The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 24

“What do they mean?”

“Hmm?” Malachi opens a sleepy eye and looks up at me.

“Your tattoos. What’s the meaning behind them?” I point my finger at his chest and stomach where black ink is traced in intricate designs. I want to lean closer to inspect them, but I am aware of the intimate position we are in. The morning sunshine edges the curtains in gold, casting a rosy glow over the bed where we both lie. Malachi is shirtless, and the sight of his bare torso rippled with muscles excites me in ways I don’t want to think about just yet.

I want to be close, so much closer, and feel his skin and ink beneath my fingertips. But I don’t think our relationship—whatever it is between us—is ready for that yet.

“They don’t mean much,” Malachi sits up and runs a hand through his tousled hair. I think he is trying to smooth it down, but it doesn’t cause anything to that effect. Still, I marvel at the action, at the way his bicep flexes in such a tantalising way. I can’t help but remember the time those strong arms of his were wrapped around me, cradling me close to his chest as heat seared my body.

“This one here,” he motions to the large circular pattern that sits in the centre of his tattoos, a little to the right of his abdominal muscles. In the middle of the design is a pattern unlike the others. It is more intricate, more sharp. The ink itself seems stronger. “It’s the first one I got, when I turned thirteen. It symbolises my passage from boyhood to something more mature, more respected. It’s a tradition from my mother’s pack. I loved it at the the time, especially the way it was done in special ink. But…”

I nod my head. The tattoo is so black, without any trace of solid skin beneath. It feels like I am looking through a hole, a void, into the darkness inside.

“But now?” I look up and see the regret in his eyes.

“Now, it’s lost its meaning. They don’t view me as a leader, as a mature Alpha,” he shakes his head, referring to his troublesome pack members.

I don’t know the full significance of this concentric and circular symbol, but I don’t believe his destiny and leadership should be so closely tied to a tattoo. The others should respect him regardless of the markings on his body. I don’t say this, however, letting him continue.

“I got this a few years later,” he refers to the creature that sits above the circular pattern. It has wings that are arched around the design as if guarding it with its teeth and claws. It looks somewhat familiar, stylised though it is. “The Great Winged Karelax.”

“The Legend of the Mountains,” I breathe quietly as I recognise the dragon-like creature of ancient myths.

“They were fierce, and very loyal.”

“But they’re all extinct,” I loosen a sigh at the tragic fate of the majestic creatures.

“Sadly, yes. The legend concludes with the last surviving male sacrificing his life to save his mate and kit. But unfortunately, it was in vain as the last two were still hunted and killed. They were so misunderstood by everyone who saw them as beasts. Just monsters of the night.”

A small part of my heart sings a harmonic chord, the feelings of being despised and mocked, cast out and made to feel unworthy are familiar to me. Why Malachi has the image of the fierce and courageous Karelax on his skin is not hard to imagine.

“And this?” A bit more ink lies beneath the inner patterns, disappearing below the band of his sweatpants.

“This is the plant Mysscelfolia.”

I recognise the dark thick leaves that wrap around each other in a protective and fortress-like manner. “The enrichment plant.” The structure of the leaves make it difficult to get to the rare bud. The plant blooms once a year, and only then if surrounded by the perfect temperature and weather conditions, deep in the valleys of the jungle.

Malachi nods. “It is believed that the pollen of the blossoms mixed with the embers of the roots gives you—“

“Vitality of the young, and wisdom of the aged.” We both finish the wise proverb together and just stare into each other’s eyes for a moment.

“How do you know that? I’ve met nobody else who does, besides my grandmother.” Malachi says.

“Well…” I twist my fingers and give a small smile. “I guess I’m like nobody you’ve met.”

“That is certainly true, and I couldn’t be more grateful,” he reaches out and takes a strand of my hair between his fingers, twirling it into a spiral. Then he tucks it behind my ear, his fingers trailing down along my jawline in a gentle caress.

I can’t help but lean into his touch, my brown gaze lost in the blue crystal of his eyes. I am mesmerised, but when my hand reaches out to support my shifting weight, it lands on his thigh which causes him to swiftly react.

With a startled expression, a curtain closing over his warm and open gaze, he gets off the bed and scratches the back of his neck. Then he turns back to me abruptly, the stony-faced and mysterious Alpha once more looking at me. “How about we go for a run?”

“A run?” My voice squeaks with surprise.

“Yeah. Just on the trails through the forest. Hamilton said you’re a good runner and I’d like to see it for myself,” Malachi gives little in way of explanation.

I’m not really in the mood to go running. Rather, I’d prefer to sit and sort things out over a hot drink, jot notes and solve our problems that way. However, the morning looks too beautiful to let pass by, so I agree.

“Sure, okay. I guess it will be a good chance to see more of your territory.”

A smile once more tugs teasingly on his lips, as if it is forbidden for him to not be so serious all the time. “Sure. Do you want to use the bathroom first, or...” he trails off awkwardly as we both head for the bathroom, so I quickly pull back.

“No it’s okay, you use it first. I’ll go find something to wear,” I mumble and feel my cheeks grow warm with a blush. It will take some getting used to, this sharing a room and bathroom with my mate. For so long my time has been my own, doing whatever whenever I please. How does one fit their life and everything it encompasses with another? I want this unity though. This careful fitting of two puzzle pieces together to make a beautiful new masterpiece. I pray that’s how our life will turn out.

As I sift through my things, finding my running gear, I see the parcel my mom gave me at the last minute as I left. Last night, amidst the tragic events, I never got to open it.

I carefully unwrap the brown paper and feel the silky soft material of my formal dress. It unfolds and I hold it up, astounded at the beautiful violet dress that looks clean as new. I peer at the bodice closely, to find no traces of the blood stains. My mom has cleaned it thoroughly for me, and my chests squeezes in happiness as my lips pull into a wide smile.

“I really like that dress on you, by the way.”

I jump when Malachi speaks, and turn to realise he’s standing right behind me, his body crowding mine in the small walk-in closet.

“Thanks. It was my school formal dress. And the one you nearly destroyed the night you marked me.”

Malachi grimaces with regret, so I quickly laugh to shrug it off and make him feel better.

“My mom fixed it, so it’s okay.” I look back at the dress. The stains have been removed from the material, but Malachi’s mark remains on my body, unfading. It pulses every time he looks at me, reminding me of who I belong to. His crystal blue eyes follow me as I scurry into the bathroom, shutting the door quickly on my erratically pounding heart.

Soon we are jogging through the trees together, Malachi in front setting a gentle pace as we warm up in our human forms. The early morning sun is crisp and bright, slanting through the leaves. The path is dappled with the dancing shadows as the trees sway in the gentle breeze. Malachi’s scent of chestnuts still clings to my skin, reminding me of how close we’ve been.

He doesn’t speak much as we run down the forested trails, showing me the entire northern boundary line that is bordered by a steep mountainous ridge. The sparkle in his eyes tells me all I need to know about his pride for his land. This is his territory, his dominion. Even if the wolves don’t fully subject themselves to his command, at least out here the rocks and trees, small forest creatures and twittering birds are his to enjoy. The landscapes bow under his tread, and his heart beats in peace. I feel it as he takes my hand and leads me to his favourite places. My Alpha mate is truly a work of contrasts, and I am beginning to understand him in ways I think no one else does.

I keep up with his pace even as the muscular Alpha runs faster, silently testing my strengths. I am happy I am accomplished in something at least, even if I’m not very smart or strong or good with fighting tactics. Never feeling any judgement from Malachi, instead I feel a shiver of excitement when he smiles at me over his shoulder.

As we make our way back, we meet Harlow in the garden of the pack mansion, and I am reminded of our deal to train together. I throw Malachi a sorry glance, but he just shrugs and smiles knowingly.

At least I am warmed up for the strenuous exercise, and Harlow leads me though some easy fighting stances. We work up to harder techniques before we stop for lunch. We find Beta Knight has made sandwiches, and he throws me a wink before we all sit up to eat, chatting about random things. I wonder where Malachi is, and they inform me he has stayed at his office, so I wrap some food and go in search of my mate.

He isn’t in his small office in his house, but rather, further away in the midst of the residential area of his pack. The building is modern and sleek, nothing like the mansion, and I enter through glass sliding doors. Nodding at a few pack members in acknowledgement, I ask a young woman which level Alpha Malachi’s office is.

“Do you have an appointment?” She gives me a blank smile that doesn’t reach her eyes.

“No, but I brought him lunch,” I hold up the bag and she deems it acceptable to let me pass. I don’t want to broadcast to everyone yet that I am their Alpha’s mate. As deceptive as that seems, a part of me wants them to get to know me and like me on my own merit.

Serve them first, before I lead them.

Gain their trust, not just a forced respect.

I find Malachi easily enough, as I follow his calming scent, and find him in an office that is easily twice as large as back at his place. The colouring and decor is sleek and monotone, the decorations minimal. It is opposite to his other office, making me wonder which is actually to his tastes. Going by his his good mood this morning when we were outdoors amongst nature, I would say this black and white expressionless scape isn’t quite suited to him.

“I said no interrup— Oh hi!” Malachi stands abruptly when he recognised me. He crosses to me and looks me over with an open expression, as if surprised to see me here.

“I brought you some food,” I shake the bag. “Sandwiches from Knight and chocolate muffins from my mom. They’re still fresh from yesterday and we didn’t get to eat them last night.”

“Thank you, Ariella. I don’t normally get food delivered to my office,” he accepts them gratefully, his fingers brushing mine and sending sparks marching up my arm.

“Well, get used to it now that I’m here,” I give him a smile and he laughs, making my smile grow bigger. The sound of his laugh is breathtaking, and I want to hold on to the deep but happy rumble that comes from his chest, and replay it whenever I want. Better still, I want to make him laugh whenever he needs it, whenever the stress lines around his eyes grow too deep and his shoulders sag with too much worry.

I sit in a nearby chair, sliding my legs over the armrest, and am content to watch him eat. I giggle when he sends me a nervous look, as if he doesn’t like me scrutinising him, but I wave his concern away and tell him to keep eating or else I’ll snatch away his muffin.

He growls, “No one takes my dessert.”

I then study my nails and let him eat in peace, snatching sly glances of him from the corner of my eyes.

“So what should we do later today?”

He pauses mid-bite. “You mean you aren’t going on the expedition? How did you get out of that? Hamilton is normally very strict when it comes to those training expeditions,” Malachi frowns at me intently, making me slap my forehead.

“That’s right,” I groan. “Harlow mentioned something about a special training exercise.” The afternoon’s plans had completely slipped my mind. I must have been thinking about other things when she brought it up at lunch.

Other things, like my handsome mate.

“Do I have to go? I’d rather stay here and help you—“

“No one shirks training under my watch. And that includes you, my darling mate,” Malachi pins me with a stern gaze before his lips twitch together as if suppressing a smile.

“Yes, Sir,” I stand and give him a mock salute, before leaning over and flicking back his fringe.

He scowls and pats it back down hastily. “And no one touches my fringe. Do you know how long I had to comb it to get it to sit right?”

“Far too long, obviously. I can make it look good in two seconds, if you’d like me to?” I offer with a lifted hand. In truth, I’m itching to run my hands through his deceptively soft hair, the black strands that so perfectly frame his handsome face and set off his azure blue eyes.

He shakes his head, further displacing his hair, and mutters something about needing a pair of scissors.

All I do is give him a grin, then leave his office fairly skipping.

Were we just flirting? Did we just have a goofy moment? I can’t help the silly smile on my face or the butterflies in my stomach as I make my way to the training field.

Hamilton spots me and waves me over to the edge of the forest where his group of young warriors are gathered.

“Ariella, you’re just in time,” he says with a raised eyebrow. This is his way of saying I’m late. “You’ll be part of team Delta, with Hendrik as captain.”

I nod to the brown haired man who throws me a backpack. “Here, you get to carry this,” he motions me to the group of six others, each in training clothes and sturdy trail shoes. I still don’t know exactly what we’re doing, but I’m excited to work together with my future pack mates, and explore more of DoubleEdge territory. I smile at them, but I’m met with bored expressions. None of them seem happy to gain me as team member. Maybe they all remember me as--

“Oh look, it’s the new girl. The one who couldn’t even win her first challenge.”

“Such a loser.”


“I’m glad she’s not on our team.”

I whirl around when I hear the whispers, so barely veiled. I see another group a dozen yards from us, Harlow amongst them. The girls snicker behind their hands, but I can clearly hear what they are saying about me. I can feel it leaching from their skin like a poison.

“Hey, give her a chance. I’m training her, remember?” Harlow slaps their shoulders to straighten up. “She’ll be a first class warrior if she follows my expert training.”

I still sense a barb in her otherwise kind words. I don’t think I’ll ever figure what it is Harlow really thinks of me.

“Okay, let’s go! Your team captains will explain any questions you have,” Beta Hamilton moves out and we all fall into line behind him. A few paces down the trail, the groups split off from each other, following different paths.

“So, new girl,” Hendrik addresses me.

“I’m Ariella.”

“Whatever. Are you good at tracking a scent?” he looks at me with piercing brown eyes, his eyebrows drawn together as if appraising me, sizing me up and weighing my worth on looks alone.

“I think I have a pretty good nose.”

“Okay. Good. That bag you’re holding- we’re tracking the owner’s flashlight. It’s somewhere in this forest. He placed it out here earlier today. Our first task on the training expedition is to find it. Then we have a set of coordinates we need to reach before the other groups do. You familiar with orienteering?”

Honestly, the word scares me. I can search forests and find my way back easily enough, tracking scents and other clues. But using a map and compass is something we never focused on in my old pack. “Not really, but I’m sure as a team we can figure it out.”

Hendrik seems satisfied with my diplomatic answer.

We continue down a path, but eventually, the two young guys who have taken the lead go off track, sniffing past the ferns and tree trunks. Our heavy footsteps crash through the undergrowth, and scurrying animals run from us. I can smell the scent we are following, though it is faint. When we make a right turn at a gully, I hesitate.

“The scent is stronger over here, I think. Shouldn’t we head this way,” I point left.

Hendrik pulls up and scrutinises me. “The new girl says we should go left.” He crosses his thick arms across his even thicker chest. “What does everyone else think?”

They all look at me as if I am crazy. “The scent clearly goes this way, even the footsteps prove it.”

They’re not wrong, but something just tells me we should go left. Maybe it’s a gut feeling, I’m not sure, but soon everyone has out-voted me and I trail behind, lugging the heavy backpack on my back.

We soon reach a small lake and the scent disappears. Either the man threw his flashlight into the water, or he really did go back the other way I pointed out.

“Dang it!” one of the young wolves tugs on his hair in frustration. “I was so sure…”

“Now what?” the other asks, shaking his head and frowning at the other girls in our group who haven’t really contributed much to the expedition.

“We could swim out. See if we find the flashlight,” one offers, shrugging a shoulder carelessly.

“Don’t be such a dimwit. There’s no way we’d find it,” the other glares at her.

They bicker back and forth for a few minutes while I sit on a rock and inspect the contents of the bag. Besides a few ropes and carabiners, there’s nothing much in it. Hendrik steps close to me, his shadow eclipsing my form.

“You think we went the right way?”

“No,” I state carefully. I don’t want to look like I’m cocky and know everything, but I also don’t want to sit around lost when everyone else is racing ahead of us.

“Then why don’t you convince the others to follow you if you think you know where to go?”

“Why would they listen to me? I’m just the new girl,” I stand to my full height and look Hendrik in the eye, daring him to deny his earlier disrespect to me.

He gives a subtle nod, his eyes twinkling. “Very well, Ariella. I’ll let you do your thing.” He sweeps his hand in a wide motion, giving me the permission and authority to lead this disinterested and rowdy team of young wolves.

I smile.

This is my chance.

This is going to either make me or break me.

A/N: Sorry for the delay in updating! Term has just finished and I have about 25 client assessments to mark and write reports on. I've been writing this chapter in snatches and pieces every chance I've had and am happy to post it for you all :)

I hope you like it. Please let me know what you think in the comments ♥♥

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