The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 46

Ariella was bored.

This wasn’t a word she normally liked using, but there was nothing else that adequately described how she was feeling.

Since Malachi had left yesterday morning, she’d already trained with Harlow and the other young warriors, under the careful eye of Gamma Hendrik. He had kept throwing subtle glances at her, making her skin burn under his playful scrutiny, so Ariella brushed off his attention and ignored him all the rest of the day.

Hamilton had gone with Malachi and a few other warriors to Alpha Asa’s pack on a slightly secretive mission to talk with a rogue who had been plaguing them the last few months.

Ariella couldn’t help but be worried for her mate’s safety, even with the knowledge that a bloodthirsty beast could easily surface and protect himself from mortal danger. She cared about Malachi, for the goodness she knew was in his gentle soul. She wasn’t ready to give up on him yet, and these thoughts lingered in her mind as she got through the day with his absence heavy in her heart.

Ariella keenly felt the distance between them, the physical space apart as well as the chasm in their souls. It felt like a gaping black void that yawned between their hearts becoming one, and she couldn’t shake the fear that fully trusting him might result in falling into the endless abyss. That deciding to mark him, bind her soul with his, would only drag her down in the bottomless ocean of despair that lurked under his skin.

So she tried to think of other things. She spent time with the young pups of the pack, playing with them and building kites under Sammy and Jarrel’s expert guidance. She used the afternoon to hang out with the mothers and babies, relaxing in the warm sun that showered their gardens and pack playgrounds.

She even convinced Devanshi’s father Rahul, who recently took on the duties of Head Guard, to let her run patrol with him around the borders. That still didn’t provide enough distraction despite seeing new sections of Malachi’s territory she hadn’t seen before. In fact, it only made her even more curious and anxious about Malachi and his family’s history.

While walking across a meadow of poppies, she and Rahul were discussing the width of the western border and the lay of the land when a dirty scent carried towards them on the cool breeze. Rahul had instantly leapt into his wolf and caught the rogues, Ariella close behind to witness the snapping of their necks. She knew this was the best way to deal with the trespassers, but her stomach still turned at the grizzly scene.

“Couldn’t we have talked to them first before you killed them? Find out why they were crossing into DoubleEdge territory when they know it’s against the law?”

“No need to talk when I can smell their intentions,” Rahul hauled their bodies back across the border and left them near an outcropping of boulders as a message to all. “They think we’re weak, unguided. Open to invasion. Ever since Dennison killed himself, the rumor spread that our pack was falling apart and every rogue in the near vicinity has tried his luck at making this place his home. They think without a strong Alpha, they can take it over and we’ll be defenceless against them. But there’s no damn way I’m going to let lawless rogues run wild on my land.” He spat at the bodies as a final condemnation, then zipped his leather jacket up tighter against the cold wind that now howled over the exposed ridge.

Before Ariella could question his statements, he clasped her shoulder and urged her forward. “Come on, let’s keep going. No knowing how many more might take advantage of the coming storm to cross undetected.” Rahul glanced at the skies, aware of the ominous clouds gathering, but failed to see the tumultuous effect his words had on Ariella.

Ever since Dennison killed himself…

She was reminded of what the warrior Jasper told her ages ago, that Dennison drove his car off a cliff. Did he really commit suicide? Putting some of the pieces together, Ariella remembered the fact that his mate and daughter were both dead, and that apparently Dennison grew increasingly insane after those tragic events. Perhaps it was those heartbreaking losses that pushed him over the edge and made life not worth living. Perhaps he was hanging on for as long as possible, trying to love his new wife and son the best he knew how, before giving up when the pain consumed him?

It made sense in her mind, and Ariella needed sense right now. After Rahul had made sure she arrived safely back at the Alpha’s estate, she took a long hot shower to rid herself of the bitter cold temperature that clung to her skin, then washed her clothes of the faint stench of dead rogues that had seeped into her outer clothing.

Then she made a light snack and went in search of Seneca, feeling her presence in the house. Ariella was burning with questions, but when she was halfway down the hall to Seneca’s rooms, she decided she couldn’t ask about the death of her husband. It would be too insensitive.

Knocking quietly on Seneca’s door, she held her breath along with a tray of steaming tea and some food. When she was given permission to enter, she walked in with her shoulders back and the determination to be unafraid of the enigmatic Luna.

“Come to play fire with the devil?” Seneca lifted a perfectly defined eyebrow and greeted Ariella with the unsettling question. Seated on her plush settee, she had a pen in one hand, hovered over a piece of yellowed paper. Seneca covered it subtly with another paper before Ariella could glimpse the contents of the writing.

“I brought you some lavender tea, a special herbal tisane handed down from my grandmother.” Ariella approached and held it out, allowing Seneca to either accept or reject it. When the Luna moved her papers aside and made room for the offering, Ariella let out the breath she’d been holding and placed the teapot and cup on the antique white table.

“It should help your head feel better, and even prevent migraines from coming on. My grandma was always fond of natural remedies and making use of what we find in nature. She firmly believed that God blessed us with so many wonderful things for our healing and benefit.”

“I’m sure your grandmother was a wise person, but I doubt her remedies or even her god can ease my torment,” Seneca murmured in a silky voice, but Ariella refused to let her despondency infect her own mood like a carelessly spilled poison.

“Can’t hurt to try it.” She poured tea for the both of them then sat beside Seneca after handing her the warm cup.

Seneca took a sip and carefully tasted each flavour on her lips before swallowing. Her black gaze turned to Ariella, a faint smile feathering her mouth. “You know, I could just as easily drink your soul and no one would be the wiser.”

Ariella instantly had shivers blaze down across her skin, cooling her from the outside in, and took another gulp of the hot tea that did little to warm her. She of course had to be reminded of the true nature of Seneca, and after watching her a moment, she couldn’t decide if Seneca was being serious or not.

A quote from Alpha Darius’ journal came to mind: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil.

It was enough to begin freaking her out, every time she pictured Malachi’s crimson-flecked eyes and the black haze that clung to him like an aura of death.

Forces of evil.

There was definitely something evil working against them, trying to tear their goodness away. Ariella didn’t know if there was any way to protect herself against this demonic influence—whatever it may be—but she tried her best to block her mind and shield her soul. She had to remain strong any way she knew how.

Smiling carefully, Ariella said, “Call me naive, but I doubt you’d hurt me. I believe everyone has a choice to be good and kind, even a demon.”

“Yes, you are naive.” Seneca stated flatly, her eyes on Ariella in an unreadable way, as if observing her, peeling back each layer until she could see the very veins in Ariella’s heart that pulsed and surged with her underlying intentions. “Sweet,” she scooped a spoonful of sugar and stirred it into her tea, “but naive. I’d be aware, Ariella.”

“Of what?”

“Me, among others.”

Before Ariella could even think of a response to Seneca, something rushed around her legs and jumped up into the older Luna’s lap.

It spun around and settled when Seneca placed down her cup and began stroking its body, and Ariella realised it was a cat. She had never seen this kind of little animal before, but had seen a few pictures in the encyclopaedias she was fond of reading.

A soft vibrating noise emanated from the unusual creature, loud enough for Ariella to shift and put a little more distance between them.

Seneca laughed softly. “He isn’t going to bite you. At least—” she scratched behind his ears and the cat stretched out it’s neck to ready itself for more attention—“not until he is three times the size.”

Ariella gasped. “So...he’s a lion?” she tested the word on her tongue, unsure if she was pronouncing it correctly.

“No,” Seneca replied, her eyes back on the little creature who had fur only a centimetre thick, pointy ears that were spiked up and so unlike a pup’s floppy soft ones, glossy golden eyes, and when it made a funny mewling sound, its thin lips pulled back to display a tiny row of razor sharp teeth. It actually looked pretty scary, and Ariella couldn’t understand why Seneca petted it so fondly.

“This is just a lamyx, a mutant form of the great Sphinx cats. They’re pathetic creatures really, nothing like the original. But don’t let Lucius hear me say that,” she let out a small giggle when the cat whipped its ahead around and latched his teeth on her hand with a growl that sounded more like a high pitched squeal. It jumped down and ran across the room, disappearing.

Completely disappearing in the middle of the room like it ran through an invisible doorway and into another room.

Another realm.

“The Interealm.” Ariella could hardly believe what her eyes had just seen.

“You’re very special, you know that?” What my friends wouldn’t give to meet you.

Ariella had nearly forgotten that she could hear the unspoken truths in Seneca’s words. She stumbled to catch up to what was actually said. “You talking about me?” Ariella tore her gaze from the empty floor over to Seneca, who was watching her with an amused expression.

She nodded. “To be able to see the Interealm. Very unique talent you have, for it is a place hidden from mortals.”

“What is it exactly?” Ariella took a sip of her tea and begged her heart to slow down.

“A place where nothing exists. And yet, where everything roams.”

She pondered this, taking a moment to realise it made no sense. “You’re speaking in riddles.”

“Isn’t our entire existence riddle? Didn’t our King once say, to gain life, we must lose our own soul? Utter rubbish, if you ask me.” Seneca waved her hand and came close to rolling her eyes, an expression Ariella never thought she’d seen on the inscrutable Luna.

Ariella had no idea what she was talking about, and wasn’t sure she wanted to. Perhaps this was just Seneca’s way of luring her in, messing with her mind before she snatched it away entirely.

“Explain to me what the Interealm actually is. Why can I see it when others can’t?”

“The Interealm is exactly what it’s name suggests. The space between realms.”

Ariella nodded, having heard this before.

Seneca continued slowly, “Spirits such as myself can roam between the heavens and earth, unseen by mere mortals such as wolves and other non-spiritual beings. We can choose to step into this world, much like someone jumps into a pool of water, and we are then seen by anything in this world. My lamyx,” she waved a hand where her pet had been just moments before, “exists in the spirit realm, appearing when I summon it. You just saw him running back to where he is most comfortable, the spirit realm where my Prince created him along with many other creatures for our enjoyment. They find the air rather stuffy in the Interealm, and they can’t even survive in your world. A limitation Lucius couldn’t seem to overcome.”

Ariella nearly chuckled, but caught herself. This was no laughing matter. There were so many other creatures that existed beyond this reality? Creatures that hovered around them, invisible to everyone? Except her.

“So how come I’m able to see them sometimes? How can I sense this Interealm and keep dreaming of otherworldly things?”

“I would hazard a guess that you’re mind is open to the spiritual realm. You believe it is there, therefore you can sense it. Others are too blind to notice. Which might not be such a bad thing. Knowledge and perception can be dangerous. Take your dreams, for instance. Has it benefited you to sense the turmoil surrounding me and my son? Or are you suffering through sleepless nights and unnecessary fears?”

The words tugged at her in gentle shocks. “Malachi.” And it all came rushing in, a tidal wave of black sludge that dragged her under. “Do you know he’s the killer? That he’s murdered some of the pack members?”

Seneca hung her head, her hair falling like a curtain over her features. “Yes. It quite pains me, actually. But…” she took a breath, her chest heaving as she brushed her hand along her skirt in a distracted manner, “it’s natural for wolves of his rank and stature to go through this phase. Dominant hormones raging through his system, demanding an outlet. Unfortunately, some of the more rebellious pack members left him no alternative but to act on his dark desires. But don’t be concerned,” Seneca spoke urgently when she noticed Ariella shuddering. “He’ll get better, I promise.” I care about my son more than you know, and I am doing everything in my power to free him from this terrible affliction.

After brushing her hair behind her ears, Seneca laid a hand over Ariella’s, momentarily stilling the tremors that had overtaken her.

A sense of assurance washed over her as she looked in Seneca’s eyes, the corners creased with genuine concern, and it was like she could breathe easy after days of feeling tense. Knowing that someone powerful and loving like his mother was doing her best to help him, Ariella finally felt hope. She just needed patience to endure this time, then everything would be alright.

After talking some more, Ariella left feeling much lighter.

That was two hours ago, and now she was bored.

For an hour she tried drawing, but her mind kept going back to everything that was going wrong, and all that her sketchbook now held were dark pictures with flames and red ink staining the pages.

So she tried tidying the house, reading in the library, then baking in the kitchen. The shelf was covered in egg shells and flour yet she was sitting despondently at the bench, her chin in her hands.

“What’s with the glum face?” Beta Knight strolled into the kitchen suddenly, startling her.

Ariella shrugged. “I’m bored. I think I’ve explored the house top to bottom three times and found only one place worth…” she trailed off when she nearly admitted to going back to the prohibited office of Alpha Darius. There was no point advertising she and Malachi had explored it.

“Hmm, the tv room?” Knight guessed the end of her sentence.

“Very funny.” They all knew she didn’t like watching tv or movies.

“The office? I know you love to do all Malachi’s paperwork when he’s not looking.”

She rolled her eyes at his next joke.

“The garden? The ballroom? The kitchen where you can bake me all these scrumptious delights?” he took a fresh vegetable pastry and stuffed it into his mouth before continuing, “The receiving parlor where you have parties with all your clamoring friends?”

“You see all those friends anywhere?

“They just haven’t heard how good these pastries are, yet. Oh, I know!” he wiggled his brows and she raised her own in anticipation. “Malachi’s bed. That’s become your favourite place, right?” he winked.

“Ugh! You are incorrigible!” Ariella screwed up her face and threw an egg shell at his head. Despite playing it off as a joke, she felt her neck and face flush with heat. If only that place was a favourite, where she and Malachi could spend intimate time together like normal mates.

If only the forces of hell weren’t trying to tear their lives apart.

“You got it right when you said the kitchen. Honestly, I think potatoes and eggs just get me.” She held up the spare potato on the bench and looked it in the eye.

“What happened this time.”

“Oh, nothing,” she shrugged. “And everything. Go figure.”

“I’d be able to figure if you talked to me.” Knight gave her a thoughtful look, his lips almost in a pout.

“Thanks, but no thanks. I think I’m just missing Malachi.”

Knight nodded understandingly. “Yeah I can’t wait for them all to get back either. Taking over as Beta for Hamilton has showed me just how old I’m getting. I’m not up for the job like I used to be.”

“What, all the clamoring female rogues that try and enter the territory aren’t falling for your charm like they used to?” she cracked her own joke, pleased with herself when it caused Knight to narrow his eyes on her.

“Only I am allowed to insult my masculinity.”

“Sure. whatever you say, old man.” Ariella couldn’t help but tease.

“Why, you little chipmunk!” he came around the bench and tickled her ribs, making her fall off the chair and whip around to get him back. His ribs were encased in firm muscle though, and he didn’t even react to her efforts. Sighing, she gave up and sat back down.

“Hey, listen. I have an idea of something that might cheer you up.” Knight offered after eating two more pastries and downing them with a glass of water.

“Please, I’m all ears. If I stay here any longer I won’t be able to resist all the ice cream I know is in the freezer, and I’ll get fat.”

“Oh darling, you could never get fat, not even if hell froze over. You have a figure most shewolves would kill for,” Knight gave her the smile they all knew was beyond charming.

“Your flattery isn’t going to get you anywhere,” she gave him a flat look.

“It has in the past.”

“I don’t think I want to know what that means…”

“Sorry,” Knight chuckled. “Better not offend your innocent ears or Malachi might get angry with me.”

An image of Malachi with crimson eyes and razor sharp teeth, tearing into Knight, splashed across Ariella’s vision, and the air was sucked from her lungs.

“I’m sorry, are you okay? I didn’t mean—” Knight began, but Ariella shook her head.

“I’m fine. It’s okay. What did you have in mind to cheer me up?” She changed the subject and smiled.

“Follow me. And grab your coat.”

She fetched her jacket from upstairs then followed him out the door, taking a deep breath of the cold night air and looking up at the dazzling night sky. It was blanketed in velvet and studded with stars. The moon was almost full, hanging brightly as it rose to the zenith of its path. The storm clouds seemed to have blown further east and bypassed DoubleEdge territory, leaving only small patches of mist to lazily scurry across the sky.

Ariella stumbled upon the carpeted path of leaves and small sticks, her foot catching in an exposed root, but before she hit the ground Knight caught her arm.

“Thanks,” she brushed off her knees. “So how far until we reach wherever it is you’re taking me?”

“You’ll see,” Knight replied enigmatically.

“Is it your cabin?”

“Nope.” They skirted its border, the small box hedge and row of pencils pines that shielded the small yet sturdy structure that nestled in the forest.

“The ledge that overlooks the ravine? If so, I’ve been there with Mal—”

“No, it’s not that either. Just you wait and see.”

Ariella huffed and sighed dramatically, pretending to dislike the suspense but in reality, she was enjoying the walk.

“So,” she began to say presently. “Knight, can I ask you a question?”


“It about your previous Alpha, Dennison.”

He took a sharp intake of breath. “Alright, I’ll try to answer it best I can.”

“Did he really kill himself?”

“What gave you that idea?” Knight looked at her with a shocked expression.

Ariella shrugged, trying to lighten the matter but she knew nothing could. “Some of the pack members talk. They say he drove his car off a cliff.”

For a moment, Knight was silent, and she feared he’d either confirm the tragedy or berate her for believing such an awful story. Then he spoke, “They’re not wrong. But it wasn’t suicide. Another car was involved with the accident. We believe he swerved to miss and ended up going over the edge of the steep ravine. There are multiple tyre skid marks that were found during the investigation.”

“That’s too bad,” Ariella kicked at a loose stone and sent it skittering down the path, where it bounced over the edge and thudded down the small gulley. “Better than what I had been expecting, though. With the way some people talk, I was expecting the worst. Some sordid tale of self-destruction.”

Knight nodded sadly “Rumours are apt to run wild when the truth is so uncertain.”

“Truth.” A heavy sigh escaped her chest, and she burrowed her hands into her pockets. “How I wish to know the truth. All this mystery is making me dizzy.”

“Sometimes the truth isn’t what you want to hear.”

“That doesn’t mean we should ignore it. Or hide it.”

“They say ignorance is bliss for a reason.”

“No can afford to be ignorant. Not even fools. Don’t you know that simpletons who turn away from wisdom will meet death, and fools are destroyed by their own complacency? But whoever listens to wisdom can live in peace, at ease and without fear of disaster.” As soon as she’d said the words she’d read somewhere, Ariella wondered if she herself were being foolish, holding onto a perfect image of her mate Malachi when so much wisdom and reality was telling her to run.

Run from the monster he could become.

“You think too deeply, Ariella. Philosophy isn’t a very popular topic these days, in case you didn’t notice.”

“Oh wow, thanks. And here I thought you were cheering me up.”

Knight laughed loudly, his deep timbre rumbling against the otherwise quiet forest around them.

The languid wind shifted, growing stronger, and carried a scent that prickled Ariella’s nose. “Is that—“

A body slammed into her, tackling her to the ground before she even registered the movement in the trees around them.

Fighting the dirty rogue off, she clawed him in the eyes and regained her feet, only to be snatched up by two more. This was the second time she’d crossed rogues today, and she wasn’t about to end up like the dead bodies that Rahul had left rotting across the borders. She had more life to live. More love to give.

“Hey! Let me go! Put me down, you filthy mutts!” She screamed as loud as she could, but a hand clamped over her mouth and cut off her cry. Opening her eyes wide, she frantically looked for Knight, and saw him grappling with another wolf, their bodies rolling to the ground and becoming covered in mossy bracken.

Twisting her arms, she jabbed her elbow into her attacker’s ribs, and was allowed a moment of freedom with which she then spun around and slashed her claws along his neck. With a gurgled scream, the rogue sunk to his knees before collapsing, but before Ariella could celebrate her victory, another beefy arm snaked around her neck and held her tight.

With vice-like strength around them, her lungs cramped and her throat was crushed, making it nearly impossible to breathe.

“Well, darn all, Borin! This isn’t the Alpha!” one of the rogues called out in a rough voice, and Ariella could see that he had knocked Knight unconscious and had yanked up his head by his hair to examine his face. The pale light of the moon danced on the bruises now marring his usually handsome features.

The rogue holding her cursed loudly. “Too late now to go back. The guards are comin’, I can hear ’em. Let’s go. We got the girl and that will hafta do for now.”

Ariella squirmed and kicked with her legs, but though her heels met his shin, the rogue didn’t seem to care and only gripped her tighter, his other arm pressing into her stomach and expelling all air from her body. Her lungs began screaming for oxygen, as her mouth gaped with no ability to take a breath. Her vision began to darken, bright spots appearing on the edge, before everything went completely black.

Her only hope now lay in the possibility that Beta Knight would come to and send for help.

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