The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 55

“Close your eyes.”

“It’s not another gift, is it?” Malachi raises his eyebrows in direct opposition to my command.

“No, this is just a small exercise to help you refocus.” I squeeze his hands. “Now close your eyes.”

“Fine,” he complies after another moment of deliberating with himself whether to humour me or not.

We sit on the edge of the bed together and I hold his hands in my own. He rubs his thumbs on the back of my hands, distracting me with the small tingles that scatter over my skin. “Okay, if you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?”


I feel his hand movements pause as he thinks, caught off guard by my strange question.

“Anywhere. Anywhere at all,” I prod. “The beach, the forest, a city with lots of little arcades, or even the mountains of IceSword Pack--”

“The jungle.”

“The jungle?” It’s my turn to be surprised.

“Where it’s really warm. I hate the cold.”

I open my eyes and watch him nod, his own eyes squeezed shut. I see the lines around them creasing and uncreasing as he strains to keep them closed. I smile at the thought he is making an effort to do this for me. “Okay. That sounds nice. What’s it look like?”

“Oh, you know. The usual. Lots of bushes and trees. I don’t see the point--”

“What kind of trees? Use your imagination and tell me what’s around you. I want to see it too.” I close my eyes again and give his hands an encouraging squeeze. I’ve never done this with anyone before, but I would often disappear into my imagination when I was scared or sad or lonely. Imagining I was somewhere else, someplace I’d never been before, helped to distract me from the pain.

He takes a deep breath and releases it slowly. “I’m sitting on a path, a trail of some kind that disappears through the trees. There’s lots of tall palms around me, and maybe some pines. I see vines strung between the branches and hanging down.”

“Nice. So different from our forest.”

“Yes, and there’s a tree with wide roots spreading out from the truck, helping hold it up.”

“A ceiba tree?” I ask, remembering something about these buttress roots from Savannah’s plant guide that I’m reading.

“Maybe.” He shrugs. “There’s also lots of flowers. You’d love it in the jungle. I can see big red ones—”


“Yes, and smaller white ones. Hmm, frangipani? They smell amazing.”

“They do. All the scents are so strong and earthy, and I think I can even smell the humidity in the air.”

“There are some flowers growing in the trees, like parasites,” he says excitedly, really getting into it.

“Do you mean orchids? They aren’t actually parasites, but they just grow on the trees for support. They’re sometimes called air plants.”

I open my eyes when I hear Malachi chuckle. “What?” I glare at him.

He grins. “I think you know more about this jungle than me.”

“I happen to be reading in a book about tropical plants—”

“Such a nerd,” he teases, but I’m not offended. He’s not making fun of me.

“Let’s keep going. What can you hear in the jungle?”

He closes his eyes again and tilts his head, as if really listening. I feel glad that I’ve taken his mind of all the stressful things going on currently. We both need to just escape and relax, and spend time together.

“Birds. Lots of birds twittering in the trees and swooping down around us. There’s a faint breeze, rustling the leaves. And insects buzzing everywhere.”

“What about colourful parrots? And macaws?” I ask, picturing them in my mind. I’ve always wanted to see the exotic birds up close.

“I guess…”

“Okay, what other animals are around us?” I hope he thinks of the golden spotted puma I see in my mind, and the green tree viper that stands out vibrantly even against the emerald backdrop.

“Chipmunks. They’re fighting over an acorn.”

“I don’t think chipmunks live in the jungle.”

“Okay then, chimpanzees. Happy with that, Jane Goodall?” he squeezes my hand and I can hear the teasing lilt of his words.

I grin and let them melt over me like honey. The most powerful scent I feel around me is Malachi’s, and I can’t get enough of it seeping into my skin and permeating every cell. My senses want to remember this moment forever. “Well, I can see a giant tarantula heading right towards us.”

His grip tightens. “A what?”

“A big hairy spider. No big deal. It’s just casually walking down the path right behind you.” I smirk.

I feel Malachi twist on the bed as if he is really looking over his shoulder. “I see it. It has eight legs.”

“All spiders do.”

“These ones are freakishly long! And he’s not stopping. Aren’t spiders scared of us?” The Alpha’s usually deep and rich voice has risen an octave to a thready pitch. His fingers grow slightly clammy between my own, and I hear his heart rate spike with an unusual emotion. He isn’t afraid, is he?

“Tarantulas will just keep walking no matter what’s in their path. I read about this guy who lay down flat and let one walk right over him. Oh goodness! It’s now climbing up your back!” I screech and tug on Malachi, trying not to giggle as he lurches forward. I open my eyes just in time to see his upper body canter towards me, his face pinched with alarm.

I burst out laughing when he falls on me and pushes all the air from my lungs. His eyes fly open and he scrambles up, but I keep my arms wrapped around his shoulders. He flips us so I’m now flat against his chest, and he’s staring up at the ceiling.

The frown on his face is severe. “Don’t tease me like that! You know I hate spiders.”

I control my laughter and try to say in a steady voice, “Come on, it was only imaginary. Don’t tell me you suffer post traumatic stress from a little spider when you were little?” I lay my palms flat against his chest and feel his heart slow down to a manageable speed, but it trips a bit when I move my hands in a circular motion. Who knew I had this much effect on him, the reserved and enigmatic Alpha who holds himself distant from everyone?

“Hey, I got lost in the little imaginary world you spun around me. Never again am I falling for your pranks,” he scolds me, but I see the twitching of his lips and know he is trying to hold back a smile. God forbid he enjoy this time with me.

“Just wait till we go camping together. I have a ton of tricks up my sleeve,” I bite my lip and watch his eyes darken.

“You better not wear any sleeves then,” he says slowly, his voice dropping a notch as his hands slide down my back and settle on my waist. The warmth that seeps through my night shirt is like a paradox, inspiring shivers to race along my skin as my face grows flushed. His fingers gently brush along the hem of my shirt, grazing my skin, and my eyes remain lost in his. The azure hues sparkle and glitter, shifting to darker royal and navy shades.

“What if I get cold?” I whisper, my breath catching in my throat as my body becomes keenly away of his body underneath mine. The ridges and muscles mold perfectly with mine, making me feel like this is the one place I belong. In my mate’s arms.

“I’m sure I can think of ways to keep you warm,” his words ghost my ear, his breath caressing my face and tickling the hair on my neck.

Without thinking, I close the inches between us and place my lips against his, the softness of them immediately sending me someplace else, someplace infinitely more exciting than the jungle we imagined ourselves in. I think he feels the same, as he kisses me back with just as much tenderness. My fingers explore his face, his neck, feeling his fluttering pulse and then getting lost in his silky black hair.

His tongue explores my mouth, making me forget that anything else exists until a shrill beeping sound interrupts us.

Malachi instantly groans, pushing me up slightly as he reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a phone and mumbles a curse. I narrow my eyes at the dirty mouth I just kissed, and then meet his eyes. His contrite glance is the only apology I get as he holds the phone up to his ear.

“Asa, you’re calling early!” He says in a harsh voice, then his eyes widen when he realises who he is talking to. Malachi clears his throat and tries again, “I mean...good morning, sir—Alpha.. How are you?”

Smirking at the horrified face he makes, I get up from on top of him and let him take the call. Though I’d love to stay and continue distracting him, I know this conversation with the elder Alpha is important.

After getting dressed for the busy day ahead, I head downstairs and start preparations. My stomach is filled with twists and knots and butterflies, as I anticipate what is going to happen today.

The morning passed quickly for Ariella. She and Malachi made breakfast together, then they shared it with Sammy, Knight, Harlow, Hamilton, and Seneca. It was a nice breakfast, with everyone chatting happily and giving gifts to the young Alpha.

Ariella pulled a small gift wrapped in bright paper. “This is for Hamilton,” she announced brightly at the Beta, watching for Malachi’s reaction from the corner of her eye.

Malachi leapt from his chair and growled roughly.

Ariella began to laugh, and quickly explained she was kidding before Malachi could do anything rash. After handing the wrapped package to its rightful recipient, she looked over her shoulder and winked at Hamilton. “Don’t worry, you can have an extra piece of the cake I make later on,” she whispered to him, feeling bad for being an Indian giver, but she figured cake would make up for it.

Malachi opened the package and was pleased with the half dozen choc chip muffins that were bundled up in cling wrap.

Before he left for the first meeting of the day, he cornered Ariella against the kitchen bench top. Placing both hands on the bench on either side of her, he leaned in and whispered low in her ear, “Thanks for this morning. We should do it again, sometime.”

The words were just loud enough for the others to hear, and Ariella felt a blush growing on her face as she saw Harlow quickly look away, Hamilton cough and splutter on his cereal, Seneca lift her nose and narrow her eyes at them, and Knight grin and wink at her cheekily.

She pushed on Malachi’s chest, which didn’t budge. Instead he leaned even closer and nuzzled her neck, placing soft kisses on her skin. “Mal…” she whispered, embarrassed by his overt actions.

“Mates shouldn’t feel ashamed for wanting each other,” he whispered back, his deep voice rumbling in the air between them and drumming her heart into overdrive.

Glancing over his shoulder, she could see Harlow pointedly staring at her, at her hands that had spread wide over Malachi’s muscled back, her fingers digging into the fabric of his shirt.

With a surge of confidence, Ariella slid her hands up and around his neck, tugging his face until it was aligned with hers, then she kissed him passionately and possessively. She was becoming more experienced at kissing him, and realised she didn’t mind doing it in front of others. She’d have to mark Malachi in front of the entire pack tonight, assuming he announced her as his Luna, and so this was good practice.

After a breathless moment, Malachi pulled back, his teeth grazing her lower lip. “Okay, now I need to go. But I will see you at lunch, my Dreamer,” he promised, with another quick kiss on her lips that only left her wanting more.

Ariella smiled to herself and ignored the winks from Knight. She even managed to evade Seneca’s cold touch as she reached for her, undoubtedly preparing to lecture her on the areas she was lacking that would disqualify her from taking over as Luna.

The rest of the day was a blur. Ariella busied herself preparing for the party with Harlow and her friends, gathering supplies and setting up the main hall in the centre of town. They decorated and made sure enough seating and tables were available. Then they began preparing the food, coordinating with other chefs in the pack exactly what and how much food they would have ready for the party.

Harlow was easy going all day, and Ariella wondered just why she was being so nice. She wasn’t naive enough to believe Harlow had changed overnight and agree to be friends, agree to let Ariella fill the position she’d wanted for herself.

Was Harlow planning something else? Did she have a secret agenda Ariella was playing right into?

But she pushed those dark thoughts aside and determined to make the best of it. Anticipation for the night buoyed her steps and lightened her mood.

“Hey Devanshi!” she called out to her friend as they drew close on the road.

“Hey Ari. I haven’t seen you for a few days. Are you okay?”

“Of course I’m okay. I’ve just been busy,” she replied, frowning when she noticed Devanshi cast a curious glance at Harlow and her friends who had flanked either side of Ariella.

“We’re going to the forest to collect wood for the fire pits tonight. Do you want to come help?” Ariella asked, hoping to spend more time with her good friend.

“No, it’s okay. I think you have enough help already,” Devanshi pursed her lips and answered curtly, her eyes cold and steely as they swept over the other shewolves.

“Well, okay then. I guess I’ll see you tonight,” Ariella said quickly, tasting the tension in the air and wishing to end it as soon as possible.

“Sure. Unless of course, you’re too busy with your new friends.” Devanshi waved a dismissive hand before hurrying past them, her shoulder lightly brushing against Harlow’s.

“That girl is still so weird,” Cally said.

“She never has time for any fun. Can you imagine a life like that?” Meris added, looking over her shoulder to watch Devanshi hurry down the road.

“Hey, she works hard at the medical clinic, and helps care for her younger brothers and sister. That’s not weird at all,” Ariella defended, but the girls didn’t seem interested in listening. Harlow hurried them all along and they soon had enough firewood for three parties.

Ariella was confused by Devanshi’s strange behaviour, and a headache began forming when she met Hendrik on the sidewalk outside the pack’s bakery. He seemed distracted, barely even acknowledging her even though he usually paid her too much attention.

“What is with everyone?” Ariella mused aloud as Harlow twisted her hair around her heated straightener. They were in Ariella’s room getting ready for the party. Both were dressed, and just had hair and makeup to complete.

“Oh, I guess they’re just nervous about tonight. It’s going to be a big deal. If the elders don’t accept Malachi as Alpha, we’re going to be in for a rocky few weeks ahead. Malachi needs to assert himself as strong and capable of leading this pack.”

“Which he definitely is. How come everyone can’t see that yet?” Ariella clenched her fists, watching in the mirror as Harlow released the hair and let it bounce down, barely brushing her shoulder. For a brief moment, she regretted cutting it so short, but it passed and she sat straighter with a newfound maturity and confidence.

“Well, has he caught the murderer who killed Archie, Robert, and Leo? That would make a difference.”

Ariella flinched at the bitter edge to Harlow’s words. “Who said he hasn’t?” she said carefully, ignoring the sinking feeling in her stomach. If anyone found out that Malachi was the killer, they would never follow him as Alpha. They would justifiably punish him for multiple murders and probably imprison Ariella for covering the fact for so long. “Maybe he dealt with him quietly. No one else has been hurt for a couple weeks. I’d say the problem is resolved,” she said, desperately hoping Harlow would move on from the subject.

“I suppose so, if you don’t count a large number of rogue deaths around the borders recently. The guards are doing their job well.”

“You know, it was Malachi who killed that dozen the other night. Surely the elders can see he is fit to be Alpha.”

“Was it really him?” Harlow’s hands paused, a new expression lighting her eyes.

“Do you know any other wolves who are strong enough to take down a large group of rogues like that?” Ariella was secretly pleased with the fact that her mate had that kind of strength and dominance. She only wished he’d used it to protect warrior Jasper from being killed.

Harlow shrugged. “Hamilton is strong.”

“He sure is,” Ariella agreed, remembering all the times she’d seen him fight against the Alpha and Gamma in training.

“I’d say my brother is almost strong enough to be Alpha in his own right.”

Ariella cut her gaze instantly to Harlow’s, and found her concentrating hard on a particular curl of hair. Her expression was placid, pleasant, and not at all tumultuous like the feelings suddenly roiling in Ariella’s stomach.

Dismissing the paranoid ideas that sprung from Harlow’s probably harmless words, she pushed up from her chair and changed the subject. “Let’s go see what the guys are up to. I’m assuming they’ve lost track of time and forgotten to get ready for the party.”

“Yeah, let’s do that. I’m done now. You’re hair looks amazing.”


Harlow smiled and led the way downstairs. When they reached the large office that Malachi liked to use for group discussions, she opened the door without caring to knock.

Hamilton glanced up from where he leaned over the desk, Malachi by his side. “Hal, Ari! What are you doing here?” he asked.

Ariella watched as Hendrik stiffened, his back straight as he leaned against the back wall. Malachi sucked in a sharp breath and his eyes met hers in surprise. Their low conversation had ceased as soon as they’d walked in, and she wondered what they had been discussing.

“Oh, you know,” Harlow didn’t seem fazed by the heavy glares directed towards them. “Just checking if the trash needs taking out.” She peeked in the trash can under the desk. “Nope, it’s all good!” She gave it a small kick with her shoe before flopping unceremoniously onto the nearest couch. She looked briefly between all three men, their jaws set and their lips silence as they appraised both shewolves. Ariella suddenly felt very small beneath their intimidating presence.

“You numbnuts totally forgot, didn’t you?” Harlow crossed her legs and commanded the room. Ariella could sense the natural authority that radiated from her.

“Forgot what?” Hamilton barked, obviously losing his patience with his sister.

“The surprise party!” She threw up her hands and pretended to tear out her hair, the exasperation evident in her voice. “I didn’t spend all week planning it so you could all just forget to show up!”

Malachi stood quickly from his chair. “What’s the time?” After checking his watch, he let out a muttering of curses. Then his eyes met his mate’s apologetically. “Ari, I’m sorry.”

“You missed lunch,” she said, edging her words with the hurt she felt. She watched him closely as his eyes took in every inch of her face and hair, then trailed down over her dress and high heels. She couldn’t deny that appreciation shone in his eyes, but that didn’t ease the pain or dismiss his rejection.

“I know, and I feel terrible about that. I was on my way over when I got a call about Zander—“

“Zander?” she spat the name. “That’s what this is about? You’re letting that rogue take over the day like nothing else is so important? It’s your birthday, Malachi!” Ariella now felt all the exasperation Harlow projected before, and she didn’t hold back on the strong emotion, fuming and clenching her fists as she stared at her mate with fire in her eyes.

“There are more important things than just partying,” Hendrik spoke up, kicking off the wall and advancing with equal determination. He raised his eyebrows at Harlow’s tight dress and ridiculously high heels. “I’m sure you’re well prepared to fight off rogues should they breach our border and attack.” He said with sarcasm dripping from his words.

Harlow leapt up and stood toe to toe with the Gamma. “Don’t bring my clothes into this. You had all month to deal with the rogues, and Ariella is right. It’s stupid you’re letting it consume the day like this. Come on, Ari. Let’s go. I’m sure we’ll find plenty of other guys who have time to celebrate with us,” she flung out the words as she grabbed Ariella’s arm, scowling over her shoulder at the dumbfounded men who remained rooted to their spots in the office.

If Ariella wasn’t so worried about Malachi, she might have laughed at their expressions.

“I don’t like this. Why is Zander ruining today of all days? Why does a rogue keep coming between me and Malachi? For once, today was going to be our day.” Ariella slumped against the wall in the hallway and felt tears prick her eyes. Refusing to cry in front of the strong female Beta, she blinked rapidly and took a deep breath to calm down.

“I don’t know,” Harlow shrugged. “Maybe the lunatic is just mad he didn’t get an invite to the amazing party.”

Ariella laughed a little at Harlow’s dramatics. “Why would a rogue get an invite? They’ve done nothing but terrorise us these last few weeks.”

“Yeah. Such losers. Hey!” Harlow suddenly exclaimed and slapped her forehead. “I just realised. If tonight is the night, don’t you want your parents to be here? We’ve totally forgotten to invite them!”

Ariella sprang up and bit her lip. “You’re right. I completely didn’t even think about that. What should I do? Would they have enough time to get here?”

“Sure. The party only starts in an hour. Just ring them. But I gotta hop,” Harlow rolled her eyes. “Meris just asked if I can do her hair. That girl can’t tell one end of a curler from the other.”

Ariella watched her skip down the hall, expertly staying balanced in those admittedly crazy heels, and disappear out of the Alpha’s house.

Deciding she’d email her parents about tonight, she quickly made her way to Malachi’s private office and booted up his desktop computer.

What would she even say? She thought as her fingers hovered over the keyboard. It wasn’t like the schedule for tonight was confirmed. She didn’t even know if Malachi would formally be accepted as Alpha, then if he would announce her as his Luna.

They hadn’t discussed any of it. He’d only ever told her that he cared for her, not that he loved her. Sure, they’d talked about their future together, leading the pack and raising a family side by side, but was he ready for that?

Today was significant, his twentieth birthday, but so many things needed to go right before they could settle down together.

She opened the email and was no closer to knowing what to write to her parents when her eyes landed on the email at the top of the inbox.

It was from Alpha Chesca, addressed to all the Alphas in the southeast region of the continent.

Ariella clicked it open, her stomach dropping at the short but succinct message.

Urgent warning! We are urging you to be aware of Caleb Knight, former head guard of Razestone Pack. He is dangerous, and was involved in the recent attack and torture of Alpha Chesca, colluding with rogues to further injure the Alpha of the neighbouring pack.

His current whereabouts are unknown, so if you see him, apprehend immediately and hand over to ForgedHearts Pack.

We repeat, be careful and if you have information, contact ForgedHearts Pack.

Ariella stared at the screen for a full minute as the information sank in. It wouldn’t have bothered her much, as in fact she was glad that her previous Alphas had sent out this alert to make people aware of the danger. But the image that accompanied the message, the image of this traitor Caleb Knight, was what sent shivers of ice and terror snaking down her spine and winding around her legs in a paralysing fear.

She stared at it a minute longer, refusing to believe she was staring at the image of her friend, Beta Knight. His emerald eyes and black hair. Signature smirk with the touch of charm. It was all too real.

All too hard to believe.

Could Alpha Chesca had made a mistake in identifying her attacker? Ariella scurried from the office and ran down the hall, something urging her to find Knight and confront him, dispelling this irrational accusation that he could be the one to torture Chesca for revenge on his dead brother.

She found him in the kitchen, munching on a snack of cheese and crackers.

“Caleb Knight.”

Knight looked up and swiveled on his heels, his eyes then colliding with Ariella’s where she stood in the doorway. “How do you know that name?” He asked, his eyebrows twitching but his face remaining otherwise still.

“It’s you, isn’t it.” Her voice came out in a cold whisper.

He rose his shoulders in a shrug. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Former head guard of Alpha Kaiden’s Pack.”

Leaning back against the counter, he folded his arms in a casual motion, but he couldn’t steady the slight tremor of his hands. The tremor that Ariella noticed, that made her heart trip and skid into an unsteady rhythm. “Can’t say I know him—“

“Don’t lie to me. Alpha Chesca sent an email out to all the packs, warning them of you. A picture and everything, of the man who tortured her and nearly killed her baby.” She stood her ground, and spat the accusation at him. She hadn’t seen him that night after the rogues knocked him out and abducted her in the forest, but maybe he’d been acting and went ahead to terrorise Chesca.

“And you think it’s me?” Knights demeanour suddenly changed, a serious and hurt expression crossing his face, twisting his features into anger.

“She has a photo of you, and called you Caleb. How could you?”

“How could I what? Hurt an Alpha? A pregnant female? Is that what you’re accusing me of?” He uncrossed his arms, his strong muscles and tendons on display under the sleeves of his shirt.

Ariella nodded, watching him carefully as he slowly advanced. His feet padded silently across the kitchen, opposite to the thoughts screaming in her head. “How could you lie about who you are? All this time…” she stopped when she saw fire flash in his eyes.

“All this time, I’ve been here for you. You know me. How could you be doubting me?” He questioned, his brows furrowed as he kept her in his gaze.

There was something familiar in the depths of the green irises, something comforting that she knew well. But also something decidedly dangerous and unknown. Perhaps he was the man Chesca warned them about. What did Ariella really know about him? He’d been working with Seneca all this time, serving a demon after serving as Beta to a demented Alpha.

“I’m not sure what to think anymore,” she eventually found her voice and whispered, despite her throat having gone dry and her heart pounding like a stampede of gazelle in the arid savannah of her chest.

“Then let me tell you.” Knight was close now, a mere few inches away, his broad chest and tall body eclipsing hers against the late afternoon sun that always made the kitchen so warm and enticing. Now a coldness settled over her as he placed his hand gently on her shoulder. “Ariella, I’m your friend. I’ve believed in you ever since the day I met you, even when no one else would. Do you understand that?” His sparkling emerald eyes probed hers, daring her to search out the lie in his words.

What he said was true. She nodded, “Yes, you’ve always been here for me, but—”

“Do you really think I could be the one who hurt Alpha Chesca, and helped the rogues in kidnapping you?” He interrupted and pushed her to say the words herself.

Was she really doubting him? He’d always been here for her when she needed someone the most… “No, I suppose… I guess she was mistaken.”

“Right. You know I only want the best for you, Ariella. I care about you.”

“I know.” She suddenly felt terrible for accusing him. Knight was a good man, so kind and caring. There was no way he could ever hurt her or anyone else.

His hand brushed along her cheek, in a comforting touch that she leaned into. He gently tilted her chin up so her eyes met his earnest gaze. Reading only sincerity, her heart slowed down and she relaxed. There was no need to distrust him.

“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, just as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. She went to nestle her head against his chest in a hug, but he slid his fingers behind her neck and lifted her face again.

He then leaned down and pressed his lips to hers in a heavy kiss.

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