The Alpha's Breeder

Chapter Twenty One : Meeting Zanthos

Eros left with Toran a while ago after he had appointed a young girl to be my tour guide of the place.

I really appreciated the fact that Eros wasn’t going to escort me. It would be a lot harder to discover any escape routes with him around. If he realizes my intentions to run away, I’m assured that he would renovate this whole pack house like he did his room.

And that would be a scary sight to see.

“I’m Rora. Like in Aurora,” Rora introduced with a bubbly smile that was rather contagious. She looked to be 13 or 14 years old with a bright innocent smile on her face and light blonde hair cut short into a bob.

“You can just call me Emi,” I reply with a smile of my own.

“It’s an honor to meet you, Emi! You’re really pretty,” Rora complimented out of nowhere with a nod of her head as if to justify what she just said.

“Thank you.” I smiled wider.

Rora seemed like the type of person to speak her mind and truthfully answer everything unlike most people out there.

She was rather opposite of me. I tend to bottle up my feelings and kept most of my thoughts to myself.

Rora introduced me to most areas of the pack house before moving to the gigantic dining hall that looked like a venue for weddings and parties. I can only imagine how many people are in this pack just by the size of this dining hall.

Glancing around, I almost jumped at the sudden appearance of a man by the door. His back was leaning against the oak while his hand was holding a cigarette to his lips.

He looked a lot like Eros but with a more mischievous and dark feel. With dark brown hair and handsome aristocratic features, he resembled Eros by almost 40 percent.

Eros never said he had any siblings, not that I asked, but I could tell that they were somehow related.

I obviously knew nothing about Eros since we’ve only met yesterday. Speaking of that, I just now realized that I’ve slept in the same bed and been kissed by a man that I’ve only known for a day.

How is this possible?

I’m usually not this easy. I swear.

“You reek of Eros,” the mischievous male remarked with a scrunch his nose. The distaste was clear on his face, darkening his features in response.

His dark blue eyes roamed from my face down to my exposed legs and back up again before a smirk formed on his thin lips.

My face twitched.

I was tempted to slap him for his rather blatant and pointed gaze at my assets.

From what I could already tell, this male was nothing like Eros.

“Which is a good thing, Alpha Female,” Rora reassured softly, head bent down submissively to this man as if he held a higher position than her in the pack. Rora looked like she was scared of this man.

My eyebrows wrinkled.

When I glanced downwards, I noticed her hands were trembling. Her whole body seemed rather stiff and taut.

“I’m Zanthos, Eros’ brother,” Zanthos introduced, right hand coming out towards me with a cheeky grin that seemed to darken his face.

Should I shake his hands?

I hesitated.

But, before I could protest, Zanthos reached out, grabbed my hand with a tight grip and shook it a couple of times.

“You’re a lot hotter than what all the pack members have been saying. Which is kind of sad that such a beautiful girl like you will be mated to Eros,” he said with a flirting tone of voice. “Do you want to be my mate instead?”

I didn’t quite know if he was teasing or not but I felt oddly uncomfortable at his piercing stare, which seemed to be shooting out signals telling me to say ‘yes’.

He was still holding my hand and I could feel my skin crawl.

With a sharp tug, I managed to get my hand back from his.

I slowly rest my hand against my dress and rubbed my sweaty palms onto it, trying to get rid of the feeling of his skin against mine.

“I’m fine, thank you,” I reply courteously, ignoring his pointed look of disappointment.

I have mixed feelings about Zanthos. He appears to be much more than what meets the eye and I really don’t want to get to know the real him. I’m rather afraid of what I would find.

“Since I don’t smell his seed on or in you, feel free to change your mind, Emi.” He grinned cheekily and swung his arm onto my shoulders until his entire weight was pressed against me.

I’m not even going to ask how he knew my name because that is not creepy at all.

Note my sarcasm.

And, truthfully, I had a feeling that he has been following us since the beginning, probably after Eros left.

After shrugging for the third time in an attempt to dislodge his heavy arm, he still wouldn’t let go of my shoulder. Rora was glancing at me with this rather pitiful look as if she wanted to do something but was unable to.

“Can you please remove your arm, Zanthos?” I bit out through clenched teeth, fingernails biting into my palms.

I was tempted to punch him for his presumptuous ways, but I didn’t know if he would take the offensive and hit me back.

Perhaps I am just overthinking it, but I feel like he is a very dangerous person.

“I like being this close to you, Emi. I feel like I’ve known you my whole life!” he replied, warm breath fluttering the hairs on the top of my head.

This is what I mean when I say typical Alpha male behavior. Arrogant, self-centered, forceful, and rude. They act as if females had no standing whatsoever and took whatever they wanted when they wanted. They don’t take ‘no’ for an answer, and it looked like Zanthos is the prime example.

Thank God Eros was not anything like this. I don’t know what I would do if he was.

“That’s nice, but I don’t feel the same way so remove your arm,” I ground out, stepping forward only to have him pull me back to his side. This time, even closer than we were a moment ago.

I’m really just this close from kneeing him in the balls if he doesn’t quit. I’m sure it would hurt the same way as it would for humans.

It has to.

“With a little bit of time, I’m sure you will,” he said mysteriously with a dark and slightly malicious smirk.

I swallowed thickly.

“Zanthos, are you teasing Emi already?” The older woman from before came strolling into the dining hall.

I felt Zanthos stiffen. He glanced at me from the corner of his eye before a bright and innocent smile, that obviously did not reach his eyes, bloomed on his lips.

I immediately used this as a chance to get away from him. This time, he didn’t resist when I peeled his arm off of my shoulder and stepped a little further away from him.

“You caught me, grams,” he laughed charmingly, sharp and feral eyes never straying from my face.

Talk about two-faced.

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