The Alpha's Abused Mate

Chapter 21

I opened my locker to check myself in the mirror. I feel happy. I've been taking my pills for just a few days yet my boobs and butt are noticeably bigger. Even Damien was surprised. I also dyed my hair blonde

"Wow so my sister finally grew breasts. It's a miracle”

I closed my locker

"What now Rachel?"

"Oh nothing. Just been having an internal argument with myself"


"Whether you're wearing boob and butt pads"

I laughed

"Don't you have better things to worry about?"

"l just wanna know"

"I'll leave you to keep guessing”

She looked at me and shook her head.

"You've changed. You're not the shy girl you used to be. Now you're bold and confident in your own skin. I respect that"

I smiled


"Don't think just because I'm giving you compliments means I like you"

I chuckled

"Whatever you say"

"One more thing, I'd watch my back if I were you. The boys have been going crazy over your new look. They'll do anything to tap that ass"

"Got it"

"See you around”

She walked away

Whoa...did that just happen? For once in the past seventeen years I actually had a decent conversation with Rachel

"Hey Carla"

Jake walked over to me


We walked down the hallway

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" he asked me

The prom is tomorrow

“Yup, are you?"

"Of course I am. I'm going with one of the most beautiful girl I know"

I blushed


"Aw she’s blushing"

"Shut up”

When we entered the classroom we sat at our usual seat.

"Do you have your tux ready?"

"Yeah, what about your dress?"

"I'll find something”

"I'm sure you'll look gorgeous”

"I'm sure you will too”

"Till tomorrow then"

Damien's POV

Eric and I were in my private living room just enjoying the peace. Eric was lying down texting on one of the sofas while I sat there deep in my thoughts

"Whatcha thinking about?" He asked

"None of your business"

"It is my business”

"Since when?"

"Since the day we became best friends so talk”

He got up and came to sit beside me. I sighed

"It's Carla"

"What about her?"

"She's changing and it's bothering me"


"Her body's changed. know what I mean all of a sudden. Also. She's more daring. She used to be shy but if we're doing stuff, she's in control. It's a major turn on though" "Why is this a problem?"

"I'm wondering how? Why? How did she change all of a sudden? How does she know how to make me submissive? I can't help but think another guy is teaching her"

"People change”

"I doubt this is the case”

"Carla isn't like that?"

"How sure are you? She has this friend in school. His name is Jake. They're really close..." "Hold it right there. I have one question for you"


"What's the key in every relationship?"

"I don't know, love?"

He slapped me

"What the fuck man?"

He slapped me again

"What was that for?”

"For you to wake up . the key in every relationship is trust you fool"


"You have to trust each other. If you don't its not gonna work out"

"I get it now"

"You know for an alpha you are pretty dumb"

I laughed slightly


I played with my claws


"You love yourself, don't you?"


"If you wanna see tomorrow you better run"

"Don't have to tell me twice”

He ran as fast as he could

Carla, where is all this coming from?

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