The Alpha's Breeder

Chapter One : Of Youth & Risks


“Did you hear that Emira?” my lab partner, Asuka Shinamoto, asked when a loud crash startled us from our work.

I lifted my head and looked outside through the thick wall of glass to our left but saw nothing in the empty halls.

“What is that? An earthquake?” My brows furrowed.

“I don’t think so,” she ominously replied when the shrill sound of alarms blared loud and clear to justify her words. Then, ear-shattering explosions sounded off as all four of us ducked with our hands over our heads.

The beakers and glass started shattering all around the lab, and the building shook as if an earthquake hit. At the sound of another explosion, a screechy cry of pure terror poured out from my trembling lips. I tried to calm my frantic nerves, but the thought of imminent death made me panic even more.

With a shaking hand, I pushed my glasses back onto the bridge of my nose and could feel cold sweat chill my skin. Not even the thick layer of makeup I caked onto my face could hide how pale I was becoming.

“I think the lab is being infiltrated,” Asuka whispered. “Those alarms only ring if there is a break-in.”

After hearing her words, Amy and Daryl, my other lab partners, both reached for their phones in an attempt to call for help. But I knew it was too late.

We were screwed. Utterly and completely screwed.

At the realization, my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach, and I couldn’t help but blame myself for putting in my two weeks’ notice so late.

Originally, I was only supposed to work at this government-run research facility for six months, but since another scientist quit, I decided to stay for another two. Lucky for them because they dodged the bullet.

The only reason why I decided to work here was because of my “abnormalities.” I was turning thirty-seven this year, yet I didn’t look a day older than eighteen. It was like I stopped aging the moment I left high school.

No one else in my family had these non-aging genes. I was the only enigma, the only thirty-six-year-old who looked like a teenager. Since I was curious and wanted to know why I was the only one left unmarred by time, I switched my major from business administration to laboratory science in the last year of university.

After university, I worked for years in different medical laboratories. But working for the government never crossed my mind until my sister, Anira Snow, was accepted into their research and development department for the Hunters. I was told that these Hunters were created to search and destroy all the supernatural creatures out there.

At first, I laughed at her and called it bogus because I was skeptical. I didn’t believe in unicorns or leprechauns or trolls underneath a bridge. If I couldn’t see it with my own eyes, it wasn’t real. But after I thought it, I realized that I was being a hypocrite. If someone like me existed then so could characters from children’s books.

When Anira called and said there was an opening in one of the facilities, I jumped the gun and convinced her to help me land the job. She recommended me to her boss, and I was immediately hired, no questions asked.

Initially, I thought that I was a descendant of a vampire since they didn’t age and tend to look rather youthful no matter the centuries they lived—without the blood-sucking thing, of course. So they became the first supernatural blood specimen that I tested on.

I knew I wasn’t, but it didn’t hurt to check. Turned out, several tests later, I wasn’t.


Then, the process was repeated over and over again with the blood of witches, elementals, werewolves, and other shifters. Unfortunately, none of their DNA matched my own. Now that I had worked in this room for eight months experimenting on the blood of different mythical creatures, I decided to quit. I was tired of the constant paranoia and guilt accompanied by this job.

Although I hadn’t worked here for too long, just the realization of how similar I was to the caged beings made me fill up with guilt and unease. I couldn’t continue to feign dumb and innocent when they were all suffering around me. But I didn’t have the ability to save them either, not when I couldn’t even save myself. If the government were to find out about my secret, I would be locked up, caged like an animal, and experimented on to find out how they could achieve this ability to stop aging.

So, to keep myself from becoming their prey, I had to hide my true features every day. Although I did this before I even worked for the government, I was way more strict with my disguise now. Every morning, I would slap thick layers of makeup onto my face to look like I had slight wrinkles and tight lines.

I even wore thick-rimmed glasses and tied my hair into a low bun to make myself seem more mature. And, as a way to keep myself hidden from prying eyes, all the clothes I wore were three sizes too big. My disguise worked so far because no one noticed any oddities about me.

It’s just too bad that I couldn’t dodge the bullet this time.

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