The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 60


If you haven't already, I suggest re-reading the previous chapter. On Wednesday this week, I posted an extra scene at the start.

“Malachi!” My lungs burn with fire and I shove myself forward, ready to throw myself at him despite the dangerous glow in his eyes.

But I am arrested by a firm hand on my shoulder, roughly pulling me back. “You’re not going anywhere, Missy,” a low voice growls.

I look up in time to see my father’s eyes flicker before he focuses on my mate, a deep frown creasing his forehead. I can understand his parental concern, and that he doesn’t want me to rush straight to someone who looks so deadly. For Malachi is smiling at me smugly now, the crimson glow in his irises twinkling in time with the burning fire in the centre of this clearing. His expression is full of lust, and the twitch of his full lips is beckoning me closer. I shudder as the black waves that exude from his body slither out and reach for me.

“Don’t tell me you’re scared of your own mate, Ariella,” Malachi drawls slowly, his tone so different to the pained cries of before.

Then, he seemed afraid that I had showed up, and desperate that I should leave and not see whatever was going on.

Now, he is taunting me to come closer, daring me to make one move otherwise. His muscles flex against the rare metal that binds him, his broad chest and chiselled abdominals glistening in the flickering light. My gaze rakes over his powerful body, and the urge to run my hands over his skin suddenly engulfs me in a drugged haze.

“I know you still want me, little wolf. Just one taste and I’m all yours,” he whispers loud enough for me to hear, his smooth voice deepened with lust. My mouth goes dry as I see the predatory gleam in his eyes, and I force myself to look away. I begin to feel sickened that I would be attracted to this dark side of him, and curse the pull of the remaining bond.

“I’m surprised she’s even here,” Seneca says cooly, drawing my attention from Malachi and his unwavering stare that remains heavy on me. “I thought you rejected her, son?” she asks Malachi, and he gives a rough laugh in response.

“I did. But obviously she’s more foolish than I thought. I can feel the bond still, weak yet pulsing. She didn’t accept the rejection, did you sweetheart?” he asks me.

Swallowing greedily in an effort to rid myself of a parched throat, I come up with a response. “I have always been foolish when it comes to you, Malachi. I know you’re better than this, and that is why I didn’t accept it. You claimed me as yours. I believe you still want us to be together despite your desperate attempts to push me away. You can fight this. You’re better and stronger than whatever demon is possessing your soul,” I say bravely, for as I look in his eyes, I can’t help but believe the crimson and obsidian irises staring back at me languidly house a very dangerous demon. He is possessed, and the throb in my heart wants nothing more than to rid him of this beast.

He throws his head back and laughs, the sound echoing around the trees and bouncing roughly between my ears like a pack of cackling hyenas. “There is no demon inside me, as you eloquently put it.” Even his voice is deeper. Sultry and confident in the face of my quivering nerves. “I am a demon, yet you have been too blind to see it.”

His words slap against my mind, buzzing like angry wasps that sting and sting again.

They make no sense. He is not a demon. Besides, I would have known if he was. Wouldn’t I? Don’t I have this special sense to see beyond this realm, and what lurks beyond? Malachi is very much an Alpha male, one I have touched and felt his raw power, and I don’t for a second think he is a demon from the spiritual realm. Sure, there is something inside him, but beneath that hidden layer of darkness and evil is a light that is dying to break forth and shine.

“No, you’re not! Whatever is happening, we can fix this,” I say again and try stepping forward, but again I am pulled back by my father.

“Ariella, he is dangerous. I will not allow you to go anywhere near him,” he growls, angry now that I keep tugging against his grip.

My shoulder begins to ache, but it is nothing compared to the pain I have been feeling in my chest all night. I glare up at him, nearly baring my teeth before my natural instinct of respect prevents me from doing so. I lower my head and plead softly, “Dad, he won’t hurt me. Please let me go to him.” I hear the heavy breathing of Malachi, and almost feel him resisting the dark trance that has overtaken him. The man I love is in there somewhere, resisting this demonic influence, and I will help him even with hell trying to hold me back.

My father’s eyes glint silver with steel as he glances at Malachi then back to me. “I don’t trust him.”

“But, Dad!”

“Ariella, he’s not your father!”

This new voice calls out to me and I whip my head around, my gaze colliding with Beta Hamilton’s just as he is pushed to his knees, a couple of demons wrestling him down.

“Hamilton? What are you doing here?”“Trying to protect my Alpha from these devilish rogues, but they overpowered me… for now,” he growls threateningly but they only laugh at him.

“They’re not rogues…” I begin, seeing full well the dark haze that swirls around the demons. There are many more circling us, creepy smiles on their darkly beautiful faces as they watch with greedy pleasure. A few other of Malachi’s warriors are on their knees, one named Jett that I recognise, as well as Devanshi’s father Rahul. He has his hands behind his head in surrender to the stronger force surrounding us, and he is shaking his head slowly at me, as if warning me not to do anything stupid. We are all at the mercy of the invaders to our territory, and my heart sinks with growing hopelessness at our situation. There’s no way we can fight out way out of this. Even my father is a puppet for the demons, and Seneca seems all too pleased with herself as she orchestrates this mad event.

“Just like that man beside you is not your father,” Hamilton cuts me a serious glance, and I shiver as I look up at Austin.

He tilts his head and smiles at me. His face is so familiar, filling my mind with all the memories from years ago. Of course he is my father, so what is Hamilton talking about? He is just confused with all the demons surrounding us, and never knew my father. He doesn’t know what is really going on.

“My darling, don’t listen to that wolf. He doesn’t trust us to do what’s right. But it will be alright,” he cups my face tenderly and rubs my cheek with his work-roughened thumb.

“But the demons are planning to kill us,” I whisper, hoping Cyril and his friends don’t overhear me.

Austin shakes his head. “No, darling. They’ve promised to keep us safe. We just need to let them do what they need to do, and everything will be okay.”

“What do you mean? What are they doing?” I look around at Seneca who is pacing back and forth in front of Malachi, lifting her face reverently to the moon and whispering strange words on her tongue.

“They are helping Malachi overcome the torture inside his soul. He will be stronger soon, you’ll see.”

I watch mesmerised as my dad whispers softly, and Seneca begins to sing a haunting song, and Malachi grows more and more agitated. His eyes meet mine and I see the blue shade in them once more.

“Malachi, what’s going on?” I ask, panic blooming in my chest as he tugs on his restraints.

“Ariella, you need to get out of here. I don’t think I can hold off any longer,” he grunts and squeezes his eyes shut, his taut muscles rippling as if he is fighting an inner battle. “Just go. Run, and never look back.”

“I’m not leaving you!” I am drawn toward him, the bond of our souls urging me to go and give any comfort I can in the midst of his distress. This is what has led me here tonight, and I refuse to give in or leave. There is more I am supposed to do.

“That’s it, little shewolf. You don’t want to leave now when the show is just beginning,” my dad says, his voice no longer calming but amused and holding a cold edge.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I spit, sick of the riddles and wishing once for an actual answer that makes sense.

“Soon, he will be one of us.”


“I mean, them. Soon he will be as powerful as the dark spirits that were born to rule the night,” he clarifies, and his words make more than enough sense.

So they are turning him into a demon. This darkness inside him is pushing him over the edge and with enough encouragement, his soul will be bound forever to the spiritual realm.

Cursed forever are the souls bound to me. The prophecy rings in my head like a clanging bell. Mortal souls shall die…. Forever to roam beyond mortal sight.

Seneca leans close to her son as he writhes against his restraints, and whispers something unintelligible as she runs a finger down his chest, her sharp talon drawing a line of red blood. It darkens until black liquid runs down his skin in spidery patterns.

I swallow back the bile that rises in my throat, and clamp my teeth so I don’t throw up at the horrid sight.

“It’s okay, darling. You don’t have to watch,” my father pats my shoulders and turns my head into his chest. “But isn’t it a beautiful sight? You could join us too, you know. Just don’t resist and you can be with your soulmate forever.”

I pull away and stare up at him, my eyes searching his. That strange violet colour swirls over the brown, and as it does I catch glimpses of obsidian.

“You can become one of us, Ariella. You’ll be immortal,” he coos, his voice soft once more and dripping with honey.

The obsidian coalesces and I gasp. He smirks, eyes hardening as he watches recognition wash over my face. I blink, fighting back the tears that have gathered, and find myself staring up into a handsome face that is nothing like what I remember.

Hamilton was right.

This is not my father.

His fingers dig into the back of my neck as he pulls me close once more. “Don’t resist it…”

“Let go of me!” I push away and snarl, scratching at him and scraping my nails down his chest. I succeed at tearing his shirt and the cold skin underneath, revealing black trails of blood to slide down his chest.

He grabs for me again, restraining my wrist but I spin and bring my knee up into his groin. Grunting roughly, he glares at me and not a sliver of kindness is left in eyes that used to be so warm.

I hear Seneca laugh behind me. “Didn’t I say your disguise would be useless, Decimus?”

“She believed me for awhile,” the demon shouts back, and I take his distracted moment to pull out the dagger from my dress and lunge towards him. The hilt is gripped firmly in my fist, my aim true, but he pushes me aside and wraps his arm around my neck firmly. I struggle against him, listening as Hamilton shouts encouragement to me, and summon all the strength left in my body. Slipping free, I spin at just the right moment and duck under the meaty fist that just grazes my cheek.

I spring off the balls of my feet and slice at his neck with my left hand, diverting his attention for a moment as I then plunge the dagger into his chest.

The air from his lungs rushes out and I feel it on the fine hairs of my face. His black eyes widen and his arms immediately clutch for the dagger, but he is too late. I pull it out and kick him backwards. With a heavy thud he falls down, coughing and gagging before he finally goes silent, his body sparking with brightness then disintegrating into thousands of fine ash particles.

I hear Seneca’s gasp but am immediately tackled to the ground by the two demons I should have been aware of. My shock at this man not being my father seemed to attract all my attention, and I curse myself bitterly as my wrists are once more bound with elizenthium.

“I did say you should have gone with that cute Gamma. What was his name…Hendrik?” Luci casually strolls in front of my vision, and my mouth opens in shock. Her black hair is flowing freely down her back, blending seamlessly with the feathered wings that hang from her shoulder blades. The kohl liner around her eyes accentuates the scarlet flecks that I swear I’ve never seen before. She leans down and smiles triumphantly. “But you never did listen to my advice, did you?”

“You… You’re one of them… a demon…” I can barely say the words, it hurts too much. One of my best friends, and I’ve never realised through all the years. I think about it, she was always encouraging us girls to do sinful things. “And Gabby? Where is she?” I can’t imagine her as being anything but good and angelic, and pray I haven’t been fooled by her too.

“Oh, that little scaredy-cat ran home to find her brother. She’s no match for the true power here in this forest. She never did want to join us, even during the Rebellion,” Luci sighs and flicks her hair out of her eyes, looking at me with her piercing black eyes. I flinch and feel something shrivel inside me.

Seneca strolls over and picks up the dagger that slipped from my grasp, then smiles at Luci. “Good to see you again, sister.”


The former Luna then turns to me and lifts her chin proudly. “I should kiss you, my little pet, for bringing me something so rare and invaluable. The dagger of Chen. You’ve really made my task that much easier, sweet one,” she pats me on the head and palms the ancient weapon. Her eyes glitter as they take in the swirling patterns on the curved handle.

“That thing can kill you, as you’ve already witnessed,” I say, my voice weak and trembling and my knees aching from being slammed into the dirt roughly. There is no use struggling against the otherworldly strength of the demons holding me in place. I am weakened from the rare element, sickened by the way I’ve been fooled again, and despairing over anything turning out right tonight. I haven’t come to save Malachi, but only witness the fall of his pack into the evil darkness of demons. What was my purpose in all this? What led me here if I can only fail?

“I know,” she grins happily, the expression odd in this frightful circumstance. “That’s what makes this so delightful. Did you know this weapon was forged then dedicated in our Prince’s name, imbued with the power to give and take the life of our souls equally?”

I stare at her as if she’s gone mad. Why would she even want to be touching something so deadly to her kind?

She saunters over to Malachi, who is once more smiling wickedly and inviting the taste of death to his body. Seneca runs the flat edge of the blade across his chest and I see his skin shiver and pulse, his eyes flaring with crimson flecks.

“The time is almost upon us, my son, for you to meet the destiny you were born for,” she proclaims in a honeyed voice, the words sliding over those gathered like a cloak of cursed promises.

“Do it!” the young Alpha growls, and braces himself against the support at his back.

“This mortal body shall inhibit you no more, and you will be free to serve our Prince,” Seneca tilts her head up to scan the stars, and I too look up to see the moon is now fully covered by the sickly shadow of our earth.

All around us fall silent as though they are holding their breath, and I suddenly realise what this all means. But bound by rare elements and the unrelenting clasp of two demons, I feel helpless to do anything but watch this terror unfold before my eyes.

Seneca raises her arms, the dagger gripped by both hands, and something within me snaps as she plunges it straight towards Malachi’s heart.

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