The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 38

Flames dance between us, glowing orange and golden. Their light is reflected in his onyx irises, illuminating them with amber and scarlet sparks. With a gaze like a cunning predator, he watches me watching him. Aware. Alert. Direct and unrelenting.

An icy fist squeezes my chest, making it hard to breathe under his unwavering attention. I blink, and when I meet his gaze once again, his eyes are shifting from navy blue to the signature azure hue I love so much. One side of his beautiful mouth tilts up in a small smile, and my heart jolts after perhaps stuttering to a stop only a moment before.

What have I just seen?

It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters now that he is here. Now that my mate has come to be with me.

My legs act before I even command them to move, eating up the distance around the bonfire until I am close enough to launch at him. “Malachi!” I shout and jump towards him, my arms locking around his neck.

His chuckle vibrates through his chest and into my own. “Did you miss me?” His arms hold me tightly against him.

I pull back for a moment to look up at him, my smile big as I notice that he too is grinning broadly. I rise on my toes and place my lips on his, my hungry kiss the only answer I can give right now.

I missed the awareness of his presence, knowing he always lingered nearby no matter where I was around his pack. I missed his deep and steady breathing that I would listen to at night as we lay beside each other in the stillness. I missed the rare smiles he would give me when no one else was around. In fact, I even missed the serious glint in his eyes and stiff posture as he commanded his men, my wolf feeling immensely happy that this strong Alpha male was mine.

Yes, I missed him.

And judging by the way he buries his face in my neck and inhales deeply, then trails soft kisses up my neck back to my lips, I know Malachi missed me too. His arms envelope me against his broad chest so that it is almost too hard to breathe. But I don’t care. He is all the breath I need.

Just as his tongue pushes my lips apart, I hear a not so subtle cough, and with a shock of embarrassment, I remember where we are.

“Well hello, Alpha Malachi. I don’t suppose I’m interrupting anything?”

I step back and shoot a glare at the intruder, only to see the smug eyes of Alpha Kaiden. He is stifling a cheeky grin, and then slapping Malachi on the back. I let a chuckle escape and squeeze my mate’s hands.

“I’m proud of you, man. My mate wouldn’t let me steal a kiss until weeks of courtship or some such silly nonsense,” Kaiden winks at Chesca who steps up and lightly punches his arm. “But you, my boy, have a precious gem. Ariella is like no other young woman I’ve ever met, and I’m sure you’re treating her right.” Alpha Kaiden gives me a smile then narrows his eyes slightly at Malachi. It is a silent reminder that he better behave or else he has the Alphas to answer to. I’m so blessed that they care for me like family.

“Yes, sir, I understand.” Malachi dips his head in earnest respect to the older Alpha.

They begin chatting, and I enjoy the feel of Malachi’s arm winding around my waist and pulling me securely to his side. I rest my ear against his chest, listen to his rhythmic heartbeat, and feel at home.

After a few minutes I see Gabby’s older brother, Joshua, a few metres away, glancing at me curiously. I sigh and excuse myself to greet him.

“Hey,” I wave and stand beside him, looking up into his blue eyes. His blonde hair is neat and short, his skin tanned and golden, arms corded with thick muscles and veins, and a white shirt wraps across his broad torso. He is the living definition of a strong warrior.

“Hi, Ariella. You’re being careful, I hope,” his eyes sparkle with seriousness as they flicker towards my mate.

“Gabby told you,” I respond quietly, not surprised. The siblings are close, and I know Josh cares for me the same way he does for his sister and others in the pack.

“She didn’t need to. I can see it myself. The darkness within the young Alpha.”

“Isn’t there darkness inside us all? No one’s perfect.” I don’t know why I have an accusatory tone in my voice, but it does hurt to see Josh speak lowly of my mate. I wish others saw in Malachi what I do.

He gives a noncommittal shrug as his only response.

I loosen a sigh, understanding his concern for me. I just wish there was nothing to be concerned about. I just wish everything dark and mysterious about Malachi and his family would go away and leave us all in peace. “How can I…” I pause, then start again. “Is there any way I can help him? Stop the darkness from eating him? From smothering the spark of hope I know is inside him?”

Joshua turns his eyes from observing my mate, and looks at me intensely.

“There is always a way, Ariella. When the time is right, you’ll know what to do,” he lays a strong hand on my shoulder, and I can’t help feeling instantly at ease with this. His touch has always been secure and comforting, just like his sister’s.

Then he walks away, leaving me to wonder at his words and wish he could’ve said more. But little more is needed. I keep getting the impression that answers lie within me, and in Malachi. I just need to open myself to understanding him better.

If only he too would open up to share with me what is really going on behind those perfect blue eyes of his. The windows into his soul are so deep, so fathomless, that I am sure oceans of mysteries lie beyond my reach. But I realise, as I watch him talking to Alpha Kaiden, I don’t care if I drown trying to reach the heart of my mate.

Soon, he looks over at me and smiles, before politely excusing himself and coming to join me.

“Who was that you were just talking to?” Malachi’s eyes follow my gaze as it lingers briefly on Joshua.

“Oh, just the brother of my best friend. We’ve known each other for ages. He’s just a friend,” I say hastily as Malachi frowns and narrows his eyes on me strangely. “Hey, are you hungry?” I change the subject and take his hand, tugging him toward the food tables which have the most delicious smells arising from the heavily laden dishes. “Let’s go get some food. I was waiting till you arrived before I ate.”

We choose from the salads and meats, side dishes and mains, roast vegetables and curried beans, then make our way to an empty log to settle down by the roaring fire. The food tastes so good, and I can’t seem to savour it nearly enough, so happy do I feel.

“I’ve got something cool to show got later,” Malachi whispers against my hair.

I turn and look up at him with amusement. “What is it?”

He shakes his head and gives me a smug smile. “It’s a surprise.”

“Well then, give me a clue. Is it a book? A dress? Some new sketching pens? Food? An exotic parrot?”

Malachi shakes his head and places a finger over my lips to shut me up. “Who said it’s even for you?”

My smile drops and I can’t help but frown, my ideas that were speeding down the road suddenly careening into a concrete wall.

With a low chuckle, Malachi tucks some loose strands of hair behind my ear. “Don’t be so disappointed. It’s nothing big, but I think you’ll like it.”

“I’m sure I will,” I pat his knee affectionately. Any surprise he has in store for me is making my heart warm with excitement.

“I think it’s time for a story!” Lexi calls out once mostly everyone has finished eating.

“Yes!” Instantly, Savannah jumps up and pumps her fists in the air, then does a cartwheel and tumbles into Justin. After disentangling themselves, they call for Cale and Emerald who come bounding up. “We have a story, well actually, it’s a play. It was Emmy’s idea, and we made it all up together. Ready?” Savannah looks at her best friends who nod.

“Once upon a time, there was a fluffy little bunny rabbit who wanted to take over the world!”

They then act out a story that isn’t nearly as funny as the expressions on their faces as they mime and jump and fight each other in the story’s scenes. Everyone is laughing and enjoying the story, and the children try and outdo each other in their rehearsed lines and actions. I think it is nearing the end when Cale declares he slays the megalomanic bunny, much to Emerald’s despair.

“That’s not how the story is supposed to go! Savannah, tell him to take it back. Stick to the lines!” she whisper-yells.

“And let the rabbit eat me?” Cale protests, all the while Justin, gallantly playing the rabbit, keeps trying to tackle him down and Savannah stands by laughing. “Never! A rabbit is never gonna eat me, for I am the mighty Gamma!” Cale shouts bravely and slings his arms around the older boy, attempting to strangle the ‘rabbit’.

Thankfully his father, Gamma Roman, steps in to rescue anyone from actually getting hurt, and everyone claps and cheers for their wonderful performance. It seems to appease a sulking Emerald, and soon a smile is back in place on her angelic face.

“Ariella, why don’t you tell us a story?” She races over and takes my hands, trying to pull me up but I resist.

“No, no story tonight.” There’s no way I want to make a fool of myself in front of Max, and especially not my mate. Malachi might have enjoyed the last one I told around the campfire in DoubleEdge, but I just know Max and his peers will take any opportunity to taunt and make fun of me.

“Go on. You should,” Malachi prompts. “You tell amazing stories.”

Despite his warm praise, I shake my head vehemently as I catch a glimpse of Max watching from across the fire. A few others are nodding their heads, pushing me to stand up, but I stay rooted to my seat and smile demurely while clutching Malachi’s hand tightly.

“Here, I brought over your violin, Ari. Would you like to play for us instead?” My mom holds out the instrument and I practically sag in relief. She always seems to sense what I’m feeling and rescues me from the dicey situation.

I take the violin and tune it up with a few strokes on the strings. When I’m satisfied with the mellow sound, I begin a song. It’s low at first, gaining momentum and pitch as I rise through the octaves. The notes soar clear and haunting over the hushed gathering, and I feel my heart stir with the melody. My mate sits still beside me, and I sense his attention on my every move, on every note I play. When I look at him, his blue eyes riveted on me, I forget everyone else around us and my music becomes all for him. This bond we have crackling and flaming between us is growing stronger, and I can feel it despite the adversity that seems intent on pushing us apart. The flames of the fire symbolise the passion I have always dreamed of. I feel it sparking and igniting our hearts to forge together. Since that day we first met, it has grown brighter and steadier, the embers never going out but becoming hotter. This fire could ravage through all in its path, leaving us in ashes. Or it could continue steadily with the right choices we make -- selfless and sacrificial.

The song ends, and I smile at Malachi. His eyes shine only for me, and I feel as if one touch from him could make my skin ignite with sparks and desire.

I snuggle back into his side, content now to watch others share songs and stories.

Bianca is sitting sullenly with her mate, her lips in a pout as she flicks glances at us, and I actually feel sorry for her. But neither of us can help who we’re mated to. It’s up to us to make the best of the situation we are given.

So with Malachi beside me here on my home territory, with my family and friends surrounding us, and so far from all the problems of the last few weeks—I feel like my heart is nearly full and bursting. These warm and fuzzy feelings coursing through me are rare, and I’m afraid that tomorrow, real life will take over and this dream of tonight will turn to dust. Can I truly look forward to a future with this man beside me? Can we have what I see in my parents and Alphas?

All the dreams I’ve had are conflicting. I cannot tell the future like our ancestral prophets. Maybe all I have is now, so I push my fear and doubt aside and focus on my Malachi who has me wrapped in his arms, our thighs closely touching, his chin resting on the top of my head. I can sense his comfort in the steady beat of his heart as it reverberates through my back and along my entire body. My own heartbeat syncs with his, and we smile and chat to those around us with the calm that you experience after a wild storm, and the world is washed clean with sparkling drops of crystal.

Soon however, the crystal drops and shatters, making my fists clench when Max comes up to us. I can feel Malachi tense, and suddenly remember what he did to Max when he made fun of me.

“So Ariella, is this your dark and mysterious mate? The one from the enchanted forest?” Max quirks his eyebrow and stands before me with an air of dominance, his eyes raking up and down my body in a way that I once might have interpreted as chaste interest. Now it disgusts me.

“No, but this is my mate Alpha Malachi of DoubleEdge Pack.” I loop my arm through Malachi’s and rest my hand on his chest, feeling his heart rate increase as I stake my claim.

Max merely grins at me, shaking his head, “Looks like all your dreams came true.” Then to Malachi, “It’s nice to meet you, Alpha.” Max extends his hand.

Malachi stares at it, then slowly travels his eyes back up to Max’s. I can sense the simmering anger in his dark scowl, and clutch his arm tighter, hoping he doesn’t do anything rash. “Very displeased to meet you,” he says, and then sharply tugs me away.

“What was that all about?” I ask once we are alone, away from the gathering around the fire. “He didn’t do anything to me tonight. Why couldn’t you just say hello like a normal person would?”

“A normal person? Are you saying an Alpha male protecting his mate isn’t normal?” Malachi’s voice is incredulous, the twigs snapping in agreement under our boots as we walk into the trees.

“I--uh--” I follow him, staying by his side and matching his long strides.

“And he might not have done anything, but he was thinking it. He wanted to do so many things to you, vile things that would make your skin crawl and my blood boil. He will never lay a hand on you or ridicule you while I’m around,” Malachi stops and turns to face me. He’s stepped closer with each breath he takes, his body pressing into me as he leans his head to mine, his lips brushing my ear. My body sings to his, appreciating the protective nature of my mate. Yet my brain is trying to process his words.

“How did you know--”

“Just trust me. Stay away from Max.” Malachi’s eyes are a dark blue now, almost navy, and I read the seriousness without needing anything more said. “I know what guys like him are capable of,” he says, clenching his fists and stalking further into the forest. The dark trees crowd over us, blocking the diffuse glow from the stars.

I know little enough of how disrespectful some wolves can be, so I take Malachi’s hand in assurance. “Let’s walk. No one can reach us out here. No one can hurt me when I’m with you,” I lead him down the path that I love most. “The forest at night is one of my favourite places. No one can laugh at me or say I’m silly out here. The pine trees and night creatures don’t make fun of my dreams.”

Malachi nods, his eyes roaming about in a slow and measured fashion, scanning our surroundings. “No one to criticise you, or tell you how to be a responsible adult.”

“No one to hate you or disrespect you.”

“No one to pretend to. I can see why you like this place,” he brushes the tips of his fingers down the leaf of a fern, a smile in his voice before it turns serious again. “But it could still be dangerous, Ariella.”

I roll my eyes. “This isn’t the forest of DoubleEdge. We haven’t had any attacks out here since….since, well, my parents and sixty three others died at the hands of hired rogues. But that was a long time ago. We’ve trained the warriors and guards so much more, and Alphas Kaiden and Chesca make sure to stop every threat before it even is a threat.”

“And I don’t, is that what you’re implying? I can’t protect my own pack members,” his voice drops and I cringe that I’ve reminded him of his failings.

“You can’t blame yourself, Malachi. It’s not possible to properly run a pack when your own members don’t respect you, and are working against you.” I squeeze his hand and hope that he understands.

He sighs and stops walking. I can hear his jaw clenching, working back and forth, and know it is a sign of his frustration. He tries so hard to do the right thing by everybody, but so many things remain out of his control. He stands to his full height and drops his head back, trying to see the stars. Then with another heavy sigh, he looks at me sharply. Pressing my hand tightly between his fingers, he speaks in a low voice, “Just be careful, okay? You can’t trust anyone these days. One moment they’ll be your friend, and the next, they’ll take from you anything they want.” He steps back, and with a snarl, Malachi slams his fist into a tree trunk. I hear the splintering of wood as it deforms beneath his strength.

He is agitated, the tension etching his shoulders into a taut posture. “Like the flip of a switch, they can snap and become the nightmare you’ve been running from.” His breathing is heavy, his footsteps ominous as he comes closer to me once more, and I back up when I see his silhouette rise before me. “They see beauty, and want it for themselves. They see light, and want to ruin it with their darkness.” He reaches out a hand and brushes it tenderly against my face as his words wash over me, sending shivers down my spine. My back touches the tree behind me, and I lean against the sturdy trunk. The support is welcome as my legs go weak.

Malachi stoops until his lips are in line with mine. “They see purity, and are drawn to it by their own depravity.”

The whisper of his mouth against mine is alluring, drugging me into a daze. My eyes adjust in the near blackness and I see the smooth planes of his face, the sharp jawline and soft lips, the dusty freckles that graze his cheeks. When his large hand snakes around the back of my neck and pulls me closer still, I don’t resist. His tongue sweeps along my lower lip, and I open my mouth in anticipation.

His kiss begins slow and heavy, becoming more urgent and desirous. My fingers glide up his neck and through his hair, relishing the feel of his silky locks. Shivers scatter over my skin when Malachi’s hands find their way to my waist, and a new sense of hunger grows between us. Urging, compelling, desiring us to become one in body and heart.

Cold fingers of air swirl around our ankles as the forest temperature drops, while the heat sparks between our bodies like lightning in a winter storm. I don’t know where we’re going with this, but this kiss is like nothing we’ve done before. I’m suddenly glad for the dark forest that shields us from everyone else. Malachi’s mouth completely covers mine, swallowing the moan that is torn from deep within me. I want more, but do I know enough of Malachi to trust him? Can I lose myself in abandon to this desire for my mate? Or will the darkness within completely consume me, leaving me with nothing but heartbreak and burnt ashes?

His kisses down my neck and collarbone become insistent, nipping at my skin with his teeth, tearing into my flesh lightly and perhaps drawing blood. His hands are all over me, sliding into my jacket and caressing me more closely.

And suddenly, I don’t want this. “Malachi, what are you doing?” I try and gasp between breaths.

“I need you, Ariella,” he whispers in a deep husky voice that makes my throat run dry. The undercurrents of lust are new, the throaty growl that accompanies his words spiking fear into my heart.


“No buts. Not this time.” He hushes me with a firm kiss to my mouth while his hands slip under my shirt and feel their way up. Amidst the torrent of sparks from this contact, I am aware of the way his fingers grip my underwear and tug sharply.

“What on earth!” I shove him back with all my strength.

Malachi stumbles back, and I look up in time to see crimson sparks in his black irises before they return to blue. He shakes his head, and turns away. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Ariella, I didn’t mean…” he slowly turns to face me and runs a shaky hand through his hair. I see torment on his face, deep lines twisting his brows into a frown. “Oh God, what was I doing? I’m so sorry.”

“What happened? This isn’t you. You’ve told me you want to take it slow…” I gather my thoughts as I gather my jacket around me tightly against the sudden iciness of air.

“I … I can’t explain. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be here. I… I have to go.” He backs away, his entire posture wilting into the dark shadows.

“Malachi! You can’t just leave me here.”

But he does. With a rustle of footsteps in amongst leaves, he disappears into the darkness of the forest, leaving behind wisps of even darker shadows.

I sink to my knees on the cold forest floor, my entire body shaking with the effects of what just happened. My mind is a tangle of confusion, tendrils of doubt entwining with vines of fear to a point where I can’t breathe. I feel strangled. Clutching my chest, I try and force my heart to stop aching. I try and take deep breaths, the cool air filling my lungs until they sting. My skin still tingles from his touch, my lips swollen from our passionate kisses, my back aching from being pressed against the tree.

I try and forget the hungry desire I saw in eyes that didn’t belong to my mate. What had come over him? I know he was angry about Max, and how he wanted to hurt me. But everything Malachi said, everything he warned me about, was he talking about Max...or himself?

A distant howl cuts the silence in two, followed by a few others. The air is once more quiet besides my stifled sobs, then footsteps approach. They nearly run into me before pulling up quickly.

“Ariella? Is that you? What are you doing out here?”

It is Joshua, and he lays a hand on my shoulder carefully. He must be patrolling the border that I know we are near.

Pushing myself to my feet, I steady my voice before speaking. “I’m okay, I just...Malachi...we were talking…” I can’t seem to form a coherent sentence. My mind is still on my mate and the power he has over my heart and body.

“Shh, it’s okay,” Joshua rubs my back. “Goodness, you’re freezing. Come on, let’s get you home.” His voice is calming as he wraps his arm around my shoulders, stilling my shivers.

We walk slowly towards my parents’ place, towards everything loving and familiar.

So why, with every step I take, does it feel like I’m going in the complete opposite direction of home?


Hi all! I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

I don't know why, but it took me so long to write! I kept going over it and adding little details, adjusting dialogue, and tweaking sequences... anyway, I'm happy to finally present it to you ♥♥

Have a good weekend,

~Kiana Rose

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