The Alpha's Claimed Mate

Chapter 4| Dumb and Dumber

It didn't seem like the cutie had the patience to wait until the potion wore off, as he was currently leading me to his brother. I stopped in my tracks as something hit me.

"Wait a minute, I just realized I don't even know your name!" I exclaimed. His eyes widened in surprise.

"I don't know your name too!"

I felt like I was dumb, and he was dumber.

"Let me guess, my beauty blinded you and you forgot to ask?" I asked with a smirk. He smirked too.

"That goes for you too, you know. You didn't ask me either." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm Ash."

"Daniel Bryce. Is Ash short for Ashley or something?"

"Or something," I said teasingly. He got it right on the first try.

"I told you mine. You have to tell me yours."

"No, I don't." He just pouted.

"Wait, I feel like your name is familiar," I said. The name Bryce sounded very familiar, but I couldn't pinpoint where I'd heard it.

"Maybe you've heard my brother's name," he said.

"Is your brother famous or something?" A mischievous smile appeared on his face.

"Or something." Now I was the one pouting.

"It's not fair! You're taking me to meet him. I have the right to know who he is!"

"I am taking you to my brother, and I don't even know who you are," he retorted. I closed my mouth at that. That was a valid argument. So I just stayed silent and let him lead me to his brother, who I hoped was just as cheery as he is. We didn't have any trouble finding our way through the crowd as people literally ran away as soon as they caught my scent.

"I feel like dying because of the smell, but this is really useful," he remarked.

"I know, right?"

"Do you, by chance, have that smell-depriving potion with you?" I wanted to say no. I really did. But I took one look at his innocent face and...

"Nope. Don't have it on me." What? He wasn't telling me where he was taking me, and the awful smell was the only defense I had against him. He seemed really nice, but what if he turned out to be a creep?

"You're lying, right?" I looked up at him with an oh-so-innocent face.

"Why in the heavens would I do that?" He gave me a sideway glance.

"Because you look like the kind of person who would do that."

I just smiled at him.

"How about this? I tell you my brother's name, and you give me some of that potion."

"Let me think. No." He made a pained sound from the back of his throat.


"You're taking me to meet him, aren't you? I can wait. I'm a very patient person."

"Well, I'm not," he muttered. I held back a snicker. He paused.

"Hey what-"

"That's my brother!" He exclaimed, cutting me off. He started walking towards a big guy near where all the alphas were assembled. Emphasis on big. Dude looked like he was ready to tear down anybody who came near him.

'Don't tell me- Nah, he can't be Danny's brother. Maybe his brother's somewhere near him.'

Danny proved me wrong by walking straight towards the scary guy.

"Danny, please don't tell me that's your brother," I whispered shakily. He beamed at me.

"What?!" I exclaimed, stopping in my tracks.

He smirked.

"Don't tell me you're scared of him? I thought you didn't like big scary guys," he said teasingly.

"Because I'm scared of them."

He laughed at me.

"That's it! I'm out of here," I snapped and started to walk away. But he pulled me back by my hood.

"Come on, you came all the way here. You can't leave me now." I pried his hand off me.

"Of course I can." He looked at me with puppy eyes that could make a hundred people drop at his feet.

Too bad I was a cat person.


He groaned at my refusal.

"But why?"

I laid a hand on his shoulder, which was a hard feat since he was taller than average height and I was, well, on the smaller side. He bent down a little to make it easier, and I pointed my finger to where his brother was standing. Thankfully, he wasn't looking our way.

"Look at your brother closely. Look how scary those muscles are, and take a good look at me," I said and pointed at myself. His eyes traveled up and down my body. Then he shrugged.

"I don't see anything wrong with you."

I facepalmed in my mind.

"I am fucking tiny. Can you even imagine what will happen if I annoy your brother? He can snap my neck and won't even blink an eye!" I said. He rolled his eyes.

"Then don't annoy him. You're just being dramatic now."

"You won't say this if you've spent more than an hour with me. I have a tendency to annoy people into wanting to kick me," I said, grimacing. He raised his eyebrows. Then he smirked at something behind me. I turned around to face a gray-colored, rock-hard chest.

"Holy hell!" I exclaimed.

The handsome man with dark brown hair before me raised his perfect eyebrows, then scrunched his nose.

"Daniel, how many times should I tell you not to take pity on trash?" He asked, exasperated.

"Nah, she's funny."

I just stood there, stunned between the two brothers. Then I scowled.

"Who are you calling trash, you lump of rock?" I snapped at the mountain of a man in front of me. He had the same green eyes and perfectly sculpted nose as Danny, but that's where the resemblance ended.

My eyes widened as I realized what I just said and to whom.

Ah, hell.

But it didn't look like he took offense.

"You, of course, or has your sense of smell left you along with your brain?"

I stood there for a minute, opening and closing my mouth like a goldfish, not knowing how to respond.

'Is he really a gamma?'

"I'll have you know that I've numbed my sense of smell for the day," I said finally. He nodded sagely.

"That's why you're still alive." Shit, did it smell that bad? He then pushed me aside by grabbing the hem of my hood.

"Hey!" He ignored me.

"Why have you brought this foul-smelling lupine here? He'll be here any minute! Do you have a death wish?" He hissed. Daniel flinched.

"I felt bad for her, and she seemed funny," Danny offered weakly.

"Glad to know that I amuse you."

He gave me a sheepish grin.

"Daniel! He's already very annoyed today! He'll totally lose it if he sees-" He pointed at me. "-this." I didn't respond because I honestly didn't know what they were talking about, so I simply stood there, admiring the big blue sky as the two brothers continued to argue.

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