and protecting you from such a desperate move,” Ariella twined her fingers through his. “I knew that even if you fell, the angel inside you would fly to safety. The demons didn’t have full control of you just yet.”

“Are we still speaking metaphorically?” Malachi brushed the hair from her face that the wind kept insisting on blowing everywhere, then kissed her cheek.

“You tell me,” she turned her head and trained her caramel brown eyes on his azure blue ones.

He smiled secretively, rose to his feet and kept her safely tucked in his arms. “Would you like to find out?”

Ariella looked over the cliff, at the steep drop down to the rocky outcroppings below. Trees stretched their limbs towards her, like arms begging to accept her if she happened to tumble over. “You know, it’s not only my life I would be entrusting to you. We have someone else to think about,” she laid her hand over her belly, over the new life growing securely inside. Though strong Alpha DNA flowed in the baby’s veins, he was still vulnerable and completely dependent on them for survival. This was the most critical time in his new life, and Ariella wouldn’t risk it for anything.

“I know,” Malachi said with a steady voice, the deep timbre reassuring Ariella. “I’m confident in my abilities.”

“Isn’t every Alpha?” Ariella said, lifting an eyebrow as she remarked upon the typical cavalier attitudes of Alpha males.

“But I’m not just an Alpha, you see,” Malachi gave her a teasing smile, before scooping her up in his arms. With her body securely tucked against his chest, he lifted his face to the dazzling sky and filled his lungs with the intoxicating lavender scent of his mate.

She watched as feathered wings, translucent like silver glass and lithe as a hummingbird, unfurled from his shoulder blades. Never ceasing to be amazed at the transformation of her mate into his angelic form, she kept her eyes on him even as he stepped from the cliff. Immediately, she felt the rush of air swirl around them as his wings beat slowly and surely. In graceful arcs, they matched the rhythm of his heart in his chest, and took them soaring over the tops of the trees and the river below. Malachi held her tightly, gliding down before swooping up and banking to his left. He flew back up over the cliff and towards home.

From the vantage of the sky, they could see for miles. Billowing cumulus clouds graced the horizon, lined with golden sunshine; green forests stretched over untouched miles of land; mountains rose in defiance of gravity to the north; and below, new roads and houses streaked and dotted the land that rested in peace and harmony between their allied territories.

Despite the natural beauty, pockets of shadows slinked between some trees, and they didn’t have to wonder at the nature of the darkness. Sharing a glance, the Alpha and Luna felt their stomachs tighten at the danger that lurked in their land. Though they wanted to swoop down and get rid of them all, they knew that now was not the time to confront every enemy out there.

Ariella tightened her arms around his neck, and he responded with a kiss to her forehead.

“You once fell to the very depths of hell for me, Ariella. But I’ve got you now, and I will never let you fall again,” he promised, his words soaking into her soul like a soothing balm.

She nodded, trusting him with all her heart. Tearing her eyes from the marred land below, Ariella lifted her gaze to what comforted her the most. Surrounding them, perched on the throne of the atmosphere, was a host of shining angels. They ringed the allied territories, each spirit dressed in dazzling white with golden swords and knives strapped to their muscular bodies. Ready for action, they were always alert and poised to strike when commanded.

“They’ll always be on our side,” Malachi whispered in her ear against the loud rushing of the wind. “No matter how dark it may get, nothing can overcome the light. No scheme of theirs, no plan they concoct in the blackness of midnight, no weapon they forge in the fires of hell. God promised me that He will win. Victory is His.”

~22 years ago~

“Do you have something going on with my brother?”

Small branches snapped and leaves crushed under their footsteps, light though they were. The sun was insipid, throwing pale rays on the cold and empty forest they walked through. She didn’t even turn her head when she opened her lips to answer, ““Would you believe me if I said no?”

“Doubtful,” he grunted, his usual cynicism making itself known. A thread of jealousy wound its way through his word, humming like a current of electricity between them.

“Hmm.” She pushed back a low-hanging branching from a pine, letting it fling back and hit him on purpose. Her eyes scanned the trees, vacant of any life as the cold of winter had set in, yet she faintly sensed the presence of something else, further up the mountain side they trekked up.

“Is that a yes or a no?” he persisted, beginning to irritate her.

“Did I say something?” she finally stopped to turn and face him, her black eyes narrowing as they landed on his strong figure that stood out starkly against the white snow. His black clothing, covering his powerful physique, was lightly dusted with the crystalline flakes as they floated down lazily around them. One landed on his nose, causing him to shake his head like the young dog he was.

Then he trained his honeyed brown gaze on her, an eyebrow lifting playfully. “Seneca... are you playing hard to get?”

She rolled her eyes, done with this familiar conversation already, yet enjoying the way they played with each others volatile emotions. After countless missions together, it was hard not to learn everything about one another. “What makes you think I want to be gotten by the likes of you, a half-breed pup?” She teased, knowing he hated being called that.

“I’m wounded! I’ll have you know, I’m seven hundred and forty three years old,” he stomped behind her to catch up after she rudely turned her back on him and continued walking.

“Exactly my point. True fallen angels don’t keep count of the years they’ve walked the earth.”

He chuckled. With audacity from years of arrogant confidence, he chuckled. “Yeah, that’s because you’re all so old that the activity becomes depressing.”

She rushed him and slammed him against a tree, her forearm pressed to his neck, her slim body molded into his. “I’m not depressed,” she hissed, baring her perfectly straight teeth.

“Tell that to my windpipe you’re crushing,” he puffed with what air he had remaining in his lungs.

“I thought I heard you boasting just this morning that you could handle a little...pressure,” she leaned against him harder, making his veins pulse and his face flush with crimson. That was unique to him, his wolf DNA giving him the ability to bleed red. She much preferred the ivory complexion of her own flawless skin.

“Oh, I do. But I thought you’d never notice,” his eyes narrowed as he looked at her languidly. His heart beat in his chest, sending shockwaves of delicious vibrations into her own body.

A heartbeat later, he’d crushed his lips to hers, and she moved her arms up around his neck and pulled him closer. As they kissed, his warmth filled her skin, his hands exploring the curves of her body in ways she never imagined she’d enjoy. Being an angel meant immunity to the emotions of mortals, yet since rebelling against the King, she’d done and felt a good many forbidden things.

“How long are we going to keep hiding how we feel, Seneca?” he breathed against her neck, the heat sending shivers across her collarbone and down her chest.

“Until we have what we want. You know Lucius would never stand for it when his goal is not yet complete. He would kill us for even looking sideways at each other when the self-righteous imbeciles are still standing in our way. We can’t afford to lose sight of the objective, Lycus. We’re too close to make a mistake now.”

He sighed before pulling away, and she immediately missed his touch. But tossing her glistening black hair over her shoulder, making sure it was smoothed in place, she followed him back up the path.

And walked straight into the tip of a sword.

A drop of blood slid down her neck even as she sank to her knees. Her eyes widened at the warrior who now held her life in his hands. “What’s going on?” she forced out in a shaky voice, icy fear filling her veins.

“That’s what I’d like to know.” the deep voice came from another warrior, this one holding a blade twice as sharp against Lycus’ throat. “This territory is prohibited to the devils like you, or did you not listen when the King drew the boundary lines?”

Lycus spat. “The King can rot in hell, for all I care!”

No! she glared at him, willing him to shut up. This was his idea to come up here, telling her it was a mission from Lucius, but she could’ve guessed it was just an excuse to get her alone. She should have checked the latest missives issued by the Creator she once worshipped, instead of following orders blindly. Unless… Lucius wanted them both dead?

“I swear, I had no idea. That scoundrel just dragged me up here for his own plans. I didn’t know,” she shook her head at Lycus as the warriors glared at her. She watched him struggle against their powerful grip, realising neither of them would walk away alive if she didn’t think fast. Betraying him seemed the best option.

“Joshua, do you believe her?” the first one asked, glancing at the warrior whose chest was adorned with the insignia of commander.

“I make it a habit never to believe anything that comes from their filthy mouths,” Joshua replied nonchalantly, raking a hand through his golden blond hair. “I say we end them both, and leave their bodies by the border as a reminder to any other demon foolish enough to cross blades with us.”

“No, please!” Seneca gasped, “I had no knowledge of this! Just let me go, and I’ll never come back. I won’t be any trouble,” she said chokingly, hating the desperate begging that issued from her usually cunning mouth.

“What makes you think I’m going to let you just walk away? Leave you to live just so you’ll come crawling back with double the insidiousness as now?” Joshua leaned over her, his hot breath scalding like molten lava on her cold skin.

“Actually, brother, that isn’t such a bad idea,” a feminine voice joined the tense conversation. A female version of the warriors strode into the clearing, her white tunic flowing to her thighs, and fitted pants protecting the rest of her legs. Blue eyes stared coldly at Seneca, framed by long blonde hair that swayed past her shoulders. Seneca recognised her. Gabriella used to be her friend, and they were close like sisters once upon a time. “Let her go back to Lucius and tell him how good a job we’re doing at protecting our territory.”

“It isn’t yours!” Lycus spat.

“Be quiet, mutt,” Gabby glared at him. Then, reaching to the strapped sheath on her back, she pulled out her golden sword. In the dim light, Seneca could see the flames that flickered from the rare metal and shivered under its diffused heat. “Brother, would you like the honours?” Gabby asked Joshua, but he shrugged in amusement.

“This one’s yours, Gabby. I know how long you’ve been tracking him.”

Gabby smiled, yet in her lips was trace of pity. “You should never have existed, Lycus. An abomination before our King. You knew your days were numbered the moment you spurned our help, and instead aligned yourself with these treacherous snakes,” she cast a withering glance at Seneca before lifting her sword and swinging it gracefully and decisively.

The screams of Lycus were cut short, yet they echoed in Seneca’s mind long after she’d run from the gruesome scene. Her feet stumbled and slid down the mountain, cold tears sliding down her cheeks in a pitiful reflection of her fall from heaven. Though her heart was no longer beating, she felt the pain and loss of Lycus like she never expected. Again, these awful emotions were plaguing her with a vengeance. She ran and tripped her way through the Interealm, the land passing in snatches under her unsteady feet, her breath coming in short gasps and hiccups until she felt herself drawing nearer to her master’s stronghold.

The shadows from her brethren grew darker and thicker, welcoming and choking her in a delightful way, compressing on her lungs until her breaths had steadied and she no longer sobbed wretchedly. Her face was once more composed when she finally stepped foot in the presence of Lucius. His throne-like room was slate grey, surrounded by stone cut into the side of the most dangerous mountain range to the south of the wolf territories.

You’re back, he whispered in her mind before she saw him standing by the window on the far side of his residence. “I take it the mission is progressing?”

When he turned to her, his effortlessly beautiful face reminded her why she’d trusted him in the first place. He was flawless, perfect, and utterly alluring. The pinnacle of their King’s creation. Smarter and more talented than all his angels, he deserved the praise she freely gave him. Even if she’d known how much it would cost her, she would still have followed him to the end of the earth all those years ago when the King cast them out for their rebellion. Joshua and his underlings might think they had the upper hand, but Lucius would always be the strongest angel she knew.

“Where is Lycus?” he pressed when she remained silent, her feet trapped in his paralyzing gaze. It always felt like he could see into her very soul, peering beneath the mask of indifference she’d perfected a long time ago. “Where is my brother?” he roared, losing some of his composure and filling the room with ceaseless threats.

He would never hurt her, she knew, but still, her body trembled and nearly gave her away. “How should I know? That reckless pup ditched me a hundred miles back in search of sweeter prey,” she lied, the words tasting like honey on her lips.

Lucius crossed his thick arms over his broad chest, his soulless black eyes stripping her down relentlessly. “Is that why you bear his scent on your skin?” one corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk as he took a step closer.

She swallowed thickly, imagining her heartbeat kicking into a fast rhythm, just as Lycus’ would when they were together. “You know how he has no respect for personal space,” she offered in explanation.

“Does that also explain,” the prince of darkness came closer still, until he stood before her and lifted one of her dark locks of hair, letting the silken strands slip between his fingers, “the blood of his in your hair?”

She recoiled, disgust filling her mouth at the memory of Lycus’ body crumpling in the snow, his crimson blood spilling into the sodden earth.

“Ahh, so you failed me.” Lucius turned in a few circles, clasping his hands behind his back, his eyes searching the ceiling as if her explanations were written there. “You failed me, and thought you could come slinking back with no intention of being truthful to me.”

“There wasn’t anything to say,” she twisted her fingers together, her chest blooming with panic. “Those disgustingly loyal angels forced our hand, we had no choice but to run. That pathetic excuse of a demon was too slow. Not my fault he couldn’t travel in the spiritual realm like us.”

“That demon is like a brother to me!” Lucius suddenly got in her face, his teeth bared and his fists clenched in a show of his strength. Like she would forget it. “And you left him to die. I read the guilt in your eyes, or did you think you could hide that from me, too?”

She dropped her gaze, more out of fear than deference. “I’m...” She wouldn’t apologise. Couldn’t. Her stubbornness forbade her. “I’m sorry he wasn’t strong like you hoped he would be.”

Lucius thought about this, leaning back again and narrowing his eyes in thought. The calm demeanor that wrapped around him like a second skin was equally frightening as his fury. “Do you have any idea how much he meant to me? The son of my darling mentor and the strongest Alpha to walk the earth?”

“Besides being your loyal lapdog?” I can’t imagine, she felt like adding.

Lucius breathed deeply then let it out slowly in a long sigh. “He was the key to all of this. With the animalistic nature of wolves in his veins, alongside our angelic strength, he was to be unstoppable.”

“He was a fool,” she lifted her chin in brave defiance.

With a chuckle, Lucius shook his head, unperturbed by her unruly behaviour. In fact, it was one of the things he encouraged. It was his own defiance and arrogance that spurred him to stand up to their controlling King. “Maybe so. But he was a useful fool. Pliable, bright, and so very open to suggestion. He was perceptive, my Lycus, and you are going to replace him for me.”

“Excuse me?” Seneca gaped in shock, unsure of what she’d heard.

“Your new mission is to find me another half-breed. One twice as strong as our weak and foolish Lycus,” he grinned, suddenly enthralled by this new plan of his.

Seneca didn’t know whether he was being serious, or messing with her mind. Probably both. “Where will I do that? There are no other reports of one roaming the land—”

“You are smart. You will find a way,” the smile suddenly slipped from his face was replaced with the firm lines of reprimand. “Or has your pretty head become filled with ash after all the years of languishing in this barren land?” he reached out a hand and cupped her cheek tenderly, the heated look in his eyes blazing into her mind.

“I am as cunning as I’ve always been,” she assured him hastily.

“For your sake, I hope so. You will not fail me again, Seneca.”

“I won’t,” she swore. “My allegiance lies with you. It always has, my Prince.”

After another moment of searching her face, he seemed satisfied with what he found there, and leaned forward. Her entire body trembled as he pressed a kiss to her forehead, his lips lingering, her skin burning as though a brand had been seared onto it.

When he pulled away, his eyes were cold again. “Take her,” he motioned to his warriors who had filed into the room. “Escort her to the edge of my territory, and don’t allow her re-entrance until she has what I need.”

“Yes, master,” they immediately flanked her and all but shoved her from Lucius’ presence, their swords drawn to prevent her from turning back. Their weapons were lethal, forged in the pit of the abyss, but they were still nothing compared to the powerful swords in the hands of the angels still loyal to their King.

She had no choice but to leave, and never turn back until she’d accomplished this task for her Prince. Wandering the lands for months, she never once came across a wolfish half-breed. It seemed no other demon had been stupid enough to mate with the mongrels or produce offspring. What did Lucius see in them anyway? They were dirty, vile creatures that disgusted Seneca on a good day. On her bad days, she just wanted to slit their throats and rid the planet of the stench of their fur.

But she couldn’t fail Lucius again, no matter how obscure his plan seemed. So there was only one option left to her. Rubbing the sting on her forehead, the mark of his threat, she counted the cost. How far would she go to please Lucius?

“Ho, who comes?”

The voice pulled her up short. She’d just stepped over a raging river, the hem of her dress still dripping with the icy water, when she came face to face with something that made her smile.

“Lucia, my girl, you don’t recognise your sister? Or am I so old now the years have disfigured me?” she joked, approaching the hutch of demons who spread shadows over the hillside.

“You’ll never lose your beauty, my dearest,” Lucia pulled her in for a hug. “Come to bring us news of home? What’s been happening?”

“Nothing pleasant,” Seneca sat down on the rocky outcroppings as her brethren gathered around. “Lucius is as obnoxious as ever.”

“And that’s why we all love him,” Luci’s khol-blackened eyes shone with mirth.

“And hate him at the same time.”

“Like a double-edged sword. Funny how the mortal wolves are so taken with paradoxes, yet they still can’t see the most obvious one around them,” Luci commented as she waved a hand to herself and the other warriors. Seneca knew she was referring to the ongoing battle between the angels and fallen.

“How is everything here?” Seneca asked.

“Oh, the same as always. We mess with the mortals when the coast is clear. Not much resistance in this neck of the woods. The males especially are so perceptible. I have so much fun sinking my claws into their open minds and suggesting they do outrageous things.”

“You should have seen the Alpha last week,” Orion, a commander, said with a smirk. “He was so hell-bent on proving his dominance, that he didn’t even see the group of rogues that infiltrated his border. When his men eventually caught them, we helped them try out a few new torture techniques we’ve come up with.”

“Sounds lovely, I’m sure,” Seneca mused. “So tell me about this Alpha of DoubleEdge. Is he as cruel as everyone says he is?”

Luci smirked. “You want to find out for yourself?”

Seneca followed her to the edge of the small cliff that dropped away to the rushing river below. Further downstream, a male wolf stood proudly overlooking his territory. His broad shoulders, tall stature, and arrogant lift of his head marked him as Alpha of this territory, and Seneca felt a stirring in her charred blood. “I have a crazy idea.”

“I’m all ears.”

“He is in need of a…what do they call the female…a Luna?”

“Yes. She died a few months ago, from cancer,” Luci rubbed her hands together gleefully, a spark of excitement in her eyes.

Seneca wasn’t so heartless, but she loved a good tragedy. “Then he is perfect for what I need.”

Luci read the plan in her eyes, and shivered in delight. “See you around, sister,” she said while stepping forward, and pushed Seneca off the cliff.

The scream that rent the air drew the Alpha’s attention, and when the woman came thrashing down the river, trying to keep her head above the icy water, he reached down and snatched her by the nape of her neck.

Pulling her shivering body into his arms, he instinctively soothed and petted her.

“It’s okay now. I’ve got you. What happened?” He brushed her wet hair out of her face.

“My—“ she spat water from her lungs. “My family want me dead. They forced me to run. I have nowhere to go,” she sobbed and clutched at his black coat collar, melting in his supportive arms.

They looked up to the cliff where she had fallen from, and Luci waved her hands and jumped with a maniac smile on her face. But all the arrogant and self-absorbed Alpha saw were a few mangy and snarling wolves. “Don’t worry any longer. You can stay with me. I’ll keep you safe from them,” he promised, holding her closer and nuzzling his nose against her neck.

She almost grimaced at his spicy scent, and instead stared into his eyes. He was extremely handsome, as far as Alphas went. Midnight black hair, strong jawline, and azure blue eyes. She had never seen so beautiful a shade up this close. Not even Lycus, for all his mortality, had this pure a colour so vivid.

“My saviour,” she smiled dreamily. Reaching up, she cradled his face and read his memories, his life story.

He’d always had an arrogant streak, nurturing it and allowing it to cloud every decision as Alpha. He always wanted to be in control of everything and everyone, especially those weaker and vulnerable to him.

It wasn’t just cancer that had killed his first mate, but mistreatment at his hand. Controlling and manipulative, he’d forced her into having an abortion, killing their child just because he didn’t want another girl. Barbaric. The torture had ravaged her body, breaking her heart and allowing cancer to sink its claws into her weakened body. It wasn’t long until she’d succumbed, leaving the Alpha alone and craving someone else to dominate.

She would be that for him. He took her home and ensured she was warm and safe, and a week later, announced her as his wife and Luna.

She surrendered to his overbearing nature, using all her power to appear powerless. As he mated with her, the experience at first frightening for the ancient spirit, she whispered beyond his hearing, “This is for you, Lucius. You and your devilish plan.”

All the wolves of DoubleEdge seemed taken by the meek new Luna.

All but one.

An older shewolf, a nobody to the highly-ranked command of her pack and invisible to those who cared only for themselves, watched on and saw things in the shadows no one else did.

While Seneca was smiling, Amariah saw hidden secrets in her eyes. While she laughed innocently at her husband’s ways, Amariah saw a cunning and shrewd edge to her subtle grace.

When everyone celebrated the birth of a male heir, Amariah silently prayed he would be nothing like his mother and father.

She journaled her innermost thoughts in a diary, in the hopes her struggle someday, somewhere, may help another like her in this battle between the unseen forces around them.

Demons walk this earth.

Fallen spirits from the heavenly realm have come down to live amongst men.

Most are adept at hiding among us, but I see them.

A kind smile. A gentle touch. A neighbourly conversation …. I see the darkness lurking underneath some of these usually benign actions. It’s like I can peel back the layers of reality and see the truth.

The truth that demons are tearing our pack apart.

Not quickly, and not all at once.

Not like the rogue attacks that sweep in on wings of betrayal and cut families to shreds.

But slowly, and insidiously. Poisoning minds until we become our own enemy. Until we tear each other’s throats out without the need for reason.

I resist them. I try and keep my mind closed against their influences, but what can I do against so many?

What can I do when demons walk among us, and no one believes what I see?

When it is only a dream.

A nightmare that bleeds into this reality and the very hearts of man.

My pack thinks we’ve won against the hooded figures of the night that have been terrorising us recently.

But that is only a distraction from the real fight, the real schemes of these evil intruders. The fight for our very souls.

This battle is long from over, but what can I do?

~The End~

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