The Alpha Who Cursed His Mate (The Alpha Series Book 2)

The Alpha Who Cursed His Mate: Chapter 8

It’s lunchtime. I race to the cafeteria to ask Nina to sit with us for lunch, losing Claire along the way. All eyes are on me from my loud, eager entrance as I enter the cafeteria. My eyes dart to the corner to see Moss sitting at Nina’s table having a good laugh. I barge back out of the cafeteria, passing Josie, Zak, Flint, and Paul. Claire manages to catch up with me.

‘Where are you going, Boo-boo?’

‘Anywhere but here,’ I growl.

‘What’s his problem?’ Flint asks.

They enter the cafeteria, and Josie can see why Magnus is upset. The new and hot, attractive guy is hanging out with Nina and is flirting with her. She frowns at the thought of it all, feeling sorry for Magnus.

Not wanting to be in the Cafeteria, I decide to hang out in the library for the first time in my life. I sit myself down at a table with the school nerds. They all gasp and stare at me while I bang my head on the table.

‘Stupid, stupid, stupid, I’m so stupid,’ I say.

‘Um, Y-you’re putting a dint in the t-table,’ I hear from a squeaky nervous voice.

I look at her as she pushes her oversized glasses closer to her eyes.

‘Pipe down, Pipsqueak. Can’t you see I’m in the middle of a crisis?’

‘Oh…-sorry, maybe talk about your p-problems and maybe we can h-help you with some advice?’

Giving her a strange look, I frown.

‘Advice from a bunch of nerds. Are you crazy?’

‘If I were c-crazy, I would have to have some kind of psychological d-disorder such as Munchausen or not be in touch with reality or?’

‘Okay, okay, I get it. Since I do not know what to do now other than bash my head against a table, I will tell you my problem, but none of you is to breathe a word of this to anyone.’


‘So, I had a best friend as a child. I couldn’t even ask the Moon Goddess for a better friend. One day seven years ago, I cut her off because I thought she was making my Pack not take me seriously and worry about me for when I become Alpha.

So yesterday I have realised that I’m an idiot and that it was myself making me look like a court jester. I decided last night that I would beg Nina for forgiveness and repair our friendship today at school. But the school brought in a new student this morning, who you all saw, Moss. He has been glued to Nina’s hip and flirting with her all-damn day. So that’s my problem,’

‘O-okay, I see. Doesn’t Nina live at the Packhouse with you? You could always apologize at home,’

‘Yeah, but this morning I felt like she was purposely not wanting to talk to me. Instead, she spoke to her parents more than usual and didn’t glance my way.’

‘Okay, is there a subject you have with her?’

‘Yes, science and Mr Thompson made us lab partners,’

‘P-perfect, that’s when you can apologise,’ she smiles.

‘Thanks, I have science with her tomorrow,’ I say, standing up to leave. ‘What was your name, anyway?’ I ask her.


‘Thanks, Pip-Squeak, see you around,’ I wave goodbye.

The lunch bell goes, and I complete my last two classes, happy to be going home.

‘Oh, Boo-boo, I’m so excited to be coming over to your house,’ Claire says, taking my arm in hers.

‘What are you talking about, Claire?’

‘Boo-boo, don’t tell me you forgot already? I’m coming over to help pick you out something to wear for the party on the weekend, remember?’

My stomach churned. I had utterly forgotten that Claire was my date for the party, and she was coming over. I’m lost in thought, trying to think of a way out of it, but I can’t think of a decent excuse.

‘Come on then,’ she says, pulling me along to catch up with Flint and Josie.

‘Hey Claire, aren’t you going home?’ Josie asks.

‘No, Magnus invited me over. I’m going to help him pick out something to wear to my party. I am his date, after all,’ she says.

Josie goes to glare at me but quickly smiles when Claire looks at her again.

‘You are coming to the party too, are you not?’ she asks.

‘I guess I’ll be there,’

‘Great!’ she says, squeezing Josie.

Nina walks behind us home. Every time I turn to see if she is still behind us, she stares at the ground. I can’t see her face or emotion. She completely ignores me, and I’m not too fond of it.

We arrived at the Packhouse. My parents greeted us. They look down at Claire’s hand, holding mine and frown.

‘And who is this… lady?’ mum asks.

‘Oh, this is Claire, a… friend from school,’

‘Oh, don’t be so shy around your parents, Magnus. I’m his date for the party this weekend,’ she beams.

‘How… lovely,’ my mother says, forcing a smile. ‘Well, you must come in then,’ she says and gestures for us to enter. Claire and I go straight upstairs to my room.

‘Wow, this room is so large, and you even have a bathroom. Please don’t tell me that is a walk-in wardrobe over there?’ Claire asks. She is so excited I’m waiting for her head to pop and blow streamers out everywhere like a party popper.

‘Yeah, it’s no big deal.’

‘No big deal? This party is a huge deal, Magnus!’ she says, entering the wardrobe. Instead of following her, I make myself comfortable and lay on my bed, hoping she will get bored and go home.

Instead, she comes out with a pair of black jeans, a belt with a silver wolf’s head as the buckle, and five coloured shirts.

‘You must try this one on first Boo-boo,’ she smiles and hands me a silver-grey shirt,’

‘Can’t you just pick one? Then I don’t have to try it on?’

‘This will be more fun, Magnus.’

Rolling my eyes, I sit up on the bed and remove my shirt.

‘Magnus, my-my, you’re so much more masculine than I even imagined,’

‘You’ve imagined me shirtless?’ I ask, feeling awkward.

Claire crawls up the bed towards me and sits on my lap, pinning me down.

‘Oh, Boo-boo, I’ve imagined you with far less clothing on, she says,’ and smashes her lips to mine just as Josie enters with Nina.

‘Magnus!’ Josie yells.

In the utter shock and disgust of Claire kissing me, I push her away while I hear Josie angrily yell my name.

Nina and I make eye contact, and I can see the hurt in her eyes. She runs off down the corridor without saying a word.

‘What the hell Magnus?’ Josie says.

‘Oh, sorry about that, Josie,’ Claire giggles. ‘I get how gross it can look when your brother is making out with his girlfriend. Next time we will try to be more discreet,’

‘Discreet, are you serious?’ Josie yells, then lets out a frustrated ‘Grr,’ and slams my door shut, leaving Claire and me alone.

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