Mahnoor woke up from a light hand rub on her checks, she slowly opened her eyes and found Badar looking at her.

“Good morning, how are you feeling? Did you sleep well? Was the bed comfortable?” Badar asked her in his raspy morning voice.

“Morning, I’m feeling much better and after sleeping on concrete for more than a week I slept like a baby on this one. Although it seems like you didn’t” She said as she lightly touched the dark circles under Badar’s eyes. The dark circles brought out silver color of this eyes, the blazing silver she fell in love with.

“Yah! I didn’t sleep well. Whenever I would close my eyes I got nightmares that you were taken away from me again and being tortured in front of me and I was not able to do anything. The same dream would play each time I closed my eyes, with different type of torture each time. Badar said while his eyes were on the cut on Mahnoor’s arm which was slowly healing.

Mahnoor held Badar’s face in both her hands so that he could face her. As his face turned towards her she saw tears in her eyes. “Please don’t leave me again, I don’t think I will be able to survive it next time” Badar said and kissed the palm of her hand.

“I won’t leave you Badar, I promise. Even the last time we were forced to separate, I will never leave you on purpose” She said as she wiped the single tear that fell from Badar’s eye

“I know that Noor, but yesterday when you told me to leave the room and that you could not look at my face for one more second, it broke my heart. After I left the room I went to the training room and my reflection there, I saw why you looked at me with disgust, I saw the monster I used to be. I was a monster before you came into my life Noor, you tamed that monster in me, and you made me see that there is more to life than power. But after all that has happened lately I swear I will not hesitate to be the same monster if someone as much as thinks of hurting you, my family” Badar said and kissed Mahnoor on the forehead.

“Now my beautiful måneskin, what would you like to do today?” Badar asked to lighten up the mood.

“ måneskin……. What’s that?” Mahnoor said smiling

“ It’s Danish for moonlight, so……… what would you like to do today?”

“I was thinking that after breakfast we could go to library and see what we can find about knight wolf”

“Are you sure? You are still in recovery, you could rest a bit more for a day or two and then we could do the search on knight wolf” Badar said

“Yes Badar I am sure, besides the faster we learn about our power the quicker we can learn them, and we are not even sure if we are the knight wolves. And what if your dad figures out that we have powers and somehow finds a way to defeat us even with our powers? Or he could find a thing to neutralize our powers? Or he could use Maria’s family against her? And we don’t even know how many people are on his side” Mahnoor rambled in panic

“Mahnoor baby calm down, take deep breaths, everything will be alright” Badar said calming Mahnoor down. “Now I had already sent some of my soldier to bring Maria’s family here safely and they just arrived here this morning. I have also alerted my spies to update me on any activity regarding uncle Frank, dad or any other suspicious activity. We can also write to other packs later, to join us in this war. It is after all a threat to all werewolves and you the Alpha of the Alphas”

“When did you do all of this?” Mahnoor said as she looked at Badar with amazement

“As I said that I was not able to sleep so I thought that why not do some work. Now how about we get up, have breakfast and then I can ask some of our pack scholars to do some digging on knight wolf or wolf with magic in the pack library while we can do the same in dad’s office, he had some ancient books about pack’s and werewolves history in there. Sounds good?” On which Mahnoor just nodded, Badar then brings Mahnoor closer and side hugs her

“Good. So all your clothes are in the closet, I had them delivered here when you were missing as the brought comfort to me. Get ready while I ask someone to bring our breakfast here and then we can go to the office” Mahnoor nodded again as she got out of Badar’s arm and to the bathroom.

After breakfast Mahnoor and Badar went to Ryan’s office. The office was like any other office, table chairs by the window, a fire place, a sofa set by the fireplace and a full wall library.

They had been in the office only ten minutes when they heard a door open, it wasn’t the office door but something else. They turned around and saw that the fireplace had moved backwards and slide to the left to reveal a hallway that led somewhere, a clever idea so that the door could not leave any mark on the wood floor of the office that could give any clue that there is something here. In the hallway was an old woman who is about 50 to 60 years of age and had two dirty plates and two glasses in her hands.

“Alpha, Luna” She said with a slight bow

“Martha, what are you doing here? And what is this place you are coming from and why have I never seen or heard of it before? Badar asked as he got close to her

“ Oh, it’s just Alpha Ryan’s store room. He asked me to clean it this morning” Martha said nervously

“ Dad is not in the pack anymore, he left last night. And why on earth would you bring plates and glasses to a store which have clearly been used to eat in, plus I don’t see any cleaning products in your hands. Now I am gonna ask you one more time, what is this place and what are you doing here?”

“Please Alpha Badar I can’t say. Alpha Ryan said that if anybody finds about this place he is going to kill me”

“He is no longer this pack’s member and it would do you better if you remember that I am the Alpha of this pack. Now tell me what this place is before I lose my patience” Badar said angrily

“It’s Alpha Ryan’s personal prison, he keeps his personal prisoners here. Currently there are two prisoners here and it is my duty to bring food to them every day. The button to open the door is inside the chimney of the fire place” Martha said trembling

“Lead the way, I wanna see the prisoners” Badar said and Martha nodded

Martha led Badar and Mahnoor to large square room which had four cells, the two on the left where occupied. They both looked at the cells in shock


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