The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 64

Cool grass cushions my feet as I walk through the luscious meadow. The grass lengthens with each step I take, until I am standing in a field with knee-high emerald blades and creamy-coloured pampas flowers brushing against my outstretched fingers. Their soft, billowy petals are illuminated by the setting sun, casting them in golden hues with peach and violet accents.

I close my eyes and feel the sun’s warmth on my face, breathing in the fresh air that carries hints of forest pines and chestnuts.


My eyes fly open, my heart stuttering in my chest.

Ahead of me, silhouetted by the bright sunset, is the man I have yearned for and dreamed about for so long. He is facing the glowing horizon, the light burnishing his black hair to a deep amber colour. The loose sleeves of his white button-up shirt flutter in the breeze, the colour contrasting against his golden tanned skin.

He turns slightly, his face uplifted like mine to the gorgeous sky, and I marvel at the sharp and handsome lines of his face.

Before he even notices me, turning towards me with a boyish grin on his face, I am running. Running with excitement building in my chest, my arms pumping and my hair flowing behind me with abandon, as I close the distance between us.

I don’t even give him a moment to brace himself as I jump into his arms, wrapping my own around his neck and burying my face against his shoulder. He places his hand on the back of my head and holds me close, as we breathe in each other’s scents.

After a moment I lean back and look up into his face, his lips parted in a broad smile that matches my own. This close, I see how perfect his skin is, how unmarred and soft it is. Each angle and plane is chiselled with stunning design, his jaw sharp and his strong cheekbones high. His tousled inky black hair falls enticingly over his forehead, the waves tangling in the gentle breeze, and I am almost jealous of the wind’s fingers that caress my mate so tenderly. Rising on my toes, I press my lips to his in a devoted kiss, and the feeling of his soft touch has me melting in his arms. He bands those strong arms around me tighter until I’m fitted perfectly against his body.

When we are both breathless, he breaks away reluctantly, still smiling. “I wasn’t sure you’d come,” he says softly, trailing light kisses over my cheek and to my ear. I shiver when goosebumps tingle down the entire side of my body from his tantalising touch.

“Why wouldn’t I? I promised to be here before the sun set, Malachi,” I tuck my head against his chest, in the spot between his chin and neck where I fit perfectly.

He rubs soothing circles on my back and shrugs casually. “Ahh, but Ariella, you don’t normally like making promises. You say nothing is guaranteed in life.”

“True,” I close my eyes and murmur languidly, inhaling his intoxicating scent that mingles with the fresh air of this pristine countryside. “But there is one promise I will always make to you, and nothing will break it.”

He raises an eyebrow, the hint of a grin playing on his face as he looks at me intently. “Is that so? And what if I have a promise to make, too? Who goes first?”

“Hmm…” I bite my lip, and watch as his eyes flicker to the motion of my mouth. I feel the heat in his gaze, yet it doesn’t scare me. It only excites me and I rise on my toes to steal a kiss before he can. “Then,” I say in a husky voice as I feel his hands roaming my back, sliding around my waist and pulling me closer still. “We wrestle to decide.”

“Wrestle?” His face scrunches up in a puzzled expression, and before he can figure out what I mean, I tickle him in the ribs and then pull back as he jumps to retaliate. With a vibrant and light-hearted laugh, I spin away as his long arms reach for me, his fingers grasping at my waist for a moment before I escape. I hear his light steps behind me as I race in circles around the field, but I manage to duck and weave out of his reach.

“You know I could catch you in a heartbeat, my little mate. No one can outrun an Alpha,” he growls behind me, his voice teasing.

“Not even a Luna who’s been training?” I turn around and keep running backwards, my eyes colliding with his and he smirks, his full lips twitching as if he’s trying not to laugh.

“Well, there might be exceptions…” he begins to concede, but then he lunges for me and I squeal as he wraps me in his arms and spins me around. His hot breath tickles my ear, and I slap on his forearms that are squeezing my ribs.

“Put me down!” I demand, growing dizzy as he continues to turn in circles.

He chuckles, obviously enjoying my playful struggle. As soon as my feet touch the ground though, I turn in his arms and tackle him down. He is caught by surprise, and we tumble in the grass before I come out on top.

Both of us are panting, our breaths mingling between us as our chests rise and fall. I brace my knees on either side of him and try to pin his arms above his head which he lets me do despite how much stronger he is than me. And from this viewpoint, I can’t help admiring his large biceps that stretch his shirt taut. Sliding my gaze to his bright smiling face, I smirk.

“Looks like I get to go first,” I tilt my head and smile seriously, my eyes memorising each beautiful line and curve of his face. “Malachi, my mate,” I slide my hand over his soft hair then down his face, before resting my palm on the side of his neck. His vein pulses strong and steady beneath my fingertip. “I promise to love you always. I want to stand by your side, no matter what happens in this life. Together, we can face anything, my love.”

He presses his lips together as his eyes dance with a smile, and before I understand what he’s planning, he flips us over so he is leaning over me. His firm body presses on mine, his hips keeping mine in place, and the closeness of him sends a jolt of electricity through my body, a tingling of desire along each limb until it curls in my stomach and blazes to life.

“That’s funny,” he remarks in a low voice with a hint of playfulness. “Because that’s exactly what I was going to promise.”

“It was?” My breath leaves my lungs on its own accord.

“I was just looking for the perfect moment.”

“You were?” My mind becomes muddled, drawn to him in this tender moment where only he and I seem to exist in this beautiful place, as if the air around us is meant purely for us.

“I think I’ve found it.” His eyes never leaving mine, he cradles my head in his hands and his thumbs brush across my cheeks tenderly. “I will never forget your sacrifice, my Dearest,” he murmurs to me, his lips leaving soft kisses on my forehead. “And I will never stop loving you.”

My heart swells, bursting with joy and excitement at his words, at the sentiment I have been longing for him to say.

Looking into his crystal clear azure eyes, my vision grows blurry from tears yet he brushes them away. He kisses my cheeks before moving his lips to my mouth. We share a wonderful kiss, too beautiful to describe, with so many emotions finally flowing between us in perfect and uninhibited unison. I can taste his devotion to me in this kiss, and I finally let myself relax fully in his embrace, knowing that nothing more is standing in our way of being together.

A part of me wants him to pour out an explanation for everything he did that hurt me in the past, but this… this moment now, is enough. He is telling me with more than words exactly how he feels, and I accept his wordless declarations of sincere apology and pleas for forgiveness. I feel it in my heart what he is trying to say, and I respond with a deeper kiss, knowing he too will understand how I feel.

We lie in each other’s arms for a few moments more, harbored by the tall pampas flowers and the glow of the sunset infusing our skin with rosy colours. Then Malachi stands and pulls me up with him. “I’d like to show you something,” he whispers, his nose nuzzling against my ear.

After leading me toward the forest that surrounds the meadow, we skirt the edge and come upon a small knoll that overlooks a valley. Tall pines and small hedges of feather wattle cover the ground, leaving small paths for us to track our way through.

At the top of the knoll is a large cabin, two storeys high made from hewn cedar logs. There is a wide verandah running around the outside and small balconies jutting out from the second story glass sliding doors. Tall floor-to-ceiling glass windows provide sunlight to pierce the inside, and I see amongst the deepening shadows a few wingback chairs and a cosy lounge in the living room.

Malachi squeezes my hand and draws me to a halt in front of the steps that lead up to the ornately carved front door. “What do you think?” he asks, a hint of pride as well as uncertainty in his voice.

I stare at the place, at the magical way the golden and pink sunset reflects in all the glass windows, and couldn’t imagine a nicer place. “It’s beautiful,” I squeeze his hand in reply. “Who lives here?”

“We are going to.” Taking both my hands in his and threading his fingers through mine, he turns me to face him. “I want this to be our home. You can plant flowers around the border, as many flowers as you like, and we’ll put a swing chair on the verandah so we can sit together and watch the sunsets. The master bedroom upstairs has the best view of the valley, as well as a view out the back towards the forest. I know how you like the forest so much.”

“As do you.” I bite my lip and stop myself from smiling like a fool. Something about his words, the way he weaves them in the quiet space between us, so calming and full of deeper meaning, has me dreaming of our future together like I never have before. “It sounds perfect.” I rest my head on his chest and listen to the soft vibrations thrumming through him as he continues sharing his plans.

“It isn’t far from the main pack office, so I can work there and come home to you in the afternoons. We’ll raise our six children here in relative peace and quiet, without too many disturbances.”

“I like the sound of that.”

“I thought you would,” he smiles down at me before kissing my lips.

I tangle my fingers in his soft hair and pull his head down closer, deepening the kiss.

When he gently pulls back and leans his forehead against mine, his voice is barely a whisper. “Are we dreaming right now?”

“I don’t think so,” I reply softly in the waning light. I feel in my heart this is more than a dream, perhaps another vision of what is to come. It feels so real, every touch a pulsing reality that will remain lingering in my mind far longer than any of my sleeping dreams ever have.

“Well, even if it is, it’s breathtaking. You always were my daydream, Ariella. Ever since I met you, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. So many times, Hamilton would snap me from my thoughts and chide me for the foolish grin on my face,” he chuckles, before turning serious again. “But there is nothing foolish about us. We were meant to be, and I will let nothing keep us apart, not anymore.”

I sigh breathily, caught up in the tenderness of his words. “Not even death?”

Especially not death. Come back to me, Ariella. I’m ready to be the mate you deserve. The mate I wish I could have been all along. You’ve saved me, now let me show you the heart that was made to love you.”

I close my eyes and nod.

My heart started beating first.

At least, that is how I recall the moment. My mate will say it was my lungs that inflated, this movement he noticed first as it drew air into my lifeless body.

But I will always argue, how could my lungs expand if my heart hadn’t beaten first, pumping blood through to my chest to receive more oxygen before circulating my body again?

Details, he always laughs it off.

The important thing is, I breathed again.

With a slow shudder and a quiver of the static muscle, my heart falters to life. Its unsteady beat gains momentum and I feel a surge of blood race into my lungs. I gasp, my chest rising yet meeting a thick band that presses me close to something solid.


His voice is rough and uncertain, laced with pain and etched with grief, yet I would recognise it anywhere.

I take another breath, feeling his own warm breath tickle my face and I realise he is close.

“Ariella, you’re breathing! Your heart is beating! How… how is this possible?”

I feel a gentle thud that echoes through my body, and I twist my head, trying to spread my senses. Where am I, and what is happening around me? My eyes are still too heavy to open, so I listen and breathe in the scents around me.

Malachi’s heavy breathing puffs in my left ear, while gasps of shock echo on my other side. The delicious scent of toasted chestnuts mixes with the woody forest, moist earth, and metallic blood. I remember the tense stand-off with Seneca and her host of demons, and the way I flung myself in front of Malachi to save him from the cursed dagger.

I died.

I met the King of the universe who tasked me with a special purpose, and I accepted.

Then I had a most glorious vision of me and Malachi surveying the land we’d make our home on.

Now, I realise I am held tightly in the arms of my mate, listening to his excited exclamations over the fact I’m breathing. I feel his lips press to my forehead again and again in gentle kisses.

I’ve missed him. I’ve missed these tender moments between us. I was always unsure of how Malachi felt for me, since he would say he cared for me, but never mentioned love. His actions were contradictory at times, pulling me close with desire before shunning me coldly.

But now, I am without doubt.

Pulling my eyes open, I find myself staring up into the clearest, most vivid blue eyes I have ever seen. Flecks of silver sparkle in his irises, illuminating the azure hues with even more clarity. The lines around his eyes are dusted and crinkled with ashy dirt, yet there is a lack of weariness and reservation I have come to expect so well. His expression is wide and open, unlike the shuttered wariness he would often mask himself with. There is no coldness, only warmth.

No darkness, only light.

“Ariella, I’m so sorry for not listening to you sooner. You were right all along, and I was a fool for not paying any attention. I only ever wanted to protect you from this, instead you ended up in the very middle and paid the cost of my darkened heart. I never wanted this to happen to you…” his voice trails off in a broken sob and he buries his face in my neck. Hot tears slip from his eyes and slide down my neck, the warm trails they leave behind quickly cooling against my skin.

Taking a deep breath that is permeated with his calming scent, I whisper thank you, God. I feel more blood pulse throughout my body, infusing my cells with life. So with this gathering strength, I lift my hand and slide it around Malachi’s neck, feeling his own pulse race beneath my fingertip. Then I guide his face to mine until our lips touch.

I kiss him with all the love and passion I feel. Our lips are heated, hungry, and the air around us swirls with desire. In his kiss, I feel his apology, his plea for forgiveness, his new determination to commit his life to me. I can understand how unworthy he feels, and the emotion mirrors what I felt not too long ago.

I remember what he said to me in the meadow as we lay in the grass, and I pull back to study his face. My gaze flickers as I stare into his own, and I ask quietly, “The cabin… Do you have a cabin in the forest not far from here?”

Malachi’s face becomes covered with shock, his black brows furrowing down towards his clear eyes. “I do… but how—“

“And you’ll let me plant hundreds of flowers? And we’ll have six children?” I watch as a timid smile nudges his lips.

“I thought that was only a dream…” he whispers, his voice low and thick with emotion, the muscle in his jaw ticking.

I smile, my face still weary from the clutches of death, yet nothing can stop this joy blooming in my heart and spreading like wildfire throughout my body. “I think it was more than that.”

“A vision,” he says hesitantly, and I nod.

“One that we shared.” This knowledge that we both remember every detail of what we experienced as I lay dead in his arms is astonishing, and I can’t help but marvel at the beautiful way our Creator is bringing us back together again.

“So you truly heard what I said to you?” Malachi asks, scepticism still written in his eyes and the creases on his forehead.

“Sure. You said you’ll never forget my sacrifice, remembering it annually with a date night where you’ll shower me with peonies and chocolate muffins.” I can’t help teasing, my lips still sluggish but my grin widening. “Oh, and you’re going to buy me a grand piano since I’ve always wanted to learn to play, we’re going to invest in a beach house on Alpha Jackson’s territory, and you’ll let me invite friends over every holiday for wild parties.”

His eyes widen in shock, and I laugh as I slap his chest lightly. “I’m only kidding.”

“Good, because I’d hate to have to deal with that arrogant jerk Alpha Jackson. He may have found his mate, but he is just as cocky as ever,” Malachi’s eyes flash as his lips press together in a grim line.

“He’s actually quite nice. Always very friendly when we go and stay at his place over the holidays.” I defend the blonde Alpha who, I will admit, is probably more charming to all the females than he should be. Aunt Chesca tells me that’s just always been his personality.

Malachi growls lowly and his arms tighten around me, pulling me closer to himself. His lips nibble on my ear and he inhales deeply of my scent. I hear his heart racing, and I place a hand over his chest only to feel it speed up even more, a heavy thumping that sends tiny shockwaves through my fingers and up my wrist.

“You aren’t… jealous, are you?” I pull back to study his expression, and find his eyes stormy with a large amount of possessiveness swirling in them.

“I’m not jealous,” he denies hotly. “I just don’t want him anywhere near you. You’re mine, and for as long as I live, no one is going to lay a hand on you.”

“I understand,” I pat his cheek and bite my tongue to keep from laughing. The passionate look on his face is not dark and desirous like I’ve seen on him before, but innocently possessive.

It is natural. I made you for each other, remember? I placed the desire in your heart for one another.

I remember our Creator King’s words, and smile. The confused look that now steals over Malachi’s face is funny, yet attractive. I love that he called me his.

“Thank you, my sweet mate. I’ve done nothing to deserve you,” he pecks my lips and looks at me earnestly, a contrite expression swirling in his eyes.

I lift my hand and cup his cheek. “It’s not about what we deserve, but what we do with the blessings we’ve been given.”

He nods slowly, pondering this, then his gaze sharpens on me. “Still, you have been so good to me and I can never make it up. I will treat you right every day of your life. Every moment we have together, I will spend it telling you how precious you are to me. Ariella, all this time…” his voice cracks, and he swallows thickly.

“You don’t have to say anything,” I murmur, understanding him beyond words.

But he shakes his head and continues, “These last few months, I tried so hard to hide how I really felt for you. I knew I was too dangerous, too dark and volatile to have you in my life. I didn’t want to hurt you. I couldn’t let you get close because I didn’t want you getting caught up in my family’s dark history. But it seems I failed miserably. You wouldn’t stay away no matter how cold I was towards you. And though a part of me hated that you were so loyal, the rest of me was happy that you never gave up or walked away from me. I wanted you desperately. I wanted to have you as my best friend, someone I could share my heart with, but I couldn’t trust my heart to not break you. I was so lost, so confused with everything my mom was telling me. I wouldn’t have been able to bear it if our dark secrets ruined the light you shined with so brightly.”

Malachi stops to take a breath, and I feel like I’m going to melt into a soft puddle of tears if he goes any further. His words wash over me, strengthening my heart and warming my soul. I press my head to his chest, my ear over his heart, and listen to the erratic thump of the muscle. But it is more than that. I feel, somehow, that his heart is different.

The horrible darkness is absent, allowing him to finally be good and honest with me. I know now what the King meant by Malachi having changed. All those dark dreams I had of his heart ceasing to beat, of his soul bleeding into cold oblivion, are no longer a vision of what might be. My death, my sacrifice to save his life, has broken the dark curse of the demon that ran in his veins. Somehow, my persistent and foolishly loyal love has set him free.

“As long as your heart is beating, I’m happy. There’s hope for us yet,” I tell him with a knowing smile.

He leans down and places a soft kiss on my cheek, his eyes smiling in gratitude, unfallen tears glistening on the lower rims.

I take a deep breath and look around me, sitting up further with Malachi’s help. I see a few of the fallen wolves around us, making my heart ache a little. I know it’s not my fault, but death will always be a waste and I will always hurt from it.

Aside from the darkness and pain that still lingers in the air in this dreadful clearing, around me on the ground is a beautiful sight. The early morning sunlight fights to break through the dense fog, and illuminates a few dozen flowers laid amongst the leaves and bracken. The colourful petals are bright against the dull browns and blacks, and their floral scents linger in the cool air. I turn a questioning look to Malachi.

“They wanted to mourn you and pay their respects. Everyone knows you liked—like— flowers,” he says, his voice catching as he refers to past tense when I was dead.

The import of these flowers, the meaning behind their simple yet profound statement as they lie on the ground around me, slowly sinks in. These warriors showed their sorrow at my death, and their underlying loyalty towards me, and I nearly cry at the heartfelt gesture.

One of them approaches us now, Jett if I recall his name, and he kneels before us with a tight set to his jaw and his fists clenched by his sides. Blood and dirt are smeared over his neck and chest, some wounds still seeping as his muscled body quickly begins to heal.

I feel Malachi begin to vibrate with a strong emotion, and his arm pulls me closer against him. “Jett, back away. Don’t dare come closer. I know what you really thought of Ariella,” he speaks harshly, and I watch as Jett’s brave posture crumples.

“I’m sorry, Alpha. Honestly, I am. We all doubted Ariella’s loyalty, but I can see now how wrong we were. Ariella, Luna,” he glances at me before bowing his head. I see his brown eyes are filled with remorse. “I will always submit to you. I will fight for you every chance remaining in my life.”

He presses his hand to his chest, his fingers in a fist, and I recognise the symbol of fealty. More warriors approach and kneel beside him, and I feel Malachi radiate with jealous possessiveness as they all look at me with shining eyes.

I sigh, realising I’ll have to get used to Malachi now being overtly protective of me. Honestly, it feels good being so wanted. His claim on my neck tingles, and my own body shivers in anticipation of giving him my own mark and claiming my Alpha mate for all to see.

“Ariella? Oh, my baby girl, you’re alive!”

The anguished cry startles us all, and I look beyond the warriors to see my parents rushing towards us. Both Charles and Lexi look distraught, disheveled, yet immensely relieved to see me.

They are only a few metres away now when a low growl from Malachi turns deadly. I look up to see him glaring with a warning at my parents.

“Malachi, it’s okay,” I slide my hand around the back of his neck, trying to soothe him. “They’re my parents. They’re not going to hurt me.”

“Your father might want to take you away from me. And he has every right to,” Malachi looks at me sadly, and I realise what he means. I died on his territory by his mother’s hand. No sane wolves would let their daughter remain as mate to the heir of her killer.

But I shake my head, refusing to let anyone come between us. “I won’t let them. I’m staying with you, and nothing is going to pull me away from my destiny. From our destiny.” After pressing my forehead to his until he calms down, we both turn to my parents who are watching us carefully, Charles alert and wary of the volatile Alpha clutching me to himself, and Lexi wringing her fingers with impatience. She is desperate to embrace me, and I can’t deny the maternal bond pulling us together.

“Mom, Dad, I’m okay. You wouldn’t believe what happened—” I barely get the words out as I reach my arms to them, before Lexi runs forwards and throws her arms around me.

A shock like electricity tears through us, and we both pull back gasping. Her face is white for a moment before blood seeps back to its normal location. Mom stares at me with wide eyes as we both try and fathom what just happened. “Are you sure you’re okay?” She finds her voice first and reaches for me again, slowly and tentatively as if I might not be myself.

I nod shakily, and clasp her fingers. This time, the usual warmth and tingle of our familial bond passes between us. “I was dead, but I came back. God brought me back, so I guess you could say I’m more than okay,” I laugh, the sound coming out more like a choked sob. Dad joins our embrace and I see tears slipping from his eyes. He is normally so strong and unshakable, so seeing him this emotional leaves me rattled.

“We felt the bond breaking. We knew you were dying, and we couldn’t…” his voice cracks, and I snuggle further into his comforting arms to reassure him that I’m alright.

“We ran here as fast as we could, but there were so many rogues in our way. We knew we were too late when we felt your soul vanish. Our awareness of you just disappeared, and it was the most horrible thing in the world. I can’t believe you’re really alive now,” Mom tells me in a thin voice, threaded with pain and grief, and all I can do is hug them both tighter and pray we’ll all recover from the tragic events that turned out like none of us expected.

I step back when I feel Malachi's large hand rest on the middle of my back, and I turn into his arms and give him a watery smile. He gives my dad one more dark look before relenting and accepting his outstretched hand.

I beam with happiness as I watch the stern Beta and fierce Alpha clasp forearms in mutual respect.

But something else catches my eye. I see a quiet and tearful Harlow kneeling by her brother’s prone body, her shoulders heaving occasionally from silent sobs.

“Is he…” I begin to ask, not daring to believe that Hamilton is dead. It would be too painful to lose someone who has become as dear to me as a brother, despite the fact he probably still doesn’t trust me.

Besides, I have to give him back his father’s watch.

“No, he is alive, but barely. He’s lost a lot of blood,” Malachi answers quietly, his voice rough. “There isn’t much we can do for him, even if the pack doctor was here.” There is a grave sombreness in his voice, and hopelessness sinks its claws in my chest once again.

As I look again at the sorrowful scene before me, I see Gabriella approach from the cover of trees and stand over the young Beta. Harlow doesn’t look up, and I finally know why no one ever notices my friends. They don’t see the angelic spirits like I do.

Gabby gives me a small smile before sinking to her knees beside Harlow. She then lays a hand on Hamilton’s bared and blood-covered chest, her body shivering slightly at the contact. Closing her eyes, her lips begin moving and I close my own eyes and join her in prayer for the injured warrior. It will take nothing short of a miracle to heal him.

Suddenly Harlow gasps, the sound making me and Malachi quickly look up in time to see Hamilton arch his back before convulsing into a fit of coughing. His body trembles, but then he takes a deep, steady breath and I can almost see the colour return to his pale face‍. Despite the deep wounds on his torso and the scratches around his neck, he stands to his feet and looks at his body in disbelief. The wounds are healed, disappearing under soft pink skin that will surely remain scarred.

Gabby’s eyes twinkle and she winks at me, then moves on to the next injured warrior. Though she is helping to heal many here this morning, I feel in my heart that what passed between her and Hamilton was significant.

I look back at my mate who is staring astounded, and run my hand down his chest in an affectionate manner. A sense of calm fills me despite the losses we have suffered. We will move through this tragedy and maybe even grow stronger because of it. With God’s help, we will overcome this.

“Malachi, your tattoo…!” I exclaim when my eyes follow the path of my fingers down his chest and abdominals, and see a large section of skin over his ribs that is clear of any ink. Between the great winged Karalax sketch and the miscellfolia flower, is a space where his first tattoo should be.

My fingers trace the bare skin, his slightly brushing my knuckles as he takes my hand in his own.

“What happened to it?” he asks, equally confused, his breath rushing out in an uncontrolled and shaky exhale.

“Joaquina might know.”

Malachi and I both swivel to face the speaker, and as Knight comes into view, Malachi clutches me tightly into his side.

“I told you to leave, and that we’d talk later. How dare you remain here,” the young Alpha snarls, his voice an octave deeper, and I pat his hand in a gentle warning to calm down.

“Caleb Knight! We should have known you’d be a part of this! You disgusting traitor!” Mom hisses as she and Dad both rush to restrain him.

He doesn’t fight, instead allowing them to push him to his knees and lock his arms behind his back. “I’m sorry,” Knight bows his head in submission to the Alpha. “But I had to see for myself that Ariella was alive. I couldn’t believe the impossible rumour. Her death..” he chokes, his throat strangled as though my dying really cut him deep. Despite his betrayal against me, I can see he had truly come to care for me.

Now, free from Seneca’s control over him, he can see how much I’ve come to mean to him. “I couldn’t bear the knowledge you had died,” he addresses me. “The miracle of your coming back to life is phenomenal. You can lock me up for the rest of my life, exile me to the most barren desert, or even hang me for my crimes, yet I will be at peace knowing you live again. Your kind soul is needed in this world, Luna Ariella. Your light needs to shine in every single corner of darkness and banish it forever.” With his head bowed, Knight drops his shoulders forward in complete surrender to me and Malachi.

“I thank you for your kind words, Caleb Knight. But only the King has the power to banish Lucius and his dark army of demons.” I think back to the righteous fury in the King’s heart and fists, and I know I can only play a small role in fighting against the darkness in this land. “And Malachi is right. We will discuss what your sentence for your crimes will be later. Now, tell us what you know about Malachi’s tattoo,” I demand, and Malachi tightens his arm around my waist at the new power I force into my tone. I feel the natural authority ripple through me, and even some other wolves that stand by lower their heads in submission.

“When Ariella had the knife buried in her chest, and took her last breath, I saw the tattoo swirling on the Alpha’s skin. The ink seemed to come alive, then it condensed. It thinned and turned to something like ash before disintegrating and blowing away like Seneca and her allies did.”

I begin to feel a heavy uneasiness at Knight’s words, as I piece together the implications of them. I feel Malachi take a sharp breath and hold it as he waits for Knight to continue.

“It was done in special ink?” Knight asks as though needing full clarification before telling us everything he knows.

“Yes,” Malachi replies steadily, but I detect a hint of hesitation and uncertainty in his voice.

“That ink came from Seneca, from beyond the realm of this world. I know she gave it to Joaquina to use for her art. You will have to ask that shewolf what makes the ink so special.”

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