The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 12

“Dinner is ready, Alpha. Your mother has just summoned the guests to the dining hall.”

I feel Malachi tense, and I begin to wonder why. He leads me inside, but before we enter a gilded door into what I assume is the dining hall, he releases my hand and whispers in my ear, “Perhaps it is best if we don’t present as mates tonight. Everyone is here to discuss some very important matters, and I don’t want to distract from the proceedings.”

I nod, and when we enter, it is the Beta who leads me to my seat beside my parents while Malachi takes his position at the head of the table.

“Thank you all for responding to my invitation and joining me tonight for dinner. As you may have heard, my pack has recently been troubled by some unexplained killings. I am humbly asking for your insight and advice, which we will discuss shortly.”

This admission and request for help takes courage, and though it shows just how young and inexperienced this Alpha is, it also conveys a certain strength and humility in his character. This draws me to him in ways I can’t explain.

“But first, let us enjoy our meal,” Malachi lifts his glass and everyone does the same as servants come in, carrying trays and platters of steaming delicacies. But my eyes are on Malachi, watching him as he spoke and now as he sits, observing the wolves who are gathered here. A frown creases his brow, and I have the urge to smooth it away with my fingers, to caress his face and silky hair.

His eyes meet mine and he attempts to smile, but then quickly looks away with another dark frown. My gaze follows his.

At the other end of the table sits a woman, her long black hair pinned up in an elegant twist, and her slender shoulders held back with firm dignity. She has a stern expression, but despite its femininity, I can see her face resembles Malachi’s. The same strong jawline and high cheekbones, observant eyes that are framed with long, dark lashes. So this must be his mother. If her fierce yet subtle gaze that lingers on her son is anything to go by, I can see why Malachi was bothered by her presence.

I discreetly watch her, aware she will be my mother-in-law once Malachi and I have formally accepted each other. I assume her black gown is out of respect for her dead mate who passed a few years ago, leaving his pack to his son. The tight lines around her full lips must be testament to the heartache she feels at losing him. Every wolf loses a piece of themselves with the death of their mate. Some are not strong enough to survive.

Malachi’s mother must be a strong woman, however the grief has shaped her. I can sense layers of darkness to this woman, and I suddenly have a fear of being within her close vicinity, of being alone with her. My heart beat picks up as a warning rings in my mind, and I cannot put my finger on why.

The rest of dinner is pleasant as the highly ranked wolves make small talk and light conversation. Every once in a while, my eyes collide with Malachi’s, and I am nearly certain I saw him wink at me before I heard a growl from his Beta. His mother arched a perfect black eyebrow, but otherwise I am left undisturbed.

When we are finished, the Alphas and their commands enter a private room to begin discussions, and I’m personally lead by Malachi’s Beta to the adjoining room with a few mates who have been invited as plus-ones. We sit and chat, or pass the time reading assorted history books that are lying around on coffee tables. I am intrigued by the richness of this room, with the dark mahogany cabinets and shelves, faded paintings of scenery and portraits, and brass chandeliers. The floor is covered with patterned oriental carpets, the fireplace ensconced with artistic brickwork. Everything seems like it’s from another time, antique and masterfully crafted.

After what seems like hours have passed, I sense a presence near the door, and I look up to see my Alpha mate standing just beyond the threshold. His serious gaze is on me, and shadows seem to chase him into the room but he remains still.

I immediately get up to go see what he wants, grateful for the end to this somewhat uneventful evening.

“Ariella,” he murmurs, leaning close and brushing his nose against my hair.

“How was the meeting? Did you learn much? Were you able to solve the problem?” the questions tumble from me as I look up at him with a racing heart. His features are so beautiful, especially in the flickering candle light of the hall lamps, and I can feel the power radiating from this Alpha wolf.

Malachi shakes his head regretfully, and my heart aches for him. I just want him to feel at ease, but it seems he is always weighed down with responsibility. Now I finally know why, since he is Alpha of such a large and industrious pack.

“Maybe I can help,” I offer, whispering quietly in the deserted hall. “What is actually going on? You mentioned some of your wolves have been kil—“

“You don’t need to worry about it,” he gives another slight shake of his head.

It doesn’t deter me, because maybe I’m more stubborn than I like to admit. “But I’m sure I could be of help—“


My name is spoken quietly, yet almost with a growl. I clearly understand he is telling me to drop it, as if I have crossed a line I shouldn’t have. My eyes drop under his intense gaze, and I try to calm my racing heart. Whatever is going on, he doesn’t want me to know. “Alright, if you think it best that I’m not involved, I won’t ask anymore,” I say at length, giving him a small smile.

He doesn’t respond, instead focusing his eyes straight ahead with impassive attention. With a hand on my waist, he nudges me up a staircase. Though I don’t know where we’re going and I am following him, Malachi walks behind me, guiding me down the hall. The carpet here is thick and plush, drowning the sound of our footsteps. The wall hangings here are more modern and simplistic, and his scent is stronger as if this is where he often treads.

Suddenly he pauses and lowers himself to a bench along the wall. When I move to sit beside him, he responds by tugging me swiftly into his lap.

“Malachi!” I can’t help the giggle that escapes my lips.

“Hmm, Ariella,” he murmurs, sending shivers down my spine as his warm breath touches my shoulder. He nuzzles my neck, causing my body to melt into his perfectly, as if it is made for his. Because it is.

His hands wrap around my waist and dispel any thoughts I had of escaping, not that I would want to. Being here with him is exciting in a totally foreign way.

“Your scent is so amazing. blossoms of lavender,” he remarks, burying his nose in my hair.

I turned around to face him. “Lavender? That happens to be one of my favourite flowers. And colour,” I comment with a small smile.

Malachi’s eyes fluttered closed for a brief moment, his lashes touching his cheeks as he inhaled again. “And now it’s mine.” His movements are so graceful and thoughtful, yet I can sense somewhere beneath must lie a brooding and formidable wolf.

My assumption is confirmed when he roughly propels me from his lap, and I stand disoriented for a brief moment until his hands are on my hips again. His body presses against mine as he spins me around and pushes me back to the wall.


“Have you always wanted a mate?” he asks, looking deep into my eyes. His crystal blue gaze is relentless, leaving me gaping until I catch my breath.

I know my answer from the depths of my heart. “Always.”

“Then I’m so glad you’re mine,” Malachi whispers while his fingers twirl my hair in strands. I can see him examining the colours in the tips that match my dress, and wonder if he likes it or thinks it childish. Suddenly, it matters to me. Everything about myself I’m second guessing, hoping he approves and deems me good enough for him. With each passing moment in his arms, I’m praying he wants me as his Luna to reign by his side. Could I ever be the woman an Alpha needs, to be strong and valiant, unselfish and caring?

My thoughts are scattered when I gaze at my mate. By looking in his eyes, I see they have darkened as they concentrate on my face. Malachi breathes in my scent again and slowly slides his hands up and down my bare arms. I am not cold, especially being this close to my mate, but the electricity between us is making me nervous. I don’t know what I’d do if he tried to kiss me, since I always hoped my first kiss would be with the man I love, not immediately after meeting my mate. We may already know a little of each other from our previous encounters in the forest, but the Alpha male in front of me now is so much a stranger. It’s like I have just met Malachi for the first time tonight, and wondering what else he is keeping from me sends a warning in my mind to be careful.

I move my hands to his shoulders to push him away, but I grasp them instead, pulling him closer for some unexplainable reason. I’ll blame it on the bond between us.

He lifts a hand to brush back my hair, then his finger traces a line from my jaw to my neck and down to my collarbone. I feel sparks from his touch, on every inch of skin that is subject to his perusal. He applies pressure on one spot, just above my collarbone, just where his mark will go when we accept each other. The anticipation I feel has heat racing up my neck and flushing my face. I wonder if he too is thinking of what our future will hold. Does he want me as much I want him? The sudden thoughts I have make me turn my head in embarrassment. There is no way I should be thinking of passion and intimacy with this male I hardly know, even if he is my mate.

But then my entire body shivers in delight when Malachi’s lips trail small kisses down my jaw. I didn’t even notice how close he has leaned towards me, but I feel how his hand is pressing on my lower back, and the other on my neck, pulling me closer still to his warm body.

All thought and reason fly from my mind as I am lost in his presence, in the sensations his lips against my skin are giving. I can barely stand with my own strength, so instead I clutch his coat tightly and feel my heart beating so quickly against his. I don’t think it can beat any faster, until I feel his teeth scrape my skin.

Then he sinks them into the soft flesh of my neck, and I nearly scream from the power that radiates into me from his bite.

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